
5230 строки
198 KiB

// Optimizer tool. This is meant to be run after the emscripten compiler has
// finished generating code. These optimizations are done on the generated
// code to further improve it. Some of the modifications also work in
// conjunction with closure compiler.
// TODO: Optimize traverse to modify a node we want to replace, in-place,
// instead of returning it to the previous call frame where we check?
// TODO: Share EMPTY_NODE instead of emptyNode that constructs?
// *** Environment setup code ***
var arguments_ = [];
var debug = false;
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = typeof process === 'object';
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === 'object';
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === 'function';
// Expose functionality in the same simple way that the shells work
// Note that we pollute the global namespace here, otherwise we break in node
print = function(x) {
process['stdout'].write(x + '\n');
printErr = function(x) {
process['stderr'].write(x + '\n');
var nodeFS = require('fs');
var nodePath = require('path');
if (!nodeFS.existsSync) {
nodeFS.existsSync = function(path) {
try {
return !!nodeFS.readFileSync(path);
} catch(e) {
return false;
function find(filename) {
var prefixes = [nodePath.join(__dirname, '..', 'src'), process.cwd()];
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) {
var combined = nodePath.join(prefixes[i], filename);
if (nodeFS.existsSync(combined)) {
return combined;
return filename;
read = function(filename) {
var absolute = find(filename);
return nodeFS['readFileSync'](absolute).toString();
load = function(f) {
arguments_ = process['argv'].slice(2);
// Polyfill over SpiderMonkey/V8 differences
if (!this['read']) {
this['read'] = function(f) { snarf(f) };
if (typeof scriptArgs != 'undefined') {
arguments_ = scriptArgs;
} else if (typeof arguments != 'undefined') {
arguments_ = arguments;
} else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB) {
this['print'] = printErr = function(x) {
this['read'] = function(url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, false);
return xhr.responseText;
if (this['arguments']) {
arguments_ = arguments;
// We can do very little here...
this['load'] = importScripts;
} else {
throw 'Unknown runtime environment. Where are we?';
function globalEval(x) {
eval.call(null, x);
if (typeof load === 'undefined' && typeof read != 'undefined') {
this['load'] = function(f) {
if (typeof printErr === 'undefined') {
this['printErr'] = function(){};
if (typeof print === 'undefined') {
this['print'] = printErr;
// *** Environment setup code ***
var uglify = require('../tools/eliminator/node_modules/uglify-js');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
// Load some modules
// Utilities
var FUNCTION = set('defun', 'function');
var LOOP = set('do', 'while', 'for');
var LOOP_FLOW = set('break', 'continue');
var ASSIGN_OR_ALTER = set('assign', 'unary-postfix', 'unary-prefix');
var CONTROL_FLOW = set('do', 'while', 'for', 'if', 'switch');
var NAME_OR_NUM = set('name', 'num');
var ASSOCIATIVE_BINARIES = set('+', '*', '|', '&', '^');
var ALTER_FLOW = set('break', 'continue', 'return');
var BREAK_CAPTURERS = set('do', 'while', 'for', 'switch');
var NULL_NODE = ['name', 'null'];
var UNDEFINED_NODE = ['unary-prefix', 'void', ['num', 0]];
var TRUE_NODE = ['unary-prefix', '!', ['num', 0]];
var FALSE_NODE = ['unary-prefix', '!', ['num', 1]];
var generatedFunctions = false; // whether we have received only generated functions
var extraInfo = null;
function srcToAst(src) {
return uglify.parser.parse(src, false, debug);
function astToSrc(ast, minifyWhitespace) {
return uglify.uglify.gen_code(ast, {
debug: debug,
ascii_only: true,
beautify: !minifyWhitespace,
indent_level: 1
// Traverses the children of a node. If the traverse function returns an object,
// replaces the child. If it returns true, stop the traversal and return true.
function traverseChildren(node, traverse, pre, post, stack) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
var subnode = node[i];
if (Array.isArray(subnode)) {
var subresult = traverse(subnode, pre, post, stack);
if (subresult === true) return true;
if (subresult !== null && typeof subresult === 'object') node[i] = subresult;
// Traverses a JavaScript syntax tree rooted at the given node calling the given
// callback for each node.
// @arg node: The root of the AST.
// @arg pre: The pre to call for each node. This will be called with
// the node as the first argument and its type as the second. If true is
// returned, the traversal is stopped. If an object is returned,
// it replaces the passed node in the tree. If null is returned, we stop
// traversing the subelements (but continue otherwise).
// @arg post: A callback to call after traversing all children.
// @arg stack: If true, a stack will be implemented: If pre does not push on
// the stack, we push a 0. We pop when we leave the node. The
// stack is passed as a third parameter to the callbacks.
// @returns: If the root node was replaced, the new root node. If the traversal
// was stopped, true. Otherwise undefined.
function traverse(node, pre, post, stack) {
var type = node[0], result, len;
var relevant = typeof type === 'string';
if (relevant) {
if (stack) len = stack.length;
var result = pre(node, type, stack);
if (result === true) return true;
if (result && result !== null) node = result; // Continue processing on this node
if (stack && len === stack.length) stack.push(0);
if (result !== null) {
if (traverseChildren(node, traverse, pre, post, stack) === true) return true;
if (relevant) {
if (post) {
var postResult = post(node, type, stack);
result = result || postResult;
if (stack) stack.pop();
return result;
// Only walk through the generated functions
function traverseGenerated(ast, pre, post, stack) {
traverse(ast, function(node) {
if (node[0] === 'defun') {
traverse(node, pre, post, stack);
return null;
function traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, callback) {
if (ast[0] === 'toplevel') {
var stats = ast[1];
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
var curr = stats[i];
if (curr[0] === 'defun') callback(curr);
} else if (ast[0] === 'defun') {
// Walk the ast in a simple way, with an understanding of which JS variables are defined)
function traverseWithVariables(ast, callback) {
traverse(ast, function(node, type, stack) {
if (type in FUNCTION) {
stack.push({ type: 'function', vars: node[2] });
} else if (type === 'var') {
// Find our function, add our vars
var func = stack[stack.length-1];
if (func) {
func.vars = func.vars.concat(node[1].map(function(varItem) { return varItem[0] }));
}, function(node, type, stack) {
if (type === 'toplevel' || type in FUNCTION) {
// We know all of the variables that are seen here, proceed to do relevant replacements
var allVars = stack.map(function(item) { return item ? item.vars : [] }).reduce(concatenator, []); // FIXME dictionary for speed?
traverse(node, function(node2, type2, stack2) {
// Be careful not to look into our inner functions. They have already been processed.
if (sum(stack2) > 1 || (type === 'toplevel' && sum(stack2) === 1)) return;
if (type2 in FUNCTION) stack2.push(1);
return callback(node2, type2, allVars);
}, null, []);
}, []);
function emptyNode() { // XXX do we need to create new nodes here? can't we reuse?
return ['toplevel', []]
function isEmptyNode(node) {
return node.length === 2 && node[0] === 'toplevel' && node[1].length === 0;
function clearEmptyNodes(list) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length;) {
if (isEmptyNode(list[i]) || (list[i][0] === 'stat' && isEmptyNode(list[i][1]))) {
list.splice(i, 1);
} else {
// Passes
// Dump the AST. Useful for debugging. For example,
// node tools/js-optimizer.js ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_FILE dumpAst
function dumpAst(ast) {
printErr(JSON.stringify(ast, null, ' '));
function dumpSrc(ast) {
// Undos closure's creation of global variables with values true, false,
// undefined, null. These cut down on size, but do not affect gzip size
// and make JS engine's lives slightly harder (?)
function unGlobalize(ast) {
throw 'this is deprecated!'; // and does not work with parallel compilation
assert(ast[0] === 'toplevel');
var values = {};
// Find global renamings of the relevant values
ast[1].forEach(function(node, i) {
if (node[0] != 'var') return;
node[1] = node[1].filter(function(varItem, j) {
var ident = varItem[0];
var value = varItem[1];
if (!value) return true;
var possible = false;
if (jsonCompare(value, NULL_NODE) ||
jsonCompare(value, UNDEFINED_NODE) ||
jsonCompare(value, TRUE_NODE) ||
jsonCompare(value, FALSE_NODE)) {
possible = true;
if (!possible) return true;
// Make sure there are no assignments to this variable. (This isn't fast, we traverse many times..)
ast[1][i][1][j] = emptyNode();
var assigned = false;
traverseWithVariables(ast, function(node, type, allVars) {
if (type === 'assign' && node[2][0] === 'name' && node[2][1] === ident) assigned = true;
ast[1][i][1][j] = [ident, value];
if (!assigned) {
values[ident] = value;
return false;
return true;
if (node[1].length === 0) {
ast[1][i] = emptyNode();
traverseWithVariables(ast, function(node, type, allVars) {
if (type === 'name') {
var ident = node[1];
if (ident in values && allVars.indexOf(ident) < 0) {
return copy(values[ident]);
// Closure compiler, when inlining, will insert assignments to
// undefined for the shared variables. However, in compiled code
// - and in library/shell code too! - we should never rely on
// undefined being assigned. So we can simply remove those assignments.
// Note: An inlined function that kept a large value referenced, may
// keep that references when inlined, if we remove the setting to
// undefined. This is not dangerous in compiled code, but might be
// in supporting code (for example, holding on to the HEAP when copying).
// This pass assumes that unGlobalize has been run, so undefined
// is now explicit.
function removeAssignsToUndefined(ast) {
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign' && jsonCompare(node[3], ['unary-prefix', 'void', ['num', 0]])) {
return emptyNode();
} else if (type === 'var') {
node[1] = node[1].map(function(varItem, j) {
var ident = varItem[0];
var value = varItem[1];
if (jsonCompare(value, UNDEFINED_NODE)) return [ident];
return [ident, value];
// cleanup (|x = y = void 0| leaves |x = ;| right now)
var modified = true;
while (modified) {
modified = false;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign' && jsonCompare(node[3], emptyNode())) {
modified = true;
return emptyNode();
} else if (type === 'var') {
node[1] = node[1].map(function(varItem, j) {
var ident = varItem[0];
var value = varItem[1];
if (value && jsonCompare(value, emptyNode())) return [ident];
return [ident, value];
// XXX This is an invalid optimization
// We sometimes leave some settings to label that are not needed, if later in
// the relooper we realize that we have a single entry, so no checks on label
// are actually necessary. It's easy to clean those up now.
function removeUnneededLabelSettings(ast) {
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'defun') { // all of our compiled code is in defun nodes
// Find all checks
var checked = {};
traverse(node, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '==' && node[2][0] === 'name' && node[2][1] === 'label') {
assert(node[3][0] === 'num');
checked[node[3][1]] = 1;
// Remove unneeded sets
traverse(node, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign' && node[2][0] === 'name' && node[2][1] === 'label') {
assert(node[3][0] === 'num');
if (!(node[3][1] in checked)) return emptyNode();
// Various expression simplifications. Pre run before closure (where we still have metadata), Post run after.
var USEFUL_BINARY_OPS = set('<<', '>>', '|', '&', '^');
var COMPARE_OPS = set('<', '<=', '>', '>=', '==', '===', '!=', '!==');
function simplifyExpressions(ast) {
// Simplify common expressions used to perform integer conversion operations
// in cases where no conversion is needed.
function simplifyIntegerConversions(ast) {
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[3][0] === 'num' &&
node[2][0] === 'binary' && node[2][1] === '<<' && node[2][3][0] === 'num' && node[3][1] === node[2][3][1]) {
// Transform (x&A)<<B>>B to X&A.
var innerNode = node[2][2];
var shifts = node[3][1];
if (innerNode[0] === 'binary' && innerNode[1] === '&' && innerNode[3][0] === 'num') {
var mask = innerNode[3][1];
if (mask << shifts >> shifts === mask) {
return innerNode;
} else if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '&' && node[3][0] === 'num') {
// Rewrite (X < Y) & 1 to (X < Y)|0. (Subsequent passes will eliminate
// the |0 if possible.)
var input = node[2];
var amount = node[3][1];
if (input[0] === 'binary' && (input[1] in COMPARE_OPS) && amount == 1) {
node[1] = '|';
node[3][1] = 0;
// When there is a bunch of math like (((8+5)|0)+12)|0, only the external |0 is needed, one correction is enough.
// At each node, ((X|0)+Y)|0 can be transformed into (X+Y): The inner corrections are not needed
// TODO: Is the same is true for 0xff, 0xffff?
// Likewise, if we have |0 inside a block that will be >>'d, then the |0 is unnecessary because some
// 'useful' mathops already |0 anyhow.
function simplifyBitops(ast) {
if (asm) {
SAFE_BINARY_OPS = set('+', '-'); // division is unsafe as it creates non-ints in JS; mod is unsafe as signs matter so we can't remove |0's; mul does not nest with +,- in asm
} else {
SAFE_BINARY_OPS = set('+', '-', '*');
var COERCION_REQUIRING_OPS = set('sub', 'unary-prefix'); // ops that in asm must be coerced right away
var COERCION_REQUIRING_BINARIES = set('*', '/', '%'); // binary ops that in asm must be coerced
var ZERO = ['num', 0];
function removeMultipleOrZero() {
var rerun = true;
while (rerun) {
rerun = false;
traverse(ast, function process(node, type, stack) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '|') {
if (node[2][0] === 'num' && node[3][0] === 'num') {
node[2][1] |= node[3][1];
return node[2];
var go = false;
if (jsonCompare(node[2], ZERO)) {
// canonicalize order
var temp = node[3];
node[3] = node[2];
node[2] = temp;
go = true;
} else if (jsonCompare(node[3], ZERO)) {
go = true;
if (!go) {
// We might be able to remove this correction
for (var i = stack.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (stack[i] >= 1) {
if (asm) {
if (stack[stack.length-1] < 2 && node[2][0] === 'call') break; // we can only remove multiple |0s on these
if (stack[stack.length-1] < 1 && (node[2][0] in COERCION_REQUIRING_OPS ||
(node[2][0] === 'binary' && node[2][1] in COERCION_REQUIRING_BINARIES))) break; // we can remove |0 or >>2
// we will replace ourselves with the non-zero side. Recursively process that node.
var result = jsonCompare(node[2], ZERO) ? node[3] : node[2], other;
// replace node in-place
node.length = result.length;
for (var j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
node[j] = result[j];
rerun = true;
return process(result, result[0], stack);
} else if (stack[i] === -1) {
break; // Too bad, we can't
stack.push(2); // From here on up, no need for this kind of correction, it's done at the top
// (Add this at the end, so it is only added if we did not remove it)
} else if (type === 'binary' && node[1] in USEFUL_BINARY_OPS) {
} else if ((type === 'binary' && node[1] in SAFE_BINARY_OPS) || type === 'num' || type === 'name') {
stack.push(0); // This node is safe in that it does not interfere with this optimization
} else if (type === 'unary-prefix' && node[1] === '~') {
} else {
stack.push(-1); // This node is dangerous! Give up if you see this before you see '1'
}, null, []);
// & and heap-related optimizations
var heapBits, heapUnsigned;
function parseHeap(name) {
if (name.substr(0, 4) != 'HEAP') return false;
heapUnsigned = name[4] === 'U';
heapBits = parseInt(name.substr(heapUnsigned ? 5 : 4));
return true;
var hasTempDoublePtr = false, rerunOrZeroPass = false;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
if (node[1] === 'tempDoublePtr') hasTempDoublePtr = true;
} else if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '&' && node[3][0] === 'num') {
if (node[2][0] === 'num') return ['num', node[2][1] & node[3][1]];
var input = node[2];
var amount = node[3][1];
if (input[0] === 'binary' && input[1] === '&' && input[3][0] === 'num') {
// Collapse X & 255 & 1
node[3][1] = amount & input[3][1];
node[2] = input[2];
} else if (input[0] === 'sub' && input[1][0] === 'name') {
// HEAP8[..] & 255 => HEAPU8[..]
var name = input[1][1];
if (parseHeap(name)) {
if (amount === Math.pow(2, heapBits)-1) {
if (!heapUnsigned) {
input[1][1] = 'HEAPU' + heapBits; // make unsigned
if (asm) {
// we cannot return HEAPU8 without a coercion, but at least we do HEAP8 & 255 => HEAPU8 | 0
node[1] = '|';
node[3][1] = 0;
return node;
return input;
} else if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '^') {
// LLVM represents bitwise not as xor with -1. Translate it back to an actual bitwise not.
if (node[3][0] === 'unary-prefix' && node[3][1] === '-' && node[3][2][0] === 'num' &&
node[3][2][1] === 1 &&
!(node[2][0] == 'unary-prefix' && node[2][1] == '~')) { // avoid creating ~~~ which is confusing for asm given the role of ~~
return ['unary-prefix', '~', node[2]];
} else if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[3][0] === 'num' &&
node[2][0] === 'binary' && node[2][1] === '<<' && node[2][3][0] === 'num' &&
node[2][2][0] === 'sub' && node[2][2][1][0] === 'name') {
// collapse HEAPU?8[..] << 24 >> 24 etc. into HEAP8[..] | 0
var amount = node[3][1];
var name = node[2][2][1][1];
if (amount === node[2][3][1] && parseHeap(name)) {
if (heapBits === 32 - amount) {
node[2][2][1][1] = 'HEAP' + heapBits;
node[1] = '|';
node[2] = node[2][2];
node[3][1] = 0;
rerunOrZeroPass = true;
return node;
} else if (type === 'assign') {
// optimizations for assigning into HEAP32 specifically
if (node[1] === true && node[2][0] === 'sub' && node[2][1][0] === 'name') {
if (node[2][1][1] === 'HEAP32') {
// HEAP32[..] = x | 0 does not need the | 0 (unless it is a mandatory |0 of a call)
if (node[3][0] === 'binary' && node[3][1] === '|') {
if (node[3][2][0] === 'num' && node[3][2][1] === 0 && node[3][3][0] != 'call') {
node[3] = node[3][3];
} else if (node[3][3][0] === 'num' && node[3][3][1] === 0 && node[3][2][0] != 'call') {
node[3] = node[3][2];
} else if (node[2][1][1] === 'HEAP8') {
// HEAP8[..] = x & 0xff does not need the & 0xff
if (node[3][0] === 'binary' && node[3][1] === '&' && node[3][3][0] == 'num' && node[3][3][1] == 0xff) {
node[3] = node[3][2];
} else if (node[2][1][1] === 'HEAP16') {
// HEAP16[..] = x & 0xffff does not need the & 0xffff
if (node[3][0] === 'binary' && node[3][1] === '&' && node[3][3][0] == 'num' && node[3][3][1] == 0xffff) {
node[3] = node[3][2];
var value = node[3];
if (value[0] === 'binary' && value[1] === '|') {
// canonicalize order of |0 to end
if (value[2][0] === 'num' && value[2][1] === 0) {
var temp = value[2];
value[2] = value[3];
value[3] = temp;
// if a seq ends in an |0, remove an external |0
// note that it is only safe to do this in assigns, like we are doing here (return (x, y|0); is not valid)
if (value[2][0] === 'seq' && value[2][2][0] === 'binary' && value[2][2][1] in USEFUL_BINARY_OPS) {
node[3] = value[2];
} else if (type == 'sub' && node[1][0] == 'name' && /^FUNCTION_TABLE.*/.exec(node[1][1])) {
return null; // do not traverse subchildren here, we should not collapse 55 & 126. TODO: optimize this into a nonvirtual call (also because we lose some other opts here)!
if (rerunOrZeroPass) removeMultipleOrZero();
if (asm) {
if (hasTempDoublePtr) {
var asmData = normalizeAsm(ast);
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign') {
if (node[1] === true && node[2][0] === 'sub' && node[2][1][0] === 'name' && node[2][1][1] === 'HEAP32') {
// remove bitcasts that are now obviously pointless, e.g.
