542 строки
24 KiB
542 строки
24 KiB
import os, sys, subprocess, multiprocessing, re, string, json, shutil, logging
import shared
configuration = shared.configuration
temp_files = configuration.get_temp_files()
__rootpath__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
def path_from_root(*pathelems):
return os.path.join(__rootpath__, *pathelems)
NATIVE_PASSES = set(['asm', 'asmPreciseF32', 'receiveJSON', 'emitJSON', 'eliminateDeadFuncs', 'eliminate', 'eliminateMemSafe', 'simplifyExpressions', 'simplifyIfs', 'optimizeFrounds', 'registerize', 'registerizeHarder', 'minifyNames', 'minifyLocals', 'minifyWhitespace', 'cleanup', 'asmLastOpts', 'last', 'noop', 'closure'])
JS_OPTIMIZER = path_from_root('tools', 'js-optimizer.js')
MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_JSOPT_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE') or 512*1024) # configuring this is just for debugging purposes
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = int(os.environ.get('EMCC_JSOPT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE') or 5*1024*1024)
WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith('win')
DEBUG = os.environ.get('EMCC_DEBUG')
func_sig = re.compile('function ([_\w$]+)\(')
func_sig_json = re.compile('\["defun", ?"([_\w$]+)",')
import_sig = re.compile('var ([_\w$]+) *=[^;]+;')
NATIVE_OPTIMIZER = os.environ.get('EMCC_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER') or '1' # use native optimizer by default, unless disabled by EMCC_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER=0 in the env
def split_funcs(js, just_split=False, know_generated=True):
if just_split: return map(lambda line: ('(json)', line), js.split('\n'))
parts = map(lambda part: part, js.split('\n}\n'))
funcs = []
for i in range(len(parts)):
func = parts[i]
if i < len(parts)-1: func += '\n}\n' # last part needs no }
m = func_sig.search(func)
if m:
ident = m.group(1)
if know_generated: continue # ignore whitespace
ident = 'anon_%d' % i
assert ident
funcs.append((ident, func))
return funcs
def find_msbuild(sln_file, make_env):
search_paths_vs2013 = [('ProgramFiles', 'MSBuild/12.0/Bin/amd64'),
('ProgramFiles(x86)', 'MSBuild/12.0/Bin/amd64'),
('ProgramFiles', 'MSBuild/12.0/Bin'),
('ProgramFiles(x86)', 'MSBuild/12.0/Bin'),]
search_paths_old = [("WINDIR", 'Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319'),]
contents = open(sln_file, 'r').read()
if '# Visual Studio Express 2013' in contents or '# Visual Studio 2013' in contents:
search_paths = search_paths_vs2013 + search_paths_old
pf_path = os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)')
if not pf_path:
pf_path = os.environ.get('ProgramFiles')
make_env['VCTargetsPath'] = os.path.join(pf_path, 'MSBuild/Microsoft.Cpp/v4.0/V120')
search_paths = search_paths_old + search_paths_vs2013
for pf, path in search_paths:
pf_path = os.environ.get(pf)
if not pf_path: continue
p = os.path.join(pf_path, path, 'MSBuild.exe')
if os.path.isfile(p): return [p, make_env]
return [None, make_env]
def get_native_optimizer():
if os.environ.get('EMCC_FAST_COMPILER') == '0':
logging.critical('Non-fastcomp compiler is no longer available, please use fastcomp or an older version of emscripten')
# Allow users to override the location of the optimizer executable by setting an environment variable EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER=/path/to/optimizer(.exe)
if os.environ.get('EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER') and len(os.environ.get('EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER')) > 0: return os.environ.get('EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER')
# Also, allow specifying the location of the optimizer in .emscripten configuration file under EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER='/path/to/optimizer'
FAIL_MARKER = shared.Cache.get_path('optimizer.building_failed')
if os.path.exists(FAIL_MARKER):
shared.logging.debug('seeing that optimizer could not be built (run emcc --clear-cache or erase "optimizer.building_failed" in cache dir to retry)')
return None
def get_optimizer(name, args, handle_build_errors=None):
class NativeOptimizerCreationException(Exception): pass
outs = []
errs = []
def create_optimizer_cmake():
shared.logging.debug('building native optimizer via CMake: ' + name)
