# # See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/yaml-schema for details on this file. # # Configure which branches trigger builds trigger: branches: include: - main - release/* # Do not run this pipeline for PR validation. pr: none variables: - name: _BuildArgs value: '/p:SkipTestBuild=true' - name: WindowsNonX64LogArgs value: -ExcludeCIBinaryLog - template: /eng/common/templates/variables/pool-providers.yml stages: - stage: build displayName: Build jobs: # Build Windows (x64/x86/arm64) - template: jobs/default-build.yml parameters: jobName: Windows_build jobDisplayName: "Build: Windows x64/x86/arm64" enableRichCodeNavigation: true agentOs: Windows steps: - script: ./eng/build.cmd -ci -arch x64 -buildNative /p:EnableRichCodeNavigation=false $(_BuildArgs) displayName: Build x64 native assets - script: ./eng/build.cmd -ci -arch x64 -all -noBuildNative -noBuildRepoTasks $(_BuildArgs) displayName: Build x64 # Build the x86 shared framework # This is going to actually build x86 native assets. - script: ./eng/build.cmd -ci -arch x86 -all -noBuildJava -noBuildNative -noBuildRepoTasks $(_BuildArgs) $(WindowsNonX64LogArgs) displayName: Build x86 # Build the arm64 shared framework - script: ./eng/build.cmd -ci -arch arm64 -noBuildJava -noBuildNative -noBuildRepoTasks $(_BuildArgs) $(WindowsNonX64LogArgs) displayName: Build ARM64