// HEAP32[$45 >> 2] = HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = ($14 < $28 ? $14 : $28) - $42, HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] | 0;
var value = node[3];
if (value[0] === 'seq' && value[1][0] === 'assign' && value[1][2][0] === 'sub' && value[1][2][1][0] === 'name' && value[1][2][1][1] === 'HEAPF32' &&
value[1][2][2][0] === 'binary' && value[1][2][2][2][0] === 'name' && value[1][2][2][2][1] === 'tempDoublePtr') {
// transform to HEAPF32[$45 >> 2] = ($14 < $28 ? $14 : $28) - $42;
node[2][1][1] = 'HEAPF32';
node[3] = value[1][3];
} else if (type === 'seq') {
// (HEAP32[tempDoublePtr >> 2] = HEAP32[$37 >> 2], +HEAPF32[tempDoublePtr >> 2])
// ==>
// +HEAPF32[$37 >> 2]
if (node[0] === 'seq' && node[1][0] === 'assign' && node[1][2][0] === 'sub' && node[1][2][1][0] === 'name' &&
(node[1][2][1][1] === 'HEAP32' || node[1][2][1][1] === 'HEAPF32') &&
node[1][2][2][0] === 'binary' && node[1][2][2][2][0] === 'name' && node[1][2][2][2][1] === 'tempDoublePtr' &&
node[1][3][0] === 'sub' && node[1][3][1][0] === 'name' && (node[1][3][1][1] === 'HEAP32' || node[1][3][1][1] === 'HEAPF32') &&
node[2][0] !== 'seq') { // avoid (x, y, z) which can be used for tempDoublePtr on doubles for alignment fixes
if (node[1][2][1][1] === 'HEAP32') {
node[1][3][1][1] = 'HEAPF32';
return makeAsmCoercion(node[1][3], detectAsmCoercion(node[2]));
} else {
node[1][3][1][1] = 'HEAP32';
return ['binary', '|', node[1][3], ['num', 0]];
// finally, wipe out remaining ones by finding cases where all assignments to X are bitcasts, and all uses are writes to
// the other heap type, then eliminate the bitcast
var bitcastVars = {};
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign' && node[1] === true && node[2][0] === 'name') {
var value = node[3];
if (value[0] === 'seq' && value[1][0] === 'assign' && value[1][2][0] === 'sub' && value[1][2][1][0] === 'name' &&
(value[1][2][1][1] === 'HEAP32' || value[1][2][1][1] === 'HEAPF32') &&
value[1][2][2][0] === 'binary' && value[1][2][2][2][0] === 'name' && value[1][2][2][2][1] === 'tempDoublePtr') {
var name = node[2][1];
if (!bitcastVars[name]) bitcastVars[name] = {
define_HEAP32: 0, define_HEAPF32: 0, use_HEAP32: 0, use_HEAPF32: 0, bad: false, namings: 0, defines: [], uses: []
bitcastVars[name]['define_' + value[1][2][1][1]]++;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name' && bitcastVars[node[1]]) {
} else if (type === 'assign' && node[1] === true) {
var value = node[3];
if (value[0] === 'name') {
var name = value[1];
if (bitcastVars[name]) {
var target = node[2];
if (target[0] === 'sub' && target[1][0] === 'name' && (target[1][1] === 'HEAP32' || target[1][1] === 'HEAPF32')) {
bitcastVars[name]['use_' + target[1][1]]++;
for (var v in bitcastVars) {
var info = bitcastVars[v];
// good variables define only one type, use only one type, have definitions and uses, and define as a different type than they use
if (info.define_HEAP32*info.define_HEAPF32 === 0 && info.use_HEAP32*info.use_HEAPF32 === 0 &&
info.define_HEAP32+info.define_HEAPF32 > 0 && info.use_HEAP32+info.use_HEAPF32 > 0 &&
info.define_HEAP32*info.use_HEAP32 === 0 && info.define_HEAPF32*info.use_HEAPF32 === 0 &&
v in asmData.vars && info.namings === info.define_HEAP32+info.define_HEAPF32+info.use_HEAP32+info.use_HEAPF32) {
var correct = info.use_HEAP32 ? 'HEAPF32' : 'HEAP32';
info.defines.forEach(function(define) {
define[3] = define[3][1][3];
if (correct === 'HEAP32') {
define[3] = ['binary', '|', define[3], ['num', 0]];
} else {
define[3] = ['unary-prefix', '+', define[3]];
// do we want a simplifybitops on the new values here?
info.uses.forEach(function(use) {
use[2][1][1] = correct;
asmData.vars[v] = 1 - asmData.vars[v];
denormalizeAsm(ast, asmData);
// optimize num >> num, in asm we need this here since we do not run optimizeShifts
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[2][0] === 'num' && node[3][0] === 'num') {
node[0] = 'num';
node[1] = node[2][1] >> node[3][1];
node.length = 2;
// The most common mathop is addition, e.g. in getelementptr done repeatedly. We can join all of those,
// by doing (num+num) ==> newnum, and (name+num)+num = name+newnum
function joinAdditions(ast) {
var rerun = true;
while (rerun) {
rerun = false;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '+') {
if (node[2][0] === 'num' && node[3][0] === 'num') {
rerun = true;
node[2][1] += node[3][1];
return node[2];
for (var i = 2; i <= 3; i++) {
var ii = 5-i;
for (var j = 2; j <= 3; j++) {
if (node[i][0] === 'num' && node[ii][0] === 'binary' && node[ii][1] === '+' && node[ii][j][0] === 'num') {
rerun = true;
node[ii][j][1] += node[i][1];
return node[ii];
// if (x === 0) can be if (!x), etc.
function simplifyZeroComp(ast) {
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
var binary;
if (type === 'if' && (binary = node[1])[0] === 'binary') {
if ((binary[1] === '!=' || binary[1] === '!==') && binary[3][0] === 'num' && binary[3][1] === 0) {
node[1] = binary[2];
return node;
} else if ((binary[1] === '==' || binary[1] === '===') && binary[3][0] === 'num' && binary[3][1] === 0) {
node[1] = ['unary-prefix', '!', binary[2]];
return node;
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(func) {
// simplifyZeroComp(func); TODO: investigate performance
// In typed arrays mode 2, we can have
// HEAP[x >> 2]
// very often. We can in some cases do the shift on the variable itself when it is set,
// to greatly reduce the number of shift operations.
// XXX this optimization is deprecated and currently invalid: does not handle overflows
// or non-aligned (round numbers, x >> 2 is a multiple of 4). Both are ok to assume
// for pointers (undefined behavior otherwise), but invalid in general, and we do
// no sufficiently-well distinguish the cases.
function optimizeShiftsInternal(ast, conservative) {
var MAX_SHIFTS = 3;
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(fun) {
var funMore = true;
var funFinished = {};
while (funMore) {
funMore = false;
// Recognize variables and parameters
var vars = {};
function newVar(name, param, addUse) {
if (!vars[name]) {
vars[name] = {
param: param,
defs: addUse ? 1 : 0,
uses: 0,
timesShifted: [0, 0, 0, 0], // zero shifts of size 0, 1, 2, 3
benefit: 0,
primaryShift: -1
// params
if (fun[2]) {
fun[2].forEach(function(arg) {
newVar(arg, true, true);
// vars
// XXX if var has >>=, ignore it here? That means a previous pass already optimized it
var hasSwitch = traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'var') {
node[1].forEach(function(arg) {
newVar(arg[0], false, arg[1]);
} else if (type === 'switch') {
// The relooper can't always optimize functions, and we currently don't work with
// switch statements when optimizing shifts. Bail.
return true;
if (hasSwitch) {
// uses and defs TODO: weight uses by being inside a loop (powers). without that, we
// optimize for code size, not speed.
traverse(fun, function(node, type, stack) {
if (type === 'name' && vars[node[1]] && stack[stack.length-2][0] != 'assign') {
} else if (type === 'assign' && node[2][0] === 'name' && vars[node[2][1]]) {
}, null, []);
// First, break up elements inside a shift. This lets us see clearly what to do next.
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[3][0] === 'num') {
var shifts = node[3][1];
if (shifts <= MAX_SHIFTS) {
// Push the >> inside the value elements
function addShift(subNode) {
if (subNode[0] === 'binary' && subNode[1] === '+') {
subNode[2] = addShift(subNode[2]);
subNode[3] = addShift(subNode[3]);
return subNode;
if (subNode[0] === 'name' && !subNode[2]) { // names are returned with a shift, but we also note their being shifted
var name = subNode[1];
if (vars[name]) {
subNode[2] = true;
return ['binary', '>>', subNode, ['num', shifts]];
return addShift(node[2]);
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (node[0] === 'name' && node[2]) {
return node.slice(0, 2); // clean up our notes
// At this point, shifted expressions are split up, and we know who the vars are and their info, so we can decide
// TODO: vars that depend on other vars
for (var name in vars) {
var data = vars[name];
var totalTimesShifted = sum(data.timesShifted);
if (totalTimesShifted === 0) {
if (totalTimesShifted != Math.max.apply(null, data.timesShifted)) {
// TODO: Handle multiple different shifts
if (funFinished[name]) continue;
// We have one shift size (and possible unshifted uses). Consider replacing this variable with a shifted clone. If
// the estimated benefit is >0, we will do it
if (data.defs === 1) {
data.benefit = totalTimesShifted - 2*(data.defs + (data.param ? 1 : 0));
if (conservative) data.benefit = 0;
if (data.benefit > 0) {
funMore = true; // We will reprocess this function
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (data.timesShifted[i]) {
data.primaryShift = i;
function cleanNotes() { // We need to mark 'name' nodes as 'processed' in some passes here; this cleans the notes up
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (node[0] === 'name' && node[2]) {
return node.slice(0, 2);
// Apply changes
function needsShift(name) {
return vars[name] && vars[name].primaryShift >= 0;
for (var name in vars) { // add shifts for params and var's for all new variables
var data = vars[name];
if (needsShift(name)) {
if (data.param) {
fun[3].unshift(['var', [[name + '$s' + data.primaryShift, ['binary', '>>', ['name', name], ['num', data.primaryShift]]]]]);
} else {
fun[3].unshift(['var', [[name + '$s' + data.primaryShift]]]);
traverse(fun, function(node, type, stack) { // add shift to assignments
if (node[0] === 'assign' && node[1] === true && node[2][0] === 'name' && needsShift(node[2][1]) && !node[2][2]) {
var name = node[2][1];
var data = vars[name];
var parent = stack[stack.length-3];
var statements = getStatements(parent);
assert(statements, 'Invalid parent for assign-shift: ' + dump(parent));
var i = statements.indexOf(stack[stack.length-2]);
statements.splice(i+1, 0, ['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', name + '$s' + data.primaryShift], ['binary', '>>', ['name', name, true], ['num', data.primaryShift]]]]);
} else if (node[0] === 'var') {
var args = node[1];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var arg = args[i];
var name = arg[0];
var data = vars[name];
if (arg[1] && needsShift(name)) {
args.splice(i+1, 0, [name + '$s' + data.primaryShift, ['binary', '>>', ['name', name, true], ['num', data.primaryShift]]]);
return node;
}, null, []);
traverse(fun, function(node, type, stack) { // replace shifted name with new variable
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[2][0] === 'name' && needsShift(node[2][1]) && node[3][0] === 'num') {
var name = node[2][1];
var data = vars[name];
var parent = stack[stack.length-2];
// Don't modify in |x$sN = x >> 2|, in normal assigns and in var assigns
if (parent[0] === 'assign' && parent[2][0] === 'name' && parent[2][1] === name + '$s' + data.primaryShift) return;
if (parent[0] === name + '$s' + data.primaryShift) return;
if (node[3][1] === data.primaryShift) {
return ['name', name + '$s' + data.primaryShift];
}, null, []);
var SIMPLE_SHIFTS = set('<<', '>>');
var more = true;
while (more) { // combine shifts in the same direction as an optimization
more = false;
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] in SIMPLE_SHIFTS && node[2][0] === 'binary' && node[2][1] === node[1] &&
node[3][0] === 'num' && node[2][3][0] === 'num') { // do not turn a << b << c into a << b + c; while logically identical, it is slower
more = true;
return ['binary', node[1], node[2][2], ['num', node[3][1] + node[2][3][1]]];
// Before recombining, do some additional optimizations
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
// Apply constant shifts onto constants
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[2][0] === 'num' && node[3][0] === 'num' && node[3][1] <= MAX_SHIFTS) {
var subNode = node[2];
var shifts = node[3][1];
var result = subNode[1] / Math.pow(2, shifts);
if (result % 1 === 0) {
subNode[1] = result;
return subNode;
// Optimize the case of ($a*80)>>2 into ($a*20)|0
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] in SIMPLE_SHIFTS &&
node[2][0] === 'binary' && node[2][1] === '*') {
var mulNode = node[2];
if (mulNode[2][0] === 'num') {
var temp = mulNode[2];
mulNode[2] = mulNode[3];
mulNode[3] = temp;
if (mulNode[3][0] === 'num') {
if (node[1] === '<<') {
mulNode[3][1] *= Math.pow(2, node[3][1]);
node[1] = '|';
node[3][1] = 0;
return node;
} else {
if (mulNode[3][1] % Math.pow(2, node[3][1]) === 0) {
mulNode[3][1] /= Math.pow(2, node[3][1]);
node[1] = '|';
node[3][1] = 0;
return node;
/* XXX - theoretically useful optimization(s), but commented out as not helpful in practice
// Transform (x << 2) >> 2 into x & mask or something even simpler
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '>>' && node[3][0] === 'num' &&
node[2][0] === 'binary' && node[2][1] === '<<' && node[2][3][0] === 'num' && node[3][1] === node[2][3][1]) {
var subNode = node[2];
var shifts = node[3][1];
var mask = ((0xffffffff << shifts) >>> shifts) | 0;
return ['binary', '&', subNode[2], ['num', mask]];
//return ['binary', '|', subNode[2], ['num', 0]];
//return subNode[2];
// Re-combine remaining shifts, to undo the breaking up we did before. may require reordering inside +'s
traverse(fun, function(node, type, stack) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '+' && (stack[stack.length-2][0] != 'binary' || stack[stack.length-2][1] !== '+')) {
// 'Flatten' added items
var addedItems = [];
function flatten(node) {
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] === '+') {
} else {
var originalOrder = addedItems.slice();
function key(node) { // a unique value for all relevant shifts for recombining, non-unique for stuff we don't need to bother with
function originalOrderKey(item) {
return -originalOrder.indexOf(item);
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] in SIMPLE_SHIFTS) {
if (node[3][0] === 'num' && node[3][1] <= MAX_SHIFTS) return 2*node[3][1] + (node[1] === '>>' ? 100 : 0); // 0-106
return (node[1] === '>>' ? 20000 : 10000) + originalOrderKey(node);
if (node[0] === 'num') return -20000 + node[1];
return -10000 + originalOrderKey(node); // Don't modify the original order if we don't modify anything
for (var i = 0; i < addedItems.length; i++) {
if (addedItems[i][0] === 'string') return; // this node is not relevant for us
addedItems.sort(function(node1, node2) {
return key(node1) - key(node2);
// Regenerate items, now sorted
var i = 0;
while (i < addedItems.length-1) { // re-combine inside addedItems
var k = key(addedItems[i]), k1 = key(addedItems[i+1]);
if (k === k1 && k >= 0 && k1 <= 106) {
addedItems[i] = ['binary', addedItems[i][1], ['binary', '+', addedItems[i][2], addedItems[i+1][2]], addedItems[i][3]];
addedItems.splice(i+1, 1);
} else {
var num = 0;
for (i = 0; i < addedItems.length; i++) { // combine all numbers into one
if (addedItems[i][0] === 'num') {
num += addedItems[i][1];
addedItems.splice(i, 1);
if (num != 0) { // add the numbers into an existing shift, we
// prefer (x+5)>>7 over (x>>7)+5 , since >>'s result is known to be 32-bit and is more easily optimized.
// Also, in the former we can avoid the parentheses, which saves a little space (the number will be bigger,
// so it might take more space, but normally at most one more digit).
var added = false;
for (i = 0; i < addedItems.length; i++) {
if (addedItems[i][0] === 'binary' && addedItems[i][1] === '>>' && addedItems[i][3][0] === 'num' && addedItems[i][3][1] <= MAX_SHIFTS) {
addedItems[i] = ['binary', '>>', ['binary', '+', addedItems[i][2], ['num', num << addedItems[i][3][1]]], addedItems[i][3]];
added = true;
if (!added) {
addedItems.unshift(['num', num]);
var ret = addedItems.pop();
while (addedItems.length > 0) { // re-create AST from addedItems
ret = ['binary', '+', ret, addedItems.pop()];
return ret;
}, null, []);
// Note finished variables
for (var name in vars) {
funFinished[name] = true;
function optimizeShiftsConservative(ast) {
optimizeShiftsInternal(ast, true);
function optimizeShiftsAggressive(ast) {
optimizeShiftsInternal(ast, false);
// We often have branchings that are simplified so one end vanishes, and
// we then get
// if (!(x < 5))
// or such. Simplifying these saves space and time.
function simplifyNotCompsDirect(node) {
if (node[0] === 'unary-prefix' && node[1] === '!') {
if (node[2][0] === 'binary') {
switch(node[2][1]) {
case '<': return ['binary', '>=', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '>': return ['binary', '<=', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '<=': return ['binary', '>', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '>=': return ['binary', '<', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '==': return ['binary', '!=', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '!=': return ['binary', '==', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '===': return ['binary', '!==', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
case '!==': return ['binary', '===', node[2][2], node[2][3]];
} else if (node[2][0] === 'unary-prefix' && node[2][1] === '!') {
return node[2][2];
if (!simplifyNotCompsPass) return node;
var simplifyNotCompsPass = false;
function simplifyNotComps(ast) {
simplifyNotCompsPass = true;
traverse(ast, simplifyNotCompsDirect);
simplifyNotCompsPass = false;
function callHasSideEffects(node) { // checks if the call itself (not the args) has side effects (or is not statically known)
return !(node[1][0] === 'name' && /^Math_/.test(node[1][1]));
function hasSideEffects(node) { // this is 99% incomplete!
switch (node[0]) {
case 'num': case 'name': case 'string': return false;
case 'unary-prefix': return hasSideEffects(node[2]);
case 'binary': return hasSideEffects(node[2]) || hasSideEffects(node[3]);
case 'sub': return hasSideEffects(node[1]) || hasSideEffects(node[2]);
case 'call': {
if (callHasSideEffects(node)) return true;
// This is a statically known call, with no side effects. only args can side effect us
var args = node[2];
var num = args.length;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (hasSideEffects(args[i])) return true;
return false;
default: return true;
// Clear out empty ifs and blocks, and redundant blocks/stats and so forth
// Operates on generated functions only
function vacuum(ast) {
function isEmpty(node) {
if (!node) return true;
if (node[0] === 'toplevel' && (!node[1] || node[1].length === 0)) return true;
if (node[0] === 'block' && (!node[1] || (typeof node[1] != 'object') || node[1].length === 0 || (node[1].length === 1 && isEmpty(node[1])))) return true;
return false;
function simplifyList(node, si) {
var changed = false;
// Merge block items into this list, thus removing unneeded |{ .. }|'s
var statements = node[si];
var i = 0;
while (i < statements.length) {
var subNode = statements[i];
if (subNode[0] === 'block') {
statements.splice.apply(statements, [i, 1].concat(subNode[1] || []));
changed = true;
} else {
// Remove empty items
var pre = node[si].length;
node[si] = node[si].filter(function(node) { return !isEmpty(node) });
if (node[si].length < pre) changed = true;
if (changed) {
return node;
function vacuumInternal(node) {
traverseChildren(node, vacuumInternal);
var ret;
switch(node[0]) {
case 'block': {
if (node[1] && node[1].length === 1 && node[1][0][0] === 'block') {
return node[1][0];
} else if (typeof node[1] === 'object') {
ret = simplifyList(node, 1);
if (ret) return ret;
} break;
case 'stat': {
if (node[1][0] === 'block') {
return node[1];
} break;
case 'defun': {
if (node[3].length === 1 && node[3][0][0] === 'block') {
node[3] = node[3][0][1];
return node;
} else {
ret = simplifyList(node, 3);
if (ret) return ret;
} break;
case 'do': {
if (node[1][0] === 'num' && node[2][0] === 'toplevel' && (!node[2][1] || node[2][1].length === 0)) {
return emptyNode();
} else if (isEmpty(node[2]) && !hasSideEffects(node[1])) {
return emptyNode();
} break;
case 'label': {
if (node[2] && node[2][0] === 'toplevel' && (!node[2][1] || node[2][1].length === 0)) {
return emptyNode();
} break;
case 'if': {
var empty2 = isEmpty(node[2]), empty3 = isEmpty(node[3]), has3 = node.length === 4;
if (!empty2 && empty3 && has3) { // empty else clauses
return node.slice(0, 3);
} else if (empty2 && !empty3) { // empty if blocks
return ['if', ['unary-prefix', '!', node[1]], node[3]];
} else if (empty2 && empty3) {
if (hasSideEffects(node[1])) {
return ['stat', node[1]];
} else {
return emptyNode();
} break;
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(node) {
function getStatements(node) {
if (node[0] === 'defun') {
return node[3];
} else if (node[0] === 'block') {
return node[1];
} else {
return null;
// Multiple blocks from the relooper are, in general, implemented by
// if (label === x) { } else if ..
