var packagejson = require('./package.json'); var electron = require('electron'); module.exports = function (grunt) { require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); var target = grunt.option('target') || 'development'; var env = process.env; env.NODE_PATH = '..:' + env.NODE_PATH; env.NODE_ENV = target; var BASENAME = 'Kitematic'; var OSX_OUT = './dist'; var OSX_OUT_X64 = OSX_OUT + '/' + BASENAME + '-darwin-x64'; var OSX_FILENAME = OSX_OUT_X64 + '/' + BASENAME + '.app'; var LINUX_FILENAME = OSX_OUT + '/' + BASENAME + '_' + packagejson.version + '_amd64.deb'; var VERSION_FILENAME = BASENAME + '-' + packagejson.version; grunt.initConfig({ IDENTITY: 'Developer ID Application: Docker Inc', OSX_FILENAME, OSX_FILENAME_ESCAPED: OSX_FILENAME.replace(/ /g, '\\ ').replace(/\(/g, '\\(').replace(/\)/g, '\\)'), LINUX_FILENAME, VERSION_FILENAME, // electron electron: { windows: { options: { name: BASENAME, dir: 'build/', out: 'dist', version: packagejson['electron-version'], platform: 'win32', arch: 'x64', asar: true, icon: 'util/kitematic.ico', } }, osx: { options: { name: BASENAME, dir: 'build/', out: 'dist', version: packagejson['electron-version'], platform: 'darwin', arch: 'x64', asar: true, 'app-version': packagejson.version, icon: 'util/kitematic.icns', }, }, linux: { options: { name: BASENAME, dir: 'build/', out: 'dist', version: packagejson['electron-version'], platform: 'linux', arch: 'x64', asar: true, 'app-bundle-id': 'com.kitematic.kitematic', 'app-version': packagejson.version, icon: 'util/kitematic.png', } } }, rcedit: { exes: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'dist/' + BASENAME + '-win32-x64', src: [BASENAME + '.exe'], }], options: { icon: 'util/kitematic.ico', 'file-version': packagejson.version, 'product-version': packagejson.version, 'version-string': { 'CompanyName': 'Docker', 'ProductVersion': packagejson.version, 'ProductName': BASENAME, 'FileDescription': BASENAME, 'InternalName': BASENAME + '.exe', 'OriginalFilename': BASENAME + '.exe', 'LegalCopyright': 'Copyright 2015-2016 Docker Inc. All rights reserved.' } } } }, // images copy: { dev: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: '.', src: ['package.json', 'settings.json', 'index.html'], dest: 'build/' }, { expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['**/*'], dest: 'build/' }, { src: 'util/kitematic.icns', dest: 'build/icon.icns', }, { src: 'util/kitematic.ico', dest: 'build/icon.ico', }, { src: 'util/kitematic.png', dest: 'build/icon.png', }, { expand: true, cwd: 'fonts/', src: ['**/*'], dest: 'build/' }, { cwd: 'node_modules/', src: Object.keys(packagejson.dependencies).map(function (dep) { return dep + '/**/*'; }), dest: 'build/node_modules/', expand: true }] }, windows: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'resources', src: ['ssh.exe', 'OPENSSH_LICENSE', 'msys-*'], dest: 'dist/' + BASENAME + '-win32-x64/resources/resources' }], options: { mode: true } }, osx: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'resources', src: ['terminal'], dest: '<%= OSX_FILENAME %>/Contents/Resources/resources/' }], options: { mode: true, }, }, }, // styles less: { options: { sourceMapFileInline: true, javascriptEnabled: true, }, dist: { files: { 'build/main.css': 'styles/main.less' } } }, // javascript babel: { dist: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'src/', src: ['**/*.js'], dest: 'build/', }], }, }, shell: { electron: { command: electron + ' ' + 'build', options: { async: true, execOptions: { env: env, }, }, }, sign: { options: { failOnError: false }, command: [ 'codesign --deep -v -f -s "<%= IDENTITY %>" <%= OSX_FILENAME_ESCAPED %>/Contents/Frameworks/*', 'codesign -v -f -s "<%= IDENTITY %>" <%= OSX_FILENAME_ESCAPED %>', 'codesign -vvv --display <%= OSX_FILENAME_ESCAPED %>', 'codesign -v --verify <%= OSX_FILENAME_ESCAPED %>' ].join(' && ') }, zip: { command: 'ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent <%= OSX_FILENAME_ESCAPED %> release/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '' }, linux_npm: { command: 'cd build && npm install --production' }, }, clean: { release: ['build/', 'dist/'] }, compress: { windows: { options: { archive: './release/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '', mode: 'zip', }, files: [{ expand: true, dot: true, cwd: './dist/Kitematic-win32-x64', src: '**/*', }], }, osx: { options: { archive: './release/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '', mode: 