зеркало из https://github.com/dotnet/core.git
663 строки
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663 строки
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# This script allows running API-diff to generate the dotnet/core report that compares the APIs introduced between two previews, in the format expected for publishing in the dotnet/core repo.
# Usage:
# RunApiDiff.ps1
# -PreviousDotNetVersion : The 'before' .NET version: '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', etc.
# -PreviousPreviewOrRC : An optional word that indicates if the 'before' version is a Preview, an RC, or GA. Accepted values: "preview", "rc" or "ga".
# -PreviousPreviewNumberVersion : The optional preview or RC number of the 'before' version: '1', '2', '3', etc. For GA, this number is the 3rd one in the released version (7.0.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, ...).
# -CurrentDotNetVersion : The 'after' .NET version: '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', etc.
# -CurrentPreviewOrRC : An optional word that indicates if the 'after' version is a Preview, an RC, or GA. Accepted values: "preview", "rc" or "ga".
# -CurrentPreviewNumberVersion : The optional preview or RC number of the 'before' version: '1', '2', '3', etc. For GA, this number is the 3rd one in the released version (7.0.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, ...).
# -CoreRepo : The full path to your local clone of the dotnet/core repo.
# -ArcadeRepo : The full path to your local clone of the dotnet/arcade repo.
# -TmpFolder : The full path to the folder where the assets will be downloaded, extracted and compared.
# Example:
# .\RunApiDiff.ps1 -PreviousDotNetVersion 8.0 -PreviousPreviewOrRC preview -PreviousPreviewNumberVersion 2 -CurrentDotNetVersion 8.0 -CurrentPreviewOrRC preview -CurrentPreviewNumberVersion 3 -CoreRepo D:\core -ArcadeRepo D:\arcade -TmpFolder D:\tmp
Param (
$PreviousDotNetVersion # 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, ...
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$PreviousPreviewNumberVersion # 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
$CurrentDotNetVersion # 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, ...
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$CurrentPreviewNumberVersion # 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
$CoreRepo #"D:\\core"
$ArcadeRepo #"D:\\arcade"
$TmpFolder #"D:\tmp"
### Functions ###
Function Write-Color
Param (
[string] $newColor
$oldColor = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $newColor
If ($args)
Write-Output $args
$input | Write-Output
$host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $oldColor
Function VerifyPathOrExit
Param (
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $path))
Write-Error "The path '$path' does not exist." -ErrorAction Stop
Function RemoveFolderIfExists
Param (
If (Test-Path -Path $path)
Write-Color yellow "Removing existing folder: $path"
Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $path
Function RecreateFolder
Param (
RemoveFolderIfExists $path
Write-Color cyan "Creating new folder: $path"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path
Function VerifyCountDlls
Param (
VerifyPathOrExit $path
$count=(Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter "*.dll" | Measure-Object).Count
If ($count -eq 0)
Write-Error "There are no DLL files inside the folder." -ErrorAction Stop
Function RunCommand
Param (
Write-Color yellow $command
Invoke-Expression "$command"
Function GetDotNetFullName
Param (
$dotNetVersion # 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, ...
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$previewNumberVersion # 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
If ($IsComparingReleases)
Return "$dotNetVersion.$previewNumberVersion"
If ($previewOrRC -eq "ga")
If ($previewNumberVersion -eq "0")
# Example: Don't return "7.0-ga0", instead just return "7.0-ga"
Return "$dotNetVersion-$previewOrRC"
# Examples: Don't include "ga", instead just return "7.0.1", "7.0.2"
Return "$dotNetVersion.$previewNumberVersion"
# Examples: "7.0-preview5", "7.0-rc2", "7.0-ga"
Return "$dotNetVersion-$previewOrRC$previewNumberVersion"
Function GetDotNetFriendlyName
Param (
$DotNetVersion # 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, ...
