- [Building with Visual Studio 2017](#building-with-visual-studio-2017)
- [Building from the command line](#building-from-the-command-line)
To build from source, you must first clone the repository.
Next decide whether you want to use a code editor like Visual Studio (recommended) or the command line.
When building, you must select a configuration.
All of the Infer.NET libraries target .NET Standard 2.0. Projects that produce executables (including test projects) mostly target .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.1, or both depending on build configuration:
| Configurations | Targeted Frameworks |
| Debug, Release | both .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 2.1 |
| DebugFull, ReleaseFull | .NET Framework 4.6.1 only |
| DebugCore, ReleaseCore | .NET Core 2.1 only |
## Building with Visual Studio 2017
1. If you don't have Visual Studio 2017, you can install the free [Visual Studio 2017 Community](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/community/).
1. Start Visual Studio.
1. Select `File -> Open -> Project/Solution` and open the `Infer.sln` solution file located in your cloned repository.
1. Select a build configuration using `Build -> Configuration Manager...`. When switching between configurations that change the targeted frameworks, Visual Studio currently requires you to close and re-open the solution file using `File -> Close Solution` and `File -> Open`.
1. Compile using `Build -> Build Solution`.
1. At this point, you can play with the [tutorials and examples](https://dotnet.github.io/infer/userguide/Infer.NET%20tutorials%20and%20examples.html), or run all tests to verify the installation. Run the tutorials by setting the startup project to `Tutorials`. If your configuration is `DebugFull` or `ReleaseFull`, you will get the [Examples Browser](https://dotnet.github.io/infer/userguide/The%20examples%20browser.html). Otherwise, edit `src/Tutorials/RunMe.cs` to see different tutorials. Run an example by setting the startup project to that example.
1. To run all tests, open the test explorer using `Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer`.
1. In the test explorer search bar, type `-Trait:"BadTest" -Trait:"OpenBug" -Trait:"CompilerOptionsTest" -Trait:"Performance" -Trait:"Platform"` to exclude long-running tests and tests that are not supposed to succeed.
The core components of Infer.NET run on .NET Core 2.1. Some optional code, such as the [Examples Browser](https://dotnet.github.io/infer/userguide/The%20examples%20browser.html), use [Windows Forms](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/winforms/) and therefore require .NET framework or Mono.
Some samples, such as the [Monty Hall problem](https://dotnet.github.io/infer/userguide/Monty%20Hall%20problem.html), use [WPF](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/designers/introduction-to-wpf) and therefore require .NET framework.
### Prerequisites
* **[.NET Core 2.1 SDK](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/)** to build and run .NET Standard and .NET Core projects.
* (Optional) On Windows, the **[.NET framework developer pack](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download)**. On other platforms, **[Mono](https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/)** (version 5.0 and higher) and the **[NuGet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/install-nuget-client-tools)** package manager.
### Build
To build .NET Standard libraries and .NET Core executables, run in the root of the repository either
dotnet build -c DebugCore Infer.sln
to build debug assemblies, or
dotnet build -c ReleaseCore Infer.sln
to build release assemblies.
The corresponding commands to build .NET Standard libraries and .NET Framework executables with Mono are
- **Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll** in the folder `test/Tests`.
- **TestPublic.dll** in the folder `test/TestPublic`.
- **Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Learners.Tests.dll** in the folder `test/Learners/LearnersTests`.
Depending on the build configuration and targeted framework, the assemblies will be located in the `bin/Debug<Core|Full>/<netcoreapp2.1|net461>` or `bin/Release<Core|Full>/<netcoreapp2.1|net461>` subdirectories
of the test project.
`<filter>` is a rule to choose what tests will be run. You can specify them
using `-trait Category=<category>` and `-notrait Category=<category>` parts
of `<filter>`. The former selects tests of
the given category, while the latter selects test that don't belong to the given
category. These can be combined: several `-trait` options mean that _at least one_ of the listed traits has to be present, while several `-notrait` options mean that _none_ of such traits can be present on the filtered tests.
Runner executes tests in parallel by default. However, some test category must be run
sequentially. Such categories are:
- _Performance_
- _DistributedTest_
- _CsoftModel_
- _ModifiesGlobals_
Add the `-parallel none` argument to run them.
_CompilerOptionsTest_ is a category for long running tests, so, for quick
testing you must filter these out by `-notrait`.
_BadTest_ is a category of tests that must fail.
_OpenBug_ is a category of tests that can fail.
An example of quick testing of `Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll` in `Debug` configuration after changing working directory to
Helper scripts `netcoretest.sh` and `monotest.sh` for running unit tests on .NET Core and Mono respectively are located in the `test` folder.
## Fast matrix operations with Intel MKL
Matrix operations in Infer.NET can be significantly accelerated by building with Intel MKL support.
This requires building Infer.NET with a special option.
In Runtime project settings > Build:
1. Add ";LAPACK" to the Conditional compilation symbols.
1. Check `Allow unsafe code`.
You can also use other BLAS/LAPACK libraries compatible with MKL. If your library is not called "mkl_rt.dll", change the `dllName` string in [Lapack.cs](https://github.com/dotnet/infer/blob/master/src/Runtime/Core/Maths/Lapack.cs).
1. Download [Intel MKL](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl/) which includes redistributables. Typically, this is installed in `C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries\windows\redist\intel64_win`. We'll reference this folder as *MKL_DIR*.
1. (Optional) Add *MKL_DIR* to the environment variable PATH. If you do this, the remaining steps are unnecessary, but your code will only run on machines where this has been done.
1. Add the MKL dynamic libraries as items to your project that uses Infer.NET.
1.`Project > Add Existing Item`
2. Navigate to your MKL binaries folder *MKL_DIR*.
3. Change the file type dropdown to "All Files".
4. Select the libraries listed in the [MKL linkage guide](https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-math-kernel-library-intel-mkl-linkage-and-distribution-quick-reference-guide): `mkl_rt.dll`, `mkl_intel_thread.dll`, `mkl_core.dll`, `libiomp5md.dll`, etc.
5. Click "Add" or "Add as Link"
1. For each of the added items, change the "Copy to output directory" property to "Copy if newer". When you build your project, the MKL libraries will be included alongside the Infer.NET libraries.