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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
title: Create an ASP.NET VM with WebDeploy| Microsoft Docs
description: Create a Windows virtual machine for deploying ASP.NET web application via WebDeploy.
services: virtual-machines-windows
documentationcenter: ''
- kraigb
- justcla
manager: ghogen
editor: ''
tags: azure-service-management
ms.assetid: bbd6d1e9-d636-4947-b55f-06449c410d4a
ms.service: virtual-machines-windows
ms.workload: infrastructure-services
ms.tgt_pltfrm: vm-windows
ms.devlang: dotnet
ms.topic: article 11/02/2017
- kraigb
- justcla
# Create an ASP.NET VM with WebDeploy
This article outlines the steps required to set up an Azure virtual machine to host ASP.NET (Framework) web applications, and to allow websites to be published using WebDeploy.
To get up and running quickly with an Azure VM that's configured for ASP.NET and WebDeploy, use one of the scripts provided in the [Quick setup](#Quick-setup) section.
- [Create a new VM](#ARMTemplate)
- [Patch an existing VM](#PowerShellScript)
Otherwise, you can [follow the Walk-through](#walk-through-create-a-new-azure-vm-for-hosting-your-web-app) to create and configure a VM.
## Quick setup
[Deploy to Azure Image]:
[Deploy to Azure Link]:
[ASP.NET ARM Template]:
[VM Setup Script]:
<a name="ARMTemplate"></a>
### Create a new VM
Select the following **Create Azure VM** button to use <a href="" target="_blank">this custom Azure Resource Manager template</a> to provision a new VM in Azure that's set up for hosting ASP.NET web apps and publishing from Visual Studio.<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">![Create ASP.NET VM in Azure][Create Azure VM button]</a>
The template performs the following actions:
* Provision a new Azure VM (Windows Server 2016 Datacenter)
* Configure components and features on the VM (available as [PowerShell script](#PowerShellScript))
* Configure Azure Firewall rules (Ports 80 and 8172)
Provide the [minimal input values](#NewVMInputs). The rest is generated for you.<br>
> [!Important]
> You need to manually configure a DNS name for the VM in order to use the **Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines** publishing wizard in Visual Studio.
> For more information, see [Set up DNS name for the VM](#configure-a-dns-name-for-the-vm-via-the-azure-portal)
<a name="PowerShellScript"></a>
### Patch an existing VM
If you already have an Azure VM, run the following script in PowerShell on the VM to set up the required components.
# Install IIS (with Management Console)
Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
# Install ASP.NET 4.6
Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net45
# Install Web Management Service (enable and start service)
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Mgmt-Service
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebManagement\Server -Name EnableRemoteManagement -Value 1
Set-Service -name WMSVC -StartupType Automatic
if ((Get-Service WMSVC).Status -ne "Running") {
net start wmsvc
# Install Web Deploy 3.6
# Download file from Microsoft Downloads and save to local temp file (%LocalAppData%/Temp/2)
$msiFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() | Rename-Item -NewName { $_ -replace 'tmp$', 'msi' } -PassThru
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $msiFile
# Prepare a log file
$logFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
# Prepare the arguments to execute the MSI
$arguments= '/i ' + $msiFile + ' ADDLOCAL=ALL /qn /norestart LicenseAccepted="0" /lv ' + $logFile
# Execute the MSI and wait for it to complete
$proc = (Start-Process -file msiexec -arg $arguments -Passthru)
$proc | Wait-Process
Get-Content $logFile
The script performs the following tasks:
* Install IIS (with Management Console)
* Install ASP.NET 4.6
* Install Web Management Service
- Configure automatic startup
- Start service
* Install WebDeploy 3.6
> [!Important]
> To complete the setup that enables publishing from Visual Studio, you need to set up Azure firewall rules and configure a DNS name for the VM. Refer to the instructions later in this article.
