#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # # variables # RESET="\033[0m" RED="\033[0;31m" YELLOW="\033[0;33m" MAGENTA="\033[0;95m" DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" [ -z "${DOTNET_HOME:-}" ] && DOTNET_HOME="$HOME/.dotnet" verbose=false update=false reinstall=false repo_path="$DIR" channel='' tools_source='' tools_source_suffix='' ci=false # # Functions # __usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") command [options] [[--] ...]" echo "" echo "Arguments:" echo " command The command to be run." echo " ... Arguments passed to the command. Variable number of arguments allowed." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --verbose Show verbose output." echo " -c|--channel The channel of KoreBuild to download. Overrides the value from the config file.." echo " --config-file The path to the configuration file that stores values. Defaults to korebuild.json." echo " -d|--dotnet-home The directory where .NET Core tools will be stored. Defaults to '\$DOTNET_HOME' or '\$HOME/.dotnet." echo " --path The directory to build. Defaults to the directory containing the script." echo " -s|--tools-source|-ToolsSource The base url where build tools can be downloaded. Overrides the value from the config file." echo " --tools-source-suffix|-ToolsSourceSuffix The suffix to append to tools-source. Useful for query strings." echo " -u|--update Update to the latest KoreBuild even if the lock file is present." echo " --reinstall Reinstall KoreBuild." echo " --ci Apply CI specific settings and environment variables." echo "" echo "Description:" echo " This function will create a file \$DIR/korebuild-lock.txt. This lock file can be committed to source, but does not have to be." echo " When the lockfile is not present, KoreBuild will create one using latest available version from \$channel." if [[ "${1:-}" != '--no-exit' ]]; then exit 2 fi } get_korebuild() { local version local lock_file="$repo_path/korebuild-lock.txt" if [ ! -f "$lock_file" ] || [ "$update" = true ]; then __get_remote_file "$tools_source/korebuild/channels/$channel/latest.txt" "$lock_file" "$tools_source_suffix" fi version="$(grep 'version:*' -m 1 "$lock_file")" if [[ "$version" == '' ]]; then __error "Failed to parse version from $lock_file. Expected a line that begins with 'version:'" return 1 fi version="$(echo "${version#version:}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" local korebuild_path="$DOTNET_HOME/buildtools/korebuild/$version" if [ "$reinstall" = true ] && [ -d "$korebuild_path" ]; then rm -rf "$korebuild_path" fi { if [ ! -d "$korebuild_path" ]; then mkdir -p "$korebuild_path" local remote_path="$tools_source/korebuild/artifacts/$version/korebuild.$version.zip" tmpfile="$(mktemp)" echo -e "${MAGENTA}Downloading KoreBuild ${version}${RESET}" if __get_remote_file "$remote_path" "$tmpfile" "$tools_source_suffix"; then unzip -q -d "$korebuild_path" "$tmpfile" fi rm "$tmpfile" || true fi source "$korebuild_path/KoreBuild.sh" } || { if [ -d "$korebuild_path" ]; then echo "Cleaning up after failed installation" rm -rf "$korebuild_path" || true fi return 1 } } __error() { echo -e "${RED}error: $*${RESET}" 1>&2 } __warn() { echo -e "${YELLOW}warning: $*${RESET}" } __machine_has() { hash "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } __get_remote_file() { local remote_path=$1 local local_path=$2 local remote_path_suffix=$3 if [[ "$remote_path" != 'http'* ]]; then cp "$remote_path" "$local_path" return 0 fi local failed=false if __machine_has wget; then wget --tries 10 --quiet -O "$local_path" "${remote_path}${remote_path_suffix}" || failed=true else failed=true fi if [ "$failed" = true ] && __machine_has curl; then failed=false curl --retry 10 -sSL -f --create-dirs -o "$local_path" "${remote_path}${remote_path_suffix}" || failed=true fi if [ "$failed" = true ]; then __error "Download failed: $remote_path" 1>&2 return 1 fi } # # main # command="${1:-}" shift while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -\?|-h|--help) __usage --no-exit exit 0 ;; -c|--channel|-Channel) shift channel="${1:-}" [ -z "$channel" ] && __usage ;; --config-file|-ConfigFile) shift config_file="${1:-}" [ -z "$config_file" ] && __usage if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then __error "Invalid value for --config-file. $config_file does not exist." exit 1 fi ;; -d|--dotnet-home|-DotNetHome) shift DOTNET_HOME="${1:-}" [ -z "$DOTNET_HOME" ] && __usage ;; --path|-Path) shift repo_path="${1:-}" [ -z "$repo_path" ] && __usage ;; -s|--tools-source|-ToolsSource) shift tools_source="${1:-}" [ -z "$tools_source" ] && __usage ;; --tools-source-suffix|-ToolsSourceSuffix) shift tools_source_suffix="${1:-}" [ -z "$tools_source_suffix" ] && __usage ;; -u|--update|-Update) update=true ;; --reinstall|-[Rr]einstall) reinstall=true ;; --ci|-[Cc][Ii]) ci=true ;; --verbose|-Verbose) verbose=true ;; --) shift break ;; *) break ;; esac shift done if ! __machine_has unzip; then __error 'Missing required command: unzip' exit 1 fi if ! __machine_has curl && ! __machine_has wget; then __error 'Missing required command. Either wget or curl is required.' exit 1 fi [ -z "${config_file:-}" ] && config_file="$repo_path/korebuild.json" if [ -f "$config_file" ]; then if __machine_has jq ; then if jq '.' "$config_file" >/dev/null ; then config_channel="$(jq -r 'select(.channel!=null) | .channel' "$config_file")" config_tools_source="$(jq -r 'select(.toolsSource!=null) | .toolsSource' "$config_file")" else _error "$config_file contains invalid JSON." exit 1 fi elif __machine_has python ; then if python -c "import json,codecs;obj=json.load(codecs.open('$config_file', 'r', 'utf-8-sig'))" >/dev/null ; then config_channel="$(python -c "import json,codecs;obj=json.load(codecs.open('$config_file', 'r', 'utf-8-sig'));print(obj['channel'] if 'channel' in obj else '')")" config_tools_source="$(python -c "import json,codecs;obj=json.load(codecs.open('$config_file', 'r', 'utf-8-sig'));print(obj['toolsSource'] if 'toolsSource' in obj else '')")" else _error "$config_file contains invalid JSON." exit 1 fi elif __machine_has python3 ; then if python3 -c "import json,codecs;obj=json.load(codecs.open('$config_file', 'r', 'utf-8-sig'))" >/dev/null ; then config_channel="$(python3 -c "import json,codecs;obj=json.load(codecs.open('$config_file', 'r', 'utf-8-sig'));print(obj['channel'] if 'channel' in obj else '')")" config_tools_source="$(python3 -c "import json,codecs;obj=json.load(codecs.open('$config_file', 'r', 'utf-8-sig'));print(obj['toolsSource'] if 'toolsSource' in obj else '')")" else _error "$config_file contains invalid JSON." exit 1 fi else _error 'Missing required command: jq or python. Could not parse the JSON file.' exit 1 fi [ ! -z "${config_channel:-}" ] && channel="$config_channel" [ ! -z "${config_tools_source:-}" ] && tools_source="$config_tools_source" fi [ -z "$channel" ] && channel='dev' [ -z "$tools_source" ] && tools_source='https://aspnetcore.blob.core.windows.net/buildtools' get_korebuild set_korebuildsettings "$tools_source" "$DOTNET_HOME" "$repo_path" "$config_file" "$ci" invoke_korebuild_command "$command" "$@"