Doug Bunting
Merge branch 'master' into merge/release/6.4-to-master
2020-03-27 23:02:04 -07:00
Andriy Svyryd
Detach databases in cleanup script ( #1631 )
- Detach databases in cleanup script
- Ensure SqlCmd is available in path
- Ensure MSSQLLocalDb instance is started
Co-authored-by: Doug Bunting <>
2020-03-27 22:57:15 -07:00
Brice Lambson
Remove designer code from master
(Code ships from another branch)
Part of #694
2020-01-21 09:50:58 -08:00
Nick Schonning
typos src/EntityFramework/Core/ ( #990 )
* typo: naviagtion -> navigation
* typo: satisifed -> satisfied
* typo: Dbgeometry -> DbGeometry
* typo: artefacts -> artifacts
* typo: metatadata -> metadata
* typo: Sptiaal -> Spatial
* typo: conjuction -> conjunction
* typo: disciminator -> discriminator
* typo: unsubstitutued -> unsubstituted
* typo: Naviation -> Navigation
* typo: Seached -> Searched
* typo: Ieturns -> Returns
* typo: Idenitifier -> Identifier
* typo: Oeturns -> Returns
* typo: epxr -> expr
* typo: collattion -> collation
* typo: clasuse -> clause
* typo: defintions -> definitions
* typo: incompability -> incompatibility
* typo: Customsers -> Customers
* typo: referece -> reference
* typo: orginal -> original
* typo: lsit -> list
* typo: complext -> complex
* typo: orignal -> original
* typo: curent -> current
* typo: recieve -> receive
* typo: comleted -> completed
* typo: Unknow -> Unknown
* typo: realtionship -> relationship
* typo: prinipal -> principal
* typo: additionaly -> additionally
* typo: detatched -> detached
* typo: propogate -> propagate
* typo: fixuyup -> fixup
* typo: irrelavent -> irrelevant
* typo: cannpt -> cannot
* typo: overlpas -> overlaps
* typo: dependnents -> dependents
* typo: Funciton -> Function
* typo: cadnidate -> candidate
* typo: eveything -> everything
* typo: unambigously -> unambiguously
* typo: reperesents -> represents
* typo: uncessary -> unnecessary
* typo: itis -> its
* typo: represnts -> represents
* typo: represnting -> representing
* typo: actuall -> actually
* typo: alread -> already
* typo: perforamnce -> performance
* typo: Initalize -> Initialize
* typo: Othewise -> Otherwise
* typo: vistor -> visitor
* typo: Discrminated -> Discriminated
* typo: collec -> collection
* typo: dicitionary -> dictionary
* typo: inderlying -> underlying
* typo: wheter -> whether
* typo: redundent -> redundant
* typo: refered -> referred
* typo: rewritte -> rewrite
* typo: fequently -> frequently
* typo: truely -> truly
* typo: particlar -> particular
* typo: reterieve -> retrieve
* typo: Assigment -> Assignment
* typo: cannnot -> cannot
* typo: bolean -> boolean
* typo: serverity -> severity
* typo: Algorith -> Algorithm
* typo: Defition -> Definition
* typo: elinsted -> enlisted
* typo: transistion -> transition
* typo: Porperty -> Property
* typo: prmitive -> primitive
* typo: defiend -> defined
* typo: hte -> the
* typo: teh -> the
* typo: tyes -> types
* typo: coverd -> covered
* typo: delaring -> declaring
* typo: Sperator -> Seperator
* typo: Impopssible -> Impossible
* typo: denormalzed -> denormalized
* typo: specifiying -> specifying
* typo: othe -> other
* typo: constrcuts -> constructs
* typo: Constrcut -> Construct
* typo: assocciation -> association
* typo: metod -> method
* typo: nseted -> nested
* typo: prinpical -> principal
* typo: Propagagtor -> Propagator
* typo: memebers -> members
* typo: chidren -> children
* typo: secltion -> selection
* typo: procesed -> processed
* typo: anohter -> another
* typo: conjuct -> conjunct
* typo: eliination -> elimination
* typo: conditiions -> conditions
* typo: Creationg -> Creating
* typo: otehrwise -> otherwise
* typo: Exent -> Extent
* typo: associaion -> association
* typo: exisiting -> existing
* typo: Propertyp -> Property
* typo: WHERER -> WHERE
* typo: corresponfing -> corresponding
* typo: Dertmine -> Determine