'zip', }, files: [{ expand: true, dot: true, cwd: './dist/Kitematic-darwin-x64', src: '**/*', }], }, debian: { options: { archive: './release/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '', mode: 'zip', }, files: [{ expand: true, dot: true, cwd: './dist', src: '*.deb', }], }, }, // livereload watch: { options: { spawn: true }, livereload: { options: {livereload: true}, files: ['build/**/*'] }, js: { files: ['src/**/*.js'], tasks: ['newer:babel'] }, less: { files: ['styles/**/*.less'], tasks: ['less'] }, copy: { files: ['images/*', 'index.html', 'fonts/*'], tasks: ['newer:copy:dev'] } }, 'electron-packager': { build: { options: { platform: process.platform, arch: process.arch, dir: './build', out: './dist/', name: 'Kitematic', icon: './util/kitematic.png', version: packagejson['electron-version'], // set version of electron overwrite: true, } }, osxlnx: { options: { platform: 'linux', arch: 'x64', dir: './build', out: './dist/', name: 'Kitematic', version: packagejson['electron-version'], // set version of electron overwrite: true, } }, }, 'electron-installer-debian': { options: { name: BASENAME.toLowerCase(), // spaces and brackets cause linting errors productName: BASENAME.toLowerCase(), productDescription: 'Run containers through a simple, yet powerful graphical user interface.', maintainer: 'Ben French ', section: 'devel', priority: 'optional', icon: './util/kitematic.png', lintianOverrides: [ 'changelog-file-missing-in-native-package', 'executable-not-elf-or-script', 'extra-license-file', 'non-standard-dir-perm', 'non-standard-file-perm', 'non-standard-executable-perm', 'script-not-executable', 'shlib-with-executable-bit', 'binary-without-manpage', 'debian-changelog-file-missing', 'unusual-interpreter', 'wrong-path-for-interpreter', 'backup-file-in-package', 'package-contains-vcs-control-file', 'embedded-javascript-library', 'embedded-library', 'arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share' ], categories: [ 'Utility' ], }, linux64: { options: { arch: 'amd64' }, src: './dist/Kitematic-linux-x64/', dest: './dist/', rename: function (dest, src) { return OSX_OUT + '/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '_amd64.deb'; }, }, linux32: { options: { arch: 'i386' }, src: './dist/Kitematic-linux-ia32/', dest: './dist/', rename: function (dest, src) { return OSX_OUT + '/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '_i386.deb'; }, } }, 'electron-installer-redhat': { options: { productName: BASENAME, productDescription: 'Run containers through a simple, yet powerful graphical user interface.', priority: 'optional', icon: './util/kitematic.png', categories: [ 'Utilities', ], }, linux64: { options: { arch: 'x86_64', }, src: './dist/Kitematic-linux-x64/', dest: './dist/', rename: function (dest, src) { return OSX_OUT + '/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '_amd64.rpm'; }, }, linux32: { options: { arch: 'x86', }, src: './dist/Kitematic-linux-ia32/', dest: './dist/', rename: function (dest, src) { return OSX_OUT + '/' + VERSION_FILENAME + '_i386.rpm'; }, }, }, }); // Load the plugins for linux packaging grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-electron-packager'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-electron-installer-debian'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-electron-installer-redhat'); grunt.registerTask('build', ['newer:babel', 'less', 'newer:copy:dev']); grunt.registerTask('default', ['build', 'shell:electron', 'watch']); grunt.registerTask('release:linux', [ 'clean:release', 'build', 'shell:linux_npm', 'electron:linux', 'electron-packager:build', ]); grunt.registerTask('release:debian:x32', ['release:linux', 'electron-installer-debian:linux32', 'compress:debian']); grunt.registerTask('release:debian:x64', ['release:linux', 'electron-installer-debian:linux64', 'compress:debian']); grunt.registerTask('release:redhat:x32', ['release:linux', 'electron-installer-redhat:linux32']); grunt.registerTask('release:redhat:x64', ['release:linux', 'electron-installer-redhat:linux64']); grunt.registerTask('release:mac', [ 'clean:release', 'build', 'shell:linux_npm', 'electron:osx', 'copy:osx', 'shell:sign', 'shell:zip', ]); grunt.registerTask('release:windows', [ 'clean:release', 'build', 'shell:linux_npm', 'electron:windows', 'copy:windows', 'rcedit:exes', 'compress:windows', ]); process.on('SIGINT', function () {['shell:electron:kill']); process.exit(1); }); };