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$PreviewNumberVersion # 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
$friendlyPreview = ""
If ($PreviewOrRC -eq "preview")
$friendlyPreview = "Preview"
ElseIf ($PreviewOrRC -eq "rc")
$friendlyPreview = "RC"
ElseIf ($PreviewOrRC -eq "ga")
$friendlyPreview = "GA"
If ($PreviewNumberVersion -eq 0)
# Example: Don't return "7.0 GA 0", instead just return "7.0 GA"
Return ".NET $DotNetVersion $friendlyPreview"
# Examples: Don't include "ga", instead just return "7.0.1", "7.0.2"
Return ".NET $DotNetVersion.$PreviewNumberVersion"
# Examples: "7.0 Preview 5", "7.0 RC 2"
Return ".NET $DotNetVersion $friendlyPreview $PreviewNumberVersion"
Function GetPreviewOrRCFolderName
Param (
$dotNetVersion # 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, ...
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$previewNumberVersion # 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
If ($previewOrRC -eq "ga")
If ($previewNumberVersion -eq "0")
# return "ga", not "ga0"
Return $previewOrRC
# return "7.0.1", "7.0.2", not "ga1, ga2"
Return "$dotNetVersion$previewNumberVersion"
Return "$previewOrRC$previewNumberVersion"
Function GetPreviewFolderPath
Param (
$rootFolder #"D:\\core"
$dotNetVersion # 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, ...
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$previewNumberVersion # 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
$IsComparingReleases # True when comparing 8.0 GA with 9.0 GA
$prefixFolder = [IO.Path]::Combine($rootFolder, "release-notes", $dotNetVersion)
$apiDiffFolderName = "api-diff"
If ($IsComparingReleases)
Return [IO.Path]::Combine($prefixFolder, "$dotNetVersion.$previewNumberVersion", $apiDiffFolderName)
$previewOrRCFolderName = GetPreviewOrRCFolderName $dotNetVersion $previewOrRC $previewNumberVersion
Return [IO.Path]::Combine($prefixFolder, "preview", $previewOrRCFolderName, $apiDiffFolderName)
Function RunAsmDiff
Param (
VerifyPathOrExit $asmDiffExe
VerifyPathOrExit $beforeFolder
VerifyPathOrExit $afterFolder
If (Test-Path -Path $tableOfContentsFilePath)
Write-Color yellow "Deleting existing table of contents file..."
Remove-Item -Path $tableOfContentsFilePath
# Arguments currently used:
# -r: Include members, types, and namespaces that were removed.
# -a: Include members, types and namespaces that were added.
# -c: Included members, types and namespaces that were changed.
# -itc: Include table of contents.
# -cfn: Create files per namespace.
# -adm: Forces showing all members of a type that was added or removed.
# -hbm: Highlight members that are interface implementations or overrides of a base member.
# -da: Enables diffing of the attributes as well.
# -w markdown: Type of diff writer to use.
# -o <path>: Output file path.
# -os <path>: Path to the old assembly set (baseline).
# -ns <path>: Path to the new assembly set.
# All arguments:
# https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/main/src/Microsoft.DotNet.AsmDiff/Program.cs
RunCommand "$asmDiffExe -r -a -c -itc -cfn -adm -hbm -da -w markdown -o $tableOfContentsFilePath -os $beforeFolder -ns $afterFolder"
Function ReplaceTitle
Param (
VerifyPathOrExit $tableOfContentsFilePath
$correctTitle="# API Difference ${previousFullName} vs ${currentFullName}"
Write-Color cyan "Replacing title of table of contents with correct one: $tableOfContentsFilePath"
$updatedTableOfContents = .{
Get-Content $tableOfContentsFilePath | Select-Object -Skip 1
Set-Content -Path $tableOfContentsFilePath -Value $updatedTableOfContents
Function CreateReadme
Param (
$readmePath=[IO.Path]::Combine($previewFolderPath, "README.md")
If (Test-Path -Path $readmePath)