* typo: constuct -> construct
* typo: simplication -> simplification
* typo: sicne -> since
* typo: veriety -> variety
* typo: colum -> column
* typo: ratehr -> rather
* typo: colocated -> collocated
* typo: Assocition -> Association
* typo: Freign -> Foreign
* typo: Domin -> Domain
* typo: excepions -> exceptions
* typo: unmapepd -> unmapped
* typo: Referntial -> Referential
* typo: memer -> member
* typo: Fior -> For
* typo: mapepd -> mapped
* typo: retrns -> returns
* typo: possiblve -> possible
* typo: satisified -> satisfied
* typo: corrsponding -> corresponding
* typo: setOfconditions -> setOfConditions
* typo: Celll -> Cell
* typo: mebmer -> member
* typo: saftey -> safety
* typo: Managment -> Management
* typo: impementation -> implementation
* typo: Traking -> Tracking
* typo: lamba -> lambda
* typo: Obect -> Object
* typo: initializors -> initializers
* typo: evaluable -> evaluatable
* typo: Coverter -> Converter
* typo: arguemtns -> arguments
* typo: Lenght -> Length
* typo: aggreate -> aggregate
* typo: aggratete -> aggregate
* typo: argumens -> arguments
* typo: referencesd -> referenced
* typo: purpuses -> purposes
* typo: descriptro -> descriptor
* typo: shapshot -> snapshot
* typo: obejct -> object
* typo: becayse -> because
* typo: accesor -> accessor
* typo: Creatung -> Creating
* typo: Mager -> Manager
* typo: retreived -> retrieved
* typo: defered -> deferred
* typo: assoicated -> associated
* typo: iddle -> middle
* typo: explicitely -> explicitly
* typo: amoung -> among
* typo: relationsihp -> relationship
* typo: Colection -> Collection
* typo: dupliacte -> duplicate
* typo: wrapp -> wrap
* typo: unwrapp -> unwrap
* typo: worksapce -> workspace
* typo: somschema -> somSchema
* typo: covnerted -> converted
* typo: atmost -> at most
* typo: specifc -> specific
* typo: Delared -> Declared
* typo: assiation -> association
* typo: assoication -> association
* typo: lighweight -> lightweight
* typo: Ienumerable -> IEnumerable
* typo: bleading -> bleeding
* typo: gauranteed -> guaranteed
* typo: verifiy -> verify
* typo: trimed -> trimmed
* typo: associaton -> association
* typo: Enumeratorta -> Enumerator
* typo: colleciton -> collection
* typo: functiona -> function
* typo: nomimal -> nominal
* typo: polimorphic -> polymorphic
* typo: individualy -> individually
* typo: validtion -> validation
* typo: referencd -> referenced
* typo: structrually -> structurally
* typo: implemenation -> implementation
* typo: ofproperties -> of properties
* typo: considier -> consider
* typo: descriminator -> discriminator
* typo: collecion -> collection
* typo: auxilliary -> auxiliary
* typo: AncillarOps -> AncillaryOps
* typo: wouln't -> wouldn't
* typo: satisifies -> satisfies
* typo: discrminator -> discriminator
* typo: constrct -> construct
* typo: Hanlde -> Handle
* typo: construtor -> constructor
* typo: Assignes -> Assigns
* typo: Mulltset -> Multiset
* typo: elment -> element
* typo: througth -> through
* typo: nvaigation -> navigation
* typo: cann't -> can't
* typo: uscoped -> unscoped
* typo: Transfomation -> Transformation
* typo: completly -> completely
* typo: equvalent -> equivalent
* typo: Aggreget -> Aggregate
* typo: Appy -> Apply
* typo: subree -> subtree
* typo: agregates -> aggregates
* typo: Strem -> Stream
* typo: buble -> bubble
* typo: occurrance -> occurrence
* typo: Aggegate -> Aggregate
* typo: chagnged -> changed
* typo: simplificatios -> simplifications
* typo: trackof -> track of
* typo: prperties -> properties
* typo: Functiom -> Function
* typo: anythig -> anything
* typo: naem -> name
* typo: Collction -> Collection
* typo: nullablity -> nullability
* typo: athority -> authority
* typo: encoure -> incurs
* typo: exceptiopn -> exception
2019-08-15 09:39:15 -07:00
Nick Schonning
typos src/EntityFramework/Core/ ( #990 )
