<%@ Page Language="C#" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Globalization" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates" %> WorldWide Telescope Web Client <% if (Client == Clients.Html5 || Client == Clients.Mobile) { string css = ""; css+=""; css+=""; %> <%=css%> <% if (Debug || DebugChrome) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %> <% } else if (Client == Clients.Silverlight) { %> <% } %> " data-standalone-mode="<%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Standalone"]%>"> <% if (Client == Clients.Html5 || Client == Clients.Mobile) { %>
<% if (Client == Clients.Mobile) { %>


American Astronomical Society
WorldWide Telescope

Please ensure you have a strong connection to the internet for the best experience.

Thumbnail of {{nbo[0].get_name()}}

<% } %> <%if (Client == Clients.Html5) { %>
{{bc}} > 
{{bc}} > 
{{bc}} > 
<%-- Text intentionally left in elements so localization directive will keep the colon and no need to wrap an additional span inside. Directive will replace with regexp. --%>
{{now | date:'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'}}  

<% if (Debug) { %>
<% } %>

<% if (ADS) {%>
<% } %>

{{ !tour.minuteDuration ? '00' : tour.minuteDuration > 9 ? tour.minuteDuration : '0' + tour.minuteDuration}}:{{ !tour.secDuration ? '00' : tour.secDuration > 9 ? tour.secDuration : '0' + tour.secDuration}}
<%-- slew --%>
<%-- xfade --%>
<%-- xcut --%>
<%-- fadeoutin --%>
<%-- fadein --%>
<%-- fadeout --%>
M {{$index}}
{{scrubber.right}}  {{scrubber.left}} 

: {{formatted.RA}}

: {{formatted.Dec}}

: {{formatted.Lat}}

: {{formatted.Lng}}

{{formatted.Constellation}} {{formatted.Zoom}}

<% } %>
<% } else if (Client == Clients.Silverlight) { %>
,tour=<% Page.Response.Output.Write(Request.Params["tour"]); %>,webkey=<% Page.Response.Output.Write(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["webkey"]); %>" />
This page requires Silverlight 4.

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<% } %>