output = shared.Cache.get_path(name)
cmake_build_type = 'RelWithDebInfo'
cmake_build_type = 'Release'
cmake_build_type = 'Debug'
build_path = shared.Cache.get_path('optimizer_build_' + cmake_build_type)
shared.try_delete(os.path.join(build_path, 'CMakeCache.txt'))
log_output = None if DEBUG else subprocess.PIPE
if not os.path.exists(build_path):
# Poor man's check for whether or not we should attempt 64 bit build
if os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)'):
cmake_generators = ['Visual Studio 12 Win64', 'Visual Studio 12', 'Visual Studio 11 Win64', 'Visual Studio 11', 'MinGW Makefiles', 'Unix Makefiles']
cmake_generators = ['Visual Studio 12', 'Visual Studio 11', 'MinGW Makefiles', 'Unix Makefiles']
cmake_generators = ['Unix Makefiles']
for cmake_generator in cmake_generators:
proc = subprocess.Popen(['cmake', '-G', cmake_generator, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='+cmake_build_type, shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer')], cwd=build_path, stdin=log_output, stdout=log_output, stderr=log_output)
make_env = os.environ.copy()
if proc.returncode == 0:
if 'Visual Studio' in cmake_generator:
ret = find_msbuild(os.path.join(build_path, 'asmjs_optimizer.sln'), make_env)
make = [ret[0], '/t:Build', '/p:Configuration='+cmake_build_type, '/nologo', '/verbosity:minimal', 'asmjs_optimizer.sln']
make_env = ret[1]
elif 'MinGW' in cmake_generator:
make = ['mingw32-make']
make = ['make']
proc = subprocess.Popen(make, cwd=build_path, stdin=log_output, stdout=log_output, stderr=log_output, env=make_env)
if proc.returncode == 0:
if WINDOWS and 'Visual Studio' in cmake_generator:
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(build_path, cmake_build_type, 'optimizer.exe'), output)
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(build_path, 'optimizer'), output)
return output
shared.try_delete(os.path.join(build_path, 'CMakeCache.txt'))
# Proceed to next iteration of the loop to try next possible CMake generator.
raise NativeOptimizerCreationException()
def create_optimizer():
shared.logging.debug('building native optimizer: ' + name)
output = shared.Cache.get_path(name)
for compiler in [shared.CLANG, 'g++', 'clang++']: # try our clang first, otherwise hope for a system compiler in the path
shared.logging.debug(' using ' + compiler)
out, err = subprocess.Popen([compiler,
shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer', 'parser.cpp'),
shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer', 'simple_ast.cpp'),
shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer', 'optimizer.cpp'),
shared.path_from_root('tools', 'optimizer', 'optimizer-main.cpp'),
'-O3', '-std=c++11', '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', '-o', output] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
except OSError:
if compiler == shared.CLANG: raise # otherwise, OSError is likely due to g++ or clang++ not being in the path
if os.path.exists(output): return output
raise NativeOptimizerCreationException()
use_cmake_to_configure = WINDOWS # Currently only Windows uses CMake to drive the optimizer build, but set this to True to use on other platforms as well.
if use_cmake_to_configure:
return shared.Cache.get(name, create_optimizer_cmake, extension='exe')
return shared.Cache.get(name, create_optimizer, extension='exe')
except NativeOptimizerCreationException, e:
shared.logging.debug('failed to build native optimizer')
handle_build_errors(outs, errs)
open(FAIL_MARKER, 'w').write(':(')
return None
def ignore_build_errors(outs, errs):
shared.logging.debug('to see compiler errors, build with EMCC_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER=g')
def show_build_errors(outs, errs):
for i in range(len(outs)):
shared.logging.debug('output from attempt ' + str(i) + ': ' + outs[i] + '\n===========\n' + errs[i])
return get_optimizer('optimizer.exe', [], ignore_build_errors)
return get_optimizer('optimizer.2.exe', ['-DNDEBUG'], ignore_build_errors)
return get_optimizer('optimizer.g.exe', ['-O0', '-g', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'], show_build_errors)
# Check if we should run a pass or set of passes natively. if a set of passes, they must all be valid to run in the native optimizer at once.
