620 строки
20 KiB
620 строки
20 KiB
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use lib ('external/buildscripts', "../../Tools/perl_lib","perl_lib", 'external/buildscripts/perl_lib');
use Tools qw(InstallNameTool);
print ">>> PATH in Build All = $ENV{PATH}\n\n";
my $currentdir = getcwd();
my $monoroot = File::Spec->rel2abs(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../..");
my $monoroot = abs_path($monoroot);
my $buildscriptsdir = "$monoroot/external/buildscripts";
my $addtoresultsdistdir = "$buildscriptsdir/add_to_build_results/monodistribution";
my $monoprefix = "$monoroot/tmp/monoprefix";
my $buildsroot = "$monoroot/builds";
my $distdir = "$buildsroot/monodistribution";
# This script should not be ran on windows, if it is, kindly call the wrapper
# to switch over to cygwin
if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
print(">>> build.pl called from Windows. Switching over to cygwin\n");
system("$buildscriptsdir/build_win_wrapper.pl", @ARGV) eq 0 or die("\n");
exit 0;
my $build=0;
my $clean=0;
my $jobs=8;
my $test=0;
my $artifact=0;
my $debug=0;
my $disableMcs=0;
my $buildUsAndBoo=0;
my $artifactsCommon=0;
my $runRuntimeTests=1;
my $runClasslibTests=1;
my $checkoutOnTheFly=0;
my $forceDefaultBuildDeps=0;
my $existingMonoRootPath = '';
my $unityRoot = '';
my $sdk = '';
my $arch32 = 0;
my $winPerl = "";
my $winMonoRoot = "";
my $msBuildVersion = "14.0";
my $buildDeps = "";
# Handy troubleshooting/niche options
my $skipMonoMake=0;
print(">>> Build All Args = @ARGV\n");
) or die ("illegal cmdline options");
print ">>> Mono checkout = $monoroot\n";
print(">> System Info : \n");
system("uname", "-a");
my $monoRevision = `git rev-parse HEAD`;
chdir("$buildscriptsdir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir : $buildscriptsdir\n");
my $buildScriptsRevision = `git rev-parse HEAD`;
chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir : $monoroot\n");
print(">>> Mono Revision = $monoRevision\n");
print(">>> Build Scripts Revision = $buildScriptsRevision\n");
# Do any settings agnostic per-platform stuff
my $externalBuildDeps = "";
if ($buildDeps ne "" && not $forceDefaultBuildDeps)
$externalBuildDeps = $buildDeps;
$externalBuildDeps = "$monoroot/external/mono-build-deps";
my $existingExternalMonoRoot = "$externalBuildDeps/mono";
my $existingExternalMono = "";
my $monoHostArch = "";
if($^O eq "linux")
$monoHostArch = $arch32 ? "i686" : "x86_64";
$existingExternalMono = "$existingExternalMonoRoot/linux";
elsif($^O eq 'darwin')
$monoHostArch = $arch32 ? "i386" : "x86_64";
$existingExternalMono = "$existingExternalMonoRoot/osx";
$monoHostArch = "i686";
$existingExternalMono = "$existingExternalMonoRoot/win";
