Add a test harness for providers to build on top of (#124)
This will simplify the copy/paste to cover tests. Various methods can be overriden, but the basic tests will be applied for all providers that inherit from this.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using WWTWebservices;
namespace WWT.Providers
@ -1,102 +1,45 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class DSSTests
public class DSSTests : ProviderTests<DSSProvider>
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
protected override int MaxLevel => 12;
public DSSTests()
protected override Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler => null;
protected override Action<IResponse> NullStreamResponseHandler => null;
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
_fixture = new Fixture();
if (level > 12)
return null;
else if (level < 8)
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, "dssterrapixel.plate", level, x, y);
var powLev5Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 5);
var X32 = x / powLev5Diff;
var Y32 = y / powLev5Diff;
var L5 = level - 5;
var X5 = x % powLev5Diff;
var Y5 = y % powLev5Diff;
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.DssTerapixelDir, $"DSSpngL5to12_x{X32}_y{Y32}.plate", L5, X5, Y5);
public void TooLarge(int level)
protected override void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
// Arrange
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, 2, 3)
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
public void LowLevels(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>(10);
var result = new MemoryStream(data.ToArray());
var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, "dssterrapixel.plate", level, x, y).Returns(result);
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("image/png", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
Assert.Equal(data, outputStream.ToArray());
[InlineData(8, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 1, 2)]
[InlineData(9, 3, 3, 0, 0, 4, 3, 3)]
[InlineData(10, 6, 3, 0, 0, 5, 6, 3)]
[InlineData(11, 1, 3, 0, 0, 6, 1, 3)]
public void HighLevels(int level, int x, int y, int fileX, int fileY, int level2, int x2, int y2)
// Arrange
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>(10);
var result = new MemoryStream(data.ToArray());
var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
var filename = $"DSSpngL5to12_x{fileX}_y{fileY}.plate";
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.DssTerapixelDir, filename, level2, x2, y2).Returns(result);
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("image/png", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
Assert.Equal(data, outputStream.ToArray());
response.Received(1).Write("No image");
@ -1,102 +1,45 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using NSubstitute;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class DSSToastTests
public class DSSToastTests : ProviderTests<DSSToastProvider>
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
protected override int MaxLevel => 12;
public DSSToastTests()
protected override Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler => null;
protected override Action<IResponse> NullStreamResponseHandler => null;
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
_fixture = new Fixture();
if (level > 12)
return null;
else if (level < 8)
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, "dsstoast.plate", level, x, y);
var powLev5Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 5);
var L5 = level - 5;
var X5 = x % powLev5Diff;
var Y5 = y % powLev5Diff;
var filename = $"DSSpngL5to12_x{x / powLev5Diff}_y{y / powLev5Diff}.plate";
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.DssToastPng, filename, L5, X5, Y5);
public void TooLarge(int level)
protected override void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
// Arrange
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, 2, 3)
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
public void LowLevels(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>(10);
var result = new MemoryStream(data.ToArray());
var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, "dsstoast.plate", level, x, y).Returns(result);
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("image/png", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
Assert.Equal(data, outputStream.ToArray());
[InlineData(8, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 1, 2)]
[InlineData(9, 3, 3, 0, 0, 4, 3, 3)]
[InlineData(10, 6, 3, 0, 0, 5, 6, 3)]
[InlineData(11, 1, 3, 0, 0, 6, 1, 3)]
public void HighLevels(int level, int x, int y, int fileX, int fileY, int level2, int x2, int y2)
// Arrange
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>(10);
var result = new MemoryStream(data.ToArray());
var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
var filename = $"DSSpngL5to12_x{fileX}_y{fileY}.plate";
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.DssToastPng, filename, level2, x2, y2).Returns(result);
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("image/png", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
Assert.Equal(data, outputStream.ToArray());
response.Received(1).Write("No image");
@ -1,80 +1,27 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using Castle.DynamicProxy.Contributors;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class DemMarsNewProviderTests
public class DemMarsNewProviderTests : ProviderTests<DemMarsNewProvider>
private const string Prefix = @"\\wwt-mars\marsroot\dem\";
protected override int MaxLevel => 17;
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
protected override Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler => null;
public DemMarsNewProviderTests()
protected override void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
