115 строки
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115 строки
5.2 KiB
# Disable CI triggers, only called using Maestro
trigger: none
- group: Mirror-Credentials
- template: /eng/common/templates/variables/pool-providers.yml
# Merges code from GitHub into internal branches in internal repos
- template: /eng/common/templates/jobs/jobs.yml
enableTelemetry: true
helixRepo: dotnet/arcade
- job: Merge_GitHub_to_Azure_DevOps
enableSBOM: false
${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES
demands: Cmd
# If it's not devdiv, it's dnceng
${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
name: $(DncEngInternalBuildPool)
demands: ImageOverride -equals windows.vs2019.amd64
- name: WorkingDirectoryName
value: repo-dir
- ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Calculate Merge Branch Names (DncEng)
scriptType: inlineScript
arguments: '$(GithubRepo) $(BranchToMirror)'
inlineScript: |
param([string]$repo, [string]$branch)
$azDORepo = $repo.Replace("/", "-");
# Check that the parameters look correct
if ($azDORepo -eq "" -or $branch -eq "")
Write-Error "Expected valid branch and GitHub repo in the form of owner/repo"
$targetBranch = "internal/$branch"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=AzDORepoNameName]$azDORepo"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TargetBranchName]$targetBranch"
Write-Host "Merging branch '$branch' in GitHub repo '$repo' to $targetBranch in Azure DevOps repo '$azDORepo'."
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Calculate Merge Branch Names (DevDiv)
scriptType: inlineScript
arguments: '$(GithubRepo) $(BranchToMirror)'
inlineScript: |
param([string]$repo, [string]$branch)
$azDORepo = $repo.Replace("/", "-") + "-Trusted";
# Check that the parameters look correct
if ($azDORepo -eq "" -or $branch -eq "")
Write-Error "Expected valid branch and GitHub repo in the form of owner/repo"
$targetBranch = "$branch-MSRC"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=AzDORepoNameName]$azDORepo"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TargetBranchName]$targetBranch"
Write-Host "Merging branch '$branch' in GitHub repo '$repo' to $targetBranch in Azure DevOps repo '$azDORepo'."
- script: |
git clone https://dotnet-maestro-bot:$(BotAccount-dotnet-maestro-bot-PAT)@github.com/$(GithubRepo) $(WorkingDirectoryName) -b $(BranchToMirror)
displayName: Clone GitHub repo
- ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
- script: |
git remote add azdo-mirror https://dn-bot:$(dn-bot-dnceng-build-rw-code-rw)@dev.azure.com/dnceng/internal/_git/$(AzDORepoNameName)
displayName: Add Azure DevOps remote (DncEng)
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}:
- script: |
git remote add azdo-mirror https://dn-bot:$(dn-bot-devdiv-build-rw-code-rw)@dev.azure.com/devdiv/devdiv/_git/$(AzDORepoNameName)
displayName: Add Azure DevOps remote (DevDiv)
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
- script: |
git fetch azdo-mirror
displayName: Fetch AzDO repo
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
- script: |
git checkout -b $(TargetBranchName) -t azdo-mirror/$(TargetBranchName) || git checkout -b $(TargetBranchName) -t azdo-mirror/$(BranchToMirror)
displayName: Check out target branch
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
- script: |
git -c user.email="dotnet-bot@microsoft.com" -c user.name="dotnet-bot" merge origin/$(BranchToMirror) -m "Merge in '$(BranchToMirror)' changes"
displayName: Merge open to target branch
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
- script: |
git push azdo-mirror $(TargetBranchName) $(ExtraPushArgs)
displayName: Push changes to Azure DevOps repo
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Broadcast target, branch, commit in metadata
continueOnError: true
condition: always()
scriptType: inlineScript
arguments: '$(GithubRepo) $(BranchToMirror)'
workingDirectory: $(WorkingDirectoryName)
inlineScript: |
param([string]$repo, [string]$branch)
$commit = (git rev-parse HEAD).Substring(0, 7)
$target = "$repo $branch".Replace('/', ' ')
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$target $commit"
Write-Host "##vso[build.addbuildtag]$target"