# We only care about an existing mono if we need to build.
# So only do this path clean up if we are building.
if ($build)
if ($existingMonoRootPath ne "" && not $existingMonoRootPath =~ /^\/cygdrive/)
$existingMonoRootPath = `cygpath -u $existingMonoRootPath`;
$existingMonoRootPath =~ tr/\\//d;
print(">>> Existing Mono = $existingMonoRootPath\n");
print(">>> Mono Arch = $monoHostArch\n");
if ($build)
my $platformflags = '';
my $host = '';
my $mcs = '';
my @configureparams = ();
#push @configureparams, "--cache-file=$cachefile";
push @configureparams, "--disable-mcs-build" if($disableMcs);
push @configureparams, "--with-glib=embedded";
push @configureparams, "--disable-nls"; #this removes the dependency on gettext package
push @configureparams, "--prefix=$monoprefix";
push @configureparams, "--with-monotouch=no";
push @configureparams, "--with-mcs-docs=no";
if ($existingMonoRootPath eq "")
print(">>> No existing mono supplied. Checking for external...\n");
if (!(-d "$externalBuildDeps"))
if ($checkoutOnTheFly)
# Check out on the fly
print(">>> Checking out mono build dependencies to : $externalBuildDeps\n");
my $repo = "https://ono.unity3d.com/unity-extra/mono-build-deps";
print(">>> Cloning $repo at $externalBuildDeps\n");
system("hg", "clone", $repo, "$externalBuildDeps") eq 0 or die("failed to checkout mono build dependencies\n");
$cygwinRootWindows = $externalCygwin;
if (-d "$existingExternalMono")
print(">>> External mono found at : $existingExternalMono\n");
if (-d "$existingExternalMono/builds")
print(">>> Mono already extracted at : $existingExternalMono/builds\n");
if (!(-d "$existingExternalMono/builds"))
# We need to extract builds.zip
print(">>> Extracting mono builds.zip...\n");
system("unzip", "$existingExternalMono/builds.zip", "-d", "$existingExternalMono") eq 0 or die("failed to extract mono builds.zip\n");
$existingMonoRootPath = "$existingExternalMono/builds";
print(">>> No external mono found. Trusting a new enough mono is in your PATH.\n");
if ($existingMonoRootPath ne "" && !(-d $existingMonoRootPath))
die("Existing mono not found at : $existingMonoRootPath\n");
if($^O eq "linux")
push @configureparams, "--host=$monoHostArch-pc-linux-gnu";
push @configureparams, "--disable-parallel-mark"; #this causes crashes
my $archflags = '';
if ($arch32)
$archflags = '-m32';
if ($debug)
$ENV{CFLAGS} = "$archflags -g -O0";
$ENV{CFLAGS} = "$archflags -Os"; #optimize for size
elsif($^O eq 'darwin')
# Set up mono for bootstrapping
if ($existingMonoRootPath eq "")
# Find the latest mono version and use that for boostrapping
my $monoInstalls = '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions';
my @monoVersions = ();
opendir( my $DIR, $monoInstalls );
while ( my $entry = readdir $DIR )
next unless -d $monoInstalls . '/' . $entry;
next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..' or $entry eq 'Current';
push @monoVersions, $entry;
closedir $DIR;
@monoVersions = sort @monoVersions;
my $monoVersionToUse = pop @monoVersions;
$existingMonoRootPath = "$monoInstalls/$monoVersionToUse";
$mcs = "EXTERNAL_MCS=$existingMonoRootPath/bin/mcs";
my $sdkPath = '';
if ($sdk eq '')
my $xcodePath = '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform';
my $macversion = '10.8';
if ($buildMachine)
if ($unityRoot eq "")
$unityRoot = abs_path("$monoroot/../../unity/build");
if (!(-d "$unityRoot"))
die("Could not fine Unity at : $unityRoot , match expected structure or use --unityroot=<path>\n");
# Set up clang toolchain
$sdkPath = "$unityRoot/External/MacBuildEnvironment/builds/MacOSX$sdk.sdk";
if (! -d $sdkPath)
print("Unzipping mac build toolchain\n");
system("cd $unityRoot; ./jam EditorZips; cd $currentdir");
$ENV{'CC'} = "$sdkPath/../usr/bin/clang";
$ENV{'CXX'} = "$sdkPath/../usr/bin/clang++";
$ENV{'CFLAGS'} = $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS} = "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE -I$unityRoot/External/MacBuildEnvironment/builds/usr/include -mmacosx-version-min=$macversion -isysroot $sdkPath";
$ENV{'CC'} = "clang";
$ENV{'CXX'} = "clang++";
