473 строки
12 KiB
473 строки
12 KiB
"use strict";
import { RendererOptions } from "../dist";
import * as process from "process";
export interface Language {
name: string;
base: string;
setupCommand?: string;
compileCommand?: string;
runCommand(sample: string): string;
diffViaSchema: boolean;
skipDiffViaSchema: string[];
allowMissingNull: boolean;
output: string;
topLevel: string;
skipJSON: string[];
skipMiscJSON: boolean;
skipSchema: string[];
rendererOptions: RendererOptions;
quickTestRendererOptions: RendererOptions[];
sourceFiles?: string[];
export const CSharpLanguage: Language = {
name: "csharp",
base: "test/fixtures/csharp",
// https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/1582
setupCommand: "dotnet restore --no-cache",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `dotnet run "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "QuickType.cs",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [
"31189.json" // JSON.NET doesn't accept year 0000 as 1BC, though it should
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [
"top-level-enum.schema" // The code we generate for top-level enums is incompatible with the driver
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [{ "array-type": "list" }, { "csharp-version": "5" }, { density: "dense" }],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/CSharp.ts"]
export const JavaLanguage: Language = {
name: "java",
base: "test/fixtures/java",
setupCommand: "mvn package",
compileCommand: "mvn package",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `java -cp target/QuickTypeTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar io.quicktype.App "${sample}"`;
// FIXME: implement comparing multiple files
diffViaSchema: false,
skipDiffViaSchema: [],
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "src/main/java/io/quicktype/TopLevel.java",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: ["identifiers.json", "simple-identifiers.json", "nst-test-suite.json"],
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: ["keyword-unions.schema"], // generates classes with names that are case-insensitively equal
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Java.ts"]
export const RustLanguage: Language = {
name: "rust",
base: "test/fixtures/rust",
setupCommand: "cargo build || true",
compileCommand: "cargo build --jobs 1",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `RUST_THREADS=1 ./target/debug/quick_type_test "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "module_under_test.rs",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [],
skipSchema: [],
skipMiscJSON: false,
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [
{ density: "dense" },
{ visibility: "crate" },
{ visibility: "private" },
{ visibility: "public" }
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Rust.ts"]
export const RubyLanguage: Language = {
name: "ruby",
base: "test/fixtures/ruby",
setupCommand: "bundle install --path vendor/bundle",
compileCommand: "true",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `bundle exec main.rb "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: true,
output: "TopLevel.rb",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [],
skipSchema: [
// FIXME: I don't know what the issue is here
// We don't generate a convenience method for top-level enums
skipMiscJSON: false,
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Ruby/index.ts"]
export const GoLanguage: Language = {
name: "golang",
base: "test/fixtures/golang",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `go run main.go quicktype.go < "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "quicktype.go",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: ["identifiers.json", "simple-identifiers.json", "blns-object.json", "nst-test-suite.json"],
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [],
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Golang.ts"]
export const CPlusPlusLanguage: Language = {
name: "cplusplus",
base: "test/fixtures/cplusplus",
"curl -o json.hpp https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nlohmann/json/87df1d6708915ffbfa26a051ad7562ecc22e5579/src/json.hpp",
compileCommand: "g++ -O0 -o quicktype -std=c++14 main.cpp",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `./quicktype "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "quicktype.hpp",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [
// fails on a string containing null
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [],
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [{ unions: "indirection" }],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/CPlusPlus.ts"]
export const ElmLanguage: Language = {
name: "elm",
base: "test/fixtures/elm",
setupCommand: "rm -rf elm-stuff/build-artifacts && elm-make --yes",
process.env.CI === "true"
? "sysconfcpus -n 1 elm-make Main.elm QuickType.elm --output elm.js"
: "elm-make Main.elm QuickType.elm --output elm.js",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `node ./runner.js "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "QuickType.elm",
topLevel: "QuickType",
skipJSON: [
"keywords.json" // stack overflow
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [
"union-list.schema", // recursion
"list.schema", // recursion
"mutually-recursive.schema", // recursion
"postman-collection.schema", // recursion
"vega-lite.schema", // recursion
"simple-ref.schema", // recursion
"keyword-unions.schema" // can't handle "hasOwnProperty" for some reason
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [{ "array-type": "list" }],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Elm.ts"]
export const SwiftLanguage: Language = {
name: "swift",
base: "test/fixtures/swift",
compileCommand: `swiftc -o quicktype main.swift quicktype.swift`,
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `./quicktype "${sample}"`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [
allowMissingNull: true,
output: "quicktype.swift",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [
// Swift only supports top-level arrays and objects
// This at least is keeping blns-object from working: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-6314
// Doesn't seem to work on Linux, works on MacOS
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [
// The top-level is a union, which Swift's JSON types don't support
// The code we generate for top-level enums is incompatible with the driver
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [{ "struct-or-class": "class" }, { density: "dense" }, { density: "normal" }],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Swift.ts"]
export const ObjectiveCLanguage: Language = {
name: "objective-c",
base: "test/fixtures/objective-c",
compileCommand: `clang -Werror -framework Foundation *.m -o test`,
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `cp "${sample}" sample.json && ./test sample.json`;
diffViaSchema: true,
skipDiffViaSchema: [],
allowMissingNull: true,
output: "QTTopLevel.m",
topLevel: "QTTopLevel",
skipJSON: [
// Almost all strings work except any containing \u001b
// See https://goo.gl/L8HfUP
// NSJSONSerialization can read but not write top-level primitives
// Needs to distinguish between optional and null properties
// Compile error
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [],
rendererOptions: { functions: "true" },
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Objective-C.ts"]
export const TypeScriptLanguage: Language = {
name: "typescript",
base: "test/fixtures/typescript",
runCommand(sample: string) {
// We have to unset TS_NODE_PROJECT because it gets set on the workers
// to the root test/tsconfig.json
return `TS_NODE_PROJECT= ts-node main.ts \"${sample}\"`;
// FIXME: enable once TypeScript supports unions
diffViaSchema: false,
skipDiffViaSchema: [],
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "TopLevel.ts",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [],
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: ["keyword-unions.schema"], // can't handle "constructor" property
rendererOptions: { "explicit-unions": "yes" },
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/TypeScript.ts"]
export const JavaScriptLanguage: Language = {
name: "javascript",
base: "test/fixtures/javascript",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `node main.js \"${sample}\"`;
// FIXME: enable once TypeScript supports unions
diffViaSchema: false,
skipDiffViaSchema: [],
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "TopLevel.js",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [],
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: ["keyword-unions.schema"], // can't handle "constructor" property
rendererOptions: {},
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/JavaScript.ts"]
export const FlowLanguage: Language = {
name: "flow",
base: "test/fixtures/flow",
runCommand(sample: string) {
return `flow check 1>&2 && flow-node main.js \"${sample}\"`;
diffViaSchema: false,
skipDiffViaSchema: [],
allowMissingNull: false,
output: "TopLevel.js",
topLevel: "TopLevel",
skipJSON: [],
skipMiscJSON: false,
skipSchema: [
"keyword-unions.schema" // can't handle "constructor" property
rendererOptions: { "explicit-unions": "yes" },
quickTestRendererOptions: [],
sourceFiles: ["src/Language/Flow.ts"]