> - [Configure firewall rules in Azure](#ConfigureFirewallRules)
> - [Set up DNS name for the VM](#SetupDNSName)
## Walk-through: Create a new Azure VM for hosting your web app
> [!div class="checklist"]
> * [Provision a new VM using Azure portal](#ProvisionNewVM)
> * [Connect to the VM (Remote Desktop Connection)](#ConnectToTheVM)
> * [Install IIS (web server) plus Web Management Service and ASP.NET 4.6](#InstallVMFeatures)
> * [Install Web Deploy](#InstallWebDeploy)
> * [Configure inbound firewall rules in Azure ](#ConfigureFirewallRules)
> * [Set up DNS name for the VM](#SetupDNSName)
<a name="ProvisionNewVM"></a>
## Provision a new VM using Azure portal
1. Log in to the Azure portal at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
2. Click the **+ New** in the top left corner.
3. Select **Windows Server 2016 VM** in the Get Started category or any Windows Server 2016 in the Compute category, such as **Windows Server 2016 Datacenter**
![Create New VM]
4. Complete the required fields to configure the new VM:
![New VM Step 1]
<a name="NewVMInputs"></a>
| Azure template field | How to populate the field |
| Virtual Machine Name | This is the name of the VM you are creating.
| Username/Password | Create an administrator username and password for the VM.<br>**Remember this username/password. You will need it to access the VM.**
| Subscription | Choose your Azure subscription |
| Resource group | This is the name of the "virtual folder" that contains all resources created for this VM.<br>You can delete all the resources created during this process by deleting the resource group.<br><br>Consider a name that is similar to the name of the VM you are creating.<br>
| Location | Accept the default or choose a desired region from the list |
5. Choose a size for the VM; DS1_V2 is sufficient for this tutorial and the size can be changed later.
* If you have Free Azure Credits (for example, as a part of your MSDN Subscription), it might cover the costs.
- Check your <a href="" target="_blank">Visual Studio subscription</a>. Check for <a href="" target="_blank">offers for monthly Azure credit</a>.
![New VM Step 2]
> [!Note]
> The costs shown in your Azure portal may differ from the values shown here. Cost is different based on Region and is subject to changes over time.
6. Accept the defaults in **Step 3: (Settings)**
7. Confirm details in Summary and click **Purchase**.
![New VM Step 4]
Provisioning begins and a notification appears once provisioning is complete (about five minutes).
<a name="ConnectToTheVM"></a>
## Connect to the VM (Remote Desktop Connection)
1. Open the newly created VM in the Azure portal and select **Connect** on its top toolbar.
![Connect To VM]
An RDP file is downloaded. Running the RDP file opens a Remote Desktop Connection pointing to the IP address of the new Azure VM.
2. Accept warning about unknown publisher.
![Warning Unknown Publisher]
3. Enter Credentials
Enter the username and password you used to create the new Azure VM - not your work/home user account.
On Windows 10, choose **More choices** -> **Use a different account**.
4. Accept warning about security certificate
Window opens with remote connection to the Azure VM.
* Server Manager - Dashboard opens on first startup
<a name="InstallVMFeatures"></a>
## Install IIS (Web Server) plus Web Management Service and ASP.NET 4.6
1. Open the **Server Manager Dashboard**
2. Choose **2 Add roles and features**
![Roles and Features]
3. Accept the defaults and press **Next** three times to progress to the **Server Roles** section.
4. Select **Web Server (IIS)**
![Web Server Role]
- When prompted, confirm the additional installation of **IIS Management Console**
5. Press **Next** three times to progress to the **Web Server Role (IIS)** --> **Roles Services** section
6. Select **Management Service**, which is required to enable Web Deploy (through port 8172). When prompted, confirm the additional installation of **ASP.NET 4.6**.
![Select Feature Management Service]
7. Select **Next** to confirm the configuration, then **Install** to complete IIS setup.
![Confirm Config Change]
Once installation completes:
- IIS is installed and running with internal firewall rule created for port 80.
- Web Management Service is installed with internal firewall rule created for port 8172.
> [!Note]
> Corresponding [Firewall ports must be opened in the Azure portal](#ConfigureFirewallRules) before traffic can be routed to this VM.
<a name="InstallWebDeploy"></a>
## Install Web Deploy 3.6
### Configure IE Enhanced Security (Off)
On a new Azure VM, default security rules prevent executables from being downloaded via Internet Explorer. In order to download the WebDeploy executable, you must first disable IE enhanced security.
1. In the **Server Manager**, open the **Local Server** section on the left.
2. In the main panel, next to "IE Enhanced Security Configuration:", select **On**.
Launches dialog to configure IE security restrictions
![Disable IE Enhanced Security]
3. In the dialog that appears, select **Off** for Administrators, select **On** for Users, then select **OK**.
### Download and Install Web Deploy 3.6
1. Launch Internet Explorer.
2. Accept default security settings.
3. Download WebDeploy_amd64_en-US.msi from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
4. Allow pop-ups and Run the downloaded MSI
5. Follow installation steps for Web Deploy 3.6
Choose **Complete** option to install all components
Once Web Deploy is installed, the **Web Management Service** is started and set to automatic startup.