// and branching into them by
// if (condition) { label === x } else ..
// We can hoist the multiple block into the condition, thus removing code and one 'if' check
function hoistMultiples(ast) {
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(node) {
traverse(node, function(node, type) {
var statements = getStatements(node);
if (!statements) return;
var modified = false;
for (var i = 0; i < statements.length-1; i++) {
var modifiedI = false;
var pre = statements[i];
if (pre[0] != 'if') continue;
var post = statements[i+1];
// Look into some block types. shell() will then recreate the shell that we looked into
var postInner = post;
var shellLabel = false, shellDo = false;
while (true) {
if (postInner[0] === 'label') {
shellLabel = postInner[1];
postInner = postInner[2];
} else if (postInner[0] === 'do') {
shellDo = postInner[1];
postInner = postInner[2][1][0];
} else {
break; // give up
if (postInner[0] != 'if') continue;
// Look into this if, and its elseifs
while (postInner && postInner[0] === 'if') {
var cond = postInner[1];
if (cond[0] === 'binary' && cond[1] === '==' && cond[2][0] === 'name' && cond[2][1] === 'label') {
assert(cond[3][0] === 'num');
// We have a valid Multiple check here. Try to hoist it, look for the source in |pre| and its else's
var labelNum = cond[3][1];
var labelBlock = postInner[2];
assert(labelBlock[0] === 'block');
var found = false;
traverse(pre, function(preNode, preType) {
if (!found && preType === 'assign' && preNode[2][0] === 'name' && preNode[2][1] === 'label') {
assert(preNode[3][0] === 'num');
if (preNode[3][1] === labelNum) {
// That's it! Hoist away. We can also throw away the label setting as its goal has already been achieved
found = true;
modifiedI = true;
postInner[2] = ['block', []];
return labelBlock;
postInner = postInner[3]; // Proceed to look in the else clause
if (modifiedI) {
if (shellDo) {
statements[i] = ['do', shellDo, ['block', [statements[i]]]];
if (shellLabel) {
statements[i] = ['label', shellLabel, statements[i]];
if (modified) return node;
// After hoisting in this function, it is safe to remove { label = x; } blocks, because
// if they were leading to the next code right after them, they would be hoisted, and if they
// are going to some other place entirely, they would break or continue. The only risky
// situation is if the code after us is a multiple, in which case we might be checking for
// this label inside it (or in a later multiple, even)
function tryEliminate(node) {
if (node[0] === 'if') {
var replaced;
if (replaced = tryEliminate(node[2])) node[2] = replaced;
if (node[3] && (replaced = tryEliminate(node[3]))) node[3] = replaced;
} else {
if (node[0] === 'block' && node[1] && node[1].length > 0) {
var subNode = node[1][node[1].length-1];
if (subNode[0] === 'stat' && subNode[1][0] === 'assign' && subNode[1][2][0] === 'name' &&
subNode[1][2][1] === 'label' && subNode[1][3][0] === 'num') {
if (node[1].length === 1) {
return emptyNode();
} else {
node[1].splice(node[1].length-1, 1);
return node;
return false;
function getActualStatement(node) { // find the actual active statement, ignoring a label and one-time do loop
if (node[0] === 'label') node = node[2];
if (node[0] === 'do') node = node[2];
if (node[0] === 'block' && node[1].length === 1) node = node[1][0];
return node;
traverse(node, function(node, type) {
var statements = getStatements(node);
if (!statements) return;
for (var i = 0; i < statements.length-1; i++) {
var curr = getActualStatement(statements[i]);
var next = statements[i+1];
if (curr[0] === 'if' && next[0] != 'if' && next[0] != 'label' && next[0] != 'do' && next[0] != 'while') {
// Afterpass: Reduce
// if (..) { .. break|continue } else { .. }
// to
// if (..) { .. break|continue } ..
traverseGenerated(ast, function(container, type) {
var statements = getStatements(container);
if (!statements) return;
for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
var node = statements[i];
if (node[0] === 'if' && node[2][0] === 'block' && node[3] && node[3][0] === 'block') {
var stat1 = node[2][1], stat2 = node[3][1];
// If break|continue in the latter and not the former, reverse them
if (!(stat1[stat1.length-1][0] in LOOP_FLOW) && (stat2[stat2.length-1][0] in LOOP_FLOW)) {
var temp = node[3];
node[3] = node[2];
node[2] = temp;
node[1] = simplifyNotCompsDirect(['unary-prefix', '!', node[1]]);
stat1 = node[2][1];
stat2 = node[3][1];
if (stat1[stat1.length-1][0] in LOOP_FLOW) {
statements.splice.apply(statements, [i+1, 0].concat(stat2));
node[3] = null;
// Simplifies loops
// WARNING: This assumes all loops and breaks/continues are labelled
function loopOptimizer(ast) {
// Remove unneeded labels and one-time (do while(0)) loops. It is convenient to do these both at once.
function passTwo(ast) {
var neededDos = [];
// Find unneeded labels
traverseGenerated(ast, function(node, type, stack) {
if (type === 'label' && node[2][0] in LOOP) {
// this is a labelled loop. we don't know if it's needed yet. Mark its label for removal for now now.
node[1] = '+' + node[1];
} else if (type in LOOP) {
} else if (type in LOOP_FLOW) {
// Find topmost loop, and its label if there is one
var lastLabel = null, lastLoop = null, i = stack.length-1;
while (i >= 0 && !lastLoop) {
if (stack[i][0] in LOOP) lastLoop = stack[i];
assert(lastLoop, 'Cannot break/continue without a Label');
while (i >= 0 && !lastLabel) {
if (stack[i][0] in LOOP) break; // another loop in the middle - no label for lastLoop
if (stack[i][0] === 'label') lastLabel = stack[i];
var ident = node[1]; // there may not be a label ident if this is a simple break; or continue;
var plus = '+' + ident;
if (lastLabel && ident && (ident === lastLabel[1] || plus === lastLabel[1])) {
// If this is a 'do' loop, this break means we actually need it.
// We don't need the control flow command to have a label - it's referring to the current loop
return [node[0]];
} else {
if (!ident) {
// No label on the break/continue, so keep the last loop alive (no need for its label though)
} else {
// Find the label node that needs to stay alive
stack.forEach(function(label) {
if (!label) return;
if (label[1] === plus) label[1] = label[1].substr(1); // Remove '+', marking it as needed
}, null, []);
// We return whether another pass is necessary
var more = false;
// Remove unneeded labels
traverseGenerated(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'label' && node[1][0] === '+') {
more = true;
var ident = node[1].substr(1);
// Remove label from loop flow commands
traverse(node[2], function(node2, type) {
if (type in LOOP_FLOW && node2[1] === ident) {
return [node2[0]];
return node[2]; // Remove the label itself on the loop
// Remove unneeded one-time loops. We need such loops if (1) they have a label, or (2) they have a direct break so they are in neededDos.
// First, add all labeled loops of this nature to neededDos
traverseGenerated(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'label' && node[2][0] === 'do') {
// Remove unneeded dos, we know who they are now
traverseGenerated(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'do' && neededDos.indexOf(node) < 0) {
assert(jsonCompare(node[1], ['num', 0]), 'Trying to remove a one-time do loop that is not one of our generated ones.;');
more = true;
return node[2];
return more;
// Go
// TODO: pass 1: Removal of unneeded continues, breaks if they get us to where we are already going. That will
// help the next pass.
// Multiple pass two runs may be needed, as we remove one-time loops and so forth
do {
var more = passTwo(ast);
} while (more);
function unVarify(vars, ret) { // transform var x=1, y=2 etc. into (x=1, y=2), i.e., the same assigns, but without a var definition
ret = ret || [];
ret[0] = 'stat';
if (vars.length === 1) {
ret[1] = ['assign', true, ['name', vars[0][0]], vars[0][1]];
} else {
ret[1] = [];
var curr = ret[1];
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length-1; i++) {
curr[0] = 'seq';
curr[1] = ['assign', true, ['name', vars[i][0]], vars[i][1]];
if (i != vars.length-2) curr = curr[2] = [];
curr[2] = ['assign', true, ['name', vars[vars.length-1][0]], vars[vars.length-1][1]];
return ret;
// asm.js support code - normalize (convert asm.js code to 'normal' JS, without
// annotations, plus explicit metadata) and denormalize (vice versa)
var ASM_INT = 0;
var ASM_DOUBLE = 1;
var ASM_FLOAT = 2;
function detectAsmCoercion(node, asmInfo) {
// for params, +x vs x|0, for vars, 0.0 vs 0
if (node[0] === 'num' && node[1].toString().indexOf('.') >= 0) return ASM_DOUBLE;
if (node[0] === 'unary-prefix') return ASM_DOUBLE;
if (node[0] === 'call' && node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'Math_fround') return ASM_FLOAT;
if (asmInfo && node[0] == 'name') return getAsmType(node[1], asmInfo);
return ASM_INT;
function makeAsmCoercion(node, type) {
switch (type) {
case ASM_INT: return ['binary', '|', node, ['num', 0]];
case ASM_DOUBLE: return ['unary-prefix', '+', node];
case ASM_FLOAT: return ['call', ['name', 'Math_fround'], [node]];
default: throw 'wha? ' + JSON.stringify([node, type]) + new Error().stack;
function makeAsmVarDef(v, type) {
switch (type) {
case ASM_INT: return [v, ['num', 0]];
case ASM_DOUBLE: return [v, ['unary-prefix', '+', ['num', 0]]];
case ASM_FLOAT: return [v, ['call', ['name', 'Math_fround'], [['num', 0]]]];
default: throw 'wha?';
function getAsmType(name, asmInfo) {
if (name in asmInfo.vars) return asmInfo.vars[name];
if (name in asmInfo.params) return asmInfo.params[name];
assert(false, 'unknown var ' + name);
function normalizeAsm(func) {
//printErr('pre-normalize \n\n' + astToSrc(func) + '\n\n');
var data = {
params: {}, // ident => ASM_* type
vars: {}, // ident => ASM_* type
inlines: [], // list of inline assembly copies
// process initial params
var stats = func[3];
var i = 0;
while (i < stats.length) {
var node = stats[i];
if (node[0] != 'stat' || node[1][0] != 'assign' || node[1][2][0] != 'name') break;
node = node[1];
var name = node[2][1];
if (func[2] && func[2].indexOf(name) < 0) break; // not an assign into a parameter, but a global
if (name in data.params) break; // already done that param, must be starting function body
data.params[name] = detectAsmCoercion(node[3]);
stats[i] = emptyNode();
// process initial variable definitions
while (i < stats.length) {
var node = stats[i];
if (node[0] != 'var') break;
for (var j = 0; j < node[1].length; j++) {
var v = node[1][j];
var name = v[0];
var value = v[1];
if (!(name in data.vars)) {
assert(value[0] === 'num' || (value[0] === 'unary-prefix' && value[2][0] === 'num') // must be valid coercion no-op
|| (value[0] === 'call' && value[1][0] === 'name' && value[1][1] === 'Math_fround'));
data.vars[name] = detectAsmCoercion(value);
v.length = 1; // make an un-assigning var
} else {
assert(j === 0, 'cannot break in the middle');
break outer;
// finally, look for other var definitions and collect them
while (i < stats.length) {
traverse(stats[i], function(node, type) {
if (type === 'var') {
assert(0, 'should be no vars to fix! ' + func[1] + ' : ' + JSON.stringify(node));
for (var j = 0; j < node[1].length; j++) {
var v = node[1][j];
var name = v[0];
var value = v[1];
if (!(name in data.vars)) {
if (value[0] != 'name') {
data.vars[name] = detectAsmCoercion(value); // detect by coercion
} else {
var origin = value[1];
data.vars[name] = data.vars[origin] || ASM_INT; // detect by origin variable, or assume int for non-locals
unVarify(node[1], node);
} else if (type === 'call' && node[1][0] === 'function') {
assert(!node[1][1]); // anonymous functions only
node[1] = ['name', 'inlinejs']; // empty out body, leave arguments, so they are eliminated/minified properly
//printErr('normalized \n\n' + astToSrc(func) + '\n\nwith: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
return data;
function denormalizeAsm(func, data) {
//printErr('pre-denormalize \n\n' + astToSrc(func) + '\n\nwith: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
var stats = func[3];
// Remove var definitions, if any
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
if (stats[i][0] === 'var') {
stats[i] = emptyNode();
} else {
if (!isEmptyNode(stats[i])) break;
// each param needs a line; reuse emptyNodes as much as we can
var numParams = 0;
for (var i in data.params) numParams++;
var emptyNodes = 0;
while (emptyNodes < stats.length) {
if (!isEmptyNode(stats[emptyNodes])) break;
var neededEmptyNodes = numParams + 1; // params plus one big var
if (neededEmptyNodes > emptyNodes) {
var args = [0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < neededEmptyNodes - emptyNodes; i++) args[i+2] = 0;
stats.splice.apply(stats, args);
// add param coercions
var next = 0;
func[2].forEach(function(param) {
stats[next++] = ['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', param], makeAsmCoercion(['name', param], data.params[param])]];
// add variable definitions
var varDefs = [];
for (var v in data.vars) {
varDefs.push(makeAsmVarDef(v, data.vars[v]));
if (varDefs.length) {
stats[next] = ['var', varDefs];
} else {
stats[next] = emptyNode();
if (data.inlines.length > 0) {
var i = 0;
traverse(func, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'call' && node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'inlinejs') {
node[1] = data.inlines[i++]; // swap back in the body
//printErr('denormalized \n\n' + astToSrc(func) + '\n\n');
function getFirstIndexInNormalized(func, data) {
// In a normalized asm function, return the index of the first element that is not not defs or annotation
var stats = func[3];
var i = stats.length-1;
while (i >= 0) {
var stat = stats[i];
if (stat[0] == 'var') break;
return i+1;
function getStackBumpNode(ast) {
var found = null;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign' && node[2][0] === 'name' && node[2][1] === 'STACKTOP') {
var value = node[3];
if (value[0] === 'name') return true;
assert(value[0] == 'binary' && value[1] == '|' && value[2][0] == 'binary' && value[2][1] == '+' && value[2][2][0] == 'name' && value[2][2][1] == 'STACKTOP' && value[2][3][0] == 'num');
found = node;
return true;
return found;
function getStackBumpSize(ast) {
var node = getStackBumpNode(ast);
return node ? node[3][2][3][1] : 0;
// Name minification
var RESERVED = set('do', 'if', 'in', 'for', 'new', 'try', 'var', 'env', 'let');
var VALID_MIN_INITS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_$';
var VALID_MIN_LATERS = VALID_MIN_INITS + '0123456789';
var minifiedNames = [];
var minifiedState = [0];
function ensureMinifiedNames(n) { // make sure the nth index in minifiedNames exists. done 100% deterministically
while (minifiedNames.length < n+1) {
// generate the current name
var name = VALID_MIN_INITS[minifiedState[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < minifiedState.length; i++) {
name += VALID_MIN_LATERS[minifiedState[i]];
if (!(name in RESERVED)) minifiedNames.push(name);
// increment the state
var i = 0;
while (1) {
if (minifiedState[i] < (i === 0 ? VALID_MIN_INITS : VALID_MIN_LATERS).length) break;
// overflow
minifiedState[i] = 0;
if (i === minifiedState.length) minifiedState.push(-1); // will become 0 after increment in next loop head
// Very simple 'registerization', coalescing of variables into a smaller number.
// We do not optimize when there are switches, so this pass only makes sense with
// relooping.
// TODO: Consider how this fits in with the rest of the optimization toolchain. Do
// we still need the eliminator? Closure? And in what order? Perhaps just
// closure simple?
function registerize(ast) {
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(fun) {
if (asm) var asmData = normalizeAsm(fun);
if (!asm) {
var hasFunction = false;
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'function') hasFunction = true;
if (hasFunction) {
return; // inline assembly, and not asm (where we protect it in normalize/denormalize), so abort registerize pass
// Add parameters as a first (fake) var (with assignment), so they get taken into consideration
var params = {}; // note: params are special, they can never share a register between them (see later)
if (fun[2] && fun[2].length) {
var assign = ['num', 0];
fun[3].unshift(['var', fun[2].map(function(param) {
params[param] = 1;
return [param, assign];
if (asm) {
// copy params into vars
for (var p in asmData.params) asmData.vars[p] = asmData.params[p];
//printErr('fake params: \n\n' + astToSrc(fun) + '\n\n');
// Replace all var definitions with assignments; we will add var definitions at the top after we registerize
// We also mark local variables - i.e., having a var definition
var localVars = {};
var allVars = {};
var hasSwitch = false; // we cannot optimize variables if there is a switch, unless in asm mode
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'var') {
node[1].forEach(function(defined) { localVars[defined[0]] = 1 });
var vars = node[1].filter(function(varr) { return varr[1] });
if (vars.length >= 1) {
return unVarify(vars);
} else {
return emptyNode();
} else if (type === 'switch') {
hasSwitch = true;
} else if (type === 'name') {
allVars[node[1]] = 1;
var regTypes = {};
function getNewRegName(num, name) {
var ret;
if (!asm) {
ret = 'r' + num;
} else {
var type = asmData.vars[name];
ret = (type ? 'd' : 'i') + num;
regTypes[ret] = type;
if (ret in allVars) {
assert(ret in localVars, 'register shadows non-local name');
return ret;
// Find the # of uses of each variable.