* typo: naviagtion -> navigation
* typo: satisifed -> satisfied
* typo: Dbgeometry -> DbGeometry
* typo: artefacts -> artifacts
* typo: metatadata -> metadata
* typo: Sptiaal -> Spatial
* typo: conjuction -> conjunction
* typo: disciminator -> discriminator
* typo: unsubstitutued -> unsubstituted
* typo: Naviation -> Navigation
* typo: Seached -> Searched
* typo: Ieturns -> Returns
* typo: Idenitifier -> Identifier
* typo: Oeturns -> Returns
* typo: epxr -> expr
* typo: collattion -> collation
* typo: clasuse -> clause
* typo: defintions -> definitions
* typo: incompability -> incompatibility
* typo: Customsers -> Customers
* typo: referece -> reference
* typo: orginal -> original
* typo: lsit -> list
* typo: complext -> complex
* typo: orignal -> original
* typo: curent -> current
* typo: recieve -> receive
* typo: comleted -> completed
* typo: Unknow -> Unknown
* typo: realtionship -> relationship
* typo: prinipal -> principal
* typo: additionaly -> additionally
* typo: detatched -> detached
* typo: propogate -> propagate
* typo: fixuyup -> fixup
* typo: irrelavent -> irrelevant
* typo: cannpt -> cannot
* typo: overlpas -> overlaps
* typo: dependnents -> dependents
* typo: Funciton -> Function
* typo: cadnidate -> candidate
* typo: eveything -> everything
* typo: unambigously -> unambiguously
* typo: reperesents -> represents
* typo: uncessary -> unnecessary
* typo: itis -> its
* typo: represnts -> represents
* typo: represnting -> representing
* typo: actuall -> actually
* typo: alread -> already
* typo: perforamnce -> performance
* typo: Initalize -> Initialize
* typo: Othewise -> Otherwise
* typo: vistor -> visitor
* typo: Discrminated -> Discriminated
* typo: collec -> collection
* typo: dicitionary -> dictionary
* typo: inderlying -> underlying
* typo: wheter -> whether
* typo: redundent -> redundant
* typo: refered -> referred
* typo: rewritte -> rewrite
* typo: fequently -> frequently
* typo: truely -> truly
* typo: particlar -> particular
* typo: reterieve -> retrieve
* typo: Assigment -> Assignment
* typo: cannnot -> cannot
* typo: bolean -> boolean
* typo: serverity -> severity
* typo: Algorith -> Algorithm
* typo: Defition -> Definition
* typo: elinsted -> enlisted
* typo: transistion -> transition
* typo: Porperty -> Property
* typo: prmitive -> primitive
* typo: defiend -> defined
* typo: hte -> the
* typo: teh -> the
* typo: tyes -> types
* typo: coverd -> covered
* typo: delaring -> declaring
* typo: Sperator -> Seperator
* typo: Impopssible -> Impossible
* typo: denormalzed -> denormalized
* typo: specifiying -> specifying
* typo: othe -> other
* typo: constrcuts -> constructs
* typo: Constrcut -> Construct
* typo: assocciation -> association
* typo: metod -> method
* typo: nseted -> nested
* typo: prinpical -> principal
* typo: Propagagtor -> Propagator
* typo: memebers -> members
* typo: chidren -> children
* typo: secltion -> selection
* typo: procesed -> processed
* typo: anohter -> another
* typo: conjuct -> conjunct
* typo: eliination -> elimination
* typo: conditiions -> conditions
* typo: Creationg -> Creating
* typo: otehrwise -> otherwise
* typo: Exent -> Extent
* typo: associaion -> association
* typo: exisiting -> existing
* typo: Propertyp -> Property
* typo: WHERER -> WHERE
* typo: corresponfing -> corresponding
* typo: Dertmine -> Determine
* typo: constuct -> construct
* typo: simplication -> simplification
* typo: sicne -> since
* typo: veriety -> variety
* typo: colum -> column
* typo: ratehr -> rather
* typo: colocated -> collocated
* typo: Assocition -> Association
* typo: Freign -> Foreign
* typo: Domin -> Domain
* typo: excepions -> exceptions
* typo: unmapepd -> unmapped
* typo: Referntial -> Referential
* typo: memer -> member
* typo: Fior -> For
* typo: mapepd -> mapped
* typo: retrns -> returns
* typo: possiblve -> possible