_fixture = new Fixture();
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTests(int level, int x, int y)
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var hash = DirectoryEntry.ComputeHash(level + 128, x, y) % 400;
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(Prefix, $"marsToastDem_{hash}.plate", -1, level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
var index = DirectoryEntry.ComputeHash(level + 128, x, y) % 400;
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(Prefix, $"marsToastDem_{hash}.plate", -1, level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
public void EmptyResult(bool isNull)
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % 18;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var hash = DirectoryEntry.ComputeHash(level + 128, x, y) % 400;
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
if (isNull)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(Prefix, $"marsToastDem_{hash}.plate", -1, level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
var empty = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Stream>();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(Prefix, $"marsToastDem_{hash}.plate", -1, level, x, y).Returns(empty);
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(Prefix, $"marsToastDem_{hash}.plate", -1, level, x, y);
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
return plateTiles.GetStream(@"\\wwt-mars\marsroot\dem\", $"marsToastDem_{index}.plate", -1, level, x, y);
@ -1,79 +1,24 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class DemMarsProviderTests
public class DemMarsProviderTests : ProviderTests<DemMarsProvider>
private const string Prefix = @"\\\wwtmars\MarsDem";
private const string PlateName = "marsToastDem.plate";
protected override int MaxLevel => 17;
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
protected override Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler => null;
public DemMarsProviderTests()
protected override void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
_fixture = new Fixture();
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTests(int level, int x, int y)
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(Prefix, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(Prefix, PlateName, -1, level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
public void EmptyResult(bool isNull)
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % 18;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
if (isNull)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(Prefix, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
var empty = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Stream>();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(Prefix, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(empty);
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(Prefix, PlateName, -1, level, x, y);
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
return plateTiles.GetStream(@"\\\wwtmars\MarsDem", "marsToastDem.plate", -1, level, x, y);
@ -1,67 +1,27 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class DustToastProviderTests
public class DustToastProviderTests : ProviderTests<DustToastProvider>
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
protected override Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler => null;
public DustToastProviderTests()
protected override Action<IResponse> NullStreamResponseHandler => null;
protected override int MaxLevel => 7;
protected override void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
_fixture = new Fixture();
public void TooLarge(int level)
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, 2, 3)
// Act
// Assert
public void LowLevels(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>(10);
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, "dust.plate", level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data.ToArray()));
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("image/png", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, "dust.plate", level, x, y);
@ -1,168 +1,31 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class Galex4FarProviderTests
public class Galex4FarProviderTests : ProviderTests<Galex4FarProvider>
private const string PlateName = "Galex4Far_L0to8_x0_y0.plate";
protected override int MaxLevel => 10;
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
public Galex4FarProviderTests()
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
_fixture = new Fixture();
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
[InlineData(8, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTests(int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
[InlineData(9, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTestsLevel9(int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
var powLev3Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 3);
var X8 = x / powLev3Diff;
var Y8 = y / powLev3Diff;
var L3 = level - 3;
var X3 = x % powLev3Diff;
var Y3 = y % powLev3Diff;
var plateName = $"Galex4Far_L3to10_x{X8}_y{Y8}.plate";
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
[InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, PlateName)]
[InlineData(8, 0, 0, 8, PlateName)]
[InlineData(9, 0, 0, 6, "Galex4Far_L3to10_x0_y0.plate")]
public void ErrorInStream(int level, int x, int y, int passedLevel, string plateName)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, passedLevel, x, y).Returns(_ => throw new InvalidOperationException());
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, passedLevel, x, y);
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void EmptyResult(bool isNull)
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % 12; // Level must be < 12;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