// While doing so, check if all a variable's uses are dominated in a simple
// way by a simple assign, if so, then we can assign its register to it
// just for its definition to its last use, and not to the entire toplevel loop,
// we call such variables "optimizable"
var varUses = {};
var level = 1;
var levelDominations = {};
var varLevels = {};
var possibles = {};
var unoptimizables = {};
function purgeLevel() {
// Invalidate all dominating on this level, further users make it unoptimizable
for (var name in levelDominations[level]) {
varLevels[name] = 0;
levelDominations[level] = null;
traverse(fun, function possibilifier(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (localVars[name]) {
if (!varUses[name]) varUses[name] = 0;
if (possibles[name] && !varLevels[name]) unoptimizables[name] = 1; // used outside of simple domination
} else if (type === 'assign' && typeof node[1] != 'string') {
if (node[2] && node[2][0] === 'name') {
var name = node[2][1];
// if local and not yet used, this might be optimizable if we dominate
// all other uses
if (localVars[name] && !varUses[name] && !varLevels[name]) {
possibles[name] = 1;
varLevels[name] = level;
if (!levelDominations[level]) levelDominations[level] = {};
levelDominations[level][name] = 1;
} else if (type in CONTROL_FLOW) {
// recurse children, in the context of a loop
switch(type) {
case 'while': case 'do': {
traverse(node[1], possibilifier);
traverse(node[2], possibilifier);
case 'for': {
traverse(node[1], possibilifier);
for (var i = 2; i <= 4; i++) {
traverse(node[i], possibilifier);
case 'if': {
traverse(node[1], possibilifier);
traverse(node[2], possibilifier);
if (node[3]) {
traverse(node[3], possibilifier);
case 'switch': {
traverse(node[1], possibilifier);
var cases = node[2];
for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
traverse(cases[i][1], possibilifier);
default: throw dumpAst(node);
return null; // prevent recursion into children, which we already did
var optimizables = {};
if (!hasSwitch || asm) {
for (var possible in possibles) {
if (!unoptimizables[possible]) optimizables[possible] = 1;
//printErr('optimizables: ' + JSON.stringify(optimizables));
//printErr('unoptimizables: ' + JSON.stringify(unoptimizables));
// Go through the function's code, assigning 'registers'.
// The only tricky bit is to keep variables locked on a register through loops,
// since they can potentially be returned to. Optimizable variables lock onto
// loops that they enter, unoptimizable variables lock in a conservative way
// into the topmost loop.
// Note that we cannot lock onto a variable in a loop if it was used and free'd
// before! (then they could overwrite us in the early part of the loop). For now
// we just use a fresh register to make sure we avoid this, but it could be
// optimized to check for safe registers (free, and not used in this loop level).
var varRegs = {}; // maps variables to the register they will use all their life
var freeRegsClasses = asm ? [[], [], []] : []; // two classes for asm, one otherwise XXX - hardcoded length
var nextReg = 1;
var fullNames = {};
var loopRegs = {}; // for each loop nesting level, the list of bound variables
var loops = 0; // 0 is toplevel, 1 is first loop, etc
var saved = 0;
var activeOptimizables = {};
var optimizableLoops = {};
var paramRegs = {}; // true if the register is used by a parameter (and so needs no def at start of function; also cannot
// be shared with another param, each needs its own)
function decUse(name) {
if (!varUses[name]) return false; // no uses left, or not a relevant variable
if (optimizables[name]) activeOptimizables[name] = 1;
var reg = varRegs[name];
if (asm) assert(name in asmData.vars, name);
var freeRegs = asm ? freeRegsClasses[asmData.vars[name]] : freeRegsClasses;
if (!reg) {
// acquire register
if (optimizables[name] && freeRegs.length > 0 &&
!(params[name] && paramRegs[freeRegs[freeRegs.length-1]])) { // do not share registers between parameters
reg = freeRegs.pop();
} else {
reg = nextReg++;
fullNames[reg] = getNewRegName(reg, name);
if (params[name]) paramRegs[reg] = 1;
varRegs[name] = reg;
assert(varUses[name] >= 0);
if (varUses[name] === 0) {
if (optimizables[name]) delete activeOptimizables[name];
// If we are not in a loop, or we are optimizable and not bound to a loop
// (we might have been in one but left it), we can free the register now.
if (loops === 0 || (optimizables[name] && !optimizableLoops[name])) {
// free register
} else {
// when the relevant loop is exited, we will free the register
var releventLoop = optimizables[name] ? (optimizableLoops[name] || 1) : 1;
if (!loopRegs[releventLoop]) loopRegs[releventLoop] = [];
return true;
traverse(fun, function(node, type) { // XXX we rely on traversal order being the same as execution order here
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (decUse(name)) {
node[1] = fullNames[varRegs[name]];
} else if (type in LOOP) {
// Active optimizables lock onto this loop, if not locked onto one that encloses this one
for (var name in activeOptimizables) {
if (!optimizableLoops[name]) {
optimizableLoops[name] = loops;
}, function(node, type) {
if (type in LOOP) {
// Free registers that were locked to this loop
if (loopRegs[loops]) {
if (asm) {
loopRegs[loops].forEach(function(loopReg) {
} else {
freeRegsClasses = freeRegsClasses.concat(loopRegs[loops]);
loopRegs[loops].length = 0;
if (fun[2] && fun[2].length) {
fun[2].length = 0; // clear params, we will fill with registers
fun[3].shift(); // remove fake initial var
//printErr('var regs: ' + JSON.stringify(varRegs) + '\n\nparam regs: ' + JSON.stringify(paramRegs));
if (!asm) {
if (nextReg > 1) {
var vars = [];
for (var i = 1; i < nextReg; i++) {
var reg = fullNames[i];
if (!paramRegs[i]) {
} else {
if (vars.length > 0) getStatements(fun).unshift(['var', vars]);
} else {
//printErr('unfake params: \n\n' + astToSrc(fun) + '\n\n');
var finalAsmData = {
params: {},
vars: {},
inlines: asmData.inlines,
for (var i = 1; i < nextReg; i++) {
var reg = fullNames[i];
var type = regTypes[reg];
if (!paramRegs[i]) {
finalAsmData.vars[reg] = type;
} else {
finalAsmData.params[reg] = type;
denormalizeAsm(fun, finalAsmData);
// Assign variables to 'registers', coalescing them onto a smaller number of shared
// variables.
// This does the same job as 'registerize' above, but burns a lot more cycles trying
// to reduce the total number of register variables. Key points about the operation:
// * we decompose the AST into a flow graph and perform a full liveness
// analysis, to determine which variables are live at each point.
// * variables that are live concurrently are assigned to different registers.
// * variables that are linked via 'x=y' style statements are assigned the same
// register if possible, so that the redundant assignment can be removed.
// (e.g. assignments used to pass state around through loops).
// * any code that cannot be reached through the flow-graph is removed.
// (e.g. redundant break statements like 'break L123; break;').
// * any assignments that we can prove are not subsequently used are removed.
// (e.g. unnecessary assignments to the 'label' variable).
function registerizeHarder(ast) {
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(fun) {
var asmData = normalizeAsm(fun);
var localVars = asmData.vars;
for (var name in asmData.params) {
localVars[name] = asmData.params[name];
// Utilities for allocating register variables.
// We need distinct register pools for each type of variable.
var allRegsByType = [{}, {}, {}];
var regPrefixByType = ['i', 'd', 'f'];
var nextReg = 1;
function createReg(forName) {
// Create a new register of type suitable for the given variable name.
var allRegs = allRegsByType[localVars[forName]];
reg = nextReg++;
allRegs[reg] = regPrefixByType[localVars[forName]] + reg;
return reg;
// Traverse the tree in execution order and synthesize a basic flow-graph.
// It's convenient to build a kind of "dual" graph where the nodes identify
// the junctions between blocks at which control-flow may branch, and each
// basic block is an edge connecting two such junctions.
// For each junction we store:
// * set of blocks that originate at the junction
// * set of blocks that terminate at the junction
// For each block we store:
// * a single entry junction
// * a single exit junction
// * any preconditions satisfied at entry to the block
// * a 'use' and 'kill' set of names for the block
// * full sequence of 'name' and 'assign' nodes in the block
// * whether each such node appears as part of a larger expression
// (and therefore cannot be safely eliminated)
var junctions = [];
var blocks = [];
var currEntryJunction = null;
var nextBasicBlock = null;
var isInExpr = 0;
var activeLabels = [{}];
var nextLoopLabel = null;
var ENTRY_BLOCK = 0;
function addJunction() {
// Create a new junction, without inserting it into the graph.
// This is useful for e.g. pre-allocating an exit node.
var id = junctions.length;
junctions[id] = {id: id, inblocks: {}, outblocks: {}};
return id;
function markJunction(id) {
// Mark current traversal location as a junction.
// This makes a new basic block exiting at this position.
if (id === undefined || id === null) {
id = addJunction();
return id;
function setJunction(id) {
// Set the next entry junction to the given id.
// This can be used to enter at a previously-declared point.
assert(nextBasicBlock.nodes.length === 0, 'refusing to abandon an in-progress basic block')
currEntryJunction = id;
function joinJunction(id) {
// Complete the pending basic block by exiting at this position.
// This can be used to exit at a previously-declared point.
if (currEntryJunction !== null) {
nextBasicBlock.id = blocks.length;
nextBasicBlock.entry = currEntryJunction;
nextBasicBlock.exit = id;
junctions[currEntryJunction].outblocks[nextBasicBlock.id] = 1;
junctions[id].inblocks[nextBasicBlock.id] = 1;
nextBasicBlock = { id: null, entry: null, exit: null, pre: {}, nodes: [], isexpr: [], use: {}, kill: {} };
currEntryJunction = id;
return id;
function pushActiveLabels(onContinue, onBreak) {
// Push the target junctions for continuing/breaking a loop.
// This should be called before traversing into a loop.
var newLabels = copy(activeLabels[activeLabels.length-1]);
newLabels[null] = [onContinue, onBreak];
if (nextLoopLabel) {
newLabels[nextLoopLabel] = [onContinue, onBreak];
nextLoopLabel = null;
function popActiveLabels() {
// Pop the target junctions for continuing/breaking a loop.
// This should be called after traversing into a loop.
function markNonLocalJump(type, label) {
// Complete a block via 'return', 'break' or 'continue'.
// This joins the targetted junction and then sets the current junction to null.
// Any code traversed before we get back an existing junction is dead code.
if (type === 'return') {
} else {
label = label ? label : null;
var targets = activeLabels[activeLabels.length-1][label];
assert(targets, 'jump to unknown label');
if (type === 'continue') {
} else if (type === 'break') {
} else {
assert(false, 'unknown jump node type');
function addUseNode(node) {
// Mark a use of the given name node in the current basic block.
assert(node[0] === 'name', 'not a use node');
var name = node[1];
if (name in localVars) {
if (!nextBasicBlock.kill[name]) {
nextBasicBlock.use[name] = 1;
function addKillNode(node) {
// Mark an assignment to the given name node in the current basic block.
assert(node[0] === 'assign', 'not a kill node');
assert(node[1] === true, 'not a kill node');
assert(node[2][0] === 'name', 'not a kill node');
var name = node[2][1];
if (name in localVars) {
nextBasicBlock.kill[name] = 1;
function lookThroughCasts(node) {
// Look through value-preserving casts, like "x | 0" => "x"
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] === '|') {
if (node[3][0] === 'num' && node[3][1] === 0) {
return lookThroughCasts(node[2]);
return node;
function addPreCondTrue(node) {
// Add pre-conditions implied by truth of the
// given node to the current basic block.
assert(nextBasicBlock.nodes.length === 0, 'cant add preconditions to an in-progress basic block')
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] === '==') {
var lhs = lookThroughCasts(node[2]);
var rhs = lookThroughCasts(node[3]);
if (lhs[0] === 'name' && rhs[0] === 'num') {
nextBasicBlock.pre[lhs[1]] = ['==', rhs[1]];
function addPreCondFalse(node) {
// Add pre-conditions implied by falsehood of the
// given node to the current basic block.
assert(nextBasicBlock.nodes.length === 0, 'cant add preconditions to an in-progress basic block')
if (node[0] === 'binary' && node[1] === '==') {
var lhs = lookThroughCasts(node[2]);
var rhs = lookThroughCasts(node[3]);
if (lhs[0] === 'name' && rhs[0] === 'num') {
nextBasicBlock.pre[lhs[1]] = ['!=', rhs[1]];
function isTrueNode(node) {
// Check if the given node is statically truthy.
return (node[0] === 'num' && node[1] != 0);
function isFalseNode(node) {
// Check if the given node is statically falsy.
return (node[0] === 'num' && node[1] == 0);
function morphNode(node, newNode) {
// In-place morph a node into some other type of node.
var i = 0;
while (i < node.length && i < newNode.length) {
node[i] = newNode[i];
while (i < newNode.length) {
if (node.length > newNode.length) {
node.length = newNode.length;
function buildFlowGraph(node) {
// Recursive function to build up the flow-graph.
// It walks the tree in execution order, calling the above state-management
// functions at appropriate points in the traversal.
var type = node[0];
// Any code traversed without an active entry junction must be dead,
// as the resulting block could never be entered. Let's remove it.
if (currEntryJunction === null && junctions.length > 0) {
morphNode(node, ['block', []]);
// Traverse each node type according to its particular control-flow semantics.
switch (type) {
case 'defun':
var jEntry = markJunction();
assert(jEntry === ENTRY_JUNCTION);
var jExit = addJunction();
assert(jExit === EXIT_JUNCTION);
for (var i = 0; i < node[3].length; i++) {
case 'if':
var jEnter = markJunction();
if (node[2]) {
var jExit = markJunction();
if (node[3]) {
case 'conditional':
var jEnter = markJunction();
if (node[2]) {
var jExit = markJunction();
if (node[3]) {
case 'while':
// Special-case "while (1) {}" to use fewer junctions,
// since emscripten generates a lot of these.
if (isTrueNode(node[1])) {
var jLoop = markJunction();
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(jLoop, jExit);
} else {
var jCond = markJunction();
var jLoop = addJunction();
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(jCond, jExit);
// An empty basic-block linking condition exit to loop exit.
case 'do':
// Special-case "do {} while (1)" and "do {} while (0)" to use
// fewer junctions, since emscripten generates a lot of these.
if (isFalseNode(node[1])) {
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(jExit, jExit);
} else if (isTrueNode(node[1])) {
var jLoop = markJunction();
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(jLoop, jExit);
} else {
var jLoop = markJunction();
var jCond = addJunction();
var jCondExit = addJunction();
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(jCond, jExit);
case 'for':
var jTest = addJunction();
var jBody = addJunction();
var jStep = addJunction();
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(jStep, jExit);
case 'label':
assert(node[2][0] in BREAK_CAPTURERS, 'label on non-loop, non-switch statement')
nextLoopLabel = node[1];
case 'switch':
// Emscripten generates switch statements of a very limited
// form: all case clauses are numeric literals, and all
// case bodies end with a break. So it's basically equivalent
// to a multi-way 'if' statement.
var jCheckExit = markJunction();
var jExit = addJunction();
pushActiveLabels(null, jExit);
var hasDefault = false;
for (var i=0; i<node[2].length; i++) {
if (!node[2][i][0]) {
hasDefault = true;
} else {
if (node[2][i][0][0] !== 'num') {
if (node[2][i][0][0] !== 'unary-prefix' || node[2][i][0][2][0] !== 'num') {
assert(false, 'non-numeric switch case clause');
addPreCondTrue(['binary', '==', node[1], node[2][i][0]]);
for (var j = 0; j < node[2][i][1].length; j++) {
if (currEntryJunction !== null, 'switch case body did not break');
// If there was no default case, we also need an empty block
// linking straight from the test evaluation to the exit.
if (!hasDefault) {
case 'return':
if (node[1]) {
case 'break':
case 'continue':
markNonLocalJump(type, node[1]);
case 'assign':
if (node[1] === true && node[2][0] === 'name') {
} else {
case 'name':
case 'block':
case 'toplevel':
if (node[1]) {
for (var i = 0; i < node[1].length; i++) {
case 'stat':
case 'unary-prefix':
case 'unary-postfix':
case 'binary':
case 'call':
if (node[2]) {
for (var i = 0; i < node[2].length; i++) {
case 'seq':
case 'sub':
case 'dot':
case 'throw':
case 'num':
case 'string':
case 'var':
assert(false, 'unsupported node type: ' + type);
assert(setSize(junctions[ENTRY_JUNCTION].inblocks) === 0, 'function entry must have no incoming blocks');
assert(setSize(junctions[EXIT_JUNCTION].outblocks) === 0, 'function exit must have no outgoing blocks');
assert(blocks[ENTRY_BLOCK].entry === ENTRY_JUNCTION, 'block zero must be the initial block');
// Fix up implicit jumps done by assigning to the 'label' variable.
// If a block ends with an assignment to 'label' and there's another block
// with that value of 'label' as precondition, we tweak the flow graph so
// that the former jumps straight to the later.
var labelledBlocks = {};
var labelledJumps = [];
for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
var block = blocks[i];
// Does it have a specific label value as precondition?
var labelCond = block.pre['label'];
if (labelCond && labelCond[0] === '==') {
// If there are multiple blocks with the same label, all bets are off.
// This seems to happen sometimes for short blocks that end with a return.
// TODO: it should be safe to merge the duplicates if they're identical.
if (labelCond[1] in labelledBlocks) {
labelledBlocks = {};
labelledJumps = [];
labelledBlocks[labelCond[1]] = block;
// Does it assign a specific label value at exit?
if ('label' in block.kill) {
var finalNode = block.nodes[block.nodes.length - 1];
if (finalNode[0] === 'assign' && finalNode[2][1] === 'label') {
// If labels are computed dynamically then all bets are off.
// This can happen due to indirect branching in llvm output.
if (finalNode[3][0] !== 'num') {
labelledBlocks = {};
labelledJumps = [];
labelledJumps.push([finalNode[3][1], block]);
} else {
// If label is assigned a non-zero value elsewhere in the block
// then all bets are off. This can happen e.g. due to outlining
// saving/restoring label to the stack.
for (var j = 0; j < block.nodes.length - 1; j++) {
if (block.nodes[j][0] === 'assign' && block.nodes[j][2][1] === 'label') {
if (block.nodes[j][3][0] !== 'num' && block.nodes[j][3][1] !== 0) {
labelledBlocks = {};
labelledJumps = [];
for (var labelVal in labelledBlocks) {
var block = labelledBlocks[labelVal];
// Disconnect it from the graph, and create a
// new junction for jumps targetting this label.
delete junctions[block.entry].outblocks[block.id];
block.entry = addJunction();
junctions[block.entry].outblocks[block.id] = 1;
// Add a fake use of 'label' to keep it alive in predecessor.
block.use['label'] = 1;
block.nodes.unshift(['name', 'label']);
for (var i = 0; i < labelledJumps.length; i++) {
var labelVal = labelledJumps[i][0];
var block = labelledJumps[i][1];
var targetBlock = labelledBlocks[labelVal];
if (targetBlock) {
// Redirect its exit to entry of the target block.
delete junctions[block.exit].inblocks[block.id];
block.exit = targetBlock.entry;
junctions[block.exit].inblocks[block.id] = 1;
labelledBlocks = null;
labelledJumps = null;
// Do a backwards data-flow analysis to determine the set of live
// variables at each junction, and to use this information to eliminate
// any unused assignments.
// We run two nested phases. The inner phase builds the live set for each
// junction. The outer phase uses this to try to eliminate redundant
// stores in each basic block, which might in turn affect liveness info.
function analyzeJunction(junc) {
// Update the live set for this junction.
var live = {};
for (var b in junc.outblocks) {
var block = blocks[b];
var liveSucc = junctions[block.exit].live || {};
for (var name in liveSucc) {
if (!(name in block.kill)) {
live[name] = 1;
for (var name in block.use) {
live[name] = 1;
junc.live = live;
function analyzeBlock(block) {
// Update information about the behaviour of the block.
