include STATIC_VERSION=$(shell static/gen-static-ver $(realpath $(CURDIR)/src/ $(VERSION)) # Taken from: print-% : ; @echo $($*) .PHONY: help help: ## show make targets @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {sub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c"," "), $$2);printf " \033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) .PHONY: clean-src clean-src: [ ! -d src ] || $(CHOWN) -R $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) src $(RM) -r src .PHONY: src src: src/ src/ src/ src/ src/ ## clone source ifdef CLI_DIR src/ mkdir -p "$(@D)" cp -r "$(CLI_DIR)" $@ else src/ git init $@ git -C $@ remote add origin "$(DOCKER_CLI_REPO)" endif ifdef ENGINE_DIR src/ mkdir -p "$(@D)" cp -r "$(ENGINE_DIR)" $@ else src/ git init $@ git -C $@ remote add origin "$(DOCKER_ENGINE_REPO)" endif src/ git init $@ git -C $@ remote add origin "$(DOCKER_BUILDX_REPO)" src/ git init $@ git -C $@ remote add origin "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_REPO)" src/ git init $@ git -C $@ remote add origin "$(DOCKER_SCAN_REPO)" .PHONY: checkout-cli checkout-cli: src/ ./scripts/ src/ "$(DOCKER_CLI_REF)" .PHONY: checkout-docker checkout-docker: src/ ./scripts/ src/ "$(DOCKER_ENGINE_REF)" .PHONY: checkout-buildx checkout-buildx: src/ ./scripts/ src/ "$(DOCKER_BUILDX_REF)" .PHONY: checkout-compose checkout-compose: src/ ./scripts/ src/ "$(DOCKER_COMPOSE_REF)" .PHONY: checkout-scan-cli-plugin checkout-scan-cli-plugin: src/ ./scripts/ src/ "$(DOCKER_SCAN_REF)" .PHONY: checkout checkout: checkout-cli checkout-docker checkout-buildx checkout-compose checkout-scan-cli-plugin ## checkout source at the given reference(s) .PHONY: clean clean: clean-src ## remove build artifacts $(MAKE) -C rpm clean $(MAKE) -C deb clean $(MAKE) -C static clean .PHONY: deb rpm deb rpm: checkout ## build rpm/deb packages $(MAKE) -C $@ VERSION=$(VERSION) GO_VERSION=$(GO_VERSION) $@ .PHONY: centos-% fedora-% rhel-% centos-% fedora-% rhel-%: checkout ## build rpm packages for the specified distro $(MAKE) -C rpm VERSION=$(VERSION) GO_VERSION=$(GO_VERSION) $@ .PHONY: debian-% raspbian-% ubuntu-% debian-% raspbian-% ubuntu-%: checkout ## build deb packages for the specified distro $(MAKE) -C deb VERSION=$(VERSION) GO_VERSION=$(GO_VERSION) $@ .PHONY: static static: DOCKER_BUILD_PKGS:=static-linux cross-mac cross-win cross-arm static: checkout ## build static-compiled packages for p in $(DOCKER_BUILD_PKGS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $@ VERSION=$(VERSION) GO_VERSION=$(GO_VERSION) TARGETPLATFORM=$(TARGETPLATFORM) CONTAINERD_VERSION=$(CONTAINERD_VERSION) RUNC_VERSION=$(RUNC_VERSION) $${p}; \ done