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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
namespace FSharp.Test
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open NUnit.Framework
open TestFramework
module ILChecker =
let config = initializeSuite ()
let private exec exe args =
let arguments = args |> String.concat " "
let timeout = 30000
let exitCode, _output, errors = Commands.executeProcess (Some exe) arguments "" timeout
let errors = errors |> String.concat Environment.NewLine
errors, exitCode
/// Filters i.e ['The system type \'System.ReadOnlySpan`1\' was required but no referenced system DLL contained this type']
let private filterSpecialComment (text: string) =
let pattern = @"(\[\'(.*?)\'\])"
(fun me -> String.Empty)
let private normalizeILText assemblyName (ilCode: string) =
let blockComments = @"/\*(.*?)\*/"
let lineComments = @"//(.*?)\r?\n"
let lineCommentsEof = @"//(.*?)$"
let strings = @"""((\\[^\n]|[^""\n])*)"""
let verbatimStrings = @"@(""[^""]*"")+"
let stripComments (text:string) =
(fun me ->
if (me.Value.StartsWith("/*") || me.Value.StartsWith("//")) then
if me.Value.StartsWith("//") then Environment.NewLine else String.Empty
me.Value), RegexOptions.Singleline)
|> filterSpecialComment
let replace input (pattern, replacement: string) = Regex.Replace(input, pattern, replacement, RegexOptions.Singleline)
let unifyRuntimeAssemblyName ilCode =
List.fold replace ilCode [
"\[System\.Runtime\]|\[System\.Console\]|\[System\.Runtime\.Extensions\]|\[mscorlib\]|\[System\.Memory\]", "[runtime]"
"(\.assembly extern (System\.Runtime|System\.Console|System\.Runtime\.Extensions|mscorlib|System\.Memory)){1}([^\}]*)\}", ".assembly extern runtime { }"
"(\.assembly extern (FSharp.Core)){1}([^\}]*)\}", ".assembly extern FSharp.Core { }" ]
let unifyImageBase ilCode = replace ilCode ("\.imagebase\s*0x\d*", ".imagebase {value}")
let unifyingAssemblyNames (text: string) =
match assemblyName with
| Some name -> text.Replace(name, "assembly")
| None -> text
|> unifyRuntimeAssemblyName
|> unifyImageBase
ilCode.Trim() |> stripComments |> unifyingAssemblyNames
let private generateIlFile dllFilePath ildasmArgs =
let ilFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(dllFilePath, ".il")
let ildasmPath = config.ILDASM
let ildasmFullArgs = [ dllFilePath; $"-out=%s{ilFilePath}"; yield! ildasmArgs ]
let stdErr, exitCode =
let ildasmCommandPath = Path.ChangeExtension(dllFilePath, ".ildasmCommandPath")
File.WriteAllLines(ildasmCommandPath, [| $"{ildasmPath} {ildasmFullArgs}" |] )
exec ildasmPath ildasmFullArgs
if exitCode <> 0 then
failwith $"ILASM Expected exit code \"0\", got \"%d{exitCode}\"\nSTDERR: %s{stdErr}"
if not (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace stdErr) then
failwith $"ILASM Stderr is not empty:\n %s{stdErr}"
let private generateIL (dllFilePath: string) ildasmArgs =
let assemblyName = Some (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension dllFilePath)
let ilFilePath = generateIlFile dllFilePath ildasmArgs
let normalizedText = normalizeILText assemblyName (File.ReadAllText(ilFilePath))
File.WriteAllText(ilFilePath, normalizedText)
let private compareIL assemblyName (actualIL: string) expectedIL =
let mutable errorMsgOpt = None
let prepareLines (s: string) =
|> Array.map(fun e -> e.Trim('\r'))
|> Array.skipWhile(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)
|> Array.rev
|> Array.skipWhile(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)
|> Array.rev
|> List.map (fun (ilCode: string) -> ilCode.Trim())
|> List.iter (fun (ilCode: string) ->
let expectedLines = ilCode |> normalizeILText (Some assemblyName) |> prepareLines
if expectedLines.Length = 0 then
errorMsgOpt <- Some("ExpectedLines length invalid: 0")
let startIndex =
let index = actualIL.IndexOf(expectedLines[0].Trim())
if index > 0 then
let actualLines = actualIL.Substring(startIndex) |> prepareLines
let errors = ResizeArray()
if actualLines.Length < expectedLines.Length then
let msg = $"\nExpected at least %d{expectedLines.Length} lines but found only %d{actualLines.Length}\n"
errorMsgOpt <- Some(msg + "\nExpected:\n" + ilCode + "\n")
for i = 0 to expectedLines.Length - 1 do
let expected = expectedLines[i].Trim()
let actual = actualLines[i].Trim()
if expected <> actual then
errors.Add $"\n==\nName: '%s{actualLines[0]}'\n\nExpected:\t %s{expected}\nActual:\t\t %s{actual}\n=="
if errors.Count > 0 then
let msg = String.concat "\n" errors + "\n\n\Expected:\n" + ilCode + "\n"
errorMsgOpt <- Some(msg + "\n\n\nActual:\n" + String.Join("\n", actualLines, 0, expectedLines.Length))
if expectedIL.Length = 0 then
errorMsgOpt <- Some ("No Expected IL")
match errorMsgOpt with
| Some(msg) -> errorMsgOpt <- Some(msg + "\n\n\nEntire actual:\n" + actualIL)
| _ -> ()
match errorMsgOpt with
| Some(errorMsg) -> (false, errorMsg, actualIL)
| _ -> (true, String.Empty, String.Empty)
let private checkILPrim ildasmArgs dllFilePath =
let actualIL = generateIL dllFilePath ildasmArgs
compareIL (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension dllFilePath) actualIL
let private checkILAux ildasmArgs dllFilePath expectedIL =
let (success, errorMsg, _) = checkILPrim ildasmArgs dllFilePath expectedIL
if not success then
// This doesn't work because the '/linenum' is being ignored by
// the version of ILDASM we are using, which we acquire from a nuget package
//let checkILWithDebugPoints dllFilePath expectedIL =
// checkILAux [ "/linenum" ] dllFilePath expectedIL
let checkIL dllFilePath expectedIL =
checkILAux [] dllFilePath expectedIL
let verifyIL (dllFilePath: string) (expectedIL: string) =
checkIL dllFilePath [expectedIL]
let verifyILAndReturnActual (dllFilePath: string) (expectedIL: string) =
checkILPrim [] dllFilePath [expectedIL]
let checkILNotPresent dllFilePath unexpectedIL =
let actualIL = generateIL dllFilePath []
if unexpectedIL = [] then
Assert.Fail $"No unexpected IL given. This is actual IL: \n{actualIL}"
let errors =
|> Seq.map (normalizeILText None)
|> Seq.filter actualIL.Contains
|> Seq.map (sprintf "Found in actual IL: '%s'")
|> String.concat "\n"
if errors <> "" then
Assert.Fail $"{errors}\n\n\nEntire actual:\n{actualIL}"
let reassembleIL ilFilePath dllFilePath =
let ilasmPath = config.ILASM
let errors, _ = exec ilasmPath [ $"%s{ilFilePath} /output=%s{dllFilePath} /dll" ]