PackageReference management --------------------------- ## Usage KoreBuild includes tools to help you automatically update your `dependencies.props` files. #### Generating a dependencies.props file On an existing project, you can execute the following command: ``` run.ps1 generate deps ``` This will update csproj files and overwrite your build/dependencies.props file with variables. #### Updating dependencies.props KoreBuild can help you automatically update the `build/dependencies.props` file in your repo by using a lineup package. On command line, you can then execute ``` run.ps1 upgrade deps ``` This command requires you set a few properties so the command can download a remote package and use that as the source of version information. Most aspnetcore repos will set this in `build/repo.props` ```xml Internal.AspNetCore.Universe.Lineup 2.1.0-* ``` The lineup package itself contains a file that lists all version, and is itself also packaged under `build/dependencies.props`. The `upgrade deps` command will update any matching variables from the lineup package in the local copy of build/dependencies.props. ## Restrictions on PackageReference usage To manage the complexity of keeping PackageReference versions consistent within a repo and between multiple repos, KoreBuild will enforce the following patterns for using PackageReference. #### 1. build/dependencies.props Each repository should have this file, and it should look like this. ```xml $(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath) 10.0.1 15.3.0 4.7.49 2.3.0 ``` ### 2. PackageReference's should use variables to set versions All .csproj files should set the version of a package reference like this: ```xml ``` #### Opt-out of restrictions To opt-out of these restrictions, projects should add this to the `build/repo.props` file in their repository. ```xml true ```