* typo: satisified -> satisfied
* typo: corrsponding -> corresponding
* typo: setOfconditions -> setOfConditions
* typo: Celll -> Cell
* typo: mebmer -> member
* typo: saftey -> safety
* typo: Managment -> Management
* typo: impementation -> implementation
* typo: Traking -> Tracking
* typo: lamba -> lambda
* typo: Obect -> Object
* typo: initializors -> initializers
* typo: evaluable -> evaluatable
* typo: Coverter -> Converter
* typo: arguemtns -> arguments
* typo: Lenght -> Length
* typo: aggreate -> aggregate
* typo: aggratete -> aggregate
* typo: argumens -> arguments
* typo: referencesd -> referenced
* typo: purpuses -> purposes
* typo: descriptro -> descriptor
* typo: shapshot -> snapshot
* typo: obejct -> object
* typo: becayse -> because
* typo: accesor -> accessor
* typo: Creatung -> Creating
* typo: Mager -> Manager
* typo: retreived -> retrieved
* typo: defered -> deferred
* typo: assoicated -> associated
* typo: iddle -> middle
* typo: explicitely -> explicitly
* typo: amoung -> among
* typo: relationsihp -> relationship
* typo: Colection -> Collection
* typo: dupliacte -> duplicate
* typo: wrapp -> wrap
* typo: unwrapp -> unwrap
* typo: worksapce -> workspace
* typo: somschema -> somSchema
* typo: covnerted -> converted
* typo: atmost -> at most
* typo: specifc -> specific
* typo: Delared -> Declared
* typo: assiation -> association
* typo: assoication -> association
* typo: lighweight -> lightweight
* typo: Ienumerable -> IEnumerable
* typo: bleading -> bleeding
* typo: gauranteed -> guaranteed
* typo: verifiy -> verify
* typo: trimed -> trimmed
* typo: associaton -> association
* typo: Enumeratorta -> Enumerator
* typo: colleciton -> collection
* typo: functiona -> function
* typo: nomimal -> nominal
* typo: polimorphic -> polymorphic
* typo: individualy -> individually
* typo: validtion -> validation
* typo: referencd -> referenced
* typo: structrually -> structurally
* typo: implemenation -> implementation
* typo: ofproperties -> of properties
* typo: considier -> consider
* typo: descriminator -> discriminator
* typo: collecion -> collection
* typo: auxilliary -> auxiliary
* typo: AncillarOps -> AncillaryOps
* typo: wouln't -> wouldn't
* typo: satisifies -> satisfies
* typo: discrminator -> discriminator
* typo: constrct -> construct
* typo: Hanlde -> Handle
* typo: construtor -> constructor
* typo: Assignes -> Assigns
* typo: Mulltset -> Multiset
* typo: elment -> element
* typo: througth -> through
* typo: nvaigation -> navigation
* typo: cann't -> can't
* typo: uscoped -> unscoped
* typo: Transfomation -> Transformation
* typo: completly -> completely
* typo: equvalent -> equivalent
* typo: Aggreget -> Aggregate
* typo: Appy -> Apply
* typo: subree -> subtree
* typo: agregates -> aggregates
* typo: Strem -> Stream
* typo: buble -> bubble
* typo: occurrance -> occurrence
* typo: Aggegate -> Aggregate
* typo: chagnged -> changed
* typo: simplificatios -> simplifications
* typo: trackof -> track of
* typo: prperties -> properties
* typo: Functiom -> Function
* typo: anythig -> anything
* typo: naem -> name
* typo: Collction -> Collection
* typo: nullablity -> nullability
* typo: athority -> authority
* typo: encoure -> incurs
* typo: exceptiopn -> exception
2019-08-14 07:41:07 -07:00
Arthur Vickers
Nschonni typos2 ( #977 )
* typo: quries -> queries
* typo: guarneteed -> guaranteed
* typo: dependancies -> dependencies
* typo: loding -> loading
* typo: specifid -> specified
* typo: guarenteed -> guaranteed
* typo: eumm -> enum
* typo: reprsented -> represented
* typo: didn;t -> didn't
* typo: definiton -> definition
* typo: Identiy -> Identity
* typo: orignial -> original
* typo: Depedent -> Dependent
* typo: isn'at -> isn't
* typo: rewrittes -> rewrites
* typo: sentinenel -> sentinel
* typo: Forein -> Foreign
* typo: serializded -> serialized