$sdkPath = "$xcodePath/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX$sdkversion.sdk";
$ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS} = "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE -mmacosx-version-min=$macversion -isysroot $sdkPath";
$ENV{CFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS} -g -O0" if $debug;
$ENV{CFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS} -Os" if not $debug; #optimize for size
$ENV{CC} = "$ENV{CC} -arch $monoHostArch";
$ENV{CXX} = "$ENV{CXX} -arch $monoHostArch";
# Add OSX specific autogen args
push @configureparams, "--host=$monoHostArch-apple-darwin12.2.0";
# Need to define because Apple's SIP gets in the way of us telling mono where to find this
push @configureparams, "--with-libgdiplus=$addtoresultsdistdir/lib/libgdiplus.dylib";
print "\n";
print ">>> Setting environment:\n";
print ">>> PATH = ".$ENV{PATH}."\n";
print ">>> C_INCLUDE_PATH = ".$ENV{C_INCLUDE_PATH}."\n";
print ">>> CFLAGS = ".$ENV{CFLAGS}."\n";
print ">>> CXXFLAGS = ".$ENV{CXXFLAGS}."\n";
print ">>> CC = ".$ENV{CC}."\n";
print ">>> CXX = ".$ENV{CXX}."\n";
print ">>> CPP = ".$ENV{CPP}."\n";
print ">>> CXXPP = ".$ENV{CXXPP}."\n";
print ">>> LD = ".$ENV{LD}."\n";
print ">>> LDFLAGS = ".$ENV{LDFLAGS}."\n";
print "\n";
# Fixes a line ending issue that happens on windows when we try to run autogen.sh
$ENV{'SHELLOPTS'} = "igncr";
push @configureparams, "--host=$monoHostArch-pc-mingw32";
print ">>> Existing Mono : $existingMonoRootPath\n\n";
$ENV{'PATH'} = "$existingMonoRootPath/bin:$ENV{'PATH'}";
print ">>> PATH before Build = $ENV{PATH}\n\n";
print(">>> mcs Information : \n");
system("which", "mcs");
system("mcs", "--version");
chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir 2");
if (not $skipMonoMake)
if ($clean)
print(">>> Cleaning $monoprefix\n");
# Avoid "source directory already configured" ...
system('rm', '-f', 'config.status', 'eglib/config.status', 'libgc/config.status');
print("\n>>> Calling autogen in mono\n");
system('./autogen.sh', @configureparams) eq 0 or die ('failing autogenning mono');
print("\n>>> Calling make clean in mono\n");
system("make","clean") eq 0 or die ("failed to make clean\n");
print("\n>>> Calling make\n");
system("make $mcs -j$jobs") eq 0 or die ('Failed to make\n');
print("\n>>> Calling make install\n");
system("make install") eq 0 or die ("Failed to make install\n");
if ($^O eq "cygwin")
system("$winPerl", "$winMonoRoot/external/buildscripts/build_runtime_vs.pl", "--build=$build", "--arch32=$arch32", "--msbuildversion=$msBuildVersion", "--clean=$clean", "--debug=$debug") eq 0 or die ('failing building mono with VS\n');
# Copy over the VS built stuff that we want to use instead into the prefix directory
my $archNameForBuild = $arch32 ? 'Win32' : 'x64';
system("cp $monoroot/msvc/$archNameForBuild/bin/mono.exe $monoprefix/bin/.") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono.exe\n");
system("cp $monoroot/msvc/$archNameForBuild/bin/mono-2.0.dll $monoprefix/bin/.") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.dll\n");
system("cp $monoroot/msvc/$archNameForBuild/bin/mono-2.0.pdb $monoprefix/bin/.") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.pdb\n");
system("cp -R $addtoresultsdistdir/bin/. $monoprefix/bin/") eq 0 or die ("Failed copying $addtoresultsdistdir/bin to $monoprefix/bin\n");
print(">>> Skipping build\n");
if ($buildUsAndBoo)
print(">>> Building Unity Script and Boo...\n");
system("perl", "$buildscriptsdir/build_us_and_boo.pl") eq 0 or die ("Failed builidng Unity Script and Boo\n");
print(">>> Skipping build Unity Script and Boo\n");
if ($artifact)
print(">>> Creating artifact...\n");
if ($artifactsCommon)
print(">>> Creating common artifacts...\n");
print(">>> distribution directory = $distdir\n");
if (!(-d "$distdir"))
system("mkdir -p $distdir") eq 0 or die("failed to make directory $distdir\n");
system("cp -R $addtoresultsdistdir/. $distdir/") eq 0 or die ("Failed copying $addtoresultsdistdir to $distdir\n");
$File::Copy::Recursive::CopyLink = 0; #make sure we copy files as files and not as symlinks, as TC unfortunately doesn't pick up symlinks.
