.. To preview locally, install Sphinx and run: rst2html.py README.rst README.html .. image:: https://dev.azure.com/aasworldwidetelescope/WWT/_apis/build/status/WorldWideTelescope.pywwt?branchName=master :target: https://dev.azure.com/aasworldwidetelescope/WWT/_build?definitionId=2&branchName=master :alt: Azure Pipelines Status .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pywwt/badge/?version=latest :target: http://pywwt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status pywwt: The AAS WorldWide Telescope from Python/Jupyter ====================================================== ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ `Click here to try out pywwt in the cloud! `__ ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ *Note: our cloud servers usually start up quickly, but if they were recently updated you may have to wait a few minutes for the backing software images to be rebuilt.* About ----- The pywwt_ package is the official toolkit for accessing the AAS_ `WorldWide Telescope`_ (WWT) from Python. WWT is a free, open-source tool for visually exploring humanityโ€™s scientific understanding of the Universe. It includes a sophisticated 4D WebGL rendering engine and a cloud-based web service for sharing and visualizing terabytes of astronomical data. WWT is brought to you by the non-profit `American Astronomical Society`_ (AAS), the major organization of professional astronomers in North America, and the `.NET Foundation`_. .. _pywwt: https://pywwt.readthedocs.io/ .. _AAS: https://aas.org/ .. _American Astronomical Society: https://aas.org/ .. _WorldWide Telescope: http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/home .. _.NET Foundation: https://dotnetfoundation.org/ .. figure:: docs/images/data_layers_kepler.png :align: center :alt: A WWT screenshot showing exoplanets in the Kepler field overlaid on a background sky map. *Known exoplanets in the Kepler field rendered over background imagery by pywwt.* With pywwt_ you can: * Visualize and explore astronomical data interactively in the `Jupyter and JupyterLab`_ environments through an HTML widget * Do the same in standalone applications with a Qt_ widget * Load data from common astronomical data formats (e.g. `AstroPy tables`_) into WWT * Control a running instance of the WWT Windows application .. _Jupyter and JupyterLab: https://jupyter.org/ .. _Qt: https://www.qt.io/ .. _AstroPy tables: https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/table/ The full documentation, including installation instructions, can be found at http://pywwt.readthedocs.io/. Reporting issues ---------------- If you run into any issues, please open an issue `here `_. Acknowledgments --------------- The AAS WorldWide Telescope (WWT) system, including pywwt, is a `.NET Foundation`_ project. Work on WWT and pywwt has been supported by the `American Astronomical Society`_ (AAS), the US `National Science Foundation`_ (grants 1550701_ and 1642446_), the `Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation`_, and `Microsoft`_. .. _National Science Foundation: https://www.nsf.gov/ .. _1550701: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1550701 .. _1642446: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1642446 .. _Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: https://www.moore.org/ .. _Microsoft: https://microsoft.com/