// This includes the standard 'use' and 'kill' information,
// plus a 'link' set naming values that flow through from entry
// to exit, possibly changing names via simple 'x=y' assignments.
// As we go, we eliminate assignments if the variable is not
// subsequently used.
var live = copy(junctions[block.exit].live);
var use = {};
var kill = {};
var link = {};
var lastUseLoc = {};
var firstDeadLoc = {};
var firstKillLoc = {};
var lastKillLoc = {};
for (var name in live) {
link[name] = name;
lastUseLoc[name] = block.nodes.length;
firstDeadLoc[name] = block.nodes.length;
for (var j = block.nodes.length - 1; j >=0 ; j--) {
var node = block.nodes[j];
if (node[0] === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
live[name] = 1;
use[name] = j;
if (lastUseLoc[name] === undefined) {
lastUseLoc[name] = j;
firstDeadLoc[name] = j;
} else {
var name = node[2][1];
// We only keep assignments if they will be subsequently used.
if (name in live) {
kill[name] = 1;
delete use[name];
delete live[name];
firstDeadLoc[name] = j;
firstKillLoc[name] = j;
if (lastUseLoc[name] === undefined) {
lastUseLoc[name] = j;
if (lastKillLoc[name] === undefined) {
lastKillLoc[name] = j;
// If it's an "x=y" and "y" is not live, then we can create a
// flow-through link from "y" to "x". If not then there's no
// flow-through link for "x".
var oldLink = link[name];
if (oldLink) {
delete link[name];
if (node[3][0] === 'name') {
if (node[3][1] in localVars) {
link[node[3][1]] = oldLink;
} else {
// The result of this assignment is never used, so delete it.
// We may need to keep the RHS for its value or its side-effects.
function removeUnusedNodes(j, n) {
for (var name in lastUseLoc) {
lastUseLoc[name] -= n;
for (var name in firstKillLoc) {
firstKillLoc[name] -= n;
for (var name in lastKillLoc) {
lastKillLoc[name] -= n;
for (var name in firstDeadLoc) {
firstDeadLoc[name] -= n;
block.nodes.splice(j, n);
block.isexpr.splice(j, n);
if (block.isexpr[j] || hasSideEffects(node[3])) {
morphNode(node, node[3]);
removeUnusedNodes(j, 1);
} else {
var numUsesInExpr = 0;
traverse(node[3], function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name' && node[1] in localVars) {
morphNode(node, ['block', []]);
j = j - numUsesInExpr;
removeUnusedNodes(j, 1 + numUsesInExpr);
block.use = use;
block.kill = kill;
block.link = link;
block.lastUseLoc = lastUseLoc;
block.firstDeadLoc = firstDeadLoc;
block.firstKillLoc = firstKillLoc;
block.lastKillLoc = lastKillLoc;
var jWorklistMap = { EXIT_JUNCTION: 1 };
var jWorklist = [EXIT_JUNCTION];
var bWorklistMap = {};
var bWorklist = [];
// Be sure to visit every junction at least once.
// This avoids missing some vars because we disconnected them
// when processing the labelled jumps.
for (var i = junctions.length - 1; i >= EXIT_JUNCTION; i--) {
jWorklistMap[i] = 1;
while (jWorklist.length > 0) {
// Iterate on just the junctions until we get stable live sets.
// The first run of this loop will grow the live sets to their maximal size.
// Subsequent runs will shrink them based on eliminated in-block uses.
while (jWorklist.length > 0) {
var junc = junctions[jWorklist.pop()];
delete jWorklistMap[junc.id];
var oldLive = junc.live || null;
if (!sortedJsonCompare(oldLive, junc.live)) {
// Live set changed, updated predecessor blocks and junctions.
for (var b in junc.inblocks) {
if (!(b in bWorklistMap)) {
bWorklistMap[b] = 1;
var jPred = blocks[b].entry;
if (!(jPred in jWorklistMap)) {
jWorklistMap[jPred] = 1;
// Now update the blocks based on the calculated live sets.
while (bWorklist.length > 0) {
var block = blocks[bWorklist.pop()];
delete bWorklistMap[block.id];
var oldUse = block.use;
if (!sortedJsonCompare(oldUse, block.use)) {
// The use set changed, re-process the entry junction.
if (!(block.entry in jWorklistMap)) {
jWorklistMap[block.entry] = 1;
// Insist that all function parameters are alive at function entry.
// This ensures they will be assigned independent registers, even
// if they happen to be unused.
for (var name in asmData.params) {
junctions[ENTRY_JUNCTION].live[name] = 1;
// For variables that are live at one or more junctions, we assign them
// a consistent register for the entire scope of the function. Find pairs
// of variable that cannot use the same register (the "conflicts") as well
// as pairs of variables that we'd like to have share the same register
// (the "links").
var junctionVariables = {};
function initializeJunctionVariable(name) {
junctionVariables[name] = { conf: {}, link: {}, excl: {}, reg: null };
for (var i = 0; i < junctions.length; i++) {
var junc = junctions[i];
for (var name in junc.live) {
if (!junctionVariables[name]) initializeJunctionVariable(name);
// It conflicts with all other names live at this junction.
for (var otherName in junc.live) {
if (otherName == name) continue;
junctionVariables[name].conf[otherName] = 1;
for (var b in junc.outblocks) {
// It conflits with any output vars of successor blocks,
// if they're assigned before it goes dead in that block.
block = blocks[b];
var jSucc = junctions[block.exit];
for (var otherName in jSucc.live) {
if (junc.live[otherName]) continue;
if (block.lastKillLoc[otherName] < block.firstDeadLoc[name]) {
if (!junctionVariables[otherName]) initializeJunctionVariable(otherName);
junctionVariables[name].conf[otherName] = 1;
junctionVariables[otherName].conf[name] = 1;
// It links with any linkages in the outgoing blocks.
var linkName = block.link[name];
if (linkName && linkName !== name) {
if (!junctionVariables[linkName]) initializeJunctionVariable(linkName);
junctionVariables[name].link[linkName] = 1;
junctionVariables[linkName].link[name] = 1;
// Attempt to sort the junction variables to heuristically reduce conflicts.
// Simple starting point: handle the most-conflicted variables first.
// This seems to work pretty well.
var sortedJunctionVariables = keys(junctionVariables);
sortedJunctionVariables.sort(function(name1, name2) {
var jv1 = junctionVariables[name1];
var jv2 = junctionVariables[name2];
if (jv1.numConfs === undefined) {
jv1.numConfs = setSize(jv1.conf);
if (jv2.numConfs === undefined) {
jv2.numConfs = setSize(jv2.conf);
return jv2.numConfs - jv1.numConfs;
// We can now assign a register to each junction variable.
// Process them in order, trying available registers until we find
// one that works, and propagating the choice to linked/conflicted
// variables as we go.
function tryAssignRegister(name, reg) {
// Try to assign the given register to the given variable,
// and propagate that choice throughout the graph.
// Returns true if successful, false if there was a conflict.
var jv = junctionVariables[name];
if (jv.reg !== null) {
return jv.reg === reg;
if (jv.excl[reg]) {
return false;
jv.reg = reg;
// Exclude use of this register at all conflicting variables.
for (var confName in jv.conf) {
junctionVariables[confName].excl[reg] = 1;
// Try to propagate it into linked variables.
// It's not an error if we can't.
for (var linkName in jv.link) {
tryAssignRegister(linkName, reg);
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < sortedJunctionVariables.length; i++) {
var name = sortedJunctionVariables[i];
// It may already be assigned due to linked-variable propagation.
if (junctionVariables[name].reg !== null) {
// Try to use existing registers first.
var allRegs = allRegsByType[localVars[name]];
for (var reg in allRegs) {
if (tryAssignRegister(name, reg)) {
// They're all taken, create a new one.
tryAssignRegister(name, createReg(name));
// Each basic block can now be processed in turn.
// There may be internal-use-only variables that still need a register
// assigned, but they can be treated just for this block. We know
// that all inter-block variables are in a good state thanks to
// junction variable consistency.
for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
var block = blocks[i];
if (block.nodes.length === 0) continue;
var jEnter = junctions[block.entry];
var jExit = junctions[block.exit];
// Mark the point at which each input reg becomes dead.
// Variables alive before this point must not be assigned
// to that register.
var inputVars = {}
var inputDeadLoc = {};
var inputVarsByReg = {};
for (var name in jExit.live) {
if (!(name in block.kill)) {
inputVars[name] = 1;
var reg = junctionVariables[name].reg;
assert(reg !== null, 'input variable doesnt have a register');
inputDeadLoc[reg] = block.firstDeadLoc[name];
inputVarsByReg[reg] = name;
for (var name in block.use) {
if (!(name in inputVars)) {
inputVars[name] = 1;
var reg = junctionVariables[name].reg;
assert(reg !== null, 'input variable doesnt have a register');
inputDeadLoc[reg] = block.firstDeadLoc[name];
inputVarsByReg[reg] = name;
assert(setSize(setSub(inputVars, jEnter.live)) == 0);
// Scan through backwards, allocating registers on demand.
// Be careful to avoid conflicts with the input registers.
// We consume free registers in last-used order, which helps to
// eliminate "x=y" assignments that are the last use of "y".
var assignedRegs = {};
var freeRegsByType = copy(allRegsByType);
// Begin with all live vars assigned per the exit junction.
for (var name in jExit.live) {
var reg = junctionVariables[name].reg;
assert(reg !== null, 'output variable doesnt have a register');
assignedRegs[name] = reg;
delete freeRegsByType[localVars[name]][reg];
for (var j = 0; j < freeRegsByType.length; j++) {
freeRegsByType[j] = keys(freeRegsByType[j]);
// Scan through the nodes in sequence, modifying each node in-place
// and grabbing/freeing registers as needed.
var maybeRemoveNodes = [];
for (var j = block.nodes.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var node = block.nodes[j];
var name = node[0] === 'assign' ? node[2][1] : node[1];
var allRegs = allRegsByType[localVars[name]];
var freeRegs = freeRegsByType[localVars[name]];
var reg = assignedRegs[name];
if (node[0] === 'name') {
// A use. Grab a register if it doesn't have one.
if (!reg) {
if (name in inputVars && j <= block.firstDeadLoc[name]) {
// Assignment to an input variable, must use pre-assigned reg.
reg = junctionVariables[name].reg;
assignedRegs[name] = reg;
for (var k = freeRegs.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (freeRegs[k] === reg) {
freeRegs.splice(k, 1);
} else {
// Try to use one of the existing free registers.
// It must not conflict with an input register.
for (var k = freeRegs.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
reg = freeRegs[k];
// Check for conflict with input registers.
if (block.firstKillLoc[name] <= inputDeadLoc[reg]) {
if (name !== inputVarsByReg[reg]) {
// Found one!
assignedRegs[name] = reg;
freeRegs.splice(k, 1);
// If we didn't find a suitable register, create a new one.
if (!assignedRegs[name]) {
reg = createReg(name);
assignedRegs[name] = reg;
node[1] = allRegs[reg];
} else {
// A kill. This frees the assigned register.
assert(reg, 'live variable doesnt have a reg?')
node[2][1] = allRegs[reg];
delete assignedRegs[name];
if (node[3][0] === 'name' && node[3][1] in localVars) {
maybeRemoveNodes.push([j, node]);
// If we managed to create an "x=x" assignments, remove them.
for (var j = 0; j < maybeRemoveNodes.length; j++) {
var node = maybeRemoveNodes[j][1];
if (node[2][1] === node[3][1]) {
if (block.isexpr[maybeRemoveNodes[j][0]]) {
morphNode(node, node[2]);
} else {
morphNode(node, ['block', []]);
// Assign registers to function params based on entry junction
var paramRegs = {}
if (fun[2]) {
for (var i = 0; i < fun[2].length; i++) {
var allRegs = allRegsByType[localVars[fun[2][i]]];
fun[2][i] = allRegs[junctionVariables[fun[2][i]].reg];
paramRegs[fun[2][i]] = 1;
// That's it!
// Re-construct the function with appropriate variable definitions.
var finalAsmData = {
params: {},
vars: {},
inlines: asmData.inlines,
for (var i = 1; i < nextReg; i++) {
var reg;
for (var type=0; type<allRegsByType.length; type++) {
reg = allRegsByType[type][i];
if (reg) break;
if (!paramRegs[reg]) {
finalAsmData.vars[reg] = type;
} else {
finalAsmData.params[reg] = type;
denormalizeAsm(fun, finalAsmData);
// Eliminator aka Expressionizer
// The goal of this pass is to eliminate unneeded variables (which represent one of the infinite registers in the LLVM
// model) and thus to generate complex expressions where possible, for example
// var x = a(10);
// var y = HEAP[20];
// print(x+y);
// can be transformed into
// print(a(10)+HEAP[20]);
// The basic principle is to scan along the code in the order of parsing/execution, and keep a list of tracked
// variables that are current contenders for elimination. We must untrack when we see something that we cannot
// cross, for example, a write to memory means we must invalidate variables that depend on reading from
// memory, since if we change the order then we do not preserve the computation.
// We rely on some assumptions about emscripten-generated code here, which means we can do a lot more than
// a general JS optimization can. For example, we assume that 'sub' nodes (indexing like HEAP[..]) are
// memory accesses or FUNCTION_TABLE accesses, and in both cases that the symbol cannot be replaced although
// the contents can. So we assume FUNCTION_TABLE might have its contents changed but not be pointed to
// a different object, which allows
// var x = f();
// to be optimized (f could replace FUNCTION_TABLE, so in general JS eliminating x is not valid).
// In memSafe mode, we are more careful and assume functions can replace HEAP and FUNCTION_TABLE, which
// can happen in ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH mode
var ELIMINATION_SAFE_NODES = set('var', 'assign', 'call', 'if', 'toplevel', 'do', 'return', 'label', 'switch', 'binary', 'unary-prefix'); // do is checked carefully, however
var IGNORABLE_ELIMINATOR_SCAN_NODES = set('num', 'toplevel', 'string', 'break', 'continue', 'dot'); // dot can only be STRING_TABLE.*
var ABORTING_ELIMINATOR_SCAN_NODES = set('new', 'object', 'function', 'defun', 'for', 'while', 'array', 'throw'); // we could handle some of these, TODO, but nontrivial (e.g. for while, the condition is hit multiple times after the body)
function isTempDoublePtrAccess(node) { // these are used in bitcasts; they are not really affecting memory, and should cause no invalidation
assert(node[0] === 'sub');
return (node[2][0] === 'name' && node[2][1] === 'tempDoublePtr') ||
(node[2][0] === 'binary' && ((node[2][2][0] === 'name' && node[2][2][1] === 'tempDoublePtr') ||
(node[2][3][0] === 'name' && node[2][3][1] === 'tempDoublePtr')));
function eliminate(ast, memSafe) {
// Find variables that have a single use, and if they can be eliminated, do so
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(func, type) {
if (asm) var asmData = normalizeAsm(func);
//printErr('eliminate in ' + func[1]);
// First, find the potentially eliminatable functions: that have one definition and one use
var definitions = {};
var uses = {};
var namings = {};
var values = {};
var locals = {};
var varsToRemove = {}; // variables being removed, that we can eliminate all 'var x;' of (this refers to 'var' nodes we should remove)
// 1 means we should remove it, 2 means we successfully removed it
var varsToTryToRemove = {}; // variables that have 0 uses, but have side effects - when we scan we can try to remove them
// add arguments as locals
if (func[2]) {
for (var i = 0; i < func[2].length; i++) {
locals[func[2][i]] = true;
// examine body and note locals
var hasSwitch = false;
traverse(func, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'var') {
var node1 = node[1];
for (var i = 0; i < node1.length; i++) {
var node1i = node1[i];
var name = node1i[0];
var value = node1i[1];
if (value) {
if (!(name in definitions)) definitions[name] = 0;
if (!values[name]) values[name] = value;
if (!uses[name]) uses[name] = 0;
locals[name] = true;
} else if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (!uses[name]) uses[name] = 0;
} else if (type === 'assign') {
var target = node[2];
if (target[0] === 'name') {
var name = target[1];
if (!(name in definitions)) definitions[name] = 0;
if (!uses[name]) uses[name] = 0;
if (!values[name]) values[name] = node[3];
if (node[1] === true) { // not +=, -= etc., just =
uses[name]--; // because the name node will show up by itself in the previous case
if (!namings[name]) namings[name] = 0;
namings[name]++; // offset it here, this tracks the total times we are named
} else if (type === 'switch') {
hasSwitch = true;
for (var used in uses) {
namings[used] = (namings[used] || 0) + uses[used];
// we cannot eliminate variables if there is a switch
if (hasSwitch && !asm) return;
var potentials = {}; // local variables with 1 definition and 1 use
var sideEffectFree = {}; // whether a local variable has no side effects in its definition. Only relevant when there are no uses
function unprocessVariable(name) {
if (name in potentials) delete potentials[name];
if (name in varsToRemove) delete varsToRemove[name];
if (name in sideEffectFree) delete sideEffectFree[name];
if (name in varsToTryToRemove) delete varsToTryToRemove[name];
function processVariable(name) {
if (definitions[name] === 1 && uses[name] === 1) {
potentials[name] = 1;
} else if (uses[name] === 0 && (!definitions[name] || definitions[name] <= 1)) { // no uses, no def or 1 def (cannot operate on phis, and the llvm optimizer will remove unneeded phis anyhow) (no definition means it is a function parameter, or a local with just |var x;| but no defining assignment)
var sideEffects = false;
var value = values[name];
if (value) {
// TODO: merge with other side effect code
// First, pattern-match
// (HEAP32[((tempDoublePtr)>>2)]=((HEAP32[(($_sroa_0_0__idx1)>>2)])|0),HEAP32[(((tempDoublePtr)+(4))>>2)]=((HEAP32[((($_sroa_0_0__idx1)+(4))>>2)])|0),(+(HEAPF64[(tempDoublePtr)>>3])))
// which has no side effects and is the special form of converting double to i64.
if (!(value[0] === 'seq' && value[1][0] === 'assign' && value[1][2][0] === 'sub' && value[1][2][2][0] === 'binary' && value[1][2][2][1] === '>>' &&
value[1][2][2][2][0] === 'name' && value[1][2][2][2][1] === 'tempDoublePtr')) {
// If not that, then traverse and scan normally.
