195 строки
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195 строки
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### YamlMime:Landing
title: .NET Multi-platform App UI documentation
summary: .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) lets you build native apps using a .NET cross-platform UI toolkit that targets the mobile and desktop form factors on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Tizen.
title: .NET Multi-platform App UI documentation
description: .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) lets you build native apps using a .NET cross-platform UI toolkit that targets the mobile and desktop form factors on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Tizen.
ms.topic: landing-page
ms.date: 06/21/2022
- title: Overview
- linkListType: overview
- text: What is .NET Multi-platform App UI?
url: what-is-maui.md
- text: Supported platforms
url: supported-platforms.md
- text: Troubleshooting
url: troubleshooting.md
- linkListType: whats-new
- text: What's new in .NET MAUI docs?
url: whats-new/index.yml
- title: Get started
- linkListType: how-to-guide
- text: Installation
url: get-started/installation.md
- text: Build your first app
url: get-started/first-app.md?pivots=devices-windows
- text: Debug on an Android emulator
url: android/emulator/debug-on-emulator.md
- text: Setup an Android device for debugging
url: android/device/setup.md
- text: iOS device provisioning
url: ios/device-provisioning/index.md
- text: Build an iOS app with .NET CLI
url: ios/cli.md
- text: Build a Mac Catalyst app with .NET CLI
url: mac-catalyst/cli.md
- text: Pair to Mac for iOS development
url: ios/pair-to-mac.md
- text: Remote iOS Simulator for Windows
url: ios/remote-simulator.md
- text: Setup Windows for debugging
url: windows/setup.md
- linkListType: get-started
- text: Learning resources
url: get-started/resources.md
- title: Migrate from Xamarin
- linkListType: concept
- text: Upgrade Xamarin native projects
url: migration/native-projects.md
- text: Xamarin.Android project migration
url: migration/android-projects.md
- text: Xamarin Apple project migration
url: migration/apple-projects.md
- text: Automatically upgrade Xamarin.Forms projects
url: migration/upgrade-assistant.md
- text: Manually upgrade Xamarin.Forms projects
url: migration/forms-projects.md
- text: Layout behavior changes
url: migration/layouts.md
- text: Custom renderers
url: migration/custom-renderers.md
- text: Effects
url: migration/effects.md
- title: XAML
- linkListType: concept
- text: Overview
url: xaml/index.md
- text: Fundamentals
url: xaml/fundamentals/get-started.md
- text: Compilation
url: xaml/xamlc.md
- text: Field modifiers
url: xaml/field-modifiers.md
- text: Generics
url: xaml/generics.md
- text: Markup extensions
url: xaml/markup-extensions/consume.md
- text: Namespaces
url: xaml/namespaces/index.md
- text: Pass arguments
url: xaml/pass-arguments.md
- text: XAML Hot Reload
url: xaml/hot-reload.md
- title: Fundamentals
- linkListType: concept
- text: Accessibility
url: fundamentals/accessibility.md
- text: App lifecycle
url: fundamentals/app-lifecycle.md
- text: Behaviors
url: fundamentals/behaviors.md
- text: Data binding
url: fundamentals/data-binding/index.md
- text: Localization
url: fundamentals/localization.md
- text: Resource dictionaries
url: fundamentals/resource-dictionaries.md
- text: Shell
url: fundamentals/shell/index.md
- text: Single project
url: fundamentals/single-project.md
- text: Triggers
url: fundamentals/triggers.md
- title: User interface
- linkListType: concept
- text: Animation
url: user-interface/animation/basic.md
- text: Brushes
url: user-interface/brushes/index.md
- text: Controls
url: user-interface/controls/index.md
- text: Graphics
url: user-interface/graphics/index.md
- text: Handlers
url: user-interface/handlers/index.md
- text: Layouts
url: user-interface/layouts/index.md
- text: Pages
url: user-interface/pages/contentpage.md
- text: Styles
url: user-interface/styles/xaml.md
- text: Theming
url: user-interface/theming.md
- title: Platform integration
- linkListType: concept
- text: App information
url: platform-integration/appmodel/app-information.md
- text: Clipboard
url: platform-integration/data/clipboard.md
- text: Device information
url: platform-integration/device/information.md
- text: Device sensors
url: platform-integration/device/sensors.md
- text: File picker
url: platform-integration/storage/file-picker.md
- text: Network connectivity
url: platform-integration/communication/networking.md
- text: Permissions
url: platform-integration/appmodel/permissions.md
- text: Photo picker
url: platform-integration/device-media/picker.md
- text: Preferences
url: platform-integration/storage/preferences.md
- text: Web authenticator
url: platform-integration/communication/authentication.md
- title: Data & cloud services
- linkListType: concept
- text: Azure mobile apps
url: /azure/developer/mobile-apps/azure-mobile-apps/quickstarts/maui/
- text: Consume a REST-based web service
url: data-cloud/rest.md
- text: Connect to local web services
url: data-cloud/local-web-services.md
- text: Local databases
url: data-cloud/database-sqlite.md
- title: Deployment
- linkListType: concept
- text: Hot restart
url: ios/hot-restart.md
- text: Improve app performance
url: deployment/performance.md
- text: Project configuration
url: deployment/visual-studio-properties.md
- text: Publish Android apps
url: android/deployment/index.md
- text: Publish iOS apps
url: ios/deployment/index.md
- text: Publish Mac Catalyst apps
url: mac-catalyst/deployment/index.md
- text: Publish Windows apps
url: windows/deployment/overview.md