my $distdirlibmono = "$distdir/lib/mono";
my @profiles = ("2.0","3.5","4.0","4.5");
system("mkdir -p $distdirlibmono");
for my $profile (@profiles)
system("mkdir -p $distdirlibmono");
system("cp -r $monoprefix/lib/mono/$profile $distdirlibmono");
if ($buildMachine)
system("rm -f $distdirlibmono/$profile/*.mdb");
system("cp -r $monoprefix/bin $distdir/") eq 0 or die ("failed copying bin folder\n");
system("cp -r $monoprefix/etc $distdir/") eq 0 or die("failed copying etc folder\n");
system("cp -r $monoprefix/lib/mono/gac $distdirlibmono") eq 0 or die("failed copying gac\n");
system("cp -r $monoprefix/lib/mono/xbuild-frameworks $distdirlibmono") eq 0 or die("failed copying xbuild-frameworks\n");
system("cp -R $externalBuildDeps/reference-assemblies/unity $distdirlibmono/unity");
system("cp -R $externalBuildDeps/reference-assemblies/unity_web $distdirlibmono/unity_web");
# now remove nunit from a couple places (but not all, we need some of them)
system("rm -rf $distdirlibmono/2.0/nunit*");
system("rm -rf $distdirlibmono/gac/nunit*");
if (-f "$monoroot/ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz")
system("rm -f $monoroot/ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz") eq 0 or die("Failed to clean existing ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz\n");
print(">>> Creating ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz\n");
print(">>> Changing directory to : $buildsroot\n");
system("tar -hpczf ../ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz *") eq 0 or die("Failed to zip up classlibs\n");
print(">>> Changing directory back to : $currentdir\n");
# Do the platform specific logic to create the builds output structure that we want
my $embedDirRoot = "$buildsroot/embedruntimes";
my $embedDirArchDestination = "";
my $distDirArchBin = "";
my $versionsOutputFile = "";
if($^O eq "linux")
$embedDirArchDestination = $arch32 ? "$embedDirRoot/linux32" : "$embedDirRoot/linux64";
$distDirArchBin = $arch32 ? "$distdir/bin-linux32" : "$distdir/bin-linux64";
$versionsOutputFile = $arch32 ? "$buildsroot/versions-linux32.txt" : "$buildsroot/versions-linux64.txt";
elsif($^O eq 'darwin')
# Note these tmp directories will get merged into a single 'osx' directory later by a parent script
$embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/osx-tmp-$monoHostArch";
$distDirArchBin = "$distdir/bin-osx-tmp-$monoHostArch";
$versionsOutputFile = $arch32 ? "$buildsroot/versions-osx32.txt" : "$buildsroot/versions-osx64.txt";
$embedDirArchDestination = $arch32 ? "$embedDirRoot/win32" : "$embedDirRoot/win64";
$distDirArchBin = $arch32 ? "$distdir/bin" : "$distdir/bin-x64";
$versionsOutputFile = $arch32 ? "$buildsroot/versions-win32.txt" : "$buildsroot/versions-win64.txt";
# Make sure the directory for our architecture is clean before we copy stuff into it
if (-d "$embedDirArchDestination")
print(">>> Cleaning $embedDirArchDestination\n");
if (-d "$distDirArchBin")
print(">>> Cleaning $distDirArchBin\n");
system("mkdir -p $embedDirArchDestination");
system("mkdir -p $distDirArchBin");
# embedruntimes directory setup
print(">>> Creating embedruntimes directory : $embedDirArchDestination\n");
if($^O eq "linux")
print ">>> Copying libmono.so\n";
system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/libmonoboehm-2.0.so","$embedDirArchDestination/libmono.so") eq 0 or die ("failed copying libmonoboehm-2.0.so\n");
print ">>> Copying libmono-static.a\n";
system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/libmonoboehm-2.0.a","$embedDirArchDestination/libmono-static.a") eq 0 or die ("failed copying libmonoboehm-2.0.a\n");
print ">>> Copying libMonoPosixHelper.so\n";
system("cp", "$monoroot/support/.libs/libMonoPosixHelper.so","$embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.so") eq 0 or die ("failed copying libMonoPosixHelper.so\n");
if ($buildMachine)
system("strip $embedDirArchDestination/libmono.so") eq 0 or die("failed to strip libmono (shared)\n");
system("strip $embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.so") eq 0 or die("failed to strip libMonoPosixHelper (shared)\n");
elsif($^O eq 'darwin')
# embedruntimes directory setup
print ">>> Hardlinking libmono.dylib\n";
system("ln","-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/libmonoboehm-2.0.1.dylib","$embedDirArchDestination/libmono.0.dylib") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking libmono.0.dylib\n");