sideEffects = hasSideEffects(value);
if (!sideEffects) {
varsToRemove[name] = !definitions[name] ? 2 : 1; // remove it normally
sideEffectFree[name] = true;
// Each time we remove a variable with 0 uses, if its value has no
// side effects and vanishes too, then we can remove a use from variables
// appearing in it, and possibly eliminate again
if (value) {
traverse(value, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
node[1] = ''; // we can remove this - it will never be shown, and should not be left to confuse us as we traverse
if (name in locals) {
uses[name]--; // cannot be infinite recursion since we descend an energy function
assert(uses[name] >= 0);
} else {
varsToTryToRemove[name] = 1; // try to remove it later during scanning
for (var name in locals) {
//printErr('defs: ' + JSON.stringify(definitions));
//printErr('uses: ' + JSON.stringify(uses));
//printErr('values: ' + JSON.stringify(values));
//printErr('locals: ' + JSON.stringify(locals));
//printErr('varsToRemove: ' + JSON.stringify(varsToRemove));
//printErr('varsToTryToRemove: ' + JSON.stringify(varsToTryToRemove));
values = null;
//printErr('potentials: ' + JSON.stringify(potentials));
// We can now proceed through the function. In each list of statements, we try to eliminate
var tracked = {};
var globalsInvalidated = false; // do not repeat invalidations, until we track something new
var memoryInvalidated = false;
var callsInvalidated = false;
function track(name, value, defNode) { // add a potential that has just been defined to the tracked list, we hope to eliminate it
var usesGlobals = false, usesMemory = false, deps = {}, doesCall = false, hasDeps = false;
var ignoreName = false; // one-time ignorings of names, as first op in sub and call
traverse(value, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
if (!ignoreName) {
var name = node[1];
if (!(name in locals)) {
usesGlobals = true;
if (!(name in potentials)) { // deps do not matter for potentials - they are defined once, so no complexity
deps[name] = 1;
hasDeps = true;
} else {
ignoreName = false;
} else if (type === 'sub') {
usesMemory = true;
ignoreName = true;
} else if (type === 'call') {
usesGlobals = true;
usesMemory = true;
doesCall = true;
ignoreName = true;
} else {
ignoreName = false;
tracked[name] = {
usesGlobals: usesGlobals,
usesMemory: usesMemory,
defNode: defNode,
deps: deps,
hasDeps: hasDeps,
doesCall: doesCall
globalsInvalidated = false;
memoryInvalidated = false;
callsInvalidated = false;
//printErr('track ' + [name, JSON.stringify(tracked[name])]);
var temp = [];
// TODO: invalidate using a sequence number for each type (if you were tracked before the last invalidation, you are cancelled). remove for.in loops
function invalidateGlobals() {
//printErr('invalidate globals');
temp.length = 0;
for (var name in tracked) {
var info = tracked[name];
if (info.usesGlobals) {
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
delete tracked[temp[i]];
function invalidateMemory() {
//printErr('invalidate memory');
temp.length = 0;
for (var name in tracked) {
var info = tracked[name];
if (info.usesMemory) {
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
delete tracked[temp[i]];
function invalidateByDep(dep) {
//printErr('invalidate by dep ' + dep);
temp.length = 0;
for (var name in tracked) {
var info = tracked[name];
if (info.deps[dep]) {
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
delete tracked[temp[i]];
function invalidateCalls() {
//printErr('invalidate calls');
temp.length = 0;
for (var name in tracked) {
var info = tracked[name];
if (info.doesCall) {
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
delete tracked[temp[i]];
// Generate the sequence of execution. This determines what is executed before what, so we know what can be reordered. Using
// that, performs invalidations and eliminations
function scan(node) {
//printErr('scan: ' + JSON.stringify(node).substr(0, 50) + ' : ' + keys(tracked));
var abort = false;
var allowTracking = true; // false inside an if; also prevents recursing in an if
//var nesting = 1; // printErr-related
function traverseInOrder(node, ignoreSub, ignoreName) {
if (abort) return;
//nesting++; // printErr-related
//printErr(JSON.stringify(node).substr(0, 50) + ' : ' + keys(tracked) + ' : ' + [allowTracking, ignoreSub, ignoreName]);
var type = node[0];
if (type === 'assign') {
var target = node[2];
var value = node[3];
var nameTarget = target[0] === 'name';
traverseInOrder(target, true, nameTarget); // evaluate left
traverseInOrder(value); // evaluate right
// do the actual assignment
if (nameTarget) {
var name = target[1];
if (!(name in potentials)) {
if (!(name in varsToTryToRemove)) {
// expensive check for invalidating specific tracked vars. This list is generally quite short though, because of
// how we just eliminate in short spans and abort when control flow happens TODO: history numbers instead
invalidateByDep(name); // can happen more than once per dep..
if (!(name in locals) && !globalsInvalidated) {
globalsInvalidated = true;
// if we can track this name (that we assign into), and it has 0 uses and we want to remove its 'var'
// definition - then remove it right now, there is no later chance
if (allowTracking && (name in varsToRemove) && uses[name] === 0) {
track(name, node[3], node);
doEliminate(name, node);
} else {
// replace it in-place
node.length = value.length;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
node[i] = value[i];
varsToRemove[name] = 2;
} else {
if (allowTracking) track(name, node[3], node);
} else if (target[0] === 'sub') {
if (isTempDoublePtrAccess(target)) {
if (!globalsInvalidated) {
globalsInvalidated = true;
} else if (!memoryInvalidated) {
memoryInvalidated = true;
} else if (type === 'sub') {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, !memSafe); // evaluate inner
traverseInOrder(node[2]); // evaluate outer
// ignoreSub means we are a write (happening later), not a read
if (!ignoreSub && !isTempDoublePtrAccess(node)) {
// do the memory access
if (!callsInvalidated) {
callsInvalidated = true;
} else if (type === 'var') {
var vars = node[1];
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var name = vars[i][0];
var value = vars[i][1];
if (value) {
if (name in potentials && allowTracking) {
track(name, value, node);
} else {
if (vars.length === 1 && name in varsToTryToRemove && value) {
// replace it in-place
value = ['stat', value];
node.length = value.length;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
node[i] = value[i];
varsToRemove[name] = 2;
} else if (type === 'binary') {
var flipped = false;
if (node[1] in ASSOCIATIVE_BINARIES && !(node[2][0] in NAME_OR_NUM) && node[3][0] in NAME_OR_NUM) { // TODO recurse here?
// associatives like + and * can be reordered in the simple case of one of the sides being a name, since we assume they are all just numbers
var temp = node[2];
node[2] = node[3];
node[3] = temp;
flipped = true;
if (flipped && node[2][0] in NAME_OR_NUM) { // dunno if we optimized, but safe to flip back - and keeps the code closer to the original and more readable
var temp = node[2];
node[2] = node[3];
node[3] = temp;
} else if (type === 'name') {
if (!ignoreName) { // ignoreName means we are the name of something like a call or a sub - irrelevant for us
var name = node[1];
if (name in tracked) {
doEliminate(name, node);
} else if (!(name in locals) && !callsInvalidated) {
callsInvalidated = true;
} else if (type === 'unary-prefix' || type === 'unary-postfix') {
} else if (type === 'call') {
traverseInOrder(node[1], false, true);
var args = node[2];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (callHasSideEffects(node)) {
// these two invalidations will also invalidate calls
if (!globalsInvalidated) {
globalsInvalidated = true;
if (!memoryInvalidated) {
memoryInvalidated = true;
} else if (type === 'if') {
if (allowTracking) {
traverseInOrder(node[1]); // can eliminate into condition, but nowhere else
if (!callsInvalidated) { // invalidate calls, since we cannot eliminate them into an if that may not execute!
callsInvalidated = true;
allowTracking = false;
traverseInOrder(node[2]); // 2 and 3 could be 'parallel', really..
if (node[3]) traverseInOrder(node[3]);
allowTracking = true;
} else {
tracked = {};
} else if (type === 'block') {
var stats = node[1];
if (stats) {
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
} else if (type === 'stat') {
} else if (type === 'label') {
} else if (type === 'seq') {
} else if (type === 'do') {
if (node[1][0] === 'num' && node[1][1] === 0) { // one-time loop
} else {
tracked = {};
} else if (type === 'return') {
if (node[1]) traverseInOrder(node[1]);
} else if (type === 'conditional') {
if (!callsInvalidated) { // invalidate calls, since we cannot eliminate them into a branch of an LLVM select/JS conditional that does not execute
callsInvalidated = true;
} else if (type === 'switch') {
var originalTracked = {};
for (var o in tracked) originalTracked[o] = 1;
var cases = node[2];
for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
var c = cases[i];
assert(c[0] === null || c[0][0] === 'num' || (c[0][0] === 'unary-prefix' && c[0][2][0] === 'num'));
var stats = c[1];
for (var j = 0; j < stats.length; j++) {
// We cannot track from one switch case into another, undo all new trackings TODO: general framework here, use in if-else as well
for (var t in tracked) {
if (!(t in originalTracked)) {
var info = tracked[t];
if (info.usesGlobals || info.usesMemory || info.hasDeps) {
delete tracked[t];
} else {
printErr('unfamiliar eliminator scan node: ' + JSON.stringify(node));
tracked = {};
abort = true;
//nesting--; // printErr-related
//var eliminationLimit = 0; // used to debugging purposes
function doEliminate(name, node) {
//if (eliminationLimit === 0) return;
//printErr('elim!!!!! ' + name);
// yes, eliminate!
varsToRemove[name] = 2; // both assign and var definitions can have other vars we must clean up
var info = tracked[name];
delete tracked[name];
var defNode = info.defNode;
if (!sideEffectFree[name]) {
if (defNode[0] === 'var') {
defNode[1].forEach(function(pair) {
if (pair[0] === name) {
value = pair[1];
} else { // assign
value = defNode[3];
// wipe out the assign
defNode[0] = 'toplevel';
defNode[1] = [];
defNode.length = 2;
// replace this node in-place
node.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
node[i] = value[i];
} else {
// This has no side effects and no uses, empty it out in-place
node.length = 0;
node[0] = 'toplevel';
node[1] = [];
traverse(func, function(block) {
// Look for statements, including while-switch pattern
var stats = getStatements(block) || (block[0] === 'while' && block[2][0] === 'switch' ? [block[2]] : stats);
if (!stats) return;
//printErr('Stats: ' + JSON.stringify(stats).substr(0,100));
tracked = {};
//printErr('new StatBlock');
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
var node = stats[i];
//printErr('StatBlock[' + i + '] => ' + JSON.stringify(node).substr(0,100));
var type = node[0];
if (type === 'stat') {
node = node[1];
type = node[0];
} else if (type == 'return' && i < stats.length-1) {
stats.length = i+1; // remove any code after a return
// Check for things that affect elimination
} else {
tracked = {}; // not a var or assign, break all potential elimination so far
//printErr('delete StatBlock');
var seenUses = {}, helperReplacements = {}; // for looper-helper optimization
// clean up vars, and loop variable elimination
traverse(func, function(node, type) {
// pre
if (type === 'var') {
node[1] = node[1].filter(function(pair) { return !varsToRemove[pair[0]] });
if (node[1].length === 0) {
// wipe out an empty |var;|
node[0] = 'toplevel';
node[1] = [];
}, function(node, type) {
// post
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (name in helperReplacements) {
node[1] = helperReplacements[name];
return; // no need to track this anymore, we can't loop-optimize more than once
// track how many uses we saw. we need to know when a variable is no longer used (hence we run this in the post)
if (!(name in seenUses)) {
seenUses[name] = 1;
} else {
} else if (type === 'while') {
// try to remove loop helper variables specifically
var stats = node[2][1];
var last = stats[stats.length-1];
if (last && last[0] === 'if' && last[2][0] === 'block' && last[3] && last[3][0] === 'block') {
var ifTrue = last[2];
var ifFalse = last[3];
var flip = false;
if (ifFalse[1][0] && ifFalse[1][0][0] === 'break') { // canonicalize break in the if
var temp = ifFalse;
ifFalse = ifTrue;
ifTrue = temp;
flip = true;
if (ifTrue[1][0] && ifTrue[1][0][0] === 'break') {
var assigns = ifFalse[1];
var loopers = [], helpers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < assigns.length; i++) {
if (assigns[i][0] === 'stat' && assigns[i][1][0] === 'assign') {
var assign = assigns[i][1];
if (assign[1] === true && assign[2][0] === 'name' && assign[3][0] === 'name') {
var looper = assign[2][1];
var helper = assign[3][1];
if (definitions[helper] === 1 && seenUses[looper] === namings[looper] &&
!helperReplacements[helper] && !helperReplacements[looper]) {
if (loopers.length < assigns.length) return; // TODO: handle the case where can can just eliminate one. (we can't optimize the break, but we can remove the var at least)
for (var l = 0; l < loopers.length; l++) {
var looper = loopers[l];
var helper = helpers[l];
// the remaining issue is whether loopers are used after the assignment to helper and before the last line (where we assign to it)
var found = -1;
for (var i = stats.length-2; i >= 0; i--) {
var curr = stats[i];
if (curr[0] === 'stat' && curr[1][0] === 'assign') {
var currAssign = curr[1];
if (currAssign[1] === true && currAssign[2][0] === 'name') {
var to = currAssign[2][1];
if (to === helper) {
found = i;
if (found < 0) return;
var looperUsed = false;
for (var i = found+1; i < stats.length && !looperUsed; i++) {
var curr = i < stats.length-1 ? stats[i] : last[1]; // on the last line, just look in the condition
traverse(curr, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name' && node[1] === looper) {
looperUsed = true;
return true;
if (looperUsed) return;
for (var l = 0; l < helpers.length; l++) {
for (var k = 0; k < helpers.length; k++) {
if (l != k && helpers[l] === helpers[k]) return; // it is complicated to handle a shared helper, abort
// hurrah! this is safe to do
//printErr("ELIM LOOP VAR " + JSON.stringify(loopers) + ' :: ' + JSON.stringify(helpers));
for (var l = 0; l < loopers.length; l++) {
var looper = loopers[l];
var helper = helpers[l];
varsToRemove[helper] = 2;
traverse(node, function(node, type) { // replace all appearances of helper with looper
if (type === 'name' && node[1] === helper) node[1] = looper;
helperReplacements[helper] = looper; // replace all future appearances of helper with looper
helperReplacements[looper] = looper; // avoid any further attempts to optimize looper in this manner (seenUses is wrong anyhow, too)
// simplify the if. we remove the if branch, leaving only the else
if (flip) {
last[1] = simplifyNotCompsDirect(['unary-prefix', '!', last[1]]);
last[2] = last[3];
if (asm) {
for (var v in varsToRemove) {
if (varsToRemove[v] === 2) delete asmData.vars[v];
denormalizeAsm(func, asmData);
if (!asm) { // TODO: deprecate in non-asm too
// A class for optimizing expressions. We know that it is legitimate to collapse
// 5+7 in the generated code, as it will always be numerical, for example. XXX do we need this? here?
function ExpressionOptimizer(node) {
this.node = node;
this.run = function() {
traverse(this.node, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'binary' && node[1] === '+') {
var names = [];
var num = 0;
var has_num = false;
var fail = false;
traverse(node, function(subNode, subType) {
if (subType === 'binary') {
if (subNode[1] !== '+') {
fail = true;
return false;
} else if (subType === 'name') {
} else if (subType === 'num') {
num += subNode[1];
has_num = true;
} else {
fail = true;
return false;
if (!fail && has_num) {
var ret = ['num', num];
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
ret = ['binary', '+', ['name', names[i]], ret];
return ret;
new ExpressionOptimizer(ast).run();
function eliminateMemSafe(ast) {
eliminate(ast, true);
function minifyGlobals(ast) {
var minified = {};
var next = 0;
var first = true; // do not minify initial 'var asm ='
// find the globals
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'var') {
if (first) {
first = false;
var vars = node[1];
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var name = vars[i][0];
vars[i][0] = minified[name] = minifiedNames[next++];
// add all globals in function chunks, i.e. not here but passed to us
for (var i = 0; i < extraInfo.globals.length; i++) {
name = extraInfo.globals[i];
minified[name] = minifiedNames[next++];
// apply minification
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (name in minified) {
node[1] = minified[name];
suffix = '// EXTRA_INFO:' + JSON.stringify(minified);
function minifyLocals(ast) {
assert(extraInfo && extraInfo.globals)
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(fun, type) {
// Analyse the asmjs to figure out local variable names,
// but operate on the original source tree so that we don't
// miss any global names in e.g. variable initializers.
var asmData = normalizeAsm(fun); denormalizeAsm(fun, asmData); // TODO: we can avoid modifying at all here - we just need a list of local vars+params
var newNames = {};
var usedNames = {};
// Find all the globals that we need to minify using
// pre-assigned names. Don't actually minify them yet
// as that might interfere with local variable names.
function isLocalName(name) {
return name in asmData.vars || name in asmData.params;
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (!isLocalName(name)) {
var minified = extraInfo.globals[name];
if (minified){
newNames[name] = minified;
usedNames[minified] = 1;
// The first time we encounter a local name, we assign it a
// minified name that's not currently in use. Allocating on
// demand means they're processed in a predicatable order,
// which is very handy for testing/debugging purposes.
var nextMinifiedName = 0;
function getNextMinifiedName() {
var minified;
while (1) {
minified = minifiedNames[nextMinifiedName++];
// TODO: we can probably remove !isLocalName here
if (!usedNames[minified] && !isLocalName(minified)) {
return minified;
// We can also minify loop labels, using a separate namespace
// to the variable declarations.
var newLabels = {};
var nextMinifiedLabel = 0;
function getNextMinifiedLabel() {
return minifiedNames[nextMinifiedLabel++];
// Traverse and minify all names.
if (fun[1] in extraInfo.globals) {
fun[1] = extraInfo.globals[fun[1]];
if (fun[2]) {
for (var i = 0; i < fun[2].length; i++) {
var minified = getNextMinifiedName();
newNames[fun[2][i]] = minified;
fun[2][i] = minified;
traverse(fun[3], function(node, type) {
if (type === 'name') {
var name = node[1];
var minified = newNames[name];
if (minified) {
node[1] = minified;
} else if (isLocalName(name)) {
minified = getNextMinifiedName();
newNames[name] = minified;
node[1] = minified;
} else if (type === 'var') {
node[1].forEach(function(defn) {
var name = defn[0];
if (!(name in newNames)) {
newNames[name] = getNextMinifiedName();
defn[0] = newNames[name];
} else if (type === 'label') {
if (!newLabels[node[1]]) {
newLabels[node[1]] = getNextMinifiedLabel();
node[1] = newLabels[node[1]];
} else if (type === 'break' || type === 'continue') {
if (node[1]) {
node[1] = newLabels[node[1]];
// Relocation pass for a shared module (for the functions part of the module)
// 1. Replace function names with alternate names as defined (to avoid colliding with
// names in the main module we are being linked to)
// 2. Hardcode function table offsets from F_BASE+x to const+x if x is a variable, or
// the constant sum of the base + offset
// 3. Hardcode heap offsets from H_BASE as well
function relocate(ast) {
assert(asm); // we also assume we are normalized
var replacements = extraInfo.replacements;
var fBases = extraInfo.fBases;
var hBase = extraInfo.hBase;
var m;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
switch(type) {
case 'name': case 'defun': {
var rep = replacements[node[1]];
if (rep) node[1] = rep;
case 'binary': {
if (node[1] == '+' && node[2][0] == 'name') {
var base = null;
if (node[2][1] == 'H_BASE') {
base = hBase;
} else if (m = /^F_BASE_(\w+)$/.exec(node[2][1])) {
base = fBases[m[1]] || 0; // 0 if the parent has no function table for this, but the child does. so no relocation needed
if (base !== null) {
var other = node[3];
if (base === 0) return other;
if (other[0] == 'num') {
other[1] = (other[1] + base)|0;
return other;
} else {
node[2] = ['num', base];
case 'var': {
var vars = node[1];
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var name = vars[i][0];
assert(!(name in replacements)); // cannot shadow functions we are replacing TODO: fix that
// Break up very large functions
var NODES_WITHOUT_ELIMINATION_SENSITIVITY = set('name', 'num', 'binary', 'unary-prefix');
function measureSize(ast) {
var size = 0;
traverse(ast, function() {
return size;
function aggressiveVariableEliminationInternal(func, asmData) {
// This removes as many variables as possible. This is often not the best thing because it increases
// code size, but it is far preferable to the risk of split functions needing to do more spilling, so
// we use it when outlining.
