[build_sphinx] source-dir = docs build-dir = docs/_build all_files = 1 [build_docs] source-dir = docs build-dir = docs/_build all_files = 1 [upload_docs] upload-dir = docs/_build/html show-response = 1 [tool:pytest] minversion = 3.0 norecursedirs = build docs/_build doctest_plus = enabled addopts = -p no:warnings [ah_bootstrap] auto_use = True [pycodestyle] # E101 - mix of tabs and spaces # W191 - use of tabs # W291 - trailing whitespace # W292 - no newline at end of file # W293 - trailing whitespace # W391 - blank line at end of file # E111 - 4 spaces per indentation level # E112 - 4 spaces per indentation level # E113 - 4 spaces per indentation level # E901 - SyntaxError or IndentationError # E902 - IOError select = E101,W191,W291,W292,W293,W391,E111,E112,E113,E901,E902 exclude = extern,sphinx,*parsetab.py [metadata] package_name = pywwt_web description = Python interface for the web version of WorldWide Telescope long_description = author = Thomas P. Robitaille and Justin Oderah author_email = thomas.robitaille@gmail.com license = BSD 3-Clause url = edit_on_github = True github_project = astrofrog/pywwt_web install_requires = astropy version = 0.1.dev0