First version of the html and js files needed for the interactive figure. More states need to be serialized/decoded and the user notification of errors could be improved.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<!DOCTYPE html >
<html style="height: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; background-color: #000000;">
<meta charset="utf-8" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1, IE=edge"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="wwt_json_api.js"></script>
<script src="interactive_figure.js"></script>
<!-- The following is to avoid scrollbars -->
<style type="text/css">
body {overflow:hidden;}
<body onload="initialize()" style="margin: 0; padding: 0">
<div id="WWTCanvas" style="width: 100; height: 100; border-style: none; border-width: 0px;"></div>
<div id="WWTErrorText"></div>
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
var wwtIntialState;
var wwt;
var wwt_ready = 0;
function initialize() {
// The true enables WebGL
wwt = wwtlib.WWTControl.initControlParam("WWTCanvas", true);
.done(function (data) { wwtIntialState = data; })
.error(function (err) {
wwtIntialState = null;
function keyScroll() {
i = 0;
var canvas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
function newEvent(action, attributes, deprecated) {
if (!deprecated)
var event = new CustomEvent(action);
else {
var event = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
event.initEvent(action, false, false);
if (attributes)
for (var attr in attributes)
event[attr] = attributes[attr];
return event;
var wheelUp = newEvent("wwt-zoom", { deltaY: 53, delta: 53 }, true);
var wheelDn = newEvent("wwt-zoom", { deltaY: -53, delta: -53 }, true);
var mouseLf = newEvent("wwt-move", { movementX: 53, movementY: 0 }, true);
var mouseUp = newEvent("wwt-move", { movementX: 0, movementY: 53 }, true);
var mouseRg = newEvent("wwt-move", { movementX: -53, movementY: 0 }, true);
var mouseDn = newEvent("wwt-move", { movementX: 0, movementY: -53 }, true);
zoomCodes = {
"KeyZ": wheelUp, "KeyX": wheelDn,
90: wheelUp, 88: wheelDn
moveCodes = {
"KeyJ": mouseLf, "KeyI": mouseUp,
"KeyL": mouseRg, "KeyK": mouseDn,
74: mouseLf, 73: mouseUp, 76: mouseRg, 75: mouseDn
window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
if (zoomCodes.hasOwnProperty(event.code) ||
zoomCodes.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) {
var action = zoomCodes.hasOwnProperty(event.code) ?
zoomCodes[event.code] : zoomCodes[event.keyCode];
if (event.shiftKey) { action.shiftKey = 1; }
else { action.shiftKey = 0; }
if (moveCodes.hasOwnProperty(event.code) ||
moveCodes.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) {
var action = moveCodes.hasOwnProperty(event.code) ?
moveCodes[event.code] : moveCodes[event.keyCode];
if (event.shiftKey) { action.shiftKey = 1; }
else { action.shiftKey = 0; }
if (event.altKey) { action.altKey = 1; }
else { action.altKey = 0; }
canvas.addEventListener("wwt-move", (function (proceed) {
return function (event) {
if (!proceed) { return false; }
proceed = false;
if (event.shiftKey) { delay = 500; }
else { delay = 100; }
setTimeout(function () { proceed = true }, delay);
if (event.altKey)
wwtlib.WWTControl.singleton._tilt(event.movementX, event.movementY);
wwtlib.WWTControl.singleton.move(event.movementX, event.movementY);
canvas.addEventListener("wwt-zoom", (function (proceed) {
return function (event) {
if (!proceed) { return false; }
proceed = false;
if (event.shiftKey) { delay = 500; } // milliseconds
else { delay = 100; }
setTimeout(function () { proceed = true }, delay);
if (event.deltaY < 0) { wwtlib.WWTControl.singleton.zoom(1.43); }
else { wwtlib.WWTControl.singleton.zoom(0.7); }
function loadWwtFigure() {
if (wwtIntialState === undefined) { //JSON config file has not loaded yet, try again in 50 ms
setTimeout(loadWwtFigure, 50);
else if (wwtIntialState === null) { //There was an error loading the config
//TODO allow loading more collections
var viewSettings = wwtIntialState['view_settings'];
wwt_apply_json_message(wwt, {
event: 'set_viewer_mode',
mode: viewSettings['mode']
wwt.gotoRaDecZoom(viewSettings['ra'], viewSettings['dec'], viewSettings['fov'], true);
if (viewSettings['mode'] == 'sky') {
var foregroundState = wwtIntialState['foreground_settings'];
var miscSettings = wwtIntialState['wwt_settings'];
wwtIntialState['wwt_settings'].forEach(function (setting) {
wwt_apply_json_message(wwt, {
event: 'setting_set',
setting: setting['name'],
value: setting['value']
wwtIntialState['layers'].forEach(function (layerInfo) {
if (layerInfo['layer_type'] == 'image') {
else if (layerInfo['layer_type'] == 'table') {
function loadImageLayer(layerInfo) {
var id = layerInfo['id'];
var url = 'data/' + id + '.fits';
var onFitsLoad = function (layer) {
var stertchInfo = layerInfo['stretch_info'];
layer.getFitsImage().transparentBlack = false;
layerInfo['settings'].forEach(function (setting) {
wwt_apply_json_message(wwt, {
event: 'image_layer_set',
setting: setting['name'],
value: setting['value'],
id: id
var wwtLayer = wwt.loadFitsLayer(url, '', false, onFitsLoad);
wwt.layers[id] = wwtLayer;
function loadTableLayer(layerInfo) {
var id = layerInfo['id'];
var url = 'data/' + id + '.csv';
var onCsvLoad = function (data) {
wwt_apply_json_message(wwt, {
event: 'table_layer_create',
frame: layerInfo['frame'],
id: id,
table: btoa(data)
layerInfo['settings'].forEach(function (setting) {
if (setting['value'] !== null) {
wwt_apply_json_message(wwt, {
event: 'table_layer_set',
setting: setting['name'],
value: setting['value'],
id: id
$.ajax(url, datatype = "text")
.fail(function () {
$("#WWTErrorText").append("<p>Unable to load data for layer with ID: " + id + "</p>"); //TODO replace with something nicer
function setHmtlSettings() {
if (wwtIntialState === undefined) { //JSON config file has not loaded yet, try again in 50 ms
setTimeout(setHmtlSettings, 50);
else if (wwtIntialState === null) {
var figHtmlSettings = wwtIntialState['html_settings'];
var title = figHtmlSettings['title'] ? figHtmlSettings['title'] : "WWT Interactive Figure";
$(document).attr("title", title);
var settingsHeight = figHtmlSettings['height'];
var settingsWidth = figHtmlSettings['width'];
var htmlHeight = $("html").height();
var htmlWidth = $("html").width();
var newHeight = settingsHeight ? Math.min(settingsHeight, htmlHeight) : htmlHeight;
var newWidth = settingsWidth ? Math.min(settingsWidth, htmlWidth) : htmlWidth;
$("#WWTCanvas").css("height", newHeight + "px");
$("#WWTCanvas").css("width", newWidth + "px");
function handleConfigLoadError() {
//TODO replace with something a bit nicer before releasing this feature
$("#WWTErrorText").append("<p>Unable to load configuration file wwt_figure.json</p>");
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