зеркало из https://github.com/akkadotnet/Hyperion.git
269 строки
9.5 KiB
269 строки
9.5 KiB
#I @"tools/FAKE/tools"
#r "FakeLib.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Fake
open Fake.DotNetCli
open Fake.DocFxHelper
open Fake.FileHelper
// Information about the project for Nuget and Assembly info files
let configuration = "Release"
// Read release notes and version
let solutionFile = FindFirstMatchingFile "*.sln" __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ // dynamically look up the solution
let buildNumber = environVarOrDefault "BUILD_NUMBER" "0"
let preReleaseVersionSuffix = "beta" + (if (not (buildNumber = "0")) then (buildNumber) else DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString())
let versionSuffix =
match (getBuildParam "nugetprerelease") with
| "dev" -> preReleaseVersionSuffix
| _ -> ""
let releaseNotes =
File.ReadLines "./RELEASE_NOTES.md"
|> ReleaseNotesHelper.parseReleaseNotes
// Directories
let toolsDir = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tools"
let output = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin"
let outputTests = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "TestResults"
let outputPerfTests = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "PerfResults"
let outputNuGet = output @@ "nuget"
// Copied from original NugetCreate target
let nugetDir = output @@ "nuget"
let workingDir = output @@ "build"
let nugetExe = FullName @"./tools/nuget.exe"
Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
CleanDir output
CleanDir outputTests
CleanDir outputPerfTests
CleanDir outputNuGet
CleanDir "docs/_site"
CleanDirs !! "./**/bin"
CleanDirs !! "./**/obj"
Target "AssemblyInfo" (fun _ ->
XmlPokeInnerText "./src/common.props" "//Project/PropertyGroup/VersionPrefix" releaseNotes.AssemblyVersion
XmlPokeInnerText "./src/common.props" "//Project/PropertyGroup/PackageReleaseNotes" (releaseNotes.Notes |> String.concat "\n")
Target "RestorePackages" (fun _ ->
(fun p ->
{ p with
Project = solutionFile
NoCache = false})
Target "Build" (fun _ ->
let additionalArgs = if versionSuffix.Length > 0 then [sprintf "/p:VersionSuffix=%s" versionSuffix;"--no-incremental"] else ["--no-incremental"]
let runSingleProject project =
(fun p ->
{ p with
Project = project
Configuration = configuration
AdditionalArgs = additionalArgs}) // "Rebuild"
let assemblies = !! "./src/**/*.*sproj"
assemblies |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
// Tests targets
module internal ResultHandling =
let (|OK|Failure|) = function
| 0 -> OK
| x -> Failure x
let buildErrorMessage = function
| OK -> None
| Failure errorCode ->
Some (sprintf "xUnit2 reported an error (Error Code %d)" errorCode)
let failBuildWithMessage = function
| DontFailBuild -> traceError
| _ -> (fun m -> raise(FailedTestsException m))
let failBuildIfXUnitReportedError errorLevel =
>> Option.iter (failBuildWithMessage errorLevel)
Target "RunTests" (fun _ ->
let projects =
match (isWindows) with
| true -> !! "./src/**/*.Tests.csproj"
| _ -> !! "./src/**/*.Tests.csproj" // if you need to filter specs for Linux vs. Windows, do it here
let runSingleProject project =
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Directory.GetParent project).FullName
info.Arguments <- (sprintf "xunit -c Release -nobuild -parallel none -teamcity -xml %s_xunit.xml" (outputTests @@ fileNameWithoutExt project))) (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.)