def use_native(x, source_map=False):
if source_map: return False
if not NATIVE_OPTIMIZER or NATIVE_OPTIMIZER == '0': return False
if type(x) == str: return x in NATIVE_PASSES
return len(NATIVE_PASSES.intersection(x)) == len(x) and 'asm' in x
class Minifier:
asm.js minification support. We calculate minification of
globals here, then pass that into the parallel js-optimizer.js runners which
perform minification of locals.
def __init__(self, js, js_engine):
self.js = js
self.js_engine = js_engine
self.symbols_file = None
self.profiling_funcs = False
def minify_shell(self, shell, minify_whitespace, source_map=False):
# Run through js-optimizer.js to find and minify the global symbols
# We send it the globals, which it parses at the proper time. JS decides how
# to minify all global names, we receive a dictionary back, which is then
# used by the function processors
shell = shell.replace('0.0', '13371337') # avoid uglify doing 0.0 => 0
# Find all globals in the JS functions code
if not self.profiling_funcs:
self.globs = [m.group(1) for m in func_sig.finditer(self.js)]
if len(self.globs) == 0:
self.globs = [m.group(1) for m in func_sig_json.finditer(self.js)]
self.globs = []
temp_file = temp_files.get('.minifyglobals.js').name
f = open(temp_file, 'w')
f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(self.serialize()))
output = subprocess.Popen(self.js_engine +
[JS_OPTIMIZER, temp_file, 'minifyGlobals', 'noPrintMetadata'] +
(['minifyWhitespace'] if minify_whitespace else []) +
(['--debug'] if source_map else []),
assert len(output) > 0 and not output.startswith('Assertion failed'), 'Error in js optimizer: ' + output
#print >> sys.stderr, "minified SHELL 3333333333333333", output, "\n44444444444444444444"
code, metadata = output.split('// EXTRA_INFO:')
self.globs = json.loads(metadata)
if self.symbols_file:
mapfile = open(self.symbols_file, 'w')
for key, value in self.globs.iteritems():
mapfile.write(value + ':' + key + '\n')
print >> sys.stderr, 'wrote symbol map file to', self.symbols_file
return code.replace('13371337', '0.0')
def serialize(self):
return {
'globals': self.globs
start_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS\n'
end_funcs_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS\n'
start_asm_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
end_asm_marker = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
def run_on_chunk(command):
if JS_OPTIMIZER in command: # XXX hackish
index = command.index(JS_OPTIMIZER)
filename = command[index + 1]
filename = command[1]
if os.environ.get('EMCC_SAVE_OPT_TEMP') and os.environ.get('EMCC_SAVE_OPT_TEMP') != '0':
saved = 'save_' + os.path.basename(filename)
while os.path.exists(saved): saved = 'input' + str(int(saved.replace('input', '').replace('.txt', ''))+1) + '.txt'
print >> sys.stderr, 'running js optimizer command', ' '.join(map(lambda c: c if c != filename else saved, command))
shutil.copyfile(filename, os.path.join(shared.get_emscripten_temp_dir(), saved))
if shared.EM_BUILD_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 3: print >> sys.stderr, 'run_on_chunk: ' + str(command)
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = proc.communicate()[0]
assert proc.returncode == 0, 'Error in optimizer: ' + output
assert len(output) > 0 and not output.startswith('Assertion failed'), 'Error in optimizer: ' + output
filename = temp_files.get(os.path.basename(filename) + '.jo.js').name
# Important to write out in binary mode, because the data we are writing contains Windows line endings '\r\n' because it was PIPED from console.
# Otherwise writing \r\n to ascii mode file will result in Windows amplifying \n to \r\n, generating bad \r\r\n line endings.
f = open(filename, 'wb')
if DEBUG and not shared.WINDOWS: print >> sys.stderr, '.' # Skip debug progress indicator on Windows, since it doesn't buffer well with multiple threads printing to console.
