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Azure function bidirectional chatroom sample

This is a chatroom sample that demonstrates bidirectional message pushing between Azure SignalR Service and Azure Function in serverless scenario. It leverages the upstream provided by Azure SignalR Service that features proxying messages from client to upstream endpoints in serverless scenario. Azure Functions with SignalR trigger binding allows you to write code to receive and push messages in several languages, including JavaScript, Python, C#, etc.


The following softwares are required to build this tutorial.

Run sample in Azure

It's a quick try of this sample. You will create an Azure SignalR Service and an Azure Function app to host sample. And you will launch chatroom locally but connecting to Azure SignalR Service and Azure Function.

Create Azure SignalR Service

  1. Create Azure SignalR Service using az cli

    # Create a resource group.
    az group create --name $resourceGroup --location $region
    az signalr create -n $signalrName -g $resourceGroup --service-mode Serverless --sku Standard_S1
    # Get connection string for later use.
    connectionString=$(az signalr key list -n $signalrName -g $resourceGroup --query primaryConnectionString -o tsv)

    For more details about creating Azure SignalR Service, see the tutorial.

Deploy project to Azure Function

  1. Deploy with Azure Functions Core Tools

    1. Install Azure Functions Core Tools

    2. Create Azure Function App (code snippet shown below)

      # Function app and storage account names must be unique.
      # Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
      az storage account create \
      --name $storageName \
      --location $region \
      --resource-group $resourceGroup \
      --sku Standard_LRS
      # Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
      az functionapp create \
      --name $functionAppName \
      --storage-account $storageName \
      --consumption-plan-location $region \
      --resource-group $resourceGroup \
      --functions-version 3
    3. Publish the sample to the Azure Function you created before.

      cd <root>/samples/BidirectionChat/csharp
      // If prompted function app version, use --force
      func azure functionapp publish $functionAppName
  2. Update application settings

    az functionapp config appsettings set --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $functionAppName --setting AzureSignalRConnectionString=$connectionString
  3. Update Azure SignalR Service Upstream settings

    Open the Azure Portal and navigate to the Function App created before. Find signalr_extension key in the App keys blade.

    Overview with auth

    Copy the signalr_extensions value and use Azure Portal to set the upstream setting.

    • In the Upstream URL Pattern, fill in the <function-url>/runtime/webhooks/signalr?code=<signalr_extension-key>

      [!NOTE] The signalr_extensions code is required by Azure Function but the trigger does not only use this code but also Azure SignalR Service connection string to validate requests. If you're very serious about the code, use KeyVault secret reference feature to save the code. See Use Key Vault secret reference.


Use a chat sample website to test end to end

  1. Use browser to visit <function-app-url>/api/index for the web page of the demo.

  2. Try send messages by entering them into the main chat box. Chatroom

Use Key Vault secret reference

The url of upstream is not encryption at rest. If you have any sensitive information, you can use Key Vault to save these sensitive information. Basically, you can enable managed identity of Azure SignalR Service and then grant a read permission on a Key Vault instance and use Key Vault reference instead of plaintext in Upstream URL Pattern.

The following steps demonstrate how to use Key Vault secret reference to save signalr_extensions.

  1. Enable managed identity.

    1. Enable managed identity with system assigned identity.

      Open portal and navigate to Identity, and switch to System assigned page. Switch Status to On.


  2. Create a Key Vault instance.

    az keyvault create --name "<your-unique-keyvault-name>" --resource-group "myResourceGroup" --location "EastUS"
  3. Save signalr_extensions to secret.

    az keyvault secret set --name "signalrkey" --vault-name "<your-unique-keyvault-name>" --value "<signalr_extension_code_copied_from_azure_function>"
  4. Grant Secret Read permission to the Key Vault.

    az keyvault set-policy --name "<your-unique-keyvault-name>" --object-id "<object-id-shown-in-system-assigned-identity>" --secret-permissions get
  5. Get the secret identity of the secret.

    az keyvault secret show --name "signalrkey" --vault-name "<your-unique-keyvault-name>" --query id -o tsv
  6. Update Upstream URL Pattern with Key Vault reference. You need to follow the syntax {@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=<secret-identity>)}. As shown below:


Enable AAD Token on upstream

You can set ManagedIdentity as the Auth setting in upstream. After that, SignalR Service will set an AAD Token into the Authorization for each upstream request.

  1. Make sure you have enabled managed identity.

  2. Click the asterisk in Hub Rules and a new page pops out as shown below. Upstream details

  3. Select Use Managed Identity under Upstream Authentication and Use default value under Auth Resource ID.

  4. Use browser to visit <function-app-url>/api/index for the web page of the demo

  5. Try send messages by entering them into the main chat box. You can verify the Authorization has set from the with Authorization: true Chatroom