+++ date = 2020-04-15 title = "Connect with the WWT Community" [extra] titlebox_class = "background-19025" +++ Whether you’re looking for some help, wanting to share something cool that you’ve created, or any other reason, the WorldWide Telescope community strives to be welcoming and inclusive.
{% card(text="Visit the forum", url="https://wwt-forum.org/", html=1) %} Connect with WWT users, ask questions, and see the latest news at the online WWT Forum. {% end %} {% card(text="Sign up", url="https://bit.ly/wwt-signup", html=1) %} Stay in touch by signing up to receive the occasional WorldWide Telescope Newsletter. {% end %} {% card(text="WWT on GitHub", url="https://github.com/WorldWideTelescope", html=1) %} Developers: ready to file an issue or a pull request? Our GitHub organization is where the action is. {% end %}
We also invite you to follow WWT on social media platforms like [Twitter], [YouTube], and [Facebook]. [Twitter]: https://twitter.com/wwtelescope [YouTube]: https://www.youtube.com/c/AASWorldWideTelescope [Facebook]: https://facebook.com/wwtelescope If none of these public channels is quite right for your inquiry, you can send an email to . # Events We strive to maintain a regular schedule of in-person WWT events. Check out the calendar of upcoming happenings at the [WWT Contributor Hub][events]: {{ bigbutton(text="See the Event Calendar", url="https://worldwidetelescope.github.io/events/") }} [events]: https://worldwidetelescope.github.io/events/ # Community Standards It’s of paramount importance that the WWT community be welcoming to all individuals.
{% card(text="Read the Code of Conduct", url="https://worldwidetelescope.github.io/code-of-conduct/", html=1) %} The WWT Code of Conduct spells out the ground rules for participation in WWT events and forums. The bottom line: don’t be a jerk. {% end %} {% card(text="Report a Conduct Issue", url="https://numfocus.typeform.com/to/ynjGdT", html=1) %} If some aspect of your participation in WWT has made you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, please reach out to NumFOCUS. {% end %}