// Specifically, this finds 'trivial' variables: ones with 1 definition, and that definition is not sensitive to any changes: it
// only depends on constants and local variables that are themselves trivial. We can unquestionably eliminate
// such variables in a trivial manner.
var assignments = {};
var appearances = {};
var defs = {};
var considered = {};
traverse(func, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'assign' && node[2][0] == 'name') {
var name = node[2][1];
if (name in asmData.vars) {
assignments[name] = (assignments[name] || 0) + 1;
appearances[name] = (appearances[name] || 0) - 1; // this appearance is a definition, offset the counting later
defs[name] = node;
} else {
if (name in asmData.params) {
assignments[name] = (assignments[name] || 1) + 1; // init to 1 for initial parameter assignment
considered[name] = true; // this parameter is not ssa, it must be in a hand-optimized function, so it is not trivial
} else if (type == 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (name in asmData.vars) {
appearances[name] = (appearances[name] || 0) + 1;
var allTrivials = {}; // key of a trivial var => size of its (expanded) value, at least 1
// three levels of variables:
// 1. trivial: 1 def (or less), uses nothing sensitive, can be eliminated
// 2. safe: 1 def (or less), can be used in a trivial, but cannot itself be eliminated
// 3. sensitive: uses a global or memory or something else that prevents trivial elimination.
function assessTriviality(name) {
// only care about vars with 0-1 assignments of (0 for parameters), and can ignore label (which is not explicitly initialized, but cannot be eliminated ever anyhow)
if (assignments[name] > 1 || (!(name in asmData.vars) && !(name in asmData.params)) || name == 'label') return false;
if (considered[name]) return allTrivials[name];
considered[name] = true;
var sensitive = false;
var size = 0, originalSize = 0;
var def = defs[name];
if (def) {
var value = def[3];
originalSize = measureSize(value);
if (value) {
traverse(value, function recurseValue(node, type) {
var one = node[1];
if (!(type in NODES_WITHOUT_ELIMINATION_SENSITIVITY)) { // || (type == 'binary' && !(one in FAST_ELIMINATION_BINARIES))) {
sensitive = true;
return true;
if (type == 'name' && !assessTriviality(one)) {
if (assignments[one] > 1 || (!(one in asmData.vars) && !(one in asmData.params))) {
sensitive = true; // directly using something sensitive
return true;
} // otherwise, not trivial, but at least safe.
// if this is a name, it must be a trivial variable (or a safe one) and we know its size
size += ((type == 'name') ? allTrivials[one] : 1) || 1;
if (!sensitive) {
size = size || 1;
originalSize = originalSize || 1;
var factor = ((appearances[name] - 1) || 0) * (size - originalSize); // If no size change or just one appearance, always ok to trivially eliminate. otherwise, tradeoff
if (factor <= 12) {
allTrivials[name] = size; // trivial!
return true;
return false;
for (var name in asmData.vars) {
var trivials = {};
for (var name in allTrivials) { // from now on, ignore parameters
if (name in asmData.vars) trivials[name] = true;
allTrivials = {};
var values = {}, recursives = {};
function evaluate(name) {
var node = values[name];
if (node) return node;
values[name] = null; // prevent infinite recursion
var def = defs[name];
if (def) {
node = def[3];
if (node[0] == 'name') {
var name2 = node[1];
assert(name2 !== name);
if (name2 in trivials) {
node = evaluate(name2);
} else {
traverse(node, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'name') {
var name2 = node[1];
if (name2 === name) {
recursives[name] = 1;
return false;
if (name2 in trivials) {
return evaluate(name2);
values[name] = node;
return node;
for (var name in trivials) {
for (var name in recursives) {
delete trivials[name];
for (var name in trivials) {
var def = defs[name];
if (def) {
def.length = 0;
def[0] = 'toplevel';
def[1] = [];
delete asmData.vars[name];
// Perform replacements TODO: save list of uses objects before, replace directly, avoid extra traverse
traverse(func, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (name in trivials) {
var value = values[name];
if (value) return copy(value); // must copy, or else the same object can be used multiple times
else return emptyNode();
function aggressiveVariableElimination(ast) {
assert(asm, 'need ASM_JS for aggressive variable elimination');
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(func, type) {
var asmData = normalizeAsm(func);
aggressiveVariableEliminationInternal(func, asmData);
denormalizeAsm(func, asmData);
function outline(ast) {
// Try to flatten out code as much as possible, to make outlining more feasible.
function flatten(func, asmData) {
var minSize = extraInfo.sizeToOutline/4;
var helperId = 0;
function getHelper() {
while (1) {
var ret = 'helper$' + (helperId++);
if (!(ret in asmData.vars) && !(ret in asmData.params)) {
asmData.vars[ret] = ASM_INT;
return ret;
var ignore = [];
traverse(func, function(node) {
if (node[0] === 'while' && node[2][0] !== 'block') {
node[2] = ['block', [node[2]]]; // so we have a list of statements and can flatten while(1) switch
var stats = getStatements(node);
if (stats) {
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
var node = stats[i]; // step over param
if (ignore.indexOf(node) >= 0) continue;
if (node[0] == 'stat') node = node[1];
if (ignore.indexOf(node) >= 0) continue;
var type = node[0];
if (measureSize(node) >= minSize) {
if ((type === 'if' && node[3]) || type === 'switch') {
var isIf = type === 'if';
var reps = [];
var helper = getHelper();
// clear helper
reps.push(['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', helper], ['num', 1]]]); // 1 means continue in ifs
// gather parts
var parts;
if (isIf) {
parts = [];
var curr = node;
while (1) {
if (!curr[3]) {
// we normally expect ..if (cond) { .. } else [if (nextCond) {] (in [] is what we hope to see)
// but are now seeing ..if (cond) { .. } with no else. This might be
// ..if (cond) if (nextCond) {
// which vacuum can generate from if (cond) {} else if (nextCond), making it
// if (!cond) if (nextCond)
// so we undo that, in hopes of making it more flattenable
curr[3] = curr[2];
curr[2] = ['block', []];
curr[1] = simplifyNotCompsDirect(['unary-prefix', '!', curr[1]]);
parts.push({ condition: curr[1], body: curr[2] });
curr = curr[3];
if (!curr) break;
if (curr[0] != 'if') {
parts.push({ condition: null, body: curr });
} else { // switch
var switchVar = getHelper(); // switch var could be an expression
reps.push(['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', switchVar], node[1]]]);
parts = node[2].map(function(case_) {
return { condition: case_[0], body: case_[1] };
// chunkify. Each chunk is a chain of if-elses, with the new overhead just on entry and exit
var chunks = [];
var currSize = 0;
var currChunk = [];
var force = false; // when we hit a case X: that falls through, we force inclusion of everything until a full case
parts.forEach(function(part) {
var size = (part.condition ? measureSize(part.condition) : 0) + measureSize(part.body) + 5; // add constant for overhead of extra code
assert(size > 0);
if (size + currSize >= minSize && currSize && !force) {
currChunk = [];
currSize = 0;
currSize += size;
if (!isIf) {
var last = part.body;
last = last[last.length-1];
if (last && last[0] === 'block') last = last[1][last[1].length-1];
if (last && last[0] === 'stat') last = last[1];
force = !last || !(last[0] in ALTER_FLOW);
// generate flattened code
chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
var pre = ['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', helper], ['num', 0]]];
if (isIf) {
var chain = null, tail = null;
chunk.forEach(function(part) {
// add to chain
var contents = makeIf(part.condition || ['num', 1], part.body[1]);
if (chain) {
tail[3] = contents;
} else {
chain = contents;
tail = contents;
// if none of the ifs were entered, in the final else note that we need to continue
tail[3] = ['block', [['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', helper], ['num', 1]]]]];
reps.push(makeIf(['name', helper], [pre, chain]));
} else { // switch
var hasDefault;
var s = makeSwitch(['binary', '|', ['name', switchVar], ['num', 0]], chunk.map(function(part) {
hasDefault = hasDefault || part.condition === null;
return [part.condition, part.body];
// if no default, add one where we note that we need to continue
if (!hasDefault) {
s[2].push([null, [['block', [['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', helper], ['num', 1]]]]]]]);
reps.push(makeIf(['name', helper], [pre, s]));
// replace code and update i
stats.splice.apply(stats, [i, 1].concat(reps));
i--; // negate loop increment
i += reps.length;
var maxTotalOutlinings = Infinity; // debugging tool
// Prepares information for spilling of local variables
function analyzeFunction(func, asmData) {
var stack = []; // list of variables, each gets 8 bytes
for (var name in asmData.params) {
for (var name in asmData.vars) {
asmData.stackPos = {};
var stackSize = getStackBumpSize(func);
if (stackSize % 8 === 0) stackSize += 8 - (stackSize % 8);
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
asmData.stackPos[stack[i]] = stackSize + i*8;
// Reserve an extra two spots per possible outlining: one for control flow var, the other for control flow data
// The control variables are zeroed out when calling an outlined function, and after using
// the value after they return.
var size = measureSize(func);
asmData.maxOutlinings = Math.min(Math.round(3*size/extraInfo.sizeToOutline), maxTotalOutlinings);
asmData.intendedPieces = Math.ceil(size/extraInfo.sizeToOutline);
asmData.totalStackSize = stackSize + (stack.length + 2*asmData.maxOutlinings)*8;
asmData.controlStackPos = function(i) { return stackSize + (stack.length + i)*8 };
asmData.controlDataStackPos = function(i) { return stackSize + (stack.length + i)*8 + 4 };
asmData.splitCounter = 0;
// Analyze uses - reads and writes - of variables in part of the AST of a function
function analyzeCode(func, asmData, ast) {
var labels = {}; // labels defined in this code
var labelCounter = 1; // 0 means no label
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'label' && !(node[1] in labels)) {
labels[node[1]] = labelCounter++;
var writes = {};
var namings = {};
var hasReturn = false, hasReturnType = {}, hasBreak = false, hasContinue = false;
var breaks = {}; // set of labels we break or continue
var continues = {}; // to (name -> id, just like labels)
var breakCapturers = 0;
var continueCapturers = 0;
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'assign' && node[2][0] == 'name') {
var name = node[2][1];
if (name in asmData.vars || name in asmData.params) {
writes[name] = (writes[name] || 0) + 1;
} else if (type == 'name') {
var name = node[1];
if (name in asmData.vars || name in asmData.params) {
namings[name] = (namings[name] || 0) + 1;
} else if (type == 'return') {
if (!node[1]) {
hasReturn = true;
} else {
hasReturnType[detectAsmCoercion(node[1])] = true;
} else if (type == 'break') {
var label = node[1] || 0;
if (!label && breakCapturers > 0) return; // no label, and captured
if (label && (label in labels)) return; // label, and defined in this code, so captured
if (label) breaks[label] = labelCounter++;
hasBreak = true;
} else if (type == 'continue') {
var label = node[1] || 0;
if (!label && continueCapturers > 0) return; // no label, and captured
if (label && (label in labels)) return; // label, and defined in this code, so captured
if (label) continues[label] = labelCounter++;
hasContinue = true;
} else {
if (type in BREAK_CAPTURERS) {
}, function(node, type) {
if (type in BREAK_CAPTURERS) {
var reads = {};
for (var v in namings) {
var actualReads = namings[v] - (writes[v] || 0);
if (actualReads > 0) reads[v] = actualReads;
return { writes: writes, reads: reads, hasReturn: hasReturn, hasReturnType: hasReturnType, hasBreak: hasBreak, hasContinue: hasContinue, breaks: breaks, continues: continues, labels: labels };
function makeAssign(dst, src) {
return ['assign', true, dst, src];
function makeStackAccess(type, pos) { // TODO: float64, not 32
return ['sub', ['name', type == ASM_INT ? 'HEAP32' : 'HEAPF32'], ['binary', '>>', ['binary', '+', ['name', 'sp'], ['num', pos]], ['num', '2']]];
function makeIf(cond, then, else_) {
var ret = ['if', cond, ['block', then]];
if (else_) ret.push(['block', else_]);
return ret;
function makeComparison(left, comp, right) {
return ['binary', comp, left, right];
function makeSwitch(value, cases) {
return ['switch', value, cases];
function controlFromAsmType(asmType) {
return CONTROL_RETURN_INT + (asmType | 0); // assumes ASM_INT starts at 0, and order of these two is identical!
var sizeToOutline = null; // customized per function and as we make progress
function calculateThreshold(func, asmData) {
var size = measureSize(func);
if (size <= extraInfo.sizeToOutline) {
sizeToOutline = Infinity;
printErr(' no point in trying to reduce the size of ' + func[1] + ' which is ' + size + ' <= ' + extraInfo.sizeToOutline);
} else {
sizeToOutline = Math.round(size/Math.max(2, asmData.intendedPieces--));
printErr('trying to reduce the size of ' + func[1] + ' which is ' + size + ' (>=? ' + extraInfo.sizeToOutline + '), aim for ' + sizeToOutline);
var level = 0, loops = 0;
var outliningParents = {}; // function name => parent it was outlined from
function doOutline(func, asmData, stats, start, end) {
if (asmData.splitCounter === asmData.maxOutlinings) return [];
if (!extraInfo.allowCostlyOutlines) var originalStats = copy(stats);
var code = stats.slice(start, end+1);
var originalCodeSize = measureSize(code);
var funcSize = measureSize(func);
var outlineIndex = asmData.splitCounter++;
var newIdent = func[1] + '$' + outlineIndex;
// analyze variables, and find 'owned' variables - that only appear in the outlined code, and do not need any spill support
var codeInfo = analyzeCode(func, asmData, code);
var allCodeInfo = analyzeCode(func, asmData, func);
var owned = { sp: 1 }; // sp is always owned, each has its own
keys(setUnion(codeInfo.reads, codeInfo.writes)).forEach(function(v) {
if (allCodeInfo.reads[v] === codeInfo.reads[v] && allCodeInfo.writes[v] === codeInfo.writes[v] && !(v in asmData.params)) {
owned[v] = 1;
var reps = [];
// add spills
function orderFunc(x, y) {
return (asmData.stackPos[x] - asmData.stackPos[y]) || x.localeCompare(y);
var sortedReadsAndWrites = keys(setUnion(codeInfo.reads, codeInfo.writes)).sort(orderFunc);
var sortedWrites = keys(codeInfo.writes).sort(orderFunc);
sortedReadsAndWrites.forEach(function(v) {
if (!(v in owned)) {
reps.push(['stat', ['assign', true, ['sub', ['name', getAsmType(v, asmData) == ASM_INT ? 'HEAP32' : 'HEAPF32'], ['binary', '>>', ['binary', '+', ['name', 'sp'], ['num', asmData.stackPos[v]]], ['num', '2']]], ['name', v]]]);
// wipe out control variable
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', 0])]);
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', 0])]); // XXX not really needed
// do the call
reps.push(['stat', ['call', ['name', newIdent], [['name', 'sp']]]]);
// add unspills
sortedWrites.forEach(function(v) {
if (!(v in owned)) {
reps.push(['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', v], makeAsmCoercion(['sub', ['name', getAsmType(v, asmData) == ASM_INT ? 'HEAP32' : 'HEAPF32'], ['binary', '>>', ['binary', '+', ['name', 'sp'], ['num', asmData.stackPos[v]]], ['num', '2']]], getAsmType(v, asmData))]]);
// Generate new function
if (codeInfo.hasReturn || codeInfo.hasReturnType[ASM_INT] || codeInfo.hasReturnType[ASM_DOUBLE] || codeInfo.hasReturnType[ASM_FLOAT] || codeInfo.hasBreak || codeInfo.hasContinue) {
// we need to capture all control flow using a top-level labeled one-time loop in the outlined function
var breakCapturers = 0;
var continueCapturers = 0;
traverse(['block', code], function(node, type) { // traverse on dummy block, so we get the toplevel statements
// replace all break/continue/returns with code to break out of the main one-time loop, and set the control data
if (type in BREAK_CAPTURERS) {
var stats = node === code ? node : getStatements(node);
if (stats) {
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
var node = stats[i]; // step all over node and type here, for convenience
if (node[0] == 'stat') node = node[1];
var type = node[0];
var ret = null;
if (type == 'return') {
ret = [];
if (!node[1]) {
ret.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', CONTROL_RETURN_VOID])]);
} else {
var type = detectAsmCoercion(node[1], asmData);
ret.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', controlFromAsmType(type)])]);
ret.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(type, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), node[1])]);
ret.push(['stat', ['break', 'OL']]);
} else if (type == 'break') {
var label = node[1] || 0;
if (label == 'OL') continue; // this was just added before us, it is new replacement code
if (!label && breakCapturers > 0) continue; // no label, and captured
if (label && (label in codeInfo.labels)) continue; // label, and defined in this code, so captured
ret = [['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', label ? CONTROL_BREAK_LABEL : CONTROL_BREAK])]];
if (label) {
assert(label in codeInfo.breaks);
ret.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', codeInfo.breaks[label]])]);
ret.push(['stat', ['break', 'OL']]);
} else if (type == 'continue') {
var label = node[1] || 0;
if (!label && continueCapturers > 0) continue; // no label, and captured
if (label && (label in codeInfo.labels)) continue; // label, and defined in this code, so captured
ret = [['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', label ? CONTROL_CONTINUE_LABEL : CONTROL_CONTINUE])]];
if (label) {
assert(label in codeInfo.continues);
ret.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', codeInfo.continues[label]])]);
ret.push(['stat', ['break', 'OL']]);
if (ret) {
stats.splice.apply(stats, [i, 1].concat(ret));
i += ret.length-1;
}, function(node, type) {
if (type in BREAK_CAPTURERS) {
code = [['label', 'OL', ['do', ['num', 0], ['block', code]]]]; // do this after processing, to not confuse breakCapturers etc.