return filename
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# avoid throwing keyboard interrupts from a child process
raise Exception()
def run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, source_map=False, extra_info=None, just_split=False, just_concat=False):
if type(passes) == str:
passes = [passes]
js = open(filename).read()
if os.linesep != '\n':
js = js.replace(os.linesep, '\n') # we assume \n in the splitting code
# Find suffix
suffix_start = js.find(suffix_marker)
suffix = ''
if suffix_start >= 0:
suffix_end = js.find('\n', suffix_start)
suffix = js[suffix_start:suffix_end] + '\n'
# if there is metadata, we will run only on the generated functions. If there isn't, we will run on everything.
generated = set(eval(suffix[len(suffix_marker)+1:]))
# Find markers
start_funcs = js.find(start_funcs_marker)
end_funcs = js.rfind(end_funcs_marker)
know_generated = suffix or start_funcs >= 0
minify_globals = 'minifyNames' in passes and 'asm' in passes
if minify_globals:
passes = map(lambda p: p if p != 'minifyNames' else 'minifyLocals', passes)
start_asm = js.find(start_asm_marker)
end_asm = js.rfind(end_asm_marker)
assert (start_asm >= 0) == (end_asm >= 0)
closure = 'closure' in passes
if closure:
passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'closure', passes) # we will do it manually
cleanup = 'cleanup' in passes
if cleanup:
passes = filter(lambda p: p != 'cleanup', passes) # we will do it manually
if know_generated:
if not minify_globals:
pre = js[:start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)]
post = js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):]
js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
if 'asm' not in passes: # can have Module[..] and inlining prevention code, push those to post
class Finals:
buf = []
def process(line):
if len(line) > 0 and (line.startswith(('Module[', 'if (globalScope)')) or line.endswith('["X"]=1;')):
return False
return True
js = '\n'.join(filter(process, js.split('\n')))
post = '\n'.join(Finals.buf) + '\n' + post
post = end_funcs_marker + post
# We need to split out the asm shell as well, for minification
pre = js[:start_asm + len(start_asm_marker)]
post = js[end_asm:]
asm_shell = js[start_asm + len(start_asm_marker):start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker)] + '''
''' + js[end_funcs + len(end_funcs_marker):end_asm + len(end_asm_marker)]
js = js[start_funcs + len(start_funcs_marker):end_funcs]
# we assume there is a maximum of one new name per line
minifier = Minifier(js, js_engine)
def check_symbol_mapping(p):
if p.startswith('symbolMap='):
minifier.symbols_file = p.split('=')[1]
return False
if p == 'profilingFuncs':
minifier.profiling_funcs = True
return False
return True
passes = filter(check_symbol_mapping, passes)
asm_shell_pre, asm_shell_post = minifier.minify_shell(asm_shell, 'minifyWhitespace' in passes, source_map).split('EMSCRIPTEN_FUNCS();');
asm_shell_post = asm_shell_post.replace('});', '})');
pre += asm_shell_pre + '\n' + start_funcs_marker
post = end_funcs_marker + asm_shell_post + post
minify_info = minifier.serialize()
#if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'minify info:', minify_info
# remove suffix if no longer needed
if suffix and 'last' in passes:
suffix_start = post.find(suffix_marker)
suffix_end = post.find('\n', suffix_start)
post = post[:suffix_start] + post[suffix_end:]
pre = ''
post = ''
total_size = len(js)
funcs = split_funcs(js, just_split, know_generated)
js = None
# if we are making source maps, we want our debug numbering to start from the
# top of the file, so avoid breaking the JS into chunks
cores = 1 if source_map else int(os.environ.get('EMCC_CORES') or multiprocessing.cpu_count())
if not just_split:
intended_num_chunks = int(round(cores * NUM_CHUNKS_PER_CORE))
chunk_size = min(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, total_size / intended_num_chunks))
chunks = shared.chunkify(funcs, chunk_size)
# keep same chunks as before
chunks = map(lambda f: f[1], funcs)
chunks = filter(lambda chunk: len(chunk) > 0, chunks)
if DEBUG and len(chunks) > 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'chunkification: num funcs:', len(funcs), 'actual num chunks:', len(chunks), 'chunk size range:', max(map(len, chunks)), '-', min(map(len, chunks))
funcs = None
if len(chunks) > 0:
def write_chunk(chunk, i):
temp_file = temp_files.get('.jsfunc_%d.js' % i).name
f = open(temp_file, 'w')
if minify_globals:
if know_generated:
if extra_info:
for key, value in extra_info.iteritems():
assert key not in minify_info or value == minify_info[key], [key, value, minify_info[key]]
minify_info[key] = value
f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(minify_info))
elif extra_info:
f.write('// EXTRA_INFO:' + json.dumps(extra_info))
return temp_file
filenames = [write_chunk(chunks[i], i) for i in range(len(chunks))]
filenames = []
if len(filenames) > 0:
if not use_native(passes, source_map) or not get_native_optimizer():
commands = map(lambda filename: js_engine +
[JS_OPTIMIZER, filename, 'noPrintMetadata'] +
(['--debug'] if source_map else []) + passes, filenames)
# use the native optimizer
shared.logging.debug('js optimizer using native')
assert not source_map # XXX need to use js optimizer
commands = map(lambda filename: [get_native_optimizer(), filename] + passes, filenames)
#print [' '.join(command) for command in commands]
cores = min(cores, len(filenames))
if len(chunks) > 1 and cores >= 2:
# We can parallelize
if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks, using %d cores (total: %.2f MB)' % (len(chunks), cores, total_size/(1024*1024.))
