
93 строки
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import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
// This denotes a value by which if we are about to delete more than X items,
// that don't have GenPRTest in their full name, then we should break and fail the job.
// This is to prevent cases where some component might go haywire and cause deletion of a lot of data.
def nonGenPRTestSafetyBreak = 500
def genPRTestSafetyBreak = 10000
(removedAllItemsFromFolder, nonGenPRTestCount, genPRTestCount) = deleteDisabled(Jenkins.instance.items, true)
println ("About to delete:")
println (" " + genPRTestCount + " generation test items")
println (" " + nonGenPRTestCount + " real items")
println (" " + nonGenPRTestCount + genPRTestCount + " total")
// Safety break checks
assert nonGenPRTestCount < nonGenPRTestSafetyBreak
assert genPRTestCount < genPRTestSafetyBreak
(removedAllItemsFromFolder, nonGenPRTestCount, genPRTestCount) = deleteDisabled(Jenkins.instance.items, false)
return true
def deleteDisabled(items, calculateOnly) {
def removedAllItems = true
def nonGenPRTestCount = 0
def genPRTestCount = 0
for (item in items) {
if (item.class.canonicalName != 'com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder') {
// ISSUE-These exclusions are related to those projects that aren't derived from
// AbstractProject. The WorkflowJob exclusion is fixed in newer versions of plugins.
if (item.class.canonicalName == 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchProject') {
// Workflow jobs don't derive from AbstractProject, so cannot be disabled. In this case, print the potential
// orphaned item and continue
println (item.fullName + " cannot be deleted or disabled (is workflow job)!")
// Delete everything that's disabled
boolean doDelete = item.disabled
// Also delete if it's not disabled, but is somewhere under GenPRTest and is NOT a generator
doDelete |= (item.fullName.indexOf('GenPRTest') != -1 &&'generator') == -1)
// Also delete it if the full path starts with /GenPRTest and it's name is not 'dotnet_dotnet-ci_generator_prtest'
doDelete |= item.fullName.indexOf('GenPRTest') == 0 && != 'dotnet_dotnet-ci_generator_prtest'
if (doDelete) {
if (item.fullName.indexOf('GenPRTest') != -1) {
} else {
if (!calculateOnly) {
println("About to delete " + item.fullName)
else {
println("Would delete " + item.fullName)
} else {
removedAllItems = false
} else {
def removedAllItemsFromFolder
def nonGenDeleted
def genDeleted
(removedAllItemsFromFolder, nonGenDeleted, genDeleted) =
deleteDisabled(((com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) item).getItems(), calculateOnly)
nonGenPRTestCount += nonGenDeleted
genPRTestCount += genDeleted
if (removedAllItemsFromFolder) {
if (item.fullName.indexOf('GenPRTest') != -1) {
} else {
// Delete the folder too
if (!calculateOnly) {
println("About to delete " + item.fullName)
else {
println("Would delete " + item.fullName)
else {
// We didn't remove everything from the folder, so make sure removeAllItems is updated
removedAllItems = false
return [removedAllItems, nonGenPRTestCount, genPRTestCount]