1. Removing copyright text from all files per a code review feedback
2. Adding a cookie based session to the application to retrieve the cart Id.
3. Enabled the Accounts controller as we now have the necessary Http abstractions for User, SignIn, SignOut etc.
4. Changing self hosting scripts to run on coreclr by default.
5. Enabling the layout page on all required views.
6. Adding a favico.ico
7. Renaming the Cart property in the EF context to CartItems as it returns a CartItems list.
8. Uncommenting some code which was previously accessing unavailable APIs. They are available now (but yet to validate them).
1. Adding scripts to self host & custom host Music store
2. Updating readme
3. Cleanup some helper classes that are not necessary.
4. Adding error page middleware for diagnostics.
5. Flipping the switch to run helios on "K" by default.
Changes include
(1) Inclusion of all views (with non compiling code commented out)
(2) Inclusion of all models with data annotations
(3) images & setting up of static files
(4) MVC application setup and scripts to run the application
(5) Scripts to clean up the temporary files and capture LKG build.