Embed the commit hash in the generated assembly

This commit is contained in:
Victor Hurdugaci 2016-03-05 18:35:05 -08:00
Родитель 8d586853c2
Коммит 333049433c
1 изменённых файлов: 42 добавлений и 1 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -97,8 +97,41 @@ default PACKAGELIST_JSON_FILENAME = 'NuGetPackageVerifier.json'
#build-compile target='compile' if='Directory.Exists("src")'
string commitHash = null;
if (AddAssemblyInfo)
var commitHashFile = Path.Combine(TARGET_DIR, "commit");
GitCommand("rev-parse HEAD >> " + commitHashFile);
commitHash = File.ReadAllLines(commitHashFile)[0];
var projectFiles = Files.Include("src/*/project.json").ToList();
projectFiles.ForEach(projectFile => DotnetPack(projectFile, BUILD_DIR, Configuration));
projectFiles.ForEach(projectFile =>
if (AddAssemblyInfo)
var projectText = File.ReadAllText(projectFile);
var project = (JsonObject)Json.Deserialize(projectText);
var isSharedProject = project.Keys.Contains("shared");
// We don't want to embed the commit hash in it because
// the consumers would get that file
if (!isSharedProject)
Console.WriteLine("Embedding commit hash in assembly");
var projectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile);
var commitHashAttribute = String.Format("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadata(\"CommitHash\", \"{0}\")]", commitHash);
var buildInfoFile = Path.Combine(projectFolder, "BuildInfo.generated.cs");
File.WriteAllText(buildInfoFile, commitHashAttribute);
DotnetPack(projectFile, BUILD_DIR, Configuration);
foreach (var nupkg in Files.Include(Path.Combine(BUILD_DIR, "*/" + Configuration + "/*.nupkg")))
@ -337,6 +370,11 @@ functions @{
get { return E("KOREBUILD_BUILD_SRC_ONLY") == "1"; }
bool AddAssemblyInfo
get { return E("KOREBUILD_ADD_ASSEMBLY_INFO") == "1"; }
macro name='Exec' program='string' commandline='string'
@ -386,3 +424,6 @@ macro name='Npm' npmCommand='string' npmDir='string'
macro name="UpdateResx" resxFile='string'
macro name='GitCommand' gitCommand='string'