Remove-Item -Path $readmePath
New-Item -ItemType File $readmePath
Add-Content $readmePath "# $dotNetFriendlyName API Changes"
Add-Content $readmePath ""
Add-Content $readmePath "The following API changes were made in $($dotNetFriendlyName):"
Add-Content $readmePath ""
Add-Content $readmePath "- [Microsoft.NETCore.App](./Microsoft.NETCore.App/$dotNetFullName.md)"
Add-Content $readmePath "- [Microsoft.AspNetCore.App](./Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/$dotNetFullName.md)"
Add-Content $readmePath "- [Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App](./Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App/$dotNetFullName.md)"
Function RebuildIfExeNotFound
Param (
VerifyPathOrExit $projectPath
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $exePath))
# Building the project
Write-Color cyan "Building project '$projectPath'"
RunCommand "dotnet build -c release $projectPath"
# Verifying expected output from building
VerifyPathOrExit $artifactsPath
VerifyPathOrExit $exePath
Function DownloadPackage
[ValidateSet("NETCore", "AspNetCore", "WindowsDesktop")]
[ValidateSet("Before", "After")]
[ValidateSet("preview", "rc", "ga")]
$fullSdkName = "Microsoft.$sdkName.App"
$destinationFolder = [IO.Path]::Combine($TmpFolder, "$fullSdkName.$beforeOrAfter")
RecreateFolder $destinationFolder
$refPackageName = "$fullSdkName.Ref"
$nugetSource = "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json"
$searchTerm = ""
If ($previewOrRC -eq "ga")
$searchTerm = "$dotNetversion.$previewNumberVersion"
ElseIf (-Not ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($previewOrRC)) -And -Not ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($previewNumberVersion)))
$searchTerm = "$dotNetversion.*-$previewOrRC.$previewNumberVersion*"
$results = Find-Package -AllVersions -Source $nugetSource -Name $refPackageName -AllowPrereleaseVersions | Where-Object -Property Version -Like $searchTerm | Sort-Object Version -Descending
If ($results.Count -eq 0)
Write-Error "No NuGet packages found with search term '$searchTerm'." -ErrorAction Stop
$version = $results[0].Version
$nupkgFile = [IO.Path]::Combine($TmpFolder, "$refPackageName.$version.nupkg")
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $nupkgFile))
Write-Color yellow "Package '$nupkgFile' does not exist. Downloading."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/$refPackageName/$version" -OutFile $nupkgFile
VerifyPathOrExit $nupkgFile
Write-Color green "The '$nupkgFile' package was already found. Skipping new download."
Expand-Archive -Path $nupkgFile -DestinationPath $destinationFolder
$dllPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($destinationFolder, "ref", "net$dotNetVersion")
VerifyPathOrExit $dllPath
VerifyCountDlls $dllPath
$resultingPath.value = $dllPath
### Execution ###
## Generate strings with no whitespace
# True when comparing 8.0 GA with 9.0 GA
$IsComparingReleases = ($PreviousDotNetVersion -Ne $CurrentDotNetVersion) -And ($PreviousPreviewOrRC -Eq "ga") -And ($CurrentPreviewOrRC -eq "ga")
$previousDotNetFullName = GetDotNetFullName $IsComparingReleases $PreviousDotNetVersion $PreviousPreviewOrRC $PreviousPreviewNumberVersion
$currentDotNetFullName = GetDotNetFullName $IsComparingReleases $CurrentDotNetVersion $CurrentPreviewOrRC $CurrentPreviewNumberVersion
## Check folders passed as parameters exist
VerifyPathOrExit $CoreRepo
VerifyPathOrExit $ArcadeRepo
VerifyPathOrExit $TmpFolder
## Download the NuGet packages
# NETCore
$netCoreBeforeDllFolder = ""
DownloadPackage "NETCore" "Before" $PreviousDotNetVersion $PreviousPreviewOrRC $PreviousPreviewNumberVersion ([ref]$netCoreBeforeDllFolder)
VerifyPathOrExit $netCoreBeforeDllFolder
$netCoreAfterDllFolder = ""