* typo: Conurency -> Concurrency
* typo: mutualy -> mutually
* typo: exlusive -> exclusive
* typo: Entitty -> Entity
* typo: occured -> occurred
* typo: Diposed -> Disposed
* typo: overrided -> overridden
* typo: exptected -> expected
* typo: entitites -> entities
* typo: containig -> containing
* typo: suceeded -> succeeded
* typo: refrences -> references
* typo: coutner -> counter
* typo: enties -> entities
* typo: modifing -> modifying
* typo: automatcially -> automatically
* typo: entites -> entities
* typo: especify -> specify
* typo: dafault -> default
* typo: neede -> needed
* typo: usupported -> unsupported
* typo: prefered -> preferred
* typo: Vaidate -> Validate
* typo: multiplicty -> multiplicity
* typo: imediate -> immediate
* typo: valiation -> validation
* typo: Asssembly -> Assembly
* typo: expesive -> expensive
* typo: Aquire -> Acquire
* typo: insuffiecent -> insufficient
* typo: EnumlType -> EnumType
* typo: prunned -> pruned
* typo: enougth -> enough
* typo: fasets -> facets
* typo: Pacakge -> Package
* typo: Instanciates -> Instantiates
* typo: diaplay -> display
* typo: thise -> this
* typo: Converver -> Converter
* typo: addtional -> additional
* typo: Synchonize -> Synchronize
* typo: syncronized -> synchronized
* typo: indendation -> indentation
* typo: thie -> this
* typo: curently -> currently
* typo: conrol -> control
* typo: locaion -> location
* typo: ajustment -> adjustment
* typo: Tyep -> Type
* typo: satsfy -> satisfy
* typo: permuation -> permutation
* typo: perctages -> percentages
* typo: doudble -> double
* typo: hierarhcy -> hierarchy
* typo: lange -> large
* typo: fillter -> filter
* typo: functinality -> functionality
* typo: consturctor -> constructor
* typo: Interrrupt -> Interrupt
* typo: refernce -> reference
* typo: misceleneous -> miscellaneous
* typo: accessbility -> accessibility
* typo: enusre -> ensure
* typo: sitll -> still
* typo: Conficts -> Conflicts
* typo: Prinicipal -> Principal
* typo: childs -> children
* typo: Databse -> Database
* typo: responsiblity -> responsibility
* typo: validatingn -> validating
* typo: tyoe -> type
* typo: connectioin -> connection
* typo: assoictaed -> associated
* typo: contexct -> context
* typo: registed -> registered
* typo: requeried -> required
* typo: alredy -> already
* typo: Numer -> Number
* typo: insentive -> insensitive
* typo: possitioning -> positioning
* typo: Extensibile -> Extensible
* typo: previuos -> previous
* typo: Funtion -> Function
* typo: Hanlders -> Handlers
* typo: Emtpy -> Empty
* typo: Conceptula -> Conceptual
* typo: falied -> failed
* typo: Idntity -> Identity
* typo: indexs -> indexes
* typo: utitilies -> utilities
* typo: Libary -> Library
* typo: heirarchy -> hierarchy
* typo: errros -> errors
* typo: Impor -> Import
* typo: Descritpion -> Description
* typo: possiblility -> possibility
* typo: Refrence -> Reference
* typo: Dismissable -> Dismissible
* typo: intialized -> initialized
* typo: expexct -> expect
* typo: Diposer -> Disposer
* typo: Colums -> Columns
* typo: intialize -> initialize
* typo: Constratint -> Constraint
* typo: Enity -> Entity
* typo: Artifiact -> Artifact
* typo: Comparment -. Compartment
* typo: 'as -> ' as
* typo: intentionaly -> intentionally
* typo: occurence -> occurrence
* typo: ovelapping -> overlapping
* typo: caninical -> canonical
* typo: idendifier -> identifier
* typo: Initialiazes -> Initializes
* typo: asembly -> assembly
* typo: preceeding -> preceding
* typo: refereces -> references
* typo: Metatdata -> Metadata
* typo: virutal -> virtual
* typo: Beacuse -> Because
* typo: gaves -> gives
* typo: Popluate -> Populate
* typo: diffferent -> different
* typo: Itemp -> Item
* typo: retreives -> retrieves
* typo: fomatted -> formatted
* typo: successfuly -> successfully
* typo: NavigatioN -> Navigation
