
76 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
import os, sys, subprocess, multiprocessing, threading, time
from runner import test_modes, PYTHON, path_from_root
assert not os.environ.get('EM_SAVE_DIR'), 'Need separate directories to avoid the parallel tests clashing'
# run slower ones first, to optimize total time
optimal_order = ['asm3i', 'asm1i', 'asm2nn', 'asm3', 'asm2', 'asm2g', 'asm2f', 'asm1', 'default']
assert set(optimal_order) == set(test_modes), 'need to update the list of slowest modes'
# set up a background thread to report progress
class Watcher(threading.Thread):
stop = False
def run(self):
last = -1
while not Watcher.stop:
total = 0
for mode in optimal_order:
if os.path.exists(mode + '.err'):
total += os.stat(mode + '.err').st_size
if total != last:
last = total
print '[parallel_test_copy.py watcher] total output: %d' % total
# run tests for one mode
def run_mode(args):
mode = args[0]
if len(args) > 1:
# If args has multiple elements, then only the selected tests from that suite are run e.g. args=['asm1', 'test_hello_world', 'test_i64'] runs only tests asm1.test_hello_world and asm1.test_i64.
args = args[1:]
for i in range(len(args)):
if args[i].startswith('test_'):
args[i] = mode + '.' + args[i]
print '<< running %s >>' % str(args)
# If args has only one argument, e.g. args=['default'] or args=['asm1'], all tests are run in one suite.
print '<< running %s >>' % mode
proc = subprocess.Popen([PYTHON, path_from_root('tests', 'runner.py')] + args, stdout=open(mode + '.out', 'w'), stderr=open(mode + '.err', 'w'))
print '<< %s finished with exit code %d >>' % (mode, proc.returncode)
return proc.returncode
def main():
# clean up previous output
for mode in optimal_order:
if os.path.exists(mode + '.err'):
os.unlink(mode + '.err')
watcher = Watcher()
# run all modes
cores = int(os.environ.get('PARALLEL_SUITE_EMCC_CORES') or os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
args = [[x] + sys.argv[1:] for x in optimal_order]
num_failures = pool.map(run_mode, args, chunksize=1)
# quit watcher
Watcher.stop = True
# emit all outputs
for mode in optimal_order:
print '=== %s ===' % mode
if os.path.exists(mode + '.err'):
print open(mode + '.err').read()
print ''
return sum(num_failures)
if __name__ == '__main__':