61 строка
1.8 KiB
61 строка
1.8 KiB
# Set default behavior to:
# treat as text and
# normalize to Unix-style line endings
* text eol=lf
# Set explicit file behavior to:
# treat as text and
# normalize to Unix-style line endings
*.cmd text eol=lf
*.config text eol=lf
*.cs text eol=lf
*.csproj text eol=lf
*.json text eol=lf
*.md text eol=lf
*.props text eol=lf
*.ps1 text eol=lf
*.resx text eol=lf
*.sh text eol=lf
*.sln text eol=lf
*.targets text eol=lf
*.yml text eol=lf
# Set explicit file behavior to:
# treat as text and
# normalize to Windows-style line endings
*.sln text eol=crlf
# Set explicit file behavior to:
# treat as binary
*.snk binary
*.png binary
*.jpg binary
*.jpeg binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.mov binary
*.mp4 binary
*.mp3 binary
*.flv binary
*.fla binary
*.swf binary
*.gz binary
*.zip binary
*.7z binary
*.ttf binary
*.stout binary
# Verify
*.verified.txt text eol=lf working-tree-encoding=UTF-8
*.verified.xml text eol=lf working-tree-encoding=UTF-8
*.verified.json text eol=lf working-tree-encoding=UTF-8