* typo: elemenst -> elements
* typo: seomthing -> something
* typo: ojbects -> objects
* typo: TargeEntityType -> TargetEntityType
* typo: Commited -> Committed
* typo: Modle -> Model
* typo: temporarly -> temporarily
* typo: Pointscmd -> PointsCmd
* typo: initally -> initially
* typo: uless -> unless
* typo: sligtly -> slightly
* typo: funcion -> function
* typo: Succesfully -> Successfully
* typo: Secutity -> Security
* typo: ocassions -> occasions
* typo: seperate -> separate
* typo: esnure -> ensure
* typo: Propagetes -> Propagates
* typo: neccessary -> necessary
* typo: configuartion -> configuration
* typo: Obselete -> Obsolete
* typo: Desciption -> Description
* typo: direcive -> directive
* typo: dictinoary -> dictionary
* typo: customisation -> customization
* typo: Serivce -> Service
* typo: ealier -> earlier
* typo: matchs -> matches
* typo: Isaggregate -> IsAggregate
* typo: Iscomposable -> IsComposable
* typo: Isbuiltin -> IsBuiltin
* typo: Isniladic -> IsNiladic
* typo: Istvf -> IsTvf
* typo: Returing -> Returning
* typo: corosponding -> corresponding
* typo: abmigous -> ambigous
* typo: muliplicities -> multiplicities
* typo: initilize -> initialize
* typo: warings -> warnings
* typo: probalby -> probably
* typo: integry -> integrity
* typo: neededo -> needed
* typo: Nagivation -> Navigation
* typo: Referencial -> Referential
* typo: assocated -> associated
* typo: inpact -> impact
* typo: explictly -> explicitly
* typo: udpated -> updated
* typo: prinicpal -> principal
* typo: casues -> causes
* typo: orphaneed -> orphaned
* typo: wihtout -> without
* typo: predecesor -> predecessor
* typo: unexepected -> unexpected
* typo: Detele -> Delete
* typo: Typein -> TypeIn
* typo: inheritence -> inheritance
* typo: Entiyt -> Entity
* typo: namme -> name
* typo: complec -> complex
* typo: implicity -> implicitly
* typo: Simillary -> Similarly
* typo: Aggregrate -> Aggregate
* typo: desireed -> desired
* typo: exepct -> expect
* typo: elemnt -> element
* typo: SchemaValidatioErrorCollector -> SchemaValidationErrorCollector
* typo: Contraints -> Constraints
* typo: ConceptuaModel -> ConceptualModel
* typo: Mapppings -> Mappings
* typo: Withtou -> Without
* typo: Ciricular -> Circular
* typo: qualifed -> qualified
* typo: refNameasNameRef -> refNameAsNameRef
* typo: Constraing -> Constraining
* typo: mport -> import
* typo: optionlly -> optionally
* typo: inforomation -> information
* typo: Commnad -> Command
* typo: Dpendent -> Dependent
* typo: fopr -> for
* typo: Initilizing -> Initializing
* typo: Cancelledby -> CancelledBy
* typo: Incompatiable -> Incompatible
* typo: implemetation -> implementation
* typo: convience -> convenience
* typo: attemp -> attempt
* typo: intializing -> initializing
* typo: Editible -> Editable
* typo: Intenal -> Internal
* typo: depencency -> dependency
* typo: depenedents -> dependents
* typo: hiearchy -> hierarchy
* typo: normlized -> normalized
* typo: particual -> particular
* typo: Associaiton -> Association
* typo: acomplished -> accomplished
* typo: preservs -> preserves
* typo: processesed -> processed
* typo: Annotaton -> Annotation
* typo: elmenet -> element
* fix: Re-encode character
2019-07-03 08:21:01 -07:00
Nick Schonning
typo: Double word "it"
2019-06-29 09:07:46 -07:00
Brice Lambson
Use Arcade
- Remove SkipStrongNames
- Remove FxCop
- Remove StyleCop
- Test against LocalDB
- Use NuGet packages for
- Microsoft.SqlServer.Types
- PowerShell
Part of #612 , resolves #595 , resolves #545
2019-04-03 14:57:33 -07:00
Brice Lambson
Remove EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact.Legacy
2019-01-16 13:16:00 -08:00
Brice Lambson
Update version to 6.3.0-beta1
2017-10-23 12:40:19 -07:00
Brice Lambson
Update version to 6.2.0
2017-10-23 12:32:07 -07:00
Updating description for latest VS to VS2017.
