- update assembly versions, hint paths, binding redirects, et cetera
- add / remove some binding redirects as needed to compile or test
- move rest of the Microsoft.Owin.* packages to v4.2.2
- react to small breaking changes affecting tests
- nits: mostly related to cleaning up minor warnings in local builds
- ignore binary log files
- add a few words to the custom dictionary
- suppress warnings about using old FxCop approach
- add `msbuild` summary output to console
- shutdown the storage emulator after every build
* Master -> main for AspNetWebHooks
- change trigger for AzDO pipeline
- update tests to avoid word 'master'
* Update dictionary too
* React to 02ab3509aa
- new log4net version needs new hint path and has new version
- move to MSBuild v15.0
- move to StyleCop.MSBuild v5.0.0
- stable release that supports C#6, not just `nameof(...)`
- move test output path beside, rather than under, regular output path
- workaround NuGet/Home#6001
- `\$(Configuration)\Test` -> `\Test\$(Configuration)`
- quiets builds down significantly
- add AppVeyor configuration and status badge
- disable Travis builds for now
- ignore launchSettings.json files