if (isNull)
if (level == 9 || level == 10)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
var empty = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Stream>();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(empty);
var powLev3Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 3);
var X8 = x / powLev3Diff;
var Y8 = y / powLev3Diff;
var L3 = level - 3;
var X3 = x % powLev3Diff;
var Y3 = y % powLev3Diff;
var plateName = $"Galex4Far_L3to10_x{X8}_y{Y8}.plate";
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3);
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void LevelTooHigh(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, "Galex4Far_L0to8_x0_y0.plate", level, x, y);
@ -1,168 +1,30 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class Galex4NearProviderTests
public class Galex4NearProviderTests : ProviderTests<Galex4NearProvider>
private const string PlateName = "Galex4Near_L0to8_x0_y0.plate";
protected override int MaxLevel => 10;
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
public Galex4NearProviderTests()
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
_fixture = new Fixture();
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTests(int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
[InlineData(9, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTestsLevel9(int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
int powLev3Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 3);
int X8 = y / powLev3Diff;
int Y8 = x / powLev3Diff;
var plateName = $"Galex4Near_L3to10_x{X8}_y{Y8}.plate";
int L3 = level - 3;
int X3 = x % powLev3Diff;
int Y3 = y % powLev3Diff;
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
[InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, PlateName)]
[InlineData(8, 0, 0, 8, PlateName)]
[InlineData(9, 0, 0, 6, "Galex4Near_L3to10_x0_y0.plate")]
public void ErrorInStream(int level, int x, int y, int passedLevel, string plateName)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, passedLevel, x, y).Returns(_ => throw new InvalidOperationException());
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, passedLevel, x, y);
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void EmptyResult(bool isNull)
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % 12; // Level must be < 12;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
if (isNull)
if (level == 9 || level == 10)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
var empty = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Stream>();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(empty);
var powLev3Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 3);
var X8 = x / powLev3Diff;
var Y8 = y / powLev3Diff;
var plateName = $"Galex4Near_L3to10_x{X8}_y{Y8}.plate";
var L3 = level - 3;
var X3 = x % powLev3Diff;
var Y3 = y % powLev3Diff;
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3);
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void LevelTooHigh(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, "Galex4Near_L0to8_x0_y0.plate", level, x, y);
@ -1,169 +1,33 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class GalexToastProviderTests
public class GalexToastProviderTests : ProviderTests<GalexToastProvider>
private const string PlateName = "GalexBoth_L0to8_x0_y0.plate";
protected override int MaxLevel => 10;
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
public GalexToastProviderTests()
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
_fixture = new Fixture();
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTests(int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
[InlineData(9, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTestsLevel9(int level, int x, int y)
// Arrange
int powLev3Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 3);
int X8 = y / powLev3Diff;
int Y8 = x / powLev3Diff;
var plateName = $"GalexBoth_L3to10_x{X8}_y{Y8}.plate";
int L3 = level - 3;
int X3 = x % powLev3Diff;
int Y3 = y % powLev3Diff;
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtGalexDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtGalexDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
[InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, PlateName)]
[InlineData(8, 0, 0, 8, PlateName)]
[InlineData(9, 0, 0, 6, "GalexBoth_L3to10_x0_y0.plate")]
public void ErrorInStream(int level, int x, int y, int passedLevel, string plateName)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
var prefix = level == 9 ? options.WwtGalexDir : options.WwtTilesDir;
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(prefix, plateName, passedLevel, x, y).Returns(_ => throw new InvalidOperationException());
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(prefix, plateName, passedLevel, x, y);
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void EmptyResult(bool isNull)
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % 12; // Level must be < 12;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
if (isNull)
if (level == 9 || level == 10)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
int powLev3Diff = (int)Math.Pow(2, level - 3);
int X8 = x / powLev3Diff;
int Y8 = y / powLev3Diff;
int L3 = level - 3;
int X3 = x % powLev3Diff;
int Y3 = y % powLev3Diff;
var plateName = $"GalexBoth_L3to10_x{X8}_y{Y8}.plate";
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtGalexDir, plateName, L3, X3, Y3);
var empty = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Stream>();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, PlateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(empty);
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, "GalexBoth_L0to8_x0_y0.plate", level, x, y);
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void LevelTooHigh(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
