Add doc about package references, korebuild, and an intro doc
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Intro to BuildTools
This repo contains console tools, MSBuild tasks, and targets used to build ASP.NET Core.
This document is a high-level overview of how these build tools work.
## Step-by-step how "build.cmd" works
Most KoreBuild repositories will have an identical build.cmd script in the top-level repo directory. This script can be found in [scripts/bootstrapper/build.cmd][build-cmd]. These are the steps the script takes. (The same steps apply to for Linux builds.)
1. [build.cmd][build-cmd] invokes "[run.ps1][run-ps1] default-build".
1. [run.ps1][run-ps1] downloads and extracts KoreBuild as a zip file
1. [run.ps1][run-ps1] imports the [KoreBuild.psm1][korebuild-psm1] file which contains a few functions for invoking commands. It then invokes `Invoke-KoreBuildCommand 'default-build'`
1. [KoreBuild.psm1][korebuild-psm1] defines the `Invoke-KoreBuildCommand` function. This function will
1. Ensure dotnet is installed
1. Build `$RepoRoot/build/tasks/RepoTasks.csproj` if it exists
1. Starts MSBuild by calling `dotnet msbuild KoreBuild.proj`
1. [KoreBuild.proj][korebuild-proj] is the entry point for building the entire repo in an MSBuild process. By default, this project will restore, compile, package, and test \*.sln files. It has some extensibility points to repos can extend. See [./](./
[build-cmd]: ../scripts/bootstrapper/build.cmd
[run-ps1]: ../scripts/bootstrapper/run.ps1
[korebuild-psm1]: ../files/KoreBuild/scripts/KoreBuild.psm1
[korebuild-proj]: ../files/KoreBuild/KoreBuild.proj
[korebuild-common]: ../files/KoreBuild/KoreBuild.proj
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KoreBuild is a set of MSBuild targets and tasks used to define a common set of build and test tasks. The entry point for KoreBuild is defined in [KoreBuild.proj][korebuild-proj].
## KoreBuild Lifecycle
The KoreBuild chains together these targets in this order. Custom targets can chain off these.
1. Prepare - pre-build actions like making directories
1. Restore - NuGet restore
1. Compile - calls /t:Build on \*.sln files
1. Package - NuGet pack and other packaging steps
1. Test - invokes VSTest
1. Verify - post build tests
When not specified, the default target is `/t:Build`, which runs all of these lifecycle targets.
## Other common targets
These targets are also available, but are not run in the default lifecycle.
- Clean - cleans artifacts, executes /t:Clean on solutions
- Rebuild - executes /t:Rebuild on solutions
- Resx - generates resx files
- Noop - a target that does nothing
- Publish - pushes artifacts to NuGet feeds and blob stores
## Extensibility points
### Modules
KoreBuild is designed to be a modular system. It is written as a backbone of default lifecycle targets and imports.
Default functionality, such as building solutions and testing with VSTest, are written as modules in `files/KoreBuild/modules`.
Other default functionality that require tasks are built from `modules/` in this repo.
These include tasks for downloading NuGet packages, creating Zip files, retrieving Git information, and more.
Additional KoreBuild modules can be imported by setting `CustomKoreBuildModulesPath` as a property or environment variable.
Anything matching `$(CustomKoreBuildModulesPath)/*/module.props` and `$(CustomKoreBuildModulesPath)/*/modules.targets` will be imported into KoreBuild.
### RepoTasks
RepoTasks is a C# project that can be used to define MSBuild tasks that apply only to a specific repository.
If this file exists, KoreBuild will restore and publish it to build/tasks/bin/publish/
If this file exists, KoreBuild will import it.
Sample contents:
<!-- build/tasks/RepoTasks.tasks -->
<UsingTask TaskName="RepoTasks.MyCustomTask" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)bin\publish\RepoTasks.dll" />
### repo.props
If this file exists, it is imported shortly after [KoreBuild.Common.props][../files/KoreBUild/KoreBuild.Common.props].
>**Best practies**: Only define properties and settings in \*.props files.
### repo.targets
If this file exists, it is imported shortly after [KoreBuild.Common.targets][../files/KoreBUild/KoreBuild.Common.targets].
>**Best practies**: Define custom build steps in \*.targets files.
### version.props
If this file exists, it is imported shortly after [KoreBuild.Common.props][../files/KoreBUild/KoreBuild.Common.props]. It should contain settings like VerisonPrefix, PackageVersion, VerisonSuffix, and others.
These values can be used to ensure that all NuGet packages produced have the same version.
>**Best practies**: This file should contain all settings related to asset versions.
[korebuild-proj]: ../files/KoreBuild/KoreBuild.proj
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PackageReference management
## Usage
KoreBuild includes tools to help you automatically update your `dependencies.props` files.
#### Generating a dependencies.props file
On an existing project, you can execute the following command:
run.ps1 generate deps
This will update csproj files and overwrite your build/dependencies.props file with variables.
#### Updating dependencies.props
KoreBuild can help you automatically update the `build/dependencies.props` file in your repo by using a lineup package.
On command line, you can then execute
run.ps1 upgrade deps
This command requires you set a few properties so the command can download a remote package and use that as the source
of version information. Most aspnetcore repos will set this in `build/repo.props`
<!-- Optional, and can float -->
The lineup package itself contains a file that lists all version, and is itself also packaged under `build/dependencies.props`. The `upgrade deps` command will update any matching variables from the lineup package in the local copy of build/dependencies.props.
## Restrictions on PackageReference usage
To manage the complexity of keeping PackageReference versions consistent within a repo and between multiple repos, KoreBuild will enforce the following patterns for using PackageReference.
#### 1. build/dependencies.props
Each repository should have this file, and it should look like this.
<PropertyGroup Label="Package Versions">
<Import Project="$(DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath)" Condition=" '$(DotNetPackageVersionPropsPath)' != '' " />
### 2. PackageReference's should use variables to set versions
All .csproj files should set the version of a package reference like this:
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="$(NewtonsoftJsonPackageVersion)" />
#### Opt-out of restrictions
To opt-out of these restrictions, projects should add this to the `build/repo.props` file in their repository.
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