Now that the VM is set up to receive requests to the Web Server and the Web Management Service, the corresponding ports must be opened in the Azure portal.
<a name="ConfigureFirewallRules"></a>
## Configure inbound firewall rules in the Azure portal
1. Log in to the <a href="" target="_blank">Azure portal</a>
2. Open the VM and select the **Networking** section.
3. Select **Add inbound port rule** to create two new firewall entries.
- http - Port 80 (Priority 100)
- WebDeploy - Port 8172 (Priority 1010)
<a name="SetupDNSName"></a>
## Set up DNS name for the VM
To use the in-built web publishing wizard in Visual Studio, the virtual machine must be configured with a DNS name.
1. From the <a href="" target="_blank">Azure portal</a>, navigate to the Overview page of your virtual machine.
2. Under **DNS name**, click **Configure**
3. Provide a globally unique DNS name. (A green tick appears when the name is validated.)
4. Click **Save** to save the configuration.
<a name="NextSteps"></a>
## Next steps
<a name="PublishWebAppFromVisualStudio"></a>
### Publish a web application from Visual Studio
There's a separate article that describes the process of [publishing a web app from Visual Studio]( It is designed to pick up from where this article leads off and includes instructions for configuring the DNS, and troubleshooting tips.
[Create New VM]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/01CreateNewVM.png
[New VM Step 1]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/02NewVMStep1.png
[New VM Step 2]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/03NewVMStep2.png
[New VM Step 4]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/04NewVMStep4.png
[Dashboard Deploying]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/05DashboardDeploying.png
[Notification Deploy In Progress]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/06NotificationDeployInProgress.png
[Deploying Status]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/07DeployingStatus.png
[Notification Deploy Successful]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/08NotificationDeploySuccessful.png
[Deploying Status Done]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/09DeployingStatusDone.png
[Connect To VM]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/10ConnectToVM.png
[Warning Unknown Publisher]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/11WarningUnkonwnPublisher.png
[Enter Credentials]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/12EnterCredentials.png
[Warning Security Certificate]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/13WarningSecurityCertificate.png
[Server Manager Dashboard]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/14ServerManagerDashboard.png
[Roles and Features]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/RolesAndFeatures.png
[Web Server Role]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/15WebServerRole.png
[Confirm Features IIS]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/16ConfirmFeaturesIIS.png
[Select Feature Management Service]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/17SelectFeatureManagementService.png
[Confirm Feature ASP-NET]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/18ConfirmFeatureASPNET.png
[Confirm Config Change]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/19ConfirmConfigChange.png
[Install Features]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/20InstallFeatures.png
[Install Features Complete]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/21InstallFeaturesComplete.png
[IIS in Server Manager]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/22IISinServerManager.png
[Disable IE Enhanced Security]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/23DisableIEEnhancedSecurity.png
[IE First Launch]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/24IEFirstLaunch.png
[WebDeploy Download Site]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/25WebDeployDownloadSite.png
[WebDeploy Download Page]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/26WebDeployDownloadPage.png
[Thank You For Downloading WebDeploy]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/27ThankYouForDownloadingWebDeploy.png
[Install WebDeploy]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/28InstallWebDeploy.png
[WebDeploy Features]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/29WebDeployFeatures.png
[Confirm Services]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/30ConfirmServices.png
[Confirm Firewall Rules]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/31ConfirmFirewallRules.png
[Azure Firewall Rules]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/32AzureFirewallRules.png
[Create Azure Firewall Rule]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/33CreateAzureFirewallRule.png
[Create Azure VM button]: ../media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/CreateAzureVM.png

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
title: Publish a Web App to an Azure VM from Visual Studio| Microsoft Docs
description: Publish an ASP.NET Web Application to an Azure Virtual Machine from Visual Studio
services: virtual-machines-windows
documentationcenter: ''
- kraigb
- justcla
manager: ghogen
editor: ''
tags: azure-service-management
ms.assetid: 70267837-3629-41e0-bb58-2167ac4932b3
ms.service: virtual-machines-windows
ms.workload: infrastructure-services
ms.tgt_pltfrm: vm-windows
ms.devlang: dotnet
ms.topic: article 11/03/2017
- kraigb
- justcla
# Publish an ASP.NET Web App to an Azure VM from Visual Studio
This document describes how to publish an ASP.NET web application to an Azure virtual machine using the **Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines** publishing feature in Visual Studio 2017.
