- move to MSBuild v15.0
- move to StyleCop.MSBuild v5.0.0
- stable release that supports C#6, not just `nameof(...)`
- move test output path beside, rather than under, regular output path
- workaround NuGet/Home#6001
- `\$(Configuration)\Test` -> `\Test\$(Configuration)`
- quiets builds down significantly
- add AppVeyor configuration and status badge
- disable Travis builds for now
- ignore launchSettings.json files
To just receive WebHooks, there are no dependencies on Instasharp, but it is great tool for subscribing or unsubscribing from Instagram WebHooks as well as for receiving media posted etc.
Updated Instagram receiver sample to reflect this: It now supports oauth authentication for a user to log in and to consent an Instagram Application. Once that is done, it is possible to receive notifications,
Add MS_WebHookStripeInTestMode to execute custom StripeWebHookHandlers for test events ('evt_00000000000000')
Add StripeEvent and StripeEventData classes