101 строка
2.2 KiB
Executable File
101 строка
2.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $interpreter = shift;
my $test = shift;
my $disabled_tests = shift;
my $output = $test;
my $stdout = $test.'.stdout';
my $stderr = $test.'.stderr';
$output =~ s/\.exe$/.output/;
$| = 0;
if ($teamcity) {
print "##teamcity[testStarted name='$test']\n";
else {
print "Testing $test... ";
foreach $disabled (split (/ /, $disabled_tests)) {
if ($disabled eq $test) {
print "disabled.\n";
exit (0);
my $res;
my $cpid = fork ();
if (!defined ($cpid)) {
$res = system("$interpreter @ARGV $test 2>$stderr 1>$stdout");
} elsif ($cpid == 0) {
exec ("$interpreter @ARGV $test 2>$stderr 1>$stdout") || die "Cannot exec: $!";
} else {
# in the parent, setup the alarm
# test must complete in 30 seconds or it is considered buggy
my $timeout = 30;
alarm ($timeout);
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
print "failed after $timeout seconds timeout.\n";
if ($teamcity) {
print "##teamcity[testFailed name='$test' message='failed after $timeout seconds timeout.' details='message and stack trace']\n";
print "##teamcity[testFinished name='$test']\n";
# process group kill
kill (-9, $cpid);
exit (3);
$res = wait ();
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {};
$res = $? >> 8;
if ($teamcity && -f $stdout) {
$text = read_file ($stdout);
print "##teamcity[testStdOut name='$test' out='$text']\n";
if ($teamcity && -f $stderr) {
$text = read_file ($stderr);
print "##teamcity[testStdErr name='$test' out='$text']\n";
if ($res) {
$failedText = sprintf ("failed $? (%d) signal (%d).", $? >> 8, $? & 127);
if ($teamcity) {
print "##teamcity[testFailed name='$test' message='$failedText' details='message and stack trace']\n";
print "##teamcity[testFinished name='$test']\n";
} else {
print "$failedText\n";
if (($? & 127) == 2) {
exit (2);
} else {
exit (1);
if (-f $output && (read_file ($output) ne read_file ($stdout))) {
print "failed output.\n";
exit (1);
if ($teamcity) {
print "##teamcity[testFinished name='$test']\n";
else {
print "pass.\n";
unlink ($stderr);
exit (0);
sub read_file {
local ($/);
my $out = shift;
open (F, "<$out") || die $!;
$out = <F>;
return $out;