
131 строка
5.7 KiB

def branch = env.CHANGE_TARGET ?: env.BRANCH_NAME
def pkgs = [
[target: "centos-9", image: "", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64"]],
[target: "centos-10", image: "", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64"]], // CentOS Stream 10 (EOL: 2030)
[target: "debian-bullseye", image: "debian:bullseye", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64", "armhf"]], // Debian 11 (oldstable, EOL: 2024-08-14, EOL (LTS): 2026-08-31)
[target: "debian-bookworm", image: "debian:bookworm", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64", "armhf"]], // Debian 12 (stable, EOL: 2026-06-10, EOL (LTS): 2028-06-30)
[target: "fedora-40", image: "fedora:40", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64"]], // EOL: May 13, 2025
[target: "fedora-41", image: "fedora:41", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64"]], // EOL: November, 2025
[target: "raspbian-bullseye", image: "balenalib/rpi-raspbian:bullseye", arches: ["armhf"]], // Debian/Raspbian 11 (stable)
[target: "raspbian-bookworm", image: "balenalib/rpi-raspbian:bookworm", arches: ["armhf"]], // Debian/Raspbian 12 (next stable)
[target: "ubuntu-focal", image: "ubuntu:focal", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64", "armhf"]], // Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (End of support: April, 2025. EOL: April, 2030)
[target: "ubuntu-jammy", image: "ubuntu:jammy", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64", "armhf"]], // Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (End of support: June, 2027. EOL: April, 2032)
[target: "ubuntu-noble", image: "ubuntu:noble", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64", "armhf"]], // Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (End of support: June, 2029. EOL: April, 2034)
[target: "ubuntu-oracular", image: "ubuntu:oracular", arches: ["amd64", "aarch64", "armhf"]], // Ubuntu 24.10 (EOL: July, 2025)
def genBuildStep(LinkedHashMap pkg, String arch) {
def nodeLabel = "linux&&${arch}"
def platform = ""
def branch = env.CHANGE_TARGET ?: env.BRANCH_NAME
if (arch == 'armhf') {
// Running armhf builds on EC2 requires --platform parameter
// Otherwise it accidentally pulls armel images which then breaks the verify step
platform = "--platform=linux/${arch}"
nodeLabel = "${nodeLabel}&&ubuntu"
} else {
nodeLabel = "${nodeLabel}&&ubuntu-2004"
return { ->
wrappedNode(label: nodeLabel, cleanWorkspace: true) {
stage("${}-${arch}") {
// This is just a "dummy" stage to make the distro/arch visible
// in Jenkins' BlueOcean view, which truncates names....
sh 'echo starting...'
stage("info") {
sh 'docker version'
sh 'docker info'
stage("build") {
checkout scm
sh "make clean"
sh "make REF=$branch ARCH=${arch} ${}"
stage("verify") {
sh "make IMAGE=${pkg.image} ARCH=${arch} verify"
def build_package_steps = [
'static-linux': { ->
wrappedNode(label: 'ubuntu-2004 && x86_64', cleanWorkspace: true) {
stage("static-linux") {
// This is just a "dummy" stage to make the distro/arch visible
// in Jenkins' BlueOcean view, which truncates names....
sh 'echo starting...'
stage("info") {
sh 'docker version'
sh 'docker info'
stage("build") {
try {
checkout scm
sh "make REF=$branch DOCKER_BUILD_PKGS='static-linux' static"
} finally {
sh "make clean"
'cross-mac': { ->
wrappedNode(label: 'ubuntu-2004 && x86_64', cleanWorkspace: true) {
stage("cross-mac") {
// This is just a "dummy" stage to make the distro/arch visible
// in Jenkins' BlueOcean view, which truncates names....
sh 'echo starting...'
stage("info") {
sh 'docker version'
sh 'docker info'
stage("build") {
try {
checkout scm
sh "make REF=$branch DOCKER_BUILD_PKGS='cross-mac' static"
} finally {
sh "make clean"
'cross-win': { ->
wrappedNode(label: 'ubuntu-2004 && x86_64', cleanWorkspace: true) {
stage("cross-win") {
// This is just a "dummy" stage to make the distro/arch visible
// in Jenkins' BlueOcean view, which truncates names....
sh 'echo starting...'
stage("info") {
sh 'docker version'
sh 'docker info'
stage("build") {
try {
checkout scm
sh "make REF=$branch DOCKER_BUILD_PKGS='cross-win' static"
} finally {
sh "make clean"
def genPackageSteps(opts) {
return opts.arches.collectEntries {
["${opts.image}-${it}": genBuildStep(opts, it)]
build_package_steps << pkgs.collectEntries { genPackageSteps(it) }