## Prerequisites
In order to use Visual Studio to publish an ASP.NET project to an Azure VM, the VM must be correctly set up.
- Machine must be configured to run an ASP.NET web application and have WebDeploy installed. For more information, see [Create an ASP.NET VM with WebDeploy](
- The VM must have a DNS name configured. For more information, see [Create a fully qualified domain name in the Azure portal for a Windows VM](
## Publish your ASP.NET web app to the Azure VM using Visual Studio
The following section describes how to publish an existing ASP.NET web application to an Azure virtual machine.
1. Open your web app solution in Visual Studio 2017.
2. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and choose **Publish...**
3. Use the arrow on the right of the page to scroll through the publishing options until you find **Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines**.
![Publish Page - Right arrow]
4. Select the **Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines** icon and select **Publish**.
![Publish Page - Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine icon]
5. Choose the appropriate account (with Azure subscription connected to your virtual machine).
- If you're signed in to Visual Studio, the account list is populated with all your authenticated accounts.
- If you are not signed in, or if the account you need is not listed, choose "Add an account..." and follow the prompts to log in.
![Azure Account Selector]
6. Select the appropriate VM from the list of Existing Virtual Machines.
> [!Note]
> Populating this list can take some time.
![Azure VM Selector]
7. Click OK to begin publishing.
8. When prompted for credentials, supply the username and password of a user account on the target VM that is configured with publishing rights (typically the admin username and password used when creating the VM).
![WebDeploy Login]
9. Accept the security certificate.
![Certificate Error]
10. Watch the Output window to check the progress of the publish operation.
![Output Window]
11. If publishing is successful, a browser launches to open the URL of the newly published site.
You have now successfully published your web app to an Azure virtual machine.
## Publish Page Options
After completing the publish wizard, the Publish page is opened in the document well with the new publishing profile selected.
### Re-publish
To publish updates to your web application, select the **Publish** button on the Publish page.
- If prompted, enter username and password.
- Publishing begins immediately.
![Publish Page - Publish button]
### Modify publish profile settings
To view and modify the publish profile settings, select **Settings...**.
![Publish Page - Settings button]
Your settings should look something like this:
![Publish Settings - Connection page]
#### Save User name and Password
- To avoid providing authentication information every time you publish, you can populate the **User name** and **Password** fields and select the **Save password** box.
- Use the **Validate Connection** button to confirm that you have entered the right information.
#### Deploy to clean web server
- If you want to ensure that the web server has a clean copy of the web application after each upload (and that no other files are left hanging around from a previous deployment), you can check the **Remove additional files at destination** checkbox in the **Settings** tab.
- Warning: Publishing with this setting deletes all files that exist on the web server (wwwroot directory). Be sure you know the state of the machine before publishing with this option enabled.
![Publish Settings - Settings page]
## Next steps
### Set up CI/CD for automated deployment to Azure VM
To set up a continuous delivery pipeline with Visual Studio Team Service, see [Deploy to a Windows Virtual Machine](
[VM Overview - DNS Name]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/VMOverviewDNSName.png
[IP Address Config - DNS Name]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/IPAddressConfigDNSName.png
[VM Overview - DNS Configured]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/VMOverviewDNSConfigured.png
[Publish Page - Right arrow]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishPageRightArrow.png
[Publish Page - Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine icon]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishPageMicrosoftAzureVirtualMachineIcon.png
[Azure Account Selector]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/ChooseVM-SelectAccount.png
[Azure VM Selector]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/ChooseVM-SelectVM.png
[WebDeploy Login]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/WebDeployLogin.png
[Certificate Error]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/CertificateError.png
[Output Window]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/OutputWindow.png
[Publish Page - Publish button]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishPagePublishButton.png
[Publish Page - Settings button]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishPageSettingsButton.png
[Publish Settings - Connection page]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishSettingsConnectionPage.png
[Publish Settings - Settings page]: ../media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishSettingsSettingsPage.png

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Двоичные данные
media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/CreateAzureVM.png Normal file

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media/create-asp-net-vm-with-webdeploy/RolesAndFeatures.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/AzureVMSelector.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/CertificateError.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/ChooseVM-SelectVM.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/OutputWindow.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/PublishPageRightArrow.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/VMOverviewDNSName.png Normal file

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media/publish-web-app-from-visual-studio/WebDeployLogin.png Normal file

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Ширина:  |  Высота:  |  Размер: 18 KiB