import hudson.model.* import jenkins.model.* def GeneratorJobName = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("GeneratorJobName") def GeneratorBuildNumber = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("GeneratorBuildNumber") println("Retrieving info about ${GeneratorJobName}:${GeneratorBuildNumber}") def generatorJob = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(GeneratorJobName) // Get the specific build AbstractBuild currentBuild = generatorJob.getBuild(GeneratorBuildNumber) assert currentBuild != null // Retrieve the succesful build before that AbstractBuild previousBuild = currentBuild.getPreviousSuccessfulBuild() assert previousBuild != null // Get the sets of jobs generated. Set currentJobs = currentBuild.getAction(javaposse.jobdsl.plugin.actions.GeneratedJobsBuildAction).items Set previousJobs = previousBuild.getAction(javaposse.jobdsl.plugin.actions.GeneratedJobsBuildAction).items assert currentJobs != null assert previousJobs != null println("Diffing ${generatorJob.fullName}:${currentBuild.number} against ${generatorJob.fullName}:${previousBuild.number}") // We are trying to deal with the following issue: When a line is removed from the repo list, or changed in such a way // that the generator no longer exists, the old generated jobs aren't deleted or disabled. They stay around. This is inefficient // and annoying. What this script does is diff the previous and current builds and determine whether generator jobs have been // deleted. If they have, then we walk the folder structure that was generated and disable any jobs. These would be cleaned up later. // We are interested in cases where a generator (or generator_prtest) existed before, but not now // Log some basic stuff println("Generators, before:") previousJobs.each { job -> // If the job's name is "generator" if ( == "generator") { println( " " + job.fullName ) } } println("Generators, after:") currentJobs.each { job -> // If the job's name is "generator" if ( == "generator") { println( " " + job.fullName ) } } // Now walk and find deleted ones (in previous but not now) // There is a special case. If there are overlapping subfolders. For instance, if I had // // dotnet/coreclr/master/generator // // which generated a few jobs under a perf folder // // dotnet/coreclr/master/perf/myfoojob // // and removed that generator, but added another in a subfolder with a generator // // dotnet/coreclr/master/perf/generator // // We don't want to disable the second generator. We do, however, want to disable all jobs under dotnet/coreclr/master // since there may have been removed jobs under 'perf' that are no longer generated in the new groovy file. The solution is simple // though, as we walk and disable jobs under dotnet/coreclr/master, as we find other jobs named generator that are in the currentJobs list, // add them to a list to queue after this script is done. println("Removed generators:") def foldersToDisable = [] previousJobs.each { previousJob -> // If the previous job was a generator. if ( == "generator") { boolean found = false // Check the current jobs for a generator with the same full name currentJobs.each { currentJob -> if (currentJob.fullName == previousJob.fullName) { found = true return } } if (!found) { println(" " + previousJob.fullName) // Add the job's folder to the disable list def parentFullName = previousJob.getParent().fullName assert parentFullName != '' && parentFullName != '/' foldersToDisable += parentFullName } } } println ("Disabling jobs:") // Now that we have our list, go through and disable, checking that each item named generator or generator_prtest isn't // in the current list def generatorsToRequeue = [] foldersToDisable.each { folderName -> println("Disabling items under folder ${folderName}") def folder = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(folderName) assert folder.class.canonicalName == 'com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder' generatorsToRequeue += disableItemsUnderFolderNotInList(((com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) folder).getItems(), currentJobs) } def disableItemsUnderFolderNotInList(items, currentItems) { def generatorsToRequeue = [] items.each { item -> if (item.class.canonicalName != 'com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder') { // Skip already disabled items if (!item.disabled) { boolean isGeneratorAndFoundInCurrent = false // If the item name is 'generator' or 'generator_prtest', check to see whether it exists in the current list. if ( == "generator" || == "generator_prtest") { currentItems.each { currentItem -> if (currentItem.fullName == item.fullName) { isGeneratorAndFoundInCurrent = true return } } } if (!isGeneratorAndFoundInCurrent) { // Disable println(" " + item.fullName) // Reenable when we're sure this works properly item.disabled = true } else if ( == "generator") { // Requeue generatorsToRequeue += item } } } else { generatorsToRequeue += disableItemsUnderFolderNotInList(((com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) item).getItems(), currentItems) } } return generatorsToRequeue } // Now requeue the jobs. println ("Requeuing generators") generatorsToRequeue.each { generator -> println (" Requeuing " + generator.fullName) // Schedule generator.scheduleBuild2(0) } println("Done")