167 строки
6.1 KiB
167 строки
6.1 KiB
# For py2 compat
from __future__ import division
import os
import csv
import json
import subprocess
from io import StringIO
from subprocess import PIPE
def get_secret_counts():
A generator for secrets in default files.
:returns: filepath, risk_count, informative_count
raw_csv = None
with open('secrets.csv') as f:
raw_csv = [l for l in f.readlines()
if len(l.strip()) != 0 and not l.startswith('#')]
# Parse array to CSV
csv_reader = csv.reader(raw_csv, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
# Yield str, int, int.
yield [row[0], int(row[1]), int(row[2])]
def get_command_stdout(cmd, cwd='..'):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=cwd)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
return stdout.decode('utf-8'), stderr.decode('utf-8') if stderr else None
def get_secret_count_detectsecrets():
finds = {}
cmd = ['detect-secrets', 'scan']
stdout, _ = get_command_stdout(cmd)
results = json.loads(stdout).get('results')
for key in results.keys():
finds[key] = len(results.get(key))
return cmd, finds
def get_secret_count_gitleaks():
finds = {}
cmd = ['gitleaks', '--config=.leaky-meta/gitleaks-config.toml', '--report=.leaky-meta/gitleaks.json', '--repo-path', '.']
stdout, stderr = get_command_stdout(cmd)
with open('gitleaks.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
for obj in data:
filename = obj.get('file')
if not filename in finds:
finds[filename] = 0
finds[filename] += 1
# Clean up
return cmd, finds
def get_secret_count_trufflehog():
finds = {}
trufflehog_cmd = ['trufflehog', '--json', '--regex', '.']
stdout, _ = get_command_stdout(trufflehog_cmd)
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
if len(line) == 0:
# Skip empty lines
obj = json.loads(line)
finds[obj.get('path')] = len(obj.get('stringsFound'))
return trufflehog_cmd, finds
def build_markdown_rows(secrets_function, expected_counts):
dat = {}
cmd, secrets = secrets_function()
for row in expected_counts:
name = row[0]
expected = row[1] + row[2]
if not name in secrets:
dat[name] = {'name': name, 'found': 0, 'expected': expected, 'false_positives' :0 }
found = secrets[name]
# If found > expected, we have false positives. This will be negative or zero of there's no false positives.
false_positives = found - expected
# This will be zero or positive.
false_positives = max(false_positives, 0)
dat[name] = {'name': name, 'found': found, 'expected': expected, 'false_positives' :false_positives }
return cmd, dat
def build_table_header(filename_cols):
template = 'File Name{}| Found/Total | False Positives |\n{}|----------------|-----------------|\n'
# 9 = len('File Name')
return template.format(' ' * (filename_cols - 9), '-' * filename_cols)
def build_md_table(secrets_function):
# {name}{padding}| {found}/{total} |{false positives}
print_template = '{}{}| {}/{} | {}\n'
expected_counts = [x for x in get_secret_counts()]
# Get the max length of a filename, so we can put a column seperator after it
sep_col = max([len(val[0]) for val in expected_counts]) + 2
out = build_table_header(sep_col)
total_files = len(expected_counts)
cmd_used, md_rows = build_markdown_rows(secrets_function, expected_counts)
md_rows = sorted(md_rows.items(), key=lambda val: -val[1]['found'])
total_finds = 0
total_expected = 0
total_false_positives = 0
files_covered = 0
for dat in md_rows:
obj = dat[1]
name = obj.get('name')
found = obj.get('found')
expected = obj.get('expected')
false_positives = obj.get('false_positives')
# Determine right padding for name column
right_padding = sep_col - len(name)
right_padding_str = (' ' * right_padding)
# For metrics we exclude false positives.
total_finds += found - false_positives
total_expected += expected
total_false_positives += false_positives
if found != 0:
files_covered += 1
out += print_template.format(name, right_padding_str, found, expected, false_positives)
return cmd_used, total_files, files_covered, total_finds, total_expected, total_false_positives, out
def build_md(secrets_function, tool_url):
header_fmt = 'Tool: {} ' \
'\nCommand Used: `{}` ' \
'\nFiles covered: {}/{} ({}% coverage) ' \
'\nTotal finds: {}/{} ({}% coverage) ' \
'\nFalse Positives: {} ' \
cmd, total_files, files_covered, total_finds, \
total_expected, false_positives, table = build_md_table(secrets_function)
# Convert cmd to a string
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
# Get a % coverage value
file_coverage = (files_covered / total_files) * 100
find_coverage = (total_finds / total_expected) * 100
# Sanity!
file_coverage = round(file_coverage, 2)
find_coverage = round(find_coverage, 2)
out = header_fmt.format(tool_url, cmd,
files_covered, total_files, file_coverage,
total_finds, total_expected, find_coverage,
false_positives, table)
return out
if __name__ == '__main__':
detect_secrets = build_md(get_secret_count_detectsecrets, 'https://github.com/Yelp/detect-secrets')
truffle_hog = build_md(get_secret_count_trufflehog, 'https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog')
gitleaks = build_md(get_secret_count_gitleaks, 'https://github.com/zricethezav/gitleaks')
with open('benchmarking' + os.path.sep + 'TRUFFLEHOG.md', 'w+') as f:
with open('benchmarking' + os.path.sep + 'DETECT-SECRETS.md', 'w+') as f:
with open('benchmarking' + os.path.sep + 'GITLEAKS.md', 'w+') as f: