@ -3,33 +3,11 @@
import { Set, Map, OrderedSet } from "immutable";
import { TypeGraph } from "./TypeGraph";
import { Type, UnionType, IntersectionType } from "./Type";
import { assert, defined } from "./Support";
import { Type, UnionType, IntersectionType, makeGroupsToFlatten } from "./Type";
import { assert } from "./Support";
import { TypeRef, GraphRewriteBuilder, StringTypeMapping } from "./TypeBuilder";
import { unifyTypes, UnifyUnionBuilder } from "./UnifyClasses";
function unionMembersRecursively(...unions: UnionType[]): OrderedSet<Type> {
let processedUnions = Set<UnionType>();
let members = OrderedSet<Type>();
function addMembers(u: UnionType): void {
if (processedUnions.has(u)) return;
processedUnions = processedUnions.add(u);
u.members.forEach(t => {
if (t instanceof UnionType) {
} else {
members = members.add(t);
for (const union of unions) {
return members;
export function flattenUnions(
graph: TypeGraph,
stringTypeMapping: StringTypeMapping,
@ -53,29 +31,21 @@ export function flattenUnions(
const allUnions = graph.allTypesUnordered().filter(t => t instanceof UnionType) as Set<UnionType>;
const nonCanonicalUnions = allUnions.filter(u => !u.isCanonical);
let singleTypeGroups = Map<Type, OrderedSet<Type>>();
const groups: Type[][] = [];
let foundIntersection: boolean = false;
nonCanonicalUnions.forEach(u => {
const members = unionMembersRecursively(u);
let foundIntersection = false;
const groups = makeGroupsToFlatten(nonCanonicalUnions, members => {
assert(!members.isEmpty(), "We can't have an empty union");
if (members.some(m => m instanceof IntersectionType)) {
foundIntersection = true;
if (members.size === 1) {
const t = defined(members.first());
let maybeSet = singleTypeGroups.get(t);
if (maybeSet === undefined) {
maybeSet = OrderedSet([t]);
maybeSet = maybeSet.add(u);
singleTypeGroups = singleTypeGroups.set(t, maybeSet);
} else {
if (!members.some(m => m instanceof IntersectionType)) return true;
// FIXME: This is stupid. `flattenUnions` returns true when no more union
// flattening is necessary, but `resolveIntersections` can introduce new
// unions that might require flattening, so now `flattenUnions` needs to take
// that into account. Either change `resolveIntersections` such that it
// doesn't introduce non-canonical unions (by using `unifyTypes`), or have
// some other way to tell whether more work is needed that doesn't require
// the two passes to know about each other.
foundIntersection = true;
return false;
singleTypeGroups.forEach(ts => groups.push(ts.toArray()));
graph = graph.rewrite("flatten unions", stringTypeMapping, false, groups, replace);
// console.log(`flattened ${nonCanonicalUnions.size} of ${unions.size} unions`);
@ -104,8 +104,11 @@ export class Ref {
const uri = new URI(ref);
const path = uri.fragment();
let path = uri.fragment();
if (( !== "" || uri.filename() !== "") && path === "") {
path = "/";
const elements = Ref.parsePath(path);
return new Ref(uri, elements);
@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ import {
} from "./Type";
import { assert, defined, panic } from "./Support";
import {
@ -40,25 +42,8 @@ import {
} from "./TypeAttributes";
function intersectionMembersRecursively(intersection: IntersectionType): [OrderedSet<Type>, TypeAttributes] {
const types: Type[] = [];
let attributes = emptyTypeAttributes;
function process(t: Type): void {
if (t instanceof IntersectionType) {
attributes = combineTypeAttributes(attributes, t.getAttributes());
} else if (t.kind !== "any") {
} else {
attributes = combineTypeAttributes(attributes, t.getAttributes());
return [OrderedSet(types), attributes];
function canResolve(t: IntersectionType): boolean {
const members = intersectionMembersRecursively(t)[0];
const members = setOperationMembersRecursively(t)[0];
if (members.size <= 1) return true;
return members.every(m => !(m instanceof UnionType) || m.isCanonical);
@ -236,7 +221,7 @@ class IntersectionAccumulator
return panic("There shouldn't be a none type");
_anyType => {
return panic("The any type should have been filtered out in intersectionMembersRecursively");
return panic("The any type should have been filtered out in setOperationMembersRecursively");
nullType => this.addUnionSet(OrderedSet([nullType])),
boolType => this.addUnionSet(OrderedSet([boolType])),
@ -410,13 +395,9 @@ class IntersectionUnionBuilder extends UnionBuilder<
export function resolveIntersections(graph: TypeGraph, stringTypeMapping: StringTypeMapping): [TypeGraph, boolean] {
let needsRepeat = false;
function replace(
types: Set<IntersectionType>,
builder: GraphRewriteBuilder<IntersectionType>,
forwardingRef: TypeRef
): TypeRef {
assert(types.size === 1);
const [members, intersectionAttributes] = intersectionMembersRecursively(defined(types.first()));
function replace(types: Set<Type>, builder: GraphRewriteBuilder<Type>, forwardingRef: TypeRef): TypeRef {
const intersections = types.filter(t => t instanceof IntersectionType) as Set<IntersectionType>;
const [members, intersectionAttributes] = setOperationMembersRecursively(intersections.toArray());
if (members.isEmpty()) {
const t = builder.getPrimitiveType("any", forwardingRef);
builder.addAttributes(t, intersectionAttributes);
@ -443,17 +424,13 @@ export function resolveIntersections(graph: TypeGraph, stringTypeMapping: String
// FIXME: We need to handle intersections that resolve to the same set of types.