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores)
filenames = pool.map(run_on_chunk, commands, chunksize=1)
# We can't parallize, but still break into chunks to avoid uglify/node memory issues
if len(chunks) > 1 and DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'splitting up js optimization into %d chunks' % (len(chunks))
filenames = [run_on_chunk(command) for command in commands]
filenames = []
for filename in filenames: temp_files.note(filename)
if closure or cleanup:
# run on the shell code, everything but what we js-optimize
start_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_START_ASM\n'
end_asm = '// EMSCRIPTEN_END_ASM\n'
cl_sep = 'wakaUnknownBefore(); var asm=wakaUnknownAfter(global,env,buffer)\n'
cle = temp_files.get('.cl.js').name
c = open(cle, 'w')
pre_1, pre_2 = pre.split(start_asm)
post_1, post_2 = post.split(end_asm)
if closure:
if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running closure on shell code'
cld = shared.Building.closure_compiler(cle, pretty='minifyWhitespace' not in passes)
if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, 'running cleanup on shell code'
cld = cle + '.js'
subprocess.Popen(js_engine + [JS_OPTIMIZER, cle, 'noPrintMetadata'] + (['minifyWhitespace'] if 'minifyWhitespace' in passes else []), stdout=open(cld, 'w')).communicate()
coutput = open(cld).read()
coutput = coutput.replace('wakaUnknownBefore();', start_asm)
after = 'wakaUnknownAfter'
start = coutput.find(after)
end = coutput.find(')', start)
pre = coutput[:start] + '(function(global,env,buffer) {\n' + pre_2[pre_2.find('{')+1:]
post = post_1 + end_asm + coutput[end+1:]
filename += '.jo.js'
f = open(filename, 'w')
pre = None
if not just_concat:
# sort functions by size, to make diffing easier and to improve aot times
funcses = []
for out_file in filenames:
funcses.append(split_funcs(open(out_file).read(), False, know_generated))
funcs = [item for sublist in funcses for item in sublist]
funcses = None
def sorter(x, y):
diff = len(y[1]) - len(x[1])
if diff != 0: return diff
if x[0] < y[0]: return 1
elif x[0] > y[0]: return -1
return 0
if not os.environ.get('EMCC_NO_OPT_SORT'):
if 'last' in passes and len(funcs) > 0:
count = funcs[0][1].count('\n')
if count > 3000:
print >> sys.stderr, 'warning: Output contains some very large functions (%s lines in %s), consider building source files with -Os or -Oz, and/or trying OUTLINING_LIMIT to break them up (see settings.js; note that the parameter there affects AST nodes, while we measure lines here, so the two may not match up)' % (count, funcs[0][0])
for func in funcs:
funcs = None
# just concat the outputs
for out_file in filenames:
# No need to write suffix: if there was one, it is inside post which exists when suffix is there
return filename
def run(filename, passes, js_engine=shared.NODE_JS, source_map=False, extra_info=None, just_split=False, just_concat=False):
if 'receiveJSON' in passes: just_split = True
if 'emitJSON' in passes: just_concat = True
js_engine = shared.listify(js_engine)
return temp_files.run_and_clean(lambda: run_on_js(filename, passes, js_engine, source_map, extra_info, just_split, just_concat))
if __name__ == '__main__':
last = sys.argv[-1]
if '{' in last:
extra_info = json.loads(last)
sys.argv = sys.argv[:-1]
extra_info = None
out = run(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:], extra_info=extra_info)
shutil.copyfile(out, sys.argv[1] + '.jsopt.js')