ResultHandling.failBuildIfXUnitReportedError TestRunnerErrorLevel.DontFailBuild result
projects |> Seq.iter (log)
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
Target "NBench" <| fun _ ->
let nbenchTestPath = findToolInSubPath "NBench.Runner.exe" (toolsDir @@ "NBench.Runner*")
printfn "Using NBench.Runner: %s" nbenchTestPath
let nbenchTestAssemblies = !! "./src/**/*Tests.Performance.csproj"
let runNBench assembly =
let includes = getBuildParam "include"
let excludes = getBuildParam "exclude"
let teamcityStr = (getBuildParam "teamcity")
let enableTeamCity =
match teamcityStr with
| null -> false
| "" -> false
| _ -> bool.Parse teamcityStr
let args = StringBuilder()
|> append assembly
|> append (sprintf "output-directory=\"%s\"" outputPerfTests)
|> append (sprintf "concurrent=\"%b\"" true)
|> append (sprintf "trace=\"%b\"" true)
|> append (sprintf "teamcity=\"%b\"" enableTeamCity)
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty includes "include="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty excludes "include="
|> toText
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- nbenchTestPath
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Path.GetDirectoryName (FullName nbenchTestPath))
info.Arguments <- args) (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes 45.0) (* Reasonably long-running task. *)
if result <> 0 then failwithf "NBench.Runner failed. %s %s" nbenchTestPath args
nbenchTestAssemblies |> Seq.iter runNBench
// Nuget targets
let overrideVersionSuffix (project:string) =
match project with
| _ -> versionSuffix // add additional matches to publish different versions for different projects in solution
Target "CreateNuget" (fun _ ->
let projects = !! "src/**/*.csproj"
-- "src/**/*Tests.csproj" // Don't publish unit tests
-- "src/**/*Tests*.csproj"
-- "src/**/*.Demo.csproj" // Don't publish demo apps
let runSingleProject project =
(fun p ->
{ p with
Project = project
Configuration = configuration
AdditionalArgs = ["--include-symbols"]
VersionSuffix = overrideVersionSuffix project
OutputPath = outputNuGet })
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
Target "PublishNuget" (fun _ ->
let projects = !! "./bin/nuget/*.nupkg" -- "./bin/nuget/*.symbols.nupkg"
let apiKey = getBuildParamOrDefault "nugetkey" ""
let source = getBuildParamOrDefault "nugetpublishurl" ""
let symbolSource = getBuildParamOrDefault "symbolspublishurl" ""
let shouldPublishSymbolsPackages = not (symbolSource = "")
if (not (source = "") && not (apiKey = "") && shouldPublishSymbolsPackages) then
let runSingleProject project =
(fun p ->
{ p with
TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 10. })
(sprintf "nuget push %s --api-key %s --source %s --symbol-source %s" project apiKey source symbolSource)
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
else if (not (source = "") && not (apiKey = "") && not shouldPublishSymbolsPackages) then
let runSingleProject project =
(fun p ->
{ p with
TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 10. })
(sprintf "nuget push %s --api-key %s --source %s" project apiKey source)
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
// Documentation
Target "DocFx" (fun _ ->
DotNetCli.Restore (fun p -> { p with Project = solutionFile })
DotNetCli.Build (fun p -> { p with Project = solutionFile; Configuration = configuration })
let docsPath = "./docs"
DocFx (fun p ->
{ p with
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0;
WorkingDirectory = docsPath;
DocFxJson = docsPath @@ "docfx.json" })
// Help
Target "Help" <| fun _ ->
List.iter printfn [
"./build.ps1 [target]"
" Targets for building:"
" * Build Builds"
" * Nuget Create and optionally publish nugets packages"
" * RunTests Runs tests"
" * All Builds, run tests, creates and optionally publish nuget packages"
" * DocFx Creates a DocFx-based website for this solution"
" Other Targets"
" * Help Display this help"
// Target dependencies
Target "BuildRelease" DoNothing
Target "All" DoNothing
Target "Nuget" DoNothing
// build dependencies
"Clean" ==> "RestorePackages" ==> "AssemblyInfo" ==> "Build" ==> "BuildRelease"
// tests dependencies
// nuget dependencies
"Clean" ==> "RestorePackages" ==> "Build" ==> "CreateNuget"
"CreateNuget" ==> "PublishNuget" ==> "Nuget"
// docs
"BuildRelease" ==> "Docfx"
// all
"BuildRelease" ==> "All"
"RunTests" ==> "All"
//"NBench" ==> "All"
"Nuget" ==> "All"
RunTargetOrDefault "Help" |