@ -10,10 +10,16 @@ namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
internal static class HttpAutoSubstituteExtensions
public static byte[] GetOutputData(this AutoSubstitute container)
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
=> container.Resolve<IResponse>().OutputStream.ToArray();
var stream = container.Resolve<IResponse>().OutputStream;
public static byte[] ToArray(this Stream stream)
if (stream is MemoryStream msInput)
return msInput.ToArray();
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
stream.Position = 0;
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public abstract class ProviderTests<T>
where T : RequestProvider
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
public ProviderTests()
_fixture = new Fixture();
Options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
protected FilePathOptions Options { get; }
protected abstract int MaxLevel { get; }
protected virtual Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler { get; } = response =>
response.Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", response.ContentType);
protected virtual Action<IResponse> NullStreamResponseHandler { get; } = response =>
response.Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", response.ContentType);
protected abstract Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y);
protected virtual void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
response.Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", response.ContentType);
public void ExpectedTests()
for (int level = 0; level < MaxLevel; level++)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>(), level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1), level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
public void ErrorInStream()
foreach (var level in Enumerable.Range(0, MaxLevel))
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>(), level, x, y).Returns(_ => throw new InvalidOperationException());
if (StreamExceptionResponseHandler is null)
// Act
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => container.RunProviderTest<T>());
// Act
// Assert
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1), level, x, y);
public void EmptyResult()
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % MaxLevel;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
var empty = new MemoryStream();
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>(), level, x, y).Returns(empty);
// Act
// Assert
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1), level, x, y);
public void NullResult()
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % MaxLevel;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>(), level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
if (NullStreamResponseHandler is null)
Assert.Throws<NullReferenceException>(() => container.RunProviderTest<T>());
// Act
// Assert
GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1), level, x, y);
public void AboveMaxLevel()
foreach (var level in GetLevelsAboveMax())
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
// Act
// Assert
IEnumerable<int> GetLevelsAboveMax()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
yield return MaxLevel + _fixture.Create<int>();
@ -1,114 +1,28 @@
using AutofacContrib.NSubstitute;
using AutoFixture;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Extensions;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using WWTWebservices;
using Xunit;
namespace WWT.Providers.Tests
public class g360ProviderTests
public class g360ProviderTests : ProviderTests<g360Provider>
private readonly Fixture _fixture;
protected override int MaxLevel => 11;
public g360ProviderTests()
_fixture = new Fixture();
protected override Action<IResponse> StreamExceptionResponseHandler => null;
private static string GetPlateName(int x, int y, int level)
protected override Stream GetStreamFromPlateTilePyramid(IPlateTilePyramid plateTiles, int level, int x, int y)
var index = DirectoryEntry.ComputeHash(level + 128, x, y) % 16;
return $"g360-{index}.plate";
return plateTiles.GetStream(Options.WwtTilesDir, $"g360-{index}.plate", -1, level, x, y);
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
public void ExpectedTests(int level, int x, int y)
protected override void ExpectedResponseAboveMaxLevel(IResponse response)
// Arrange
var data = _fixture.CreateMany<byte>().ToArray();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
var plateName = GetPlateName(level, x, y);
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(new MemoryStream(data));
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().Received(1).GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, -1, level, x, y);
Assert.Equal(data, container.GetOutputData());
public void EmptyResult(bool isNull)
// Arrange
var level = _fixture.Create<int>() % 12; // Level must be < 12;
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
var plateName = GetPlateName(level, x, y);
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
if (isNull)
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns((Stream)null);
var empty = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Stream>();
container.Resolve<IPlateTilePyramid>().GetStream(options.WwtTilesDir, plateName, -1, level, x, y).Returns(empty);
// Act
// Assert
container.Resolve<IResponse>().Received(1).Write("No image");
Assert.Equal("text/plain", container.Resolve<IResponse>().ContentType);
public void LevelTooHigh(int level)
// Arrange
var x = _fixture.Create<int>();
var y = _fixture.Create<int>();
var options = _fixture.Create<FilePathOptions>();
using var container = AutoSubstitute.Configure()
.ConfigureParameterQ(level, x, y)
// Act
// Assert
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