зеркало из https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore.git
75 строки
2.7 KiB
75 строки
2.7 KiB
Finds or installs the Tar command on this system.
This script searches for Tar on this system. If not found, downloads and extracts Git to use its tar.exe. Prefers
global installation locations even if Git has been downloaded into this repo.
The version of the Git to install. If not set, the default value is read from global.json.
Overwrite the existing installation if one exists in this repo and Tar isn't installed globally.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Workaround PowerShell/PowerShell#2138
Set-StrictMode -Version 1
# Find tar. If not found, install Git to get it.
$repoRoot = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\.." -Resolve)
$installDir = "$repoRoot\.tools\Git\win-x64"
$tarCommand = "$installDir\usr\bin\tar.exe"
$finalCommand = "$repoRoot\.tools\tar.exe"
Write-Host "Windows version and other information..."
cmd.exe /c ver
Write-Host "Processor Architecture: $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"
Write-Host "Checking $env:SystemRoot\System32\tar.exe"
Get-ChildItem "$env:SystemRoot\System32\ta*.exe"
if (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\tar.exe") {
Write-Host "Found $env:SystemRoot\System32\tar.exe"
$tarCommand = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\tar.exe"
elseif (Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Git\usr\bin\tar.exe") {
$tarCommand = "$env:ProgramFiles\Git\usr\bin\tar.exe"
elseif (Test-Path "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Git\usr\bin\tar.exe") {
$tarCommand = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Git\usr\bin\tar.exe"
elseif (Test-Path "$env:AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY\externals\git\usr\bin\tar.exe") {
$tarCommand = "$env:AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY\externals\git\usr\bin\tar.exe"
elseif ((Test-Path $tarCommand) -And (-Not $Force)) {
Write-Verbose "Repo-local Git installation and $tarCommand already exist, skipping Git install."
else {
if (-not $GitVersion) {
$globalJson = Get-Content "$repoRoot\global.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$GitVersion = $globalJson.tools.Git
$Uri = "https://netcorenativeassets.blob.core.windows.net/resource-packages/external/windows/git/Git-${GitVersion}-64-bit.zip"
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\common\native\CommonLibrary.psm1" -Resolve)
$InstallStatus = CommonLibrary\DownloadAndExtract -Uri $Uri -InstallDirectory "$installDir\" -Force:$Force -Verbose
if ($InstallStatus -Eq $False) {
Write-Error "Installation failed"
exit 1
New-Item "$repoRoot\.tools\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item "$tarCommand" "$finalCommand" -Verbose
Write-Host "Tar now available at '$finalCommand'"
if ($tarCommand -like '*\Git\*') {
$null >.\.tools\tar.fromGit