{ "breaking_version": 2, "artifacts": [ { "id": "ruffles", "name": "Ruffles", "path": "Ruffles.zip", "description": "Ruffles is a lightweight reliable UDP library.", "credits": "Albin Corén", "licence": "MIT/X11", "platform_compatibility_description": "Works everywhere except WebGL.", "net35": true, "net45": true, "preferNet45": false, "experimental": false, "mlapi_major_version": 11, "required_build_targets": [ ] }, { "id": "enet-csharp", "name": "ENET", "path": "ENET.zip", "description": "ENET is a lightweight reliable UDP library written in C.", "credits": "Albin Corén (transport adapter), Stanislav Denisov (fork and C# wrapper), Lee Salzman (original implementation).", "licence": "MIT/X11", "platform_compatibility_description": "Works on Windows, Linux and macOS by default. Other platforms needs native binaries compiled.", "net35": true, "net45": true, "preferNet45": false, "experimental": false, "mlapi_major_version": 11, "required_build_targets": [ ] }, { "id": "websocket", "name": "WebSocket", "path": "WebSocket.zip", "description": "WebSocket is a standardized, abstracted packet based protocol built on TCP/IP developed for modern web browsers to use.", "credits": "Nathanael Demacon", "licence": "MIT/X11", "platform_compatibility_description": "Works everywhere including WebGL.", "net35": true, "net45": true, "preferNet45": false, "experimental": false, "mlapi_major_version": 11, "required_build_targets": [ ] }, { "id": "litenetlib", "name": "LiteNetLib", "path": "LiteNetLib.zip", "description": "LiteNetLib is a light reliable UDP library native to C#.", "credits": "Piotr Kaminski (transport adapter), Ruslan Pyrch (library implementation).", "licence": "MIT/X11", "platform_compatibility_description": "Works on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, UWP, and Lumin OS.", "net35": true, "net45": true, "preferNet45": false, "experimental": false, "mlapi_major_version": 11, "required_build_targets": [ ] }, { "id": "steam-p2p", "name": "SteamP2P", "path": "SteamP2P.zip", "description": "SteamP2P is Steams solution for peer-to-peer networking, used with Steamworks.NET.", "credits": "Petter Vernersson (transport adapter), Riley Labrecque (C# wrapper Steamworks.NET), Valve Corporation.", "licence": "MIT/X11", "platform_compatibility_description": "Works on Windows, Linux and macOS. Requires Steamworks.NET to be preinstalled", "net35": false, "net45": true, "preferNet45": true, "experimental": true, "mlapi_major_version": 11, "required_build_targets": [ ] } ] }