PKG_NAME := BIN_NAME ?= docker-app BIN_STANDALONE_NAME := ${BIN_NAME}-standalone E2E_NAME := $(BIN_NAME)-e2e # Enable experimental features. "on" or "off" EXPERIMENTAL := off ALPINE_VERSION=3.9.3 # Failing to resolve sh.exe to a full path denotes a windows vanilla shell. # Although 'simple' commands are still exec'ed, 'complex' ones are batch'ed instead of sh'ed. ifeq ($(SHELL),sh.exe) mkdir = mkdir $(subst /,\,$(1)) > nul 2>&1 || (exit 0) rm = del /F /Q $(subst /,\,$(1)) > nul 2>&1 || (exit 0) rmdir = rmdir /S /Q $(subst /,\,$(1)) > nul 2>&1 || (exit 0) chmod = BUILDTIME ?= unknown NULL := nul else # The no-op redirection forces make to shell out the commands instead of spawning a process as # the latter can fail on windows running cmd or powershell while having a unix style shell in the path. mkdir = mkdir -p $(1) 1>&1 rm = rm -rf $(1) 1>&1 rmdir = rm -rf $(1) 1>&1 chmod = chmod $(1) $(2) 1>&1 NULL := /dev/null endif ifeq ($(COMMIT),) COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> $(NULL)) endif ifeq ($(BUILD_TAG),) BUILD_TAG := $(shell git describe --always --dirty --abbrev=10 2> $(NULL)) endif ifeq ($(TAG),) ifeq ($(TAG_NAME),) TAG := $(BUILD_TAG) else TAG := $(TAG_NAME) endif endif