print ">>> Hardlinking libmono.a\n";
system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/libmonoboehm-2.0.a","$embedDirArchDestination/libmono.a") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking libmono.a\n");
print "Hardlinking libMonoPosixHelper.dylib\n";
system("ln","-f", "$monoroot/support/.libs/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib","$embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking $libtarget/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib\n");
InstallNameTool("$embedDirArchDestination/libmono.0.dylib", "\@executable_path/../Frameworks/MonoEmbedRuntime/osx/libmono.0.dylib");
InstallNameTool("$embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib", "\@executable_path/../Frameworks/MonoEmbedRuntime/osx/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib");
# embedruntimes directory setup
system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.dll", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0.dll") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.dll\n");
system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.pdb", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0.pdb") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.pdb\n");
system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.ilk", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0.ilk") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.ilk\n");
# monodistribution directory setup
print(">>> Creating monodistribution directory\n");
if($^O eq "linux")
my $distDirArchEtc = $arch32 ? "$distdir/etc-linux32" : "$distdir/etc-linux64";
if (-d "$distDirArchEtc")
print(">>> Cleaning $distDirArchEtc\n");
system("mkdir -p $distDirArchBin");
system("mkdir -p $distDirArchEtc");
system("mkdir -p $distDirArchEtc/mono");
system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/mono-boehm","$distDirArchBin/mono") eq 0 or die("failed symlinking mono executable\n");
system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/metadata/pedump","$distDirArchBin/pedump") eq 0 or die("failed symlinking pedump executable\n");
system('cp', "$monoroot/data/config","$distDirArchEtc/mono/config") eq 0 or die("failed to copy config\n");
elsif($^O eq 'darwin')
system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/mono","$distDirArchBin/mono") eq 0 or die("failed hardlinking mono executable\n");
system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/metadata/pedump","$distDirArchBin/pedump") eq 0 or die("failed hardlinking pedump executable\n");
system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.dll", "$distDirArchBin/mono-2.0.dll") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.dll\n");
system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.pdb", "$distDirArchBin/mono-2.0.pdb") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.pdb\n");
system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono.exe", "$distDirArchBin/mono.exe") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono.exe\n");
system("chmod", "-R", "755", $distDirArchBin);
# Output version information
print(">>> Creating version file : $versionsOutputFile\n");
system("echo \"mono-version =\" > $versionsOutputFile");
system("$distDirArchBin/mono --version >> $versionsOutputFile");
system("echo \"unity-mono-revision = $monoRevision\" >> $versionsOutputFile");
system("echo \"unity-mono-build-scripts-revision = $buildScriptsRevision\" >> $versionsOutputFile");
my $tmp = `date`;
system("echo \"build-date = $tmp\" >> $versionsOutputFile");
print(">>> Skipping artifact creation\n");
if ($test)
if ($runRuntimeTests)
my $runtimeTestsDir = "$monoroot/mono/mini";
chdir("$runtimeTestsDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir");
print("\n>>> Calling make check in $runtimeTestsDir\n\n");
system("make","check") eq 0 or die ("runtime tests failed\n");
print(">>> Skipping runtime unit tests\n");
if ($runClasslibTests)
if ($disableMcs)
print(">>> Skipping classlib unit tests because building the class libs was disabled\n");
my $classlibTestsDir = "$monoroot/mcs/class";
chdir("$classlibTestsDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir");
print("\n>>> Calling make run-test in $runtimeTestsDir\n\n");
system("make","run-test") eq 0 or die ("classlib tests failed\n");
print(">>> Skipping classlib unit tests\n");
print(">>> Skipping unit tests\n");
chdir ($currentdir); |