
97 строки
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<Import Project="Sdk.targets" Sdk="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk" />
<Import Project="$(_ToolsProjectTargets)" Condition="Exists('$(_ToolsProjectTargets)')" />
<Target Name="VSTestIfTestProject">
<CallTarget Targets="VSTest" Condition="'$(IsTestProject)' == 'true'" />
<!-- Shared logic for reference assemblies. This enables apicompat and
packaging logic for projects that have corresponding reference assemblies. -->
<ContractProject Condition="'$(ContractProject)' == ''">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\ref\$(MSBuildProjectName).csproj</ContractProject>
<HasMatchingContract Condition="Exists('$(ContractProject)')">true</HasMatchingContract>
<RunApiCompat Condition="'$(HasMatchingContract)' != 'true'">false</RunApiCompat>
<TargetsForTfmSpecificContentInPackage Condition="'$(HasMatchingContract)' == 'true'">$(TargetsForTfmSpecificContentInPackage);_AddReferenceAssemblyToPackage</TargetsForTfmSpecificContentInPackage>
<!-- Work around ApiCompat breaking change -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(RunApiCompat)' == 'true'">
<_DependencyDirectories Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)" />
<!-- Add a ProjectReference to the reference assembly project for ApiCompat. -->
<!-- This also ensures that it is built when the current project gets packaged. -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(HasMatchingContract)' == 'true'">
<ProjectReference Include="$(ContractProject)">
<!-- The default pack logic will include the implementation assembly in lib.
This also adds the reference assembly under ref. -->
<Target Name="_AddReferenceAssemblyToPackage">
<!-- Get the build output of the reference project, which has been built due to the ProjectReference. -->
<MSBuild Projects="$(ContractProject)" Targets="BuiltProjectOutputGroup" Properties="TargetFramework=$(TargetFramework)">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="_ReferenceAssemblies" />
<!-- Check just to be safe. -->
<Error Condition="!Exists('%(_ReferenceAssemblies.Identity)')" Text="Reference assembly %(Identity) does not exist. Ensure it has been built before packaging." />
<!-- Add it to the package. -->
<TfmSpecificPackageFile Include="@(_ReferenceAssemblies)" PackagePath="ref\$(TargetFramework)" />
<!-- Shared logic to publish multiple projects in the same
package. Pack doesn't support including project references
(, so we work around
this by explicitly including the publish output in the
package. -->
<IncludePublishOutput Condition="'$(IncludePublishOutput)' == ''">false</IncludePublishOutput>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(IncludePublishOutput)' == 'true'">
<!-- Don't include the build output. Instead, we want to include the TargetFramework-specific publish output. -->
<!-- Suppress NuGet warning for package which sets IncludeBuildOutput=false, see -->
<!-- Option to include Json files in the package. Default is to just include dlls. -->
<IncludeJsonFilesInPackage Condition="'$(IncludeJsonFilesInPackage)' == ''">false</IncludeJsonFilesInPackage>
<!-- Use a NuGet extension point to publish and set up the package files. -->
<!-- We can't use TargetsForTfmSpecificBuildOutput, because it doesn't run when IncludeBuildOutput is false. -->
<Target Name="_AddPublishOutputToPackage">
<ProjectsToPublish Include="$(MSBuildProjectFile)">
<!-- Clean the publish directory in case there are any left-over artifacts (publish does not work incrementally). -->
<_FilesToDelete Remove="@(_FilesToDelete)" />
<_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)/*.dll" />
<_FilesToDelete Include="$(PublishDir)/*.json" />
<Delete Files="@(_FilesToDelete)" />
<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectsToPublish)" Targets="Publish" />
<_PublishOutputInPackage Include="$(PublishDir)/*.dll" />
<_PublishOutputInPackage Include="$(PublishDir)/*.json" Condition="'$(IncludeJsonFilesInPackage)' == 'true'" />
<!-- Sanity check. -->
<Error Condition="@(_PublishOutputInPackage->Count()) == 0" Text="No publish output included in package." />
<TfmSpecificPackageFile Include="@(_PublishOutputInPackage)" PackagePath="$(BuildOutputTargetFolder)\$(TargetFramework)" />