2017-04-07 14:52:03 -07:00
Merging changes from release-6.2.0-beta1 and returning FwLinks to correct links for master and updating release version information to 6.2.0-beta2.
2017-02-23 13:39:19 -08:00
Updating FwLink info for release-6.2.0-beta1 branch
2017-02-23 13:33:46 -08:00
Updating required .NET Fwk and references for VS2017.
2017-02-15 19:10:59 -08:00
Updating master branch to produce 6.2.0-beta1 build.
2017-01-24 13:38:51 -08:00
Ensure EntityFramework.targets is called after SWIX projects so that EF6NuGetPackageVersion will be defined.
2017-01-10 10:37:10 -08:00
For VS 15.0: add assembly search paths which are no longer in the GAC and update to v4.5.1 for TargetFramework.
2016-01-05 16:13:42 -08:00
Changes to support Dev15.
2015-09-18 15:07:00 -07:00
Updating version to 6.2.0-alpha1
2015-03-05 14:08:38 -08:00
Merge branch 'release-6.1.3'
2015-02-26 14:37:38 -08:00
Updating visible strings to use Visual Studio 2015.
2015-02-26 13:48:44 -08:00
Changing version number to 6.1.3
2015-02-11 14:40:10 -08:00
Merging release-6.1.3-beta1 branch and updating release version
2015-01-22 16:43:06 -08:00
Creating release-6.1.3-beta1 branch
2015-01-22 16:12:07 -08:00
Updating master branch version number to 6.1.3-alpha1 after creating release-6.1.2 branch.
2014-12-18 15:57:17 -08:00
Updating release for master branch to beta3
2014-11-11 15:05:51 -08:00
Luke Waters
Fixing Drop database script to correctly deal with ']' characters in table names
2014-11-05 15:34:23 -08:00
Correcting Project and License FwLinks after merging in changes from release-6.1.2-beta1 branch
2014-09-15 22:18:53 -07:00
Merge branch 'release-6.1.2-beta1'
2014-09-15 22:16:53 -07:00
Updating Project and License FWLinks for 6.1.2-beta1
2014-09-15 22:10:21 -07:00
Updating version on master to 6.1.2-beta2
2014-09-15 15:44:26 -07:00
Changing version to 6.1.2-beta1
2014-09-15 15:29:38 -07:00
Issue 2264. Separated out the part of EFToolsMsi.wixproj which pulls out all the runtime dependencies into a separate .msbuild file so that it can be overridden for Servicing.
2014-08-07 13:23:32 -07:00
Correct path to SymbolsPackages
2014-07-23 14:05:21 -07:00
Update version on master branch to 6.1.2-alpha1
2014-06-30 13:06:18 -07:00
Updates for tests and based on review comments. Some InProcTests still failing for vNext.
2014-06-11 10:45:38 -07:00
Updates including getting the VsIdeTestHost add-in to load in VS vNext
2014-06-11 10:45:35 -07:00
Updates to pass CodeAnalysis
2014-06-11 10:45:32 -07:00
First draft of updating EFTools for VNext
2014-06-11 10:45:29 -07:00
EF repo changes to make master be the Beta2 branch
2014-05-09 11:33:35 -07:00
Updates to create Beta1 branch
2014-05-09 10:31:02 -07:00
Versioning logic made simpler (EF runtime)
2014-05-07 09:32:27 -07:00
Update value for FwLinks on normal dev build
2014-04-29 13:16:01 -07:00
Reverting 7df1cc8076
- put VersionRelease back to 1
2014-04-17 14:56:28 -07:00
Changing version number to 6.1.2
2014-04-16 16:16:35 -07:00
Luke Waters
Added a powershell script that drops all databases on a SQL Azure server except for system databases and sample databases.
Updated after CR feedback
2014-03-25 17:41:37 -07:00
Fix for getting ps scripts signed as part of the build and making it easier to build/sign nuget packages.
2014-03-19 20:41:30 -07:00
Miguel Lacouture
Add support for SatelliteContractVersion for servicing purposes + some bug fixes.
2014-03-13 09:18:19 -07:00
Merge branch 'release-6.1.0'
2014-02-10 20:22:15 -08:00