// read the control data at the callsite to the outlined function, and clear the control values
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(
['name', 'tempValue'],
makeAsmCoercion(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ASM_INT)
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(
['name', 'tempInt'],
makeAsmCoercion(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), ASM_INT)
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(
['name', 'tempDouble'],
makeAsmCoercion(makeStackAccess(ASM_DOUBLE, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), ASM_DOUBLE)
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', 0])]);
reps.push(['stat', makeAssign(makeStackAccess(ASM_INT, asmData.controlDataStackPos(outlineIndex)), ['num', 0])]); // XXX not really needed
// use the control data information
if (codeInfo.hasReturn) {
makeComparison(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempValue'], ASM_INT), '==', ['num', CONTROL_RETURN_VOID]),
[['stat', ['return']]]
for (var returnType in codeInfo.hasReturnType) {
makeComparison(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempValue'], ASM_INT), '==', ['num', controlFromAsmType(returnType)]),
[['stat', ['return', makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempInt'], returnType | 0)]]]
if (codeInfo.hasBreak) {
makeComparison(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempValue'], ASM_INT), '==', ['num', CONTROL_BREAK]),
[['stat', ['break']]]
if (keys(codeInfo.breaks).length > 0) {
makeComparison(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempValue'], ASM_INT), '==', ['num', CONTROL_BREAK_LABEL]),
[makeSwitch(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempInt'], ASM_INT), keys(codeInfo.breaks).map(function(key) {
var id = codeInfo.breaks[key];
return [['num', id], [['block', [['stat', ['break', key]]]]]];
if (codeInfo.hasContinue) {
makeComparison(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempValue'], ASM_INT), '==', ['num', CONTROL_CONTINUE]),
[['stat', ['continue']]]
if (keys(codeInfo.continues).length > 0) {
makeComparison(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempValue'], ASM_INT), '==', ['num', CONTROL_CONTINUE_LABEL]),
[makeSwitch(makeAsmCoercion(['name', 'tempInt'], ASM_INT), keys(codeInfo.continues).map(function(key) {
var id = codeInfo.continues[key];
return [['num', id], [['block', [['stat', ['continue', key]]]]]];
// add spills and unspills in outlined code outside the OL loop
sortedReadsAndWrites.forEach(function(v) {
if (!(v in owned)) {
code.unshift(['stat', ['assign', true, ['name', v], makeAsmCoercion(['sub', ['name', getAsmType(v, asmData) == ASM_INT ? 'HEAP32' : 'HEAPF32'], ['binary', '>>', ['binary', '+', ['name', 'sp'], ['num', asmData.stackPos[v]]], ['num', '2']]], getAsmType(v, asmData))]]);
sortedWrites.forEach(function(v) {
if (!(v in owned)) {
code.push(['stat', ['assign', true, ['sub', ['name', getAsmType(v, asmData) == ASM_INT ? 'HEAP32' : 'HEAPF32'], ['binary', '>>', ['binary', '+', ['name', 'sp'], ['num', asmData.stackPos[v]]], ['num', '2']]], ['name', v]]]);
// finalize
var newFunc = ['defun', newIdent, ['sp'], code];
var newAsmData = { params: { sp: ASM_INT }, vars: {}, inlines: asmData.inlines };
for (var v in codeInfo.reads) {
if (v != 'sp') newAsmData.vars[v] = getAsmType(v, asmData);
for (var v in codeInfo.writes) {
assert(v != 'sp'); // we send sp as a read-only parameter, cannot be written to in outlined code
newAsmData.vars[v] = getAsmType(v, asmData);
denormalizeAsm(newFunc, newAsmData);
// add outline call markers (we cannot do later outlinings that cut through an outlining call)
reps.unshift(['begin-outline-call', newIdent]);
reps.push(['end-outline-call', newIdent]);
// replace in stats
stats.splice.apply(stats, [start, end-start+1].concat(reps));
// final evaluation and processing
if (!extraInfo.allowCostlyOutlines && (measureSize(func) >= funcSize || measureSize(newFunc) >= funcSize)) {
//printErr('aborted outline attempt ' + [measureSize(func), measureSize(newFunc), ' one of which >= ', funcSize]);
// abort, this was pointless
stats.length = originalStats.length;
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) stats[i] = originalStats[i];
return [];
for (var v in owned) {
if (v != 'sp') delete asmData.vars[v]; // parent does not need these anymore
// if we just removed a final return from the original function, add one
var last = getStatements(func)[getStatements(func).length-1];
if (last[0] === 'stat') last = last[1];
if (last[0] !== 'return') {
for (var returnType in codeInfo.hasReturnType) {
getStatements(func).push(['stat', ['return', makeAsmCoercion(['num', 0], returnType | 0)]]);
outliningParents[newIdent] = func[1];
printErr('performed outline ' + [func[1], newIdent, 'pre size', originalCodeSize, 'resulting size', measureSize(code), 'overhead (w/r):', setSize(setSub(codeInfo.writes, owned)), setSize(setSub(codeInfo.reads, owned)), ' owned: ', setSize(owned), ' left: ', setSize(asmData.vars), setSize(asmData.params), ' loopsDepth: ', loops]);
calculateThreshold(func, asmData);
return [newFunc];
function outlineStatements(func, asmData, stats, maxSize) {
//printErr('outlineStatements: ' + [func[1], level, measureSize(func)]);
var lastSize = measureSize(stats);
if (lastSize < sizeToOutline) { level--; return }
var ret = [];
var sizeSeen = 0;
var end = stats.length-1;
var i = stats.length;
var canRestart = false;
var minIndex = 0;
function calcMinIndex() {
if (stats == getStatements(func)) {
minIndex = getFirstIndexInNormalized(func, asmData);
for (var i = minIndex; i < stats.length; i++) {
var stat = stats[i];
if (stat[0] == 'stat') stat = stat[1];
if (stat[0] == 'assign' && stat[2][0] == 'name' && stat[2][1] == 'sp') minIndex = i+1; // cannot outline |sp = |
function done() {
return asmData.splitCounter >= asmData.maxOutlinings || measureSize(func) <= extraInfo.sizeToOutline;
while (1) {
calcMinIndex(); // TODO: optimize
if (i < minIndex) {
// we might be done. but, if we have just outlined, do a further attempt from the beginning.
// (but only if the total costs are not extravagant)
var currSize = measureSize(stats);
var outlinedSize = measureSize(ret);
if (canRestart && currSize > 1.2*sizeToOutline && lastSize - currSize >= 0.75*sizeToOutline) {
//printErr('restarting ' + func[1] + ' since ' + [currSize, outlinedSize, lastSize] + ' in level ' + level);
lastSize = currSize;
i = stats.length;
end = stats.length-1;
sizeSeen = 0;
canRestart = false;
} else {
var stat = stats[i];
while (stat[0] === 'end-outline-call') {
// we cannot outline through an outline call, so include all of it
while (stats[--i][0] !== 'begin-outline-call') {
assert(i >= minIndex+1);
assert(stats[i][0] !== 'end-outline-call');
stat = stats[i];
var size = measureSize(stat);
//printErr(level + ' size ' + [i, size]);
if (size >= sizeToOutline) {
// this by itself is big enough to inline, recurse into it and find statements to split on
var subStatements = null;
var pre = ret.length;
traverse(stat, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'block') {
if (measureSize(node) >= sizeToOutline) {
var subRet = outlineStatements(func, asmData, node[1], maxSize);
if (subRet && subRet.length > 0) ret.push.apply(ret, subRet);
return null; // do not recurse into children, outlineStatements will do so if necessary
} else if (type == 'while') {
}, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'while') {
if (ret.length > pre) {
// we outlined recursively, reset our state here
//printErr('successful outline in recursion ' + func[1] + ' due to recursive in level ' + level);
if (done()) break;
end = i-1;
sizeSeen = 0;
canRestart = true;
sizeSeen += size;
// If this is big enough to outline, but not too big (if very close to the size of the full function,
// outlining is pointless; remove stats from the end to try to achieve the good case), then outline.
// Also, try to reduce the size if it is much larger than the hoped-for size
while ((sizeSeen > maxSize || sizeSeen > 2*sizeToOutline) && end > i && stats[end][0] !== 'begin-outline-call' && stats[end][0] !== 'end-outline-call') {
sizeSeen -= measureSize(stats[end]);
if (sizeSeen >= sizeToOutline) {
} else {
sizeSeen += measureSize(stats[end]); // abort, this took away too much
// verify we are not outlining through an outline call
var sum = 0;
stats.slice(i, end+1).forEach(function(stat) {
if (stat[0] == 'begin-outline-call') {
assert(sum == 0);
} else if (stat[0] == 'end-outline-call') {
assert(sum == 1);
assert(sum == 0);
// final decision and action
//printErr(' will try done working on sizeSeen due to ' + [(sizeSeen > maxSize || sizeSeen > 2*sizeToOutline), end > i , stats[end][0] !== 'begin-outline-call' , stats[end][0] !== 'end-outline-call'] + ' ... ' + [sizeSeen, sizeToOutline, maxSize, sizeSeen >= sizeToOutline, sizeSeen <= maxSize]);
if (sizeSeen >= sizeToOutline && sizeSeen <= maxSize) {
assert(i >= minIndex);
var newFuncs = doOutline(func, asmData, stats, i, end); // outline [i, .. ,end] inclusive
if (newFuncs.length) {
ret.push.apply(ret, newFuncs);
if (done()) break;
sizeSeen = 0;
end = i-1;
canRestart = true;
return ret;
if (ast[0] !== 'toplevel') {
assert(ast[0] == 'defun');
ast = ['toplevel', [ast]];
var funcs = ast[1];
var maxTotalFunctions = Infinity; // debugging tool
var more = true;
while (more) {
more = false;
var newFuncs = [];
funcs.forEach(function(func) {
vacuum(func); // clear out empty nodes that affect code size
var asmData = normalizeAsm(func);
var size = measureSize(func);
if (size >= extraInfo.sizeToOutline && maxTotalFunctions > 0) {
aggressiveVariableEliminationInternal(func, asmData);
flatten(func, asmData);
analyzeFunction(func, asmData);
calculateThreshold(func, asmData);
var stats = getStatements(func);
var ret = outlineStatements(func, asmData, stats, 0.9*size);
assert(level == 0);
if (ret && ret.length > 0) {
newFuncs.push.apply(newFuncs, ret);
// We have outlined. Add stack support
if ('sp' in asmData.vars) {
// find stack bump (STACKTOP = STACKTOP + X | 0) and add the extra space
var stackBumpNode = getStackBumpNode(stats);
if (stackBumpNode) stackBumpNode[3][2][3][1] = asmData.totalStackSize;
} else if (!('sp' in asmData.params)) { // if sp is a param, then we are an outlined function, no need to add stack support for us
// add sp variable and stack bump
var index = getFirstIndexInNormalized(func, asmData);
stats.splice(index, 0,
['stat', makeAssign(['name', 'sp'], ['name', 'STACKTOP'])],
['stat', makeAssign(['name', 'STACKTOP'], ['binary', '|', ['binary', '+', ['name', 'STACKTOP'], ['num', asmData.totalStackSize]], ['num', 0]])]
asmData.vars.sp = ASM_INT; // no need to add to vars, we are about to denormalize anyhow
// we added sp, so we must add stack popping
function makePop() {
return ['stat', makeAssign(['name', 'STACKTOP'], ['name', 'sp'])];
traverse(func, function(node, type) {
var stats = getStatements(node);
if (!stats) return;
for (var i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
var subNode = stats[i];
if (subNode[0] === 'stat') subNode = subNode[1];
if (subNode[0] == 'return') {
stats.splice(i, 0, makePop());
// pop the stack at the end if there is not a return
var last = stats[stats.length-1];
if (last[0] === 'stat') last = last[1];
if (last[0] !== 'return') {
if (ret) {
printErr('... resulting sizes of ' + func[1] + ' is ' + ret.map(measureSize) + '\n');
denormalizeAsm(func, asmData);
funcs = null;
// TODO: control flow: route returns and breaks. outlined code should have all breaks/continues/returns break into the outermost scope,
// after setting a state variable, etc.
if (newFuncs.length > 0) {
// add new functions to the toplevel, or create a toplevel if there isn't one
ast[1].push.apply(ast[1], newFuncs);
// TODO: check if in some cases we do need to outline new functions
//funcs = newFuncs.filter(function(newFunc) {
// // recursively outline if we have a large new function that did not come at a high cost
// return measureSize(newFunc) > sizeToOutline && costs[newFunc[1]] < 0.1*sizeToOutline;
//more = funcs.length > 0;
// clear out markers
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'begin-outline-call' || type === 'end-outline-call') return emptyNode();
function safeHeap(ast) {
function fixPtr(ptr, heap) {
switch (heap) {
case 'HEAP8': case 'HEAPU8': break;
case 'HEAP16': case 'HEAPU16': {
if (ptr[0] === 'binary') {
assert(ptr[1] === '>>' && ptr[3][0] === 'num' && ptr[3][1] === 1);
ptr = ptr[2]; // skip the shift
} else {
ptr = ['binary', '*', ptr, ['num', 2]]; // was unshifted, convert to absolute address
case 'HEAP32': case 'HEAPU32': {
if (ptr[0] === 'binary') {
assert(ptr[1] === '>>' && ptr[3][0] === 'num' && ptr[3][1] === 2);
ptr = ptr[2]; // skip the shift
} else {
ptr = ['binary', '*', ptr, ['num', 4]]; // was unshifted, convert to absolute address
case 'HEAPF32': {
if (ptr[0] === 'binary') {
assert(ptr[1] === '>>' && ptr[3][0] === 'num' && ptr[3][1] === 2);
ptr = ptr[2]; // skip the shift
} else {
ptr = ['binary', '*', ptr, ['num', 4]]; // was unshifted, convert to absolute address
case 'HEAPF64': {
if (ptr[0] === 'binary') {
assert(ptr[1] === '>>' && ptr[3][0] === 'num' && ptr[3][1] === 3);
ptr = ptr[2]; // skip the shift
} else {
ptr = ['binary', '*', ptr, ['num', 8]]; // was unshifted, convert to absolute address
default: throw 'bad heap ' + heap;
ptr = ['binary', '|', ptr, ['num', 0]];
return ptr;
traverseGenerated(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'assign') {
if (node[1] === true && node[2][0] === 'sub') {
var heap = node[2][1][1];
var ptr = fixPtr(node[2][2], heap);
var value = node[3];
// SAFE_HEAP_STORE(ptr, value, bytes, isFloat)
switch (heap) {
case 'HEAP8': case 'HEAPU8': {
return ['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_STORE'], [ptr, makeAsmCoercion(value, ASM_INT), ['num', 1], ['num', '0']]];
case 'HEAP16': case 'HEAPU16': {
return ['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_STORE'], [ptr, makeAsmCoercion(value, ASM_INT), ['num', 2], ['num', '0']]];
case 'HEAP32': case 'HEAPU32': {
return ['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_STORE'], [ptr, makeAsmCoercion(value, ASM_INT), ['num', 4], ['num', '0']]];
case 'HEAPF32': {
return ['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_STORE'], [ptr, makeAsmCoercion(value, ASM_DOUBLE), ['num', 4], ['num', '1']]];
case 'HEAPF64': {
return ['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_STORE'], [ptr, makeAsmCoercion(value, ASM_DOUBLE), ['num', 8], ['num', '1']]];
default: throw 'bad heap ' + heap;
} else if (type === 'sub') {
var heap = node[1][1];
if (heap[0] !== 'H') return;
var ptr = fixPtr(node[2], heap);
// SAFE_HEAP_LOAD(ptr, bytes, isFloat)
switch (heap) {
case 'HEAP8': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 1], ['num', '0'], ['num', '0']]], ASM_INT);
case 'HEAPU8': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 1], ['num', '0'], ['num', '1']]], ASM_INT);
case 'HEAP16': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 2], ['num', '0'], ['num', '0']]], ASM_INT);
case 'HEAPU16': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 2], ['num', '0'], ['num', '1']]], ASM_INT);
case 'HEAP32': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 4], ['num', '0'], ['num', '0']]], ASM_INT);
case 'HEAPU32': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 4], ['num', '0'], ['num', '1']]], ASM_INT);
case 'HEAPF32': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 4], ['num', '1'], ['num', '0']]], ASM_DOUBLE);
case 'HEAPF64': {
return makeAsmCoercion(['call', ['name', 'SAFE_HEAP_LOAD'], [ptr, ['num', 8], ['num', '1'], ['num', '0']]], ASM_DOUBLE);
default: throw 'bad heap ' + heap;
// Last pass utilities
// Change +5 to DOT$ZERO(5). We then textually change 5 to 5.0 (uglify's ast cannot differentiate between 5 and 5.0 directly)
function prepDotZero(ast) {
traverse(ast, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'unary-prefix' && node[1] === '+') {
if (node[2][0] === 'num' ||
(node[2][0] === 'unary-prefix' && node[2][1] === '-' && node[2][2][0] === 'num')) {
return ['call', ['name', 'DOT$ZERO'], [node[2]]];
function fixDotZero(js) {
return js.replace(/DOT\$ZERO\(([-+]?(0x)?[0-9a-f]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)\)/g, function(m, num) {
if (num.substr(0, 2) === '0x' || num.substr(0, 3) === '-0x') {
return eval(num) + '.0';
if (num.indexOf('.') >= 0) return num;
var e = num.indexOf('e');
if (e < 0) return num + '.0';
return num.substr(0, e) + '.0' + num.substr(e);
function asmLastOpts(ast) {
traverseGeneratedFunctions(ast, function(fun) {
traverse(fun, function(node, type) {
if (type === 'while' && node[1][0] === 'num' && node[1][1] === 1 && node[2][0] === 'block') {
// This is at the end of the pipeline, we can assume all other optimizations are done, and we modify loops
// into shapes that might confuse other passes
// while (1) { .. if (..) { break } } ==> do { .. } while(..)
var stats = node[2][1];
var last = stats[stats.length-1];
if (last && last[0] === 'if' && !last[3] && last[2][0] === 'block' && last[2][1][0] && last[2][1][0][0] === 'break' && !last[2][1][0][1]) {
var abort = false;
var stack = 0;
traverse(stats, function(node, type) {
if (type == 'continue') {
if (stack == 0 || node[1]) { // abort if labeled (we do not analyze labels here yet), or a continue directly on us
abort = true;
return true;
} else if (type in LOOP) {
}, function(node, type) {
if (type in LOOP) {
if (abort) return;
var conditionToBreak = last[1];
node[0] = 'do';
node[1] = simplifyNotCompsDirect(['unary-prefix', '!', conditionToBreak]);
return node;
} else if (type == 'binary') {
if (node[1] === '&') {
if (node[3][0] === 'unary-prefix' && node[3][1] === '-' && node[3][2][0] === 'num' && node[3][2][1] === 1) {
// Change &-1 into |0, at this point the hint is no longer needed
node[1] = '|';
node[3] = node[3][2];
node[3][1] = 0;
} else if (node[1] === '-' && node[3][0] === 'unary-prefix') {
// avoid X - (-Y) because some minifiers buggily emit X--Y which is invalid as -- can be a unary. Transform to
// X + Y
if (node[3][1] === '-') { // integer
node[1] = '+';
node[3] = node[3][2];
} else if (node[3][1] === '+') { // float
if (node[3][2][0] === 'unary-prefix' && node[3][2][1] === '-') {
node[1] = '+';
node[3][2] = node[3][2][2];
// Passes table
var minifyWhitespace = false, printMetadata = true, asm = false, last = false;
var passes = {
// passes
dumpAst: dumpAst,
dumpSrc: dumpSrc,
unGlobalize: unGlobalize,
removeAssignsToUndefined: removeAssignsToUndefined,
//removeUnneededLabelSettings: removeUnneededLabelSettings,
simplifyExpressions: simplifyExpressions,
optimizeShiftsConservative: optimizeShiftsConservative,
optimizeShiftsAggressive: optimizeShiftsAggressive,
hoistMultiples: hoistMultiples,
loopOptimizer: loopOptimizer,
registerize: registerize,
registerizeHarder: registerizeHarder,
eliminate: eliminate,
eliminateMemSafe: eliminateMemSafe,
aggressiveVariableElimination: aggressiveVariableElimination,
minifyGlobals: minifyGlobals,
minifyLocals: minifyLocals,
relocate: relocate,
outline: outline,
safeHeap: safeHeap,
// flags
minifyWhitespace: function() { minifyWhitespace = true },
noPrintMetadata: function() { printMetadata = false },
asm: function() { asm = true },
last: function() { last = true },
// Main
var suffix = '';
arguments_ = arguments_.filter(function (arg) {
if (!/^--/.test(arg)) return true;
if (arg === '--debug') debug = true;
else throw new Error('Unrecognized flag: ' + arg);
var src = read(arguments_[0]);
var ast = srcToAst(src);
//printErr(JSON.stringify(ast)); throw 1;
generatedFunctions = src.lastIndexOf(GENERATED_FUNCTIONS_MARKER) >= 0;
var extraInfoStart = src.lastIndexOf('// EXTRA_INFO:')
if (extraInfoStart > 0) extraInfo = JSON.parse(src.substr(extraInfoStart + 14));
arguments_.slice(1).forEach(function(arg) {
if (asm && last) {
asmLastOpts(ast); // TODO: move out of last, to make last faster when done later (as in side modules)
var js = astToSrc(ast, minifyWhitespace), old;
if (asm && last) {
js = fixDotZero(js);
// remove unneeded newlines+spaces, and print
do {
old = js;
js = js.replace(/\n *\n/g, '\n');
} while (js != old);