Merge pull request #181 from quicktype/csharp-poco

Enable experimental C# POCO option
This commit is contained in:
David Siegel 2017-09-12 23:43:07 -07:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель a030df5987 d515d1a6d0
Коммит 1da6805c05
3 изменённых файлов: 59 добавлений и 43 удалений

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "quicktype",
"version": "0.9.15",
"version": "0.9.16",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"repository": "",
"scripts": {

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Data.String.Util (camelCase, legalizeCharacters, startWithLetter, stringE
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Doc (Doc, Renderer, blank, combineNames, forEachProperty_, forEachTopLevel_, getForSingleOrMultipleTopLevels, getModuleName, getTypeNameForUnion, getUnionNames, indent, line, lookupClassName, lookupUnionName, noForbidNamer, renderRenderItems, simpleNamer, transformPropertyNames, unionIsNotSimpleNullable, unionNameIntercalated, getOptionValue)
import IRGraph (IRClassData(..), IRType(..), IRUnionRep, Named, forUnion_, isUnionMember, nullableFromUnion, removeNullFromUnion, unionHasArray, unionHasClass, unionHasMap)
import Options (enumOption, Option)
import Options (Option, booleanOption, enumOption)
forbiddenNames :: Array String
forbiddenNames = ["Converter", "JsonConverter", "Type", "Serialize"]
@ -24,13 +24,16 @@ forbiddenNames = ["Converter", "JsonConverter", "Type", "Serialize"]
listOption :: Option Boolean
listOption = enumOption "array-type" "Select C# type to use for JSON arrays" [Tuple "array" false, Tuple "list" true]
pocoOption :: Option Boolean
pocoOption = booleanOption "poco" "[EXPERIMENTAL] Generate 'Plain Old C# Objects' only" false
renderer :: Renderer
renderer =
{ name: "C#"
, aceMode: "csharp"
, extension: "cs"
, doc: csharpDoc
, options: [listOption.specification]
, options: [listOption.specification, pocoOption.specification]
, transforms:
{ nameForClass: simpleNamer nameForClass
, nextName: \s -> "Other" <> s
@ -112,31 +115,41 @@ csNameStyle = legalize >>> camelCase >>> startWithLetter isStartCharacter true
csharpDoc :: Doc Unit
csharpDoc = do
module_ <- getModuleName csNameStyle
oneOfThese <- getForSingleOrMultipleTopLevels "" " one of these"
line $ "// To parse this JSON data, add NuGet 'Newtonsoft.Json' then do" <> oneOfThese <> ":"
line "//"
line $ "// using " <> module_ <> ";"
forEachTopLevel_ \topLevelName topLevelType -> do
whenSerializers do
oneOfThese <- getForSingleOrMultipleTopLevels "" " one of these"
line $ "// To parse this JSON data, add NuGet 'Newtonsoft.Json' then do" <> oneOfThese <> ":"
line "//"
line $ "// var data = " <> module_ <> ".FromJson(jsonString);"
line "//"
line $ "// using " <> module_ <> ";"
forEachTopLevel_ \topLevelName topLevelType -> do
line "//"
line $ "// var data = " <> module_ <> ".FromJson(jsonString);"
line "//"
line "// For POCOs visit"
line "//"
line $ "namespace " <> module_
line "{"
indent do
line """using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
let using s = line $ "using " <> s <> ";"
using "System"
using "System.Net"
using "System.Collections.Generic"
whenSerializers do
using "Newtonsoft.Json"
renderRenderItems blank Nothing renderCSharpClass (Just renderCSharpUnion)
renderRenderItems (pure unit) Nothing (\_ _ -> pure unit) (Just renderCSharpUnionReadWritePartial)
whenSerializers do
renderRenderItems (pure unit) Nothing (\_ _ -> pure unit) (Just renderCSharpUnionReadWritePartial)
line "}"
whenSerializers :: Doc Unit -> Doc Unit
whenSerializers = id
whenSerializers doc = do
poco <- getOptionValue pocoOption
unless poco doc
stringIfTrue :: Boolean -> String -> String
stringIfTrue true s = s
@ -276,7 +289,8 @@ renderGenericDeserializer predicate tokenType union =
renderCSharpUnion :: String -> IRUnionRep -> Doc Unit
renderCSharpUnion name unionRep = do
let { hasNull, nonNullUnion } = removeNullFromUnion unionRep
line $ "public partial struct " <> name
poco <- getOptionValue pocoOption
line $ "public" <> (if poco then "" else " partial") <> " struct " <> name
line "{"
indent do
forUnion_ nonNullUnion \t -> do
@ -315,35 +329,37 @@ renderCSharpUnionReadWritePartial name unionRep = do
line "}"
line "}"
whenSerializers do
line $ "public void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, JsonSerializer serializer)"
line "{"
indent do
forUnion_ nonNullUnion \field -> do
fieldName <- unionFieldName field
line $ "if (" <> fieldName <> " != null) {"
indent do
line $ "serializer.Serialize(writer, " <> fieldName <> ");"
line "return;"
line "}"
if hasNull
line "writer.WriteNull();"
line "throw new Exception(\"Union must not be null\");"
line "}"
line $ "public void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, JsonSerializer serializer)"
line "{"
indent do
forUnion_ nonNullUnion \field -> do
fieldName <- unionFieldName field
line $ "if (" <> fieldName <> " != null) {"
indent do
line $ "serializer.Serialize(writer, " <> fieldName <> ");"
line "return;"
line "}"
if hasNull
line "writer.WriteNull();"
line "throw new Exception(\"Union must not be null\");"
line "}"
line "}"
renderCSharpClass :: String -> Map String IRType -> Doc Unit
renderCSharpClass className properties = do
let propertyNames = transformPropertyNames (simpleNamer csNameStyle) ("Other" <> _) [className] properties
line $ "public partial class " <> className
poco <- getOptionValue pocoOption
line $ "public" <> (if poco then "" else " partial") <> " class " <> className
line "{"
indent do
forEachProperty_ properties propertyNames \pname ptype csPropName isLast -> do
line $ "[JsonProperty(\"" <> stringEscape pname <> "\")]"
whenSerializers do
line $ "[JsonProperty(\"" <> stringEscape pname <> "\")]"
rendered <- renderTypeToCSharp ptype
line $ "public " <> rendered <> " " <> csPropName <> " { get; set; }"
unless isLast blank
whenSerializers do
unless isLast blank
line "}"

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ makeOptionValues optionSpecifications optionStrings =
case spec.default of
BooleanValue _ ->
let l = String.toLower optionString
in BooleanValue $ l `elem` ["true", "t", "yes", "y", "1"]
in BooleanValue $ not $ l `elem` ["false", "f", "no", "n", "0"]
EnumValue _ cases ->
case A.findIndex (eq optionString) cases of
Just i -> EnumValue i cases