The kubernetes-ci-cd project is [Kenzan's]( crossword puzzle application that runs as several containers in Kubernetes (we call it the Kr8sswordz Puzzle). It showcases Kubernetes features like spinning up multiple pods and running a load test at scale. It also features Jenkins running on its own a container and a JenkinsFile script to demonstrate how Kubernetes can be integrated into a full CI/CD pipeline.
To get it up and running, see the following week-by-week blog posts, or simply follow the directions below.
[ Part 3](
Deploy the public nginx image from DockerHub into a pod. Nginx is an open source web server that will automatically download from Docker Hub if it’s not available locally.
Let’s make a change to an HTML file in the cloned project. Open the /applications/hello-kenzan/index.html file in your favorite text editor (for example, you can use nano by running the command 'nano applications/hello-kenzan/index.html' in a separate terminal). Change some text inside one of the <p> tags. For example, change “Hello from Kenzan!” to “Hello from Me!”. Save the file.
We’ve built the image, but before we can push it to the registry, we need to set up a temporary proxy. By default the Docker client can only push to HTTP (not HTTPS) via localhost. To work around this, we’ll set up a container that listens on and forwards to our cluster.
Display the Jenkins admin password with the following command, and right-click to copy it. IMPORTANT: BE CAREFUL NOT TO PRESS CTRL-C TO COPY THE PASSWORD AS THIS WILL STOP THE SCRIPT.
Switch back to the Jenkins UI. Paste the Jenkins admin password in the box and click Continue. Click Install suggested plugins and wait for the process to complete.
`echo ''`
#### Step5
Create an admin user and credentials, and click Save and Finish. (Make sure to remember these credentials as you will need them for repeated logins.) Click Start using Jenkins.
`echo ''`
#### Step6
We now want to create a new pipeline for use with our Hello-Kenzan app. On the left, click New Item. Enter the item name as "Hello-Kenzan Pipeline", select Pipeline, and click OK.
`echo ''`
#### Step7
Under the Pipeline section at the bottom, change the Definition to be "Pipeline script from SCM".
Change the Repository URL to be the URL of your forked Git repository, such as[GIT USERNAME]/kubernetes-ci-cd. Click Save. On the left, click Build Now to run the new pipeline.
Start the etcd operator and service on the cluster. You may notice errors showing up as it is waiting to start up the cluster. This is normal until it starts.
Now that we have an etcd service, we need an etcd client. The following command will set up a directory within etcd for storing key-value pairs, and then run the etcd client.
The crossword application is a multi-tier application whose services depend on each other. We will create three services in Kubernetes ahead of time, so that the deployments are aware of them.
We will run a script to bootstrap the puzzle and mongo services, creating Docker images and storing them in the local registry. The script runs through the same build, proxy, push, and deploy steps we just ran through manually for both services.
Enter the following command to open the Jenkins UI in a web browser. Log in to Jenkins using the username and password you previously set up.
`minikube service jenkins`
#### Step2
We’ll want to create a new pipeline for the puzzle service that we previously deployed. On the left in Jenkins, click New Item.
`echo ''`
#### Step3
Enter the item name as "Puzzle-Service", click Pipeline, and click OK.
`echo ''`
#### Step4
Under the Build Triggers section, select Poll SCM. For the Schedule, enter the the string H/5 * ** * which will poll the Git repo every 5 minutes for changes.
`echo ''`
#### Step5
In the Pipeline section, change the Definition to "Pipeline script from SCM". Set the SCM property to GIT. Set the Repository URL to your forked repo (created in Part 2), such as[GIT USERNAME]/kubernetes-ci-cd.git. Set the Script Path to applications/puzzle/Jenkinsfile
`echo ''`
#### Step6
When you are finished, click Save. On the left, click Build Now to run the new pipeline. You should see it successfully run through the build, push, and deploy steps in a few minutes.
`echo ''`
#### Step7
View the Kr8sswordz application.
`minikube service kr8sswordz`
#### Step8
Spin up several instances of the puzzle service by moving the slider to the right and clicking Scale. For reference, click on the Submit button, noting that the green hit does not register on the puzzle services.
Edit applications/puzzle/common/models/crossword.js in your favorite text editor (for example, you can use nano by running the command 'nano applications/puzzle/common/models/crossword.js' in a separate terminal). You'll see a commented section on lines 42-43 that indicates to uncomment a specific line. Uncomment line 43 by deleting the forward slashes and save the file.