DownloadPackage "NETCore" "After" $CurrentDotNetVersion $CurrentPreviewOrRC $CurrentPreviewNumberVersion ([ref]$netCoreAfterDllFolder)
VerifyPathOrExit $netCoreAfterDllFolder
# AspNetCore
$aspNetCoreBeforeDllFolder = ""
DownloadPackage "AspNetCore" "Before" $PreviousDotNetVersion $PreviousPreviewOrRC $PreviousPreviewNumberVersion ([ref]$aspNetCoreBeforeDllFolder)
VerifyPathOrExit $aspNetCoreBeforeDllFolder
$aspNetCoreAfterDllFolder = ""
DownloadPackage "AspNetCore" "After" $CurrentDotNetVersion $CurrentPreviewOrRC $CurrentPreviewNumberVersion ([ref]$aspNetCoreAfterDllFolder)
VerifyPathOrExit $aspNetCoreAfterDllFolder
# WindowsDesktop
$windowsDesktopBeforeDllFolder = ""
DownloadPackage "WindowsDesktop" "Before" $PreviousDotNetVersion $PreviousPreviewOrRC $PreviousPreviewNumberVersion ([ref]$windowsDesktopBeforeDllFolder)
VerifyPathOrExit $windowsDesktopBeforeDllFolder
$windowsDesktopAfterDllFolder = ""
DownloadPackage "WindowsDesktop" "After" $CurrentDotNetVersion $CurrentPreviewOrRC $CurrentPreviewNumberVersion ([ref]$windowsDesktopAfterDllFolder)
VerifyPathOrExit $windowsDesktopAfterDllFolder
## Ensure AsmDiff artifacts exist
$asmDiffProjectPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($ArcadeRepo, "src", "Microsoft.DotNet.AsmDiff", "Microsoft.DotNet.AsmDiff.csproj")
$asmDiffArtifactsPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($ArcadeRepo ,"artifacts", "bin", "Microsoft.DotNet.AsmDiff")
$asmDiffExe = [IO.Path]::Combine($asmDiffArtifactsPath, "Release", "net8.0", "Microsoft.DotNet.AsmDiff.exe")
ReBuildIfExeNotFound $asmDiffExe $asmDiffProjectPath $asmDiffArtifactsPath
## Recreate api-diff folder in core repo folder
$previewFolderPath = GetPreviewFolderPath $CoreRepo $CurrentDotNetVersion $CurrentPreviewOrRC $CurrentPreviewNumberVersion $IsComparingReleases
Write-Color cyan "Checking existing diff folder: $previewFolderPath"
RecreateFolder $previewFolderPath
## Create subfolders
# NETCore
$netCoreTargetFolder = [IO.Path]::Combine($previewFolderPath, "Microsoft.NETCore.App")
RecreateFolder $netCoreTargetFolder
$aspNetCoreTargetFolder = [IO.Path]::Combine($previewFolderPath, "Microsoft.AspNetCore.App")
RecreateFolder $aspNetCoreTargetFolder
# WindowsDesktop
$windowsDesktopTargetFolder = [IO.Path]::Combine($previewFolderPath, "Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App")
RecreateFolder $windowsDesktopTargetFolder
## Run the Asm-Diff commands
$tableOfContentsFile = "$currentDotNetFullName.md"
$tableOfContentsFilePathNETCore = [IO.Path]::Combine($netCoreTargetFolder, $tableOfContentsFile)
$tableOfContentsFilePathAspNetCore = [IO.Path]::Combine($aspNetCoreTargetFolder, $tableOfContentsFile)
$tableOfContentsFilePathWindowsDesktop = [IO.Path]::Combine($windowsDesktopTargetFolder, $tableOfContentsFile)
RunAsmDiff $asmDiffExe $tableOfContentsFilePathNETCore $netCoreBeforeDllFolder $netCoreAfterDllFolder
RunAsmDiff $asmDiffExe $tableOfContentsFilePathAspNetCore $aspNetCoreBeforeDllFolder $aspNetCoreAfterDllFolder
RunAsmDiff $asmDiffExe $tableOfContentsFilePathWindowsDesktop $windowsDesktopBeforeDllFolder $windowsDesktopAfterDllFolder
## Replace the first line of the summmary files with the correct title, and write final readme
ReplaceTitle $tableOfContentsFilePathNETCore $previousDotNetFullName $currentDotNetFullName
ReplaceTitle $tableOfContentsFilePathAspNetCore $previousDotNetFullName $currentDotNetFullName
ReplaceTitle $tableOfContentsFilePathWindowsDesktop $previousDotNetFullName $currentDotNetFullName
$currentDotNetFriendlyName = GetDotNetFriendlyName $CurrentDotNetVersion $CurrentPreviewOrRC $CurrentPreviewNumberVersion
CreateReadme $previewFolderPath $currentDotNetFriendlyName $currentDotNetFullName