// See for example the intersections-nested.schema example.
const intersections = graph.allTypesUnordered().filter(t => t instanceof IntersectionType) as Set<IntersectionType>;
if (intersections.isEmpty()) {
return [graph, true];
const resolvableIntersections = intersections.filter(canResolve);
if (resolvableIntersections.isEmpty()) {
return [graph, false];
const groups = => [i]).toArray();
const allIntersections = graph.allTypesUnordered().filter(t => t instanceof IntersectionType) as Set<
const resolvableIntersections = allIntersections.filter(canResolve);
const groups = makeGroupsToFlatten(resolvableIntersections, undefined);
graph = graph.rewrite("resolve intersections", stringTypeMapping, false, groups, replace);
// console.log(`resolved ${resolvableIntersections.size} of ${intersections.size} intersections`);
return [graph, !needsRepeat && intersections.size === resolvableIntersections.size];
return [graph, !needsRepeat && allIntersections.size === resolvableIntersections.size];
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"use strict";
import { OrderedSet, OrderedMap, Collection, Set, is, hash } from "immutable";
import { OrderedSet, OrderedMap, Collection, Map, Set, is, hash } from "immutable";
import { defined, panic, assert, assertNever } from "./Support";
import { TypeRef, TypeReconstituter } from "./TypeBuilder";
import { TypeNames, namesTypeAttributeKind } from "./TypeNames";
import { TypeAttributes, combineTypeAttributes } from "./TypeAttributes";
import { TypeAttributes, combineTypeAttributes, emptyTypeAttributes } from "./TypeAttributes";
export type PrimitiveStringTypeKind = "string" | "date" | "time" | "date-time";
export type PrimitiveTypeKind = "none" | "any" | "null" | "bool" | "integer" | "double" | PrimitiveStringTypeKind;
@ -568,6 +568,71 @@ export class UnionType extends SetOperationType {
export function setOperationMembersRecursively<T extends SetOperationType>(
setOperation: T
): [OrderedSet<Type>, TypeAttributes];
export function setOperationMembersRecursively<T extends SetOperationType>(
setOperations: T[]
): [OrderedSet<Type>, TypeAttributes];
export function setOperationMembersRecursively<T extends SetOperationType>(
oneOrMany: T | T[]
): [OrderedSet<Type>, TypeAttributes] {
const setOperations = Array.isArray(oneOrMany) ? oneOrMany : [oneOrMany];
const kind = setOperations[0].kind;
const includeAny = kind !== "intersection";
let processedSetOperations = Set<T>();
let members = OrderedSet<Type>();
let attributes = emptyTypeAttributes;
function process(t: Type): void {
if (t.kind === kind) {
const so = t as T;
if (processedSetOperations.has(so)) return;
processedSetOperations = processedSetOperations.add(so);
attributes = combineTypeAttributes(attributes, t.getAttributes());
} else if (includeAny || t.kind !== "any") {
members = members.add(t);
} else {
attributes = combineTypeAttributes(attributes, t.getAttributes());
for (const so of setOperations) {
return [members, attributes];
export function makeGroupsToFlatten<T extends SetOperationType>(
setOperations: Set<T>,
include: ((members: Set<Type>) => boolean) | undefined
): Type[][] {
let typeGroups = Map<Set<Type>, OrderedSet<Type>>();
setOperations.forEach(u => {
const members = setOperationMembersRecursively(u)[0].toSet();
if (include !== undefined) {
if (!include(members)) return;
let maybeSet = typeGroups.get(members);
if (maybeSet === undefined) {
maybeSet = OrderedSet();
if (members.size === 1) {
maybeSet = maybeSet.add(defined(members.first()));
maybeSet = maybeSet.add(u);
typeGroups = typeGroups.set(members, maybeSet);
return typeGroups
.map(ts => ts.toArray());
export function combineTypeAttributesOfTypes(types: Collection<any, Type>): TypeAttributes {
return combineTypeAttributes(
@ -96,10 +96,15 @@ export function makeTypeAttributesInferred(attr: TypeAttributes): TypeAttributes
return, kind) => kind.makeInferred(value)).filter(v => v !== undefined);
export const descriptionTypeAttributeKind = new TypeAttributeKind<OrderedSet<string>>("description", setUnion, a => a, undefined);
export const descriptionTypeAttributeKind = new TypeAttributeKind<OrderedSet<string>>(
_ => OrderedSet(),
export const propertyDescriptionsTypeAttributeKind = new TypeAttributeKind<Map<string, OrderedSet<string>>>(
(a, b) => a.mergeWith(setUnion, b),
a => a,
_ => Map(),
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