# Verify.EntityFramework
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Extends [Verify](https://github.com/SimonCropp/Verify) to allow verification of EntityFramework bits.
## Contents
* [Usage](#usage)
* [ChangeTracking](#changetracking)
* [Queryable](#queryable)
## NuGet package
## Usage
Enable VerifyEntityFramewok once at assembly load time:
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### ChangeTracking
Added, deleted, and Modified entities can be verified by performing changes on a DbContext and then verifying that context. This approach leverages the [EntityFramework ChangeTracker](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.entityframeworkcore.changetracking.changetracker).
#### Added entity
This test:
public async Task Added()
var options = DbContextOptions();
await using var context = new SampleDbContext(options);
context.Add(new Company {Content = "before"});
await Verify(context);
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Will result in the following verified file:
Added: {
Company: {
Id: 0,
Content: 'before'
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#### Deleted entity
This test:
public async Task Deleted()
var options = DbContextOptions();
await using (var context = new SampleDbContext(options))
context.Add(new Company {Content = "before"});
await using (var context = new SampleDbContext(options))
var company = context.Companies.Single();
await Verify(context);
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Will result in the following verified file:
Deleted: {
Company: {
Id: 0
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#### Modified entity
This test:
public async Task Modified()
var options = DbContextOptions();
await using var context = new SampleDbContext(options);
var company = new Company {Content = "before"};
context.Companies.Single().Content = "after";
await Verify(context);
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Will result in the following verified file:
Modified: {
Company: {
Id: 0,
Content: {
Original: 'before',
Current: 'after'
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### Queryable
This test:
public async Task Queryable()
var database = await DbContextBuilder.GetDatabase("Queryable");
var dbContext = database.Context;
var queryable = dbContext.Companies.Where(x => x.Content == "value");
await Verify(queryable);
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Will result in the following verified file:
SELECT [c].[Id], [c].[Content]
FROM [Companies] AS [c]
WHERE [c].[Content] = N'value'
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## Icon
[Database](https://thenounproject.com/term/database/310841/) designed by [Creative Stall](https://thenounproject.com/creativestall/) from [The Noun Project](https://thenounproject.com/creativepriyanka).