зеркало из https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp.git
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192 строки
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/// BenchmarkDotNet Notes:
/// Docs/GitHub: https://github.com/PerfDotNet/BenchmarkDotNet#getting-started
/// This benchmarking suite will perform JIT warmups, collect system environment data
/// run multiple trials, and produce convenient reports.
/// You will find csv, markdown, and html versions of the reports in .\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\results
/// after running the tests.
/// Be sure to run tests in Release mode, optimizations on, etc.
module Program
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// BenchmarkDotNet on Nuget at:
/// https://www.nuget.org/packages/BenchmarkDotNet/
/// https://www.nuget.org/packages/BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows/
open BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes
open BenchmarkDotNet.Running
open BenchmarkDotNet.Configs
open BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs
#if MONO
open BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows
/// When pulling functions out of the complete fsharp solution to test
/// Some things are not easily available, such as Array.zeroCreateUnchecked
/// We mock these here using their checked variations
module Array =
let inline zeroCreateUnchecked (count:int) =
Array.zeroCreate count
let inline subUnchecked startIndex count (array : 'T[]) =
Array.sub array startIndex count
// Almost every array function calls this, so mock it with
// the exact same code
let inline checkNonNull argName arg =
match box arg with
| null -> nullArg argName
| _ -> ()
/// Here you can add the functions you want to test against.
/// Below I use Parallel.Partition as an example
// Original partition
let partition predicate (array : 'T[]) =
checkNonNull "array" array
let inputLength = array.Length
let lastInputIndex = inputLength - 1
let isTrue = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked inputLength
Parallel.For(0, inputLength,
fun i -> isTrue.[i] <- predicate array.[i]
) |> ignore
let mutable trueLength = 0
for i in 0 .. lastInputIndex do
if isTrue.[i] then trueLength <- trueLength + 1
let trueResult = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked trueLength
let falseResult = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked (inputLength - trueLength)
let mutable iTrue = 0
let mutable iFalse = 0
for i = 0 to lastInputIndex do
if isTrue.[i] then
trueResult.[iTrue] <- array.[i]
iTrue <- iTrue + 1
falseResult.[iFalse] <- array.[i]
iFalse <- iFalse + 1
(trueResult, falseResult)
// New variation
let partitionNew predicate (array : 'T[]) =
checkNonNull "array" array
let inputLength = array.Length
let isTrue = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked inputLength
let mutable trueLength = 0
(fun () -> 0),
(fun i _ trueCount ->
if predicate array.[i] then
isTrue.[i] <- true
trueCount + 1
Action<int> (fun x -> System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(&trueLength,x) |> ignore) ) |> ignore
let res1 = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked trueLength
let res2 = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked (inputLength - trueLength)
let mutable iTrue = 0
let mutable iFalse = 0
for i = 0 to isTrue.Length-1 do
if isTrue.[i] then
res1.[iTrue] <- array.[i]
iTrue <- iTrue + 1
res2.[iFalse] <- array.[i]
iFalse <- iFalse + 1
res1, res2
/// Configuration for a given benchmark
type ArrayPerfConfig () =
inherit ManualConfig()
base.Add Job.RyuJitX64
//base.Add Job.LegacyJitX86 // If you want to also test 32bit. It will run tests on both if both of these are here.
#if MONO
base.Add(new MemoryDiagnoser()) // To get GC and allocation data
[<Config (typeof<ArrayPerfConfig>)>]
type ArrayBenchmark () =
let r = Random()
let mutable array = [||]
let mutable array2 = [||]
let mutable array3 = [||]
//When the test runs, it will run once per each param.
//This is used to run the test on arrays of size 10, 100, etc
//You can create a 2nd Params section and the test will run over all permutations
[<Params (10,100,10000,1000000,10000000)>]
member val public Length = 0 with get, set
//This is run before each iteration of a test
member self.SetupData () =
// Initialize whatever arrays or other data you want to test on here.
// Random is often handy but some algorithms you may want to test on
// Sorted or other structured data. Ints/doubles/objects etc
// Create however many you need. Setup time is not included in
// runtime statistics, however allocations may be, due to a bug
// as of this comment.
array <- Array.init self.Length (fun i -> int(r.NextDouble()*1000.0))
//array2 <- Array.create self.Length 5
// If you set a benchmark as baseline, the results output will add a
// column showing runtime of all other benchmarks as a percentage of the baseline
// care must be taken here to be sure your benchmark is not JITTed into nothingness
// because it is identified as dead code.
member self.Original () =
array |> partition (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)
member self.New () =
array |> partitionNew (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)
//Create any number of benchmarks
let main argv =
// Run the executable with the argument "ArrayPerfBenchmark"
let switch =
BenchmarkSwitcher [|
switch.Run argv |> ignore