51 строка
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51 строка
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import * as _ from "lodash";
import { exec } from "shelljs";
import { WorkItem } from "./test";
import { allFixtures, Fixture } from "./fixtures";
function getChangedFiles(base: string, commit: string): string[] {
let diff = exec(`git fetch -v origin ${base} && git diff --name-only origin/${base}..${commit}`).stdout;
return diff.trim().split("\n");
export function affectedFixtures(changedFiles: string[] | undefined = undefined): Fixture[] {
if (changedFiles === undefined) {
const { BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST_BASE_BRANCH: base, BUILDKITE_COMMIT: commit } = process.env;
return commit === undefined ? allFixtures : affectedFixtures(getChangedFiles(base || "master", commit));
// We can ignore changes in Markdown files
changedFiles = _.reject(changedFiles, file => _.endsWith(file, ".md"));
// All fixtures are dirty if any changed file is not included as a sourceFile of some fixture.
const fileDependencies = _.flatMap(allFixtures, f => f.language.sourceFiles || []);
const allFixturesDirty = _.some(changedFiles, f => !_.includes(fileDependencies, f));
if (allFixturesDirty) return allFixtures;
const dirtyFixtures = allFixtures.filter(
fixture =>
// Fixtures that don't specify dependencies are always dirty
fixture.language.sourceFiles === undefined ||
// Fixtures that have a changed file are dirty
_.some(changedFiles, f => _.includes(fixture.language.sourceFiles, f))
return dirtyFixtures;
export function divideParallelJobs(workItems: WorkItem[]): WorkItem[] {
const { BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB: pjob, BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB_COUNT: pcount } = process.env;
if (pjob === undefined || pcount === undefined) return workItems;
try {
const segment = Math.ceil(workItems.length / parseFloat(pcount));
const start = parseInt(pjob, 10) * segment;
return workItems.slice(start, start + segment);
} catch {
return workItems;