Original commit f94bde27ce59c15c811649317a9217b906480328
This commit is contained in:
David Siegel 2017-07-25 19:35:33 -07:00
Родитель 1b4155cf4a
Коммит 901898d749
4 изменённых файлов: 76 добавлений и 48 удалений

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Utils (removeElement)
type CSDoc = Doc Unit
forbiddenNames :: Array String
forbiddenNames = [ "Converter", "JsonConverter", "Type" ]
forbiddenNames = ["Converter", "JsonConverter", "Type"]
renderer :: Renderer
renderer =
@ -36,24 +36,33 @@ renderer =
, render: renderGraphToCSharp
transforms :: RendererTransformations
transforms = {
nextNameToTry: \s -> "Other" <> s,
renderGraphToCSharp :: IRGraph -> String
renderGraphToCSharp graph =
runDoc csharpDoc nameForClass unionName unionPredicate nextNameToTry (S.fromFoldable forbiddenNames) graph unit
unionPredicate =
case _ of
IRUnion ur ->
let s = unionToSet ur
if isNothing $ nullableFromSet s then
Just s
_ -> Nothing
nameForClass (IRClassData { names }) =
csNameStyle $ combineNames names
nextNameToTry s =
"Other" <> s
renderGraphToCSharp graph = runDoc csharpDoc transforms graph unit
unionPredicate :: IRType -> Maybe (Set IRType)
unionPredicate = case _ of
IRUnion ur ->
let s = unionToSet ur
if isNothing $ nullableFromSet s then
Just s
_ -> Nothing
nameForClass :: IRClassData -> String
nameForClass (IRClassData { names }) =
csNameStyle $ combineNames names
unionName :: List String -> String
unionName s =

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Doc
import IR
import IRGraph
import Prelude
import Types
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, evalRWS, asks, gets, modify, tell)
import Data.Foldable (for_, intercalate, sequence_)
@ -45,18 +46,17 @@ derive newtype instance applicativeDoc :: Applicative (Doc r)
derive newtype instance bindDoc :: Bind (Doc r)
derive newtype instance monadDoc :: Monad (Doc r)
runDoc :: forall r a. Doc r a -> (IRClassData -> String) -> (List String -> String) -> (IRType -> Maybe (Set IRType)) -> (String -> String) -> (Set String) -> IRGraph -> r -> String
runDoc (Doc w) nameForClass unionName unionPredicate nextNameToTry forbiddenNames graph rendererInfo =
runDoc :: forall r a. Doc r a -> RendererTransformations -> IRGraph -> r -> String
runDoc (Doc w) t graph rendererInfo =
let classes = classesInGraph graph
classNames = transformNames nameForClass nextNameToTry forbiddenNames classes
unions = L.fromFoldable $ filterTypes unionPredicate graph
forbiddenForUnions = S.union forbiddenNames $ S.fromFoldable $ M.values classNames
unionNames = transformNames nameForUnion nextNameToTry forbiddenForUnions $ map (\s -> Tuple s s) unions
forbidden = S.fromFoldable t.forbiddenNames
classNames = transformNames t.nameForClass t.nextNameToTry forbidden classes
unions = L.fromFoldable $ filterTypes t.unionPredicate graph
forbiddenForUnions = S.union forbidden $ S.fromFoldable $ M.values classNames
nameForUnion s = t.unionName $ map (typeNameForUnion graph) $ L.sort $ L.fromFoldable s
unionNames = transformNames nameForUnion t.nextNameToTry forbiddenForUnions $ map (\s -> Tuple s s) unions
evalRWS w { graph, classNames, unionNames, unions, rendererInfo } { indent: 0 } # snd
nameForUnion s =
unionName $ map (typeNameForUnion graph) $ L.sort $ L.fromFoldable s
evalRWS w { graph, classNames, unionNames, unions, rendererInfo } { indent: 0 } # snd
typeNameForUnion :: IRGraph -> IRType -> String
typeNameForUnion graph = case _ of

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@ -32,25 +32,35 @@ renderer =
, render: renderGraphToGolang
transforms :: RendererTransformations
transforms = {
nextNameToTry: \s -> "Other" <> s,
forbiddenNames: []
renderGraphToGolang :: IRGraph -> String
renderGraphToGolang graph =
runDoc golangDoc nameForClass unionName unionPredicate nextNameToTry S.empty graph unit
unionPredicate =
case _ of
IRUnion ur ->
let s = unionToSet ur
if isNothing $ nullableFromSet s then
Just s
_ -> Nothing
nameForClass (IRClassData { names }) = goNameStyle $ combineNames names
unionName components =
"OneOf" <> (goNameStyle $ intercalate "_" $ components)
nextNameToTry s =
"Other" <> s
renderGraphToGolang graph = runDoc golangDoc transforms graph unit
unionPredicate :: IRType -> Maybe (Set IRType)
unionPredicate = case _ of
IRUnion ur ->
let s = unionToSet ur
if isNothing $ nullableFromSet s then
Just s
_ -> Nothing
nameForClass :: IRClassData -> String
nameForClass (IRClassData { names }) = goNameStyle $ combineNames names
unionName :: L.List String -> String
unionName components =
"OneOf" <> (goNameStyle $ intercalate "_" $ components)
isValueType :: IRType -> Boolean
isValueType IRInteger = true

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@ -2,14 +2,23 @@ module Types where
import Prelude
import Data.List as L
import Data.Set (Set())
import Data.List (List())
import Data.Maybe (Maybe())
import IRGraph
import Doc
type Renderer = {
name :: String,
extension :: String,
aceMode :: String,
render :: IRGraph -> String
type RendererTransformations = {
nameForClass :: IRClassData -> String,
unionName :: List String -> String,
unionPredicate :: IRType -> Maybe (Set IRType),
nextNameToTry :: String -> String,
forbiddenNames :: Array String