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# Building Infer.NET from its source code
- [Building with Visual Studio 2017](#building-with-visual-studio-2017)
- [Building from the command line](#building-from-the-command-line)
To build from source, you must first clone the repository.
Next decide whether you want to use a code editor like Visual Studio (recommended) or the command line.
When building, you must select a configuration.
All of the Infer.NET libraries target .NET Standard 2.0. Projects that produce executables (including test projects) mostly target .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.1, or both depending on build configuration:
| Configurations | Targeted Frameworks |
| Debug, Release | both .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 2.1 |
| DebugFull, ReleaseFull | .NET Framework 4.6.1 only |
| DebugCore, ReleaseCore | .NET Core 2.1 only |
## Building with Visual Studio 2017
1. If you don't have Visual Studio 2017, you can install the free [Visual Studio 2017 Community](
1. Start Visual Studio.
1. Select `File -> Open -> Project/Solution` and open the `Infer.sln` solution file located in your cloned repository.
1. Select a build configuration using `Build -> Configuration Manager...`. When switching between configurations that change the targeted frameworks, Visual Studio currently requires you to close and re-open the solution file using `File -> Close Solution` and `File -> Open`.
1. Compile using `Build -> Build Solution`.
1. At this point, you can play with the [tutorials and examples](, or run all tests to verify the installation. Run the tutorials by setting the startup project to `Tutorials`. If your configuration is `DebugFull` or `ReleaseFull`, you will get the [Examples Browser]( Otherwise, edit `src/Tutorials/RunMe.cs` to see different tutorials. Run an example by setting the startup project to that example.
1. To run all tests, open the test explorer using `Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer`.
1. In the test explorer search bar, type `-Trait:"BadTest" -Trait:"OpenBug" -Trait:"CompilerOptionsTest" -Trait:"Performance"` to exclude long-running tests and tests that are not supposed to succeed.
1. Click `Run All`.
## Building from the command line
The core components of Infer.NET run on .NET Core 2.1. Some optional code, such as the [Examples Browser](, use [Windows Forms]( and therefore require .NET framework or Mono.
Some samples, such as the [Monty Hall problem](, use [WPF]( and therefore require .NET framework.
### Prerequisites
* **[.NET Core 2.1 SDK](** to build and run .NET Standard and .NET Core projects.
* (Optional) On Windows, the **[.NET framework developer pack](**. On other platforms, **[Mono](** (version 5.0 and higher) and the **[NuGet](** package manager.
### Build
To build .NET Standard libraries and .NET Core executables, run in the root of the repository either
dotnet build -c DebugCore Infer.sln
to build debug assemblies, or
dotnet build -c ReleaseCore Infer.sln
to build release assemblies.
The corresponding commands to build .NET Standard libraries and .NET Framework executables with Mono are
msbuild /c:DebugFull /p:MonoSupport=true /restore Infer.sln
msbuild /c:ReleaseFull /p:MonoSupport=true /restore Infer.sln
Please, expect build failure messages about examples that use WPF GUI. Libraries and executables that don't reference WPF should build, though.
### Run unit tests
Unit tests are written using the [XUnit]( framework.
In order to run unit tests, build the test project and execute one of the following commands:
dotnet ~/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.console/2.3.1/tools/netcoreapp2.1/xunit.console.dll <path to netcoreapp2.1 assembly with tests> <filter>
mono ~/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.console/2.3.1/tools/net452/xunit.console.exe <path to net461 assembly with tests> <filter>
There are three test assemblies in the solution:
- **Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll** in the folder `test/Tests`.
- **TestPublic.dll** in the folder `test/TestPublic`.
- **Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Learners.Tests.dll** in the folder `test/Learners/LearnersTests`.
Depending on the build configuration and targeted framework, the assemblies will be located in the `bin/Debug<Core|Full>/<netcoreapp2.1|net461>` or `bin/Release<Core|Full>/<netcoreapp2.1|net461>` subdirectories
of the test project.
`<filter>` is a rule to choose what tests will be run. You can specify them
using `-trait Category=<category>` and `-notrait Category=<category>` parts
of `<filter>`. The former selects tests of
the given category, while the latter selects test that don't belong to the given
category. These can be combined: several `-trait` options mean that _at least one_ of the listed traits has to be present, while several `-notrait` options mean that _none_ of such traits can be present on the filtered tests.
Runner executes tests in parallel by default. However, some test category must be run
sequentially. Such categories are:
- _Performance_
- _DistributedTest_
- _CsoftModel_
- _ModifiesGlobals_
Add the `-parallel none` argument to run them.
_CompilerOptionsTest_ is a category for long running tests, so, for quick
testing you must filter these out by `-notrait`.
_BadTest_ is a category of tests that must fail.
_OpenBug_ is a category of tests that can fail.
An example of quick testing of `Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll` in `Debug` configuration after changing working directory to
the `Tests` project looks like:
dotnet ~/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.console/2.3.1/tools/netcoreapp2.1/xunit.console.dll bin/DebugCore/netcoreapp2.1/Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll -notrait Category=OpenBug -notrait Category=BadTest -notrait Category=CompilerOptionsTest -notrait Category=CsoftModel -notrait Category=ModifiesGlobals -notrait Category=DistributedTest -notrait Category=Performance
dotnet ~/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.console/2.3.1/tools/netcoreapp2.1/xunit.console.dll bin/DebugCore/netcoreapp2.1/Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll -trait Category=CsoftModel -trait Category=ModifiesGlobals -trait Category=DistributedTests -trait Category=Performance -notrait Category=OpenBug -notrait Category=BadTest -notrait Category=CompilerOptionsTest -parallel none
To run the same set of tests on Mono:
mono ~/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.console/2.3.1/tools/net452/xunit.console.exe bin/DebugFull/net461/Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll -notrait Category=OpenBug -notrait Category=BadTest -notrait Category=CompilerOptionsTest -notrait Category=CsoftModel -notrait Category=ModifiesGlobals -notrait Category=DistributedTest -notrait Category=Performance
mono ~/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.console/2.3.1/tools/net452/xunit.console.exe bin/DebugFull/net461/Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll -trait Category=CsoftModel -trait Category=ModifiesGlobals -trait Category=DistributedTests -trait Category=Performance -notrait Category=OpenBug -notrait Category=BadTest -notrait Category=CompilerOptionsTest -parallel none
Helper scripts `` and `` for running unit tests on .NET Core and Mono respectively are located in the `test` folder.