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# XCTestBootstrap
A Mac OS X library for launching XCTest & XCUITest and managing connection with testmanager daemon.
## Features
- Prepares XCTest bundle.
- Launches application and injects XCTest bundle.
- Opens and manages connection with testmanager daemon during the test.
- It works with iOS simulator & device tests.
- It works with Mac OSX tests.
## Usage
In order to use XCTestBootstrap you need to provide class that implements `<FBDeviceOperator>` supplying basic device instructions like install application, launch application etc.
A good example is [`FBSimulatorControlOperator`](
and [`FBSimulatorInteraction+XCTest`](\
FBSimulatorTestPreparationStrategy *testPrepareStrategy =
[FBSimulatorTestPreparationStrategy strategyWithTestRunnerBundleID:configuration.bundleID
FBSimulatorControlOperator *operator = [FBSimulatorControlOperator operatorWithSimulator:self.simulator];
FBXCTestRunStrategy *testRunStrategy = [FBXCTestRunStrategy strategyWithDeviceOperator:operator testPrepareStrategy:testPrepareStrategy logger:simulator.logger];
NSError *innerError = nil;
FBTestManager *testManager = [testRunStrategy startTestManagerWithAttributes:configuration.arguments environment:configuration.environment error:&innerError];
`FBTestManager` needs to be kept alive in order to keep test running.
## Contributing
See the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING) file for how to help out. There's plenty to work on the issues!
## License
[`XCTestBootstrap` is BSD-licensed](LICENSE). We also provide an additional [patent grant](PATENTS).