
70 строки
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import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsMatchers
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider
// This script relies on the Azure VM Agents plugin 0.4.5 or later.
// Expected incoming parameters:
// CloudSubscriptionCredentialsId - Id of credentials that drive this cloud. Serves as a lookup for the subscription id
// so that the cloud name can be located.
// VmTemplateDeclarations - File, relative to root of dotnet-ci repo containing the list of vm templates
// TestOnly (boolean) - If true, then this attempts to do everything up to adding the actual images to the cloud.
// This allows for testing of image changes, printing what would be done.
def CloudSubscriptionCredentialsId = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("CloudSubscriptionCredentialsId")
def VmTemplateDeclarations = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("VmTemplateDeclarations")
def TestOnly = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("TestOnly")
// Since this is running on the master, we need to be clever to get the path to the file.
// Potentially if this was changed to a pipeline, we could separate out the system groovy step
// into another section, read the file first and only execute a few things on the master. But nbd.
def currentBuild = Thread.currentThread().executable
def fullPathToTemplates ="${currentBuild.workspace.toString()}/${VmTemplateDeclarations}"
println fullPathToTemplates
// First let's do some basic processing and checks. The general rule for this script is that if there are
// any errors, we bail out before clearing the existing templates. This means that even if the input list gets
// screwed up, we don't mess up the existing template config
// Get the cloud name and find the cloud itself
AzureVMCloud cloud = getCloud(CloudSubscriptionCredentialsId)
// Read the file incoming
def file = new File(fullPathToTemplates)
def templateDeclarationText = file.readLines()
templateDeclarationText.each { line ->
println line
// Skip comment lines
boolean skip = (line ==~ / *#.*/);
skip |= (line == '')
if (skip) {
// Return from closure
def AzureVMCloud getCloud(String credentialsId) {
String cloudName = getCloudName(credentialsId)
println "Looking up cloud with name ${cloudName}"
def cloud = Jenkins.getInstance().getCloud(cloudName)
assert cloud != null : "Could not find cloud specified by credentials id ${credentialsId}"
return cloud
def String getCloudName(String credentialsId) {
def subscriptionId = AzureCredentials.getServicePrincipal(credentialsId).getSubscriptionId()
println "Cloud specified by credentials ${credentialsId} has subscription id ${subscriptionId}"
String cloudName = AzureUtil.getCloudName(subscriptionId)
assert cloudName != null && cloudName != "" : "Cloud name not valid"
println "Cloud specified by credentials ${credentialsId